Memoize the stack

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2015-09-03 (5 minutes)

Memoization is a fairly general technique for making pure functions faster to compute, particularly in the presence of incremental changes to input data, but it usually has to be applied judiciously. The memoization runtime overhead on a function call is fairly large compared to a primitive function call (a bit larger than an order of magnitude), the space overhead of the memoized arguments and return values is potentially many orders of magnitude larger than that of the original program. To make things more complicated, some functions are worth memoizing because, although they run for less than a microsecond, they are called many thousands of times per second, while others are worth memoizing because, although they are only called a few times per second, they run for tens of milliseconds; and, furthermore, if a function A does most of its work in a function B, and function B is mostly called by function A, it may be the case that either A or B is worth memoizing, but not both A and B, since memoizing either of them will dramatically reduce the cost of the other. Finally, two functions C and D, which would seem to be equally worth memoizing given their respective runtime costs, might have vastly different memory costs to memoize, and so we might vastly prefer to memoize the one that will use less space.

In the face of all of this uncertainty, I propose that perhaps a simple and reasonably effective way to figure out what to memoize may be to scan the stack at every minor garbage collection (a task which cannot be omitted from garbage collection in any case) and note the particular activation records currently present upon it. If our activation records are in fact allocated on the heap in the nursery, then GCs almost cannot fail to occur regularly during ordinary computation, so the probability for an activation record to be present at garbage-collection time is a good approximation of how much computation time it represents. If we then evacuate these activation records to the next generation, they will then be safe from minor garbage collection, and furthermore if we mutate them by writing a pointer to their eventual return value into them, the write barrier will shanghai the return value from the nursery into their generation upon the next minor collection.

This, then, should provide us with a reasonably good facsimile of a memoization policy that retains in memory the activation records of calls whose past results we are likely to wish to consult once more. Still, it cannot yet inform us of which functions we ought to instrument with a memo-table probe, nor does it of itself organize them into a queryable memo table. After all, even if dozens of activation records for a given function are copied out of the nursery, that function might be called dozens of times with different arguments, or dozens of millions; in the second case it may not be worth patching memoization overhead into the function’s preamble!

But let’s suppose that we come up with some kind of approach to solving these problems, like the invocation counter HotSpot uses to decide which methods to optimize harder, sweeping the second generation to collect saved activation records into a table when it’s time to collect it, and estimating the amount of otherwise-garbage that each activation record hauls out of the nursery, or something.

A really strange benefit of this memoization mechanism is that it can possibly memoize functions whose return value turned out to be very expensive to compute even from the very first time they are invoked, with no ahead-of-time indication that they will be expensive. As long as they lived long enough and survived enough nursery collections, their return value will be properly saved, and future invocations will be able to use it.

With a sufficiently powerful and clever memoization mechanism, you could replace most or all intermediate data structures in a program with function calls that purported to compute a value from the original (externally provided) inputs, and trust that if those functions take a long enough time to run, then their return values will be stored in a hash table without any explicit intervention on your part. The best thing about that is that you wouldn’t have to worry about when to update those intermediate data structures or how much of them to update. This is probably kind of a fantasy, though.
