Queueing messages to amortize dynamic dispatch and take advantage of hardware heterogeneity

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2016-09-17 (13 minutes)

I’ve been thinking about a new computational model to eliminate the runtime costs of dynamic dispatch and take better advantage of modern heterogeneous hardware.


The Tera MTA

The Tera MTA was a computer that achieved consistently high performance despite a high-latency main memory and no cache hierarchy by hiding the latency with multithreading — its heavily-multibanked RAM system could hold a lot of requests in flight, each one being routed to an autonomous memory unit, and the CPU’s hardware context switching with multiple hardware register sets meant that whenever some data arrived from a memory unit, it would probably wake up a thread that could do work on it. In this way, the MTA was able to achieve very high performance not only on cache-friendly tasks like dense linear algebra but also on cache-unfriendly tasks like traversing linked lists.

The Actor model

The Actor model unifies objects, threads, and activation records into a single “actor” abstraction, which reacts to an incoming message by sending some set of other messages and changing its internal state. Erlang is probably the language most directly based on this model, but its evolution was intimately intertwined with that of Smalltalk, in which an object that “receives” a “message” will “answer” it.

You could imagine an implementation of the Actor model in which each actor is a physically separate piece of hardware, communicating with other actors through some kind of bus or packet-switching network that carries the messages; but it’s much more typical for a single CPU to sockpuppet the actors one by one, first executing the code of one actor, then the code of another. Although the Actor model easily accommodates an actor sending several messages without waiting for responses, or receiving a message and not responding to it, the traditional approach is for the CPU to implement nearly all message sends by subroutine calls or returns.

Dynamic dispatch is slow

One of the key difficulties in efficiently implementing Smalltalk and similar object-oriented languages has been the overhead of dynamic dispatch. In theory, in Smalltalk, not just every function call, but every arithmetic operation and every conditional, is performed by sending a message to an object. Conditionals are performed by sending messages like #ifTrue:ifFalse: to a boolean object; arithmetic is performed by sending messages like #+ to a number object. The lack of static type information in Smalltalk and descendant languages like JS, Python, Objective-C, and Ruby means that in general the dispatch of these messages requires some pointer indirections and a hash-table search with the method selector. This has led to performance in optimized versions of these languages typically about an order of magnitude worse than optimized C; Objective-C, like C++, avoids this by reserving such dynamic method calls for special occasions. (C++ additionally uses extra static type information to reduce the cost of method lookup.)

There are two efficiency difficulties with this. One is that the dynamic dispatch itself requires a certain amount of computational work — comparing a class identifier to the class identifier in an inline cache, for example, or comparing method selectors found in a hash table to the selector for the method being called. The other is that it necessarily involves a certain amount of pointer-chasing, which implies random memory access patterns. On a large memory, this inevitably results in higher latency. The single-threaded programming model we use turns that high latency into low throughput.

Actor message queues

Some versions of the Actor model, like the one implemented in Erlang, associate a message queue with each actor — rather than running the actor’s code immediately when a message is sent, the message is added to a queue, and the actor’s code can run later to process the queue. In Erlang, the process’s code can actually select particular messages from the queue to process out of order, which is used to support a call-response pattern in which a client sends a message to a server process and then blocks until the reply is available.

Such queuing is a general-purpose system design pattern for maintaining throughput in the face of large or highly variable latency.

Fast dynamic allocation with good locality

Generational copying garbage collectors typically require only about two or three machine instructions to allocate memory in the nursery: one to save the old value of a register, another to add an immediate constant to it, and a third to compare its value against the end of the nursery to see if the allocation succeeded. In theory, if the nursery is large enough, the work to iterate over the root set and fish the few surviving objects out of the nursery will be amortized over enough objects that the garbage collection work per object is also very small.

This is still a great deal more work than is needed to allocate and deallocate an object on the stack in C or C++, which is typically zero, because the compiler can determine upon entry to the function how much space its local variables will consume and subtract the total from the stack pointer in a single operation.

However, maybe you can do the same thing for generational heap allocation — check upon entry to a function to see whether the nursery is big enough for everything you’re going to allocate, do a minor GC if necessary, then preallocate all the objects you’re possibly going to allocate in the function. If the collector happens to run while you’re still on the stack, it can relocate your entire “heap frame” out of the nursery, consulting a liveness map to see which objects in the heap frame have been initialized thus far in the function.

This should have the benefit that the objects you allocate in your function remain close together in memory until after the function returns.

