An almost-in-place mergesort

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2016-09-07 (5 minutes)

(I’ll be surprised if this isn’t all in Knuth, but my Knuth is in the US.)


The asymptotically most efficient comparison-based sorting algorithms take O(N log N) time. Mergesort is one of the sort algorithms of this complexity class, along with Quicksort, Heapsort, and the recently discovered Library Sort. It has the desirable property (like Heapsort) that it always takes the same amount of time, unlike Quicksort, which has an O(N²) worst case. Indeed, you can implement it without conditional execution. Unlike Heapsort and Quicksort, it’s also easy to make it a stable sort, which is often desirable (especially for library routines for sorting); and it accesses memory in purely sequential fashion, which is a huge plus as memory hierarchies get deeper, while Heapsort and Quicksort jump all over the place. Mergesort is the only reasonable choice for a comparison-based sort of data on disk.

(Radix sorting algorithms, which don’t rely on comparisons, can be O(N) time, and many are; but I won’t discuss them further here.)

It has one huge disadvantage, though, which is that to sort a million things, you need memory space for a million and a half of them; you need temporary storage for N/2 elements, which is to say, you need O(N) space. Meanwhile, Heapsort needs only constant space (O(1)), and Quicksort needs O(log N) space.


I think there’s a solution, but I’m not sure how to make sure it terminates.

One variant of mergesort uses stacks. With three stacks, you can merge sorted runs on S1 and S2 into longer sorted runs on S3 until both S1 and S2 are empty, and then perfect-unshuffle those runs back onto S1 and S2 (one run onto S1, one run onto S2, repeat) before continuing again. This is a little wasteful in that you move each item twice for each merge. Or, with four stacks, you can merge S1 and S2 into runs that you perfect-shuffle between S3 and S4; then you can backwards-merge the S3 and S4 runs, perfect-shuffling them between S1 and S2.

(This originates in the tape-drive days, when your four-kilobyte machine would have to do payroll for your hundred thousand employees. I’m pretty sure I remember that much from Knuth.)

An amusing note is that you don’t have to keep track of where the runs are. You can simply refuse to move elements onto the output stack when they would be out of order (because they belong ot the next run), until all the candidates would be out of order, at which point you start a new run.

But suppose you’re doing this in memory. As S1 and S2 are shrinking, S3 and S4 are growing by the same amount; it’s just that the growth is distributed unequally. You could maybe put S1 and S3 in the same memory space, but growing toward each other with some spare space in between, unless they collide.

But most of the time, especially in the early stages part of the process, you’re fine. At the very end, you need to split the final run between S3 and S4 (or S1 and S2) unless you want to reallocate the space.

But this suggests a solution: what if, when your output stack would overflow, you switch to the other output stack in the middle of the run instead of reallocating? You’ll make two small sorted runs instead of one big one, so you won’t be making progress on that run, but at least you’re not going backward. But it probably won’t happen too often, and you’re guaranteed to have space on one stack or the other. And if at some point you have to switch back to the first stack (because the other one is full) you won’t be creating a new run there; you'll just be extending the one you started earlier. So the number of sorted runs never grows, but always shrinks.

I’m too tired to code this up right now, but I have a suspicion that it will always terminate; but that if the gap size is too small, it might not terminate in a reasonable period of time.