Mergesort converts random memory-access patterns to near-sequential

This is how people did compilers and databases in the days when they only had a few kilobytes of RAM: they used multiple tape drives to store data for the different passes of the compiler and to sort the database into an order that allowed a single sequential pass over it to produce the answers for all the queries (called “reports”, more or less).

Consider the basic problem of a linker: after concatenating its input files, it needs to combine a potentially large amount of object code full of relocations with symbols providing definitions for those relocations. One way to do this is to take the list of relocations, sort it in symbol order, and then merge it with the sorted list of symbols to produce a list of instructions roughly of the form “add 382 to location 10078”. Then, sort this list of instructions by location, and then merge it with the object code.

If you have 100 megabytes of object code, 3 million relocations (totaling 36 megabytes), 300,000 symbols (totaling 4 megabytes), 64 kilobytes of RAM, and eight “tapes”, then sorting the symbols requires three passes totaling 24 megabytes of sequential I/O (one to break them into 128-kilobyte sorted chunks, a second to merge those into 896-kilobyte sorted chunks, and a third to merge the five chunks); sorting the relocations requires five passes, merging them with the symbols requires one pass, and sorting them again requires five more passes, for a total of 796 megabytes of sequential I/O; and then you need a final pass to generate the linked object code.

Using actor queues to hide dynamic dispatch latency and increase locality

What if we use message queues instead of a call stack?

When you start running a function, it allocates a heap frame and starts processing its incoming message queue. While it’s running, it can send many, many messages to other actors, but it can’t get responses from them; it can allocate new objects in its heap frame that will later handle responses, if need be. It doesn’t need to actually be able to access any information of those other actors; all of its outgoing messages could even be accumulated in an outgoing-queue buffer, which is perhaps part of that heap frame.

This requires that all of its loops be statically bounded from the time you enter the function. It’s okay if they iterate some dynamically-determined number of times, but that number has to be determined up front, because it affects how much to allocate. This means that the function is guaranteed to terminate. This unforgivable incursion upon Turing-completeness is not really a problem, since the function can send messages to itself if need be. In the worst case, this reduces to continuation-passing style.

Once it exits, perhaps it is time to sort the outgoing messages by destination. Then we can select a next function to run, ideally one with at least one message in its message queue. Maybe we select the function with the most messages in its message queue.

If the function’s input data and computational structure are sufficiently regular, we can vectorize it, so that in fact it is processing many input messages in a single instruction. Perhaps eventually those many input messages will result in response messages going to many different destinations.

If the messages are like Smalltalk messages, consisting of a selector, a “receiver” (in Smalltalk terms) on whose class the selector is dispatched, and arguments, there are a few different ways the dispatching could be amortized. If the routing system can identify the method, it can have a single queue for that method, with messages for many different receivers mixed in it.

Note that in this model, unlike in Erlang, we can guarantee in-order message delivery between a given pair of actors, even though there’s a great deal of nondeterminism about sequencing otherwise. But taking advantage of that requires state to exist in the actor, unlike the actor-per-method approach suggested in the previous paragraph, where the actor is a stateless method. (And it seems like with this amount of nondeterminism in ordering, you really want to keep local state to a minimum; maybe only a kind of barrier-synchronization primitive, which aggregates two or more expected messages from different sources, should be allowed to have any mutable state.)

Alternatively, you could have queues per selector, per object, or per class. The function handling the per-selector queue would forward the message, somehow, to the appropriate method; the per-object or per-class function could perhaps contain the code for all the methods.

This approach, despite its obvious drawbacks in nondeterministic ordering of operations and potential to be slower rather than faster, has some potential advantages:

  1. You can, obviously, replicate and distribute the actors across a network for (ha) performance.

  2. You can take advantage of heterogeneous hardware by running different actors on different hardware — some might run much faster, for example, on a GPU or an FPGA.

  3. You can distribute actors across time rather than space in cases where memory is limited — you need only have one actor in RAM at a time, as each message contains everything that is needed to process it. This could allow you to run large late-bound systems on very minimal hardware. (This is really just another way of looking at the benefits of running in the CPU cache on a modern big CPU.)

  4. Even very large setup and teardown costs could potentially be amortized over a large number of messages. For example, reprogramming an FPGA with a bitstream that implements a particular actor might take milliseconds — maybe seconds if you have to run project IceStorm to generate the bitstream — but if it’s processing a million queued messages, that’s likely okay.

  5. The ordering nondeterminism I moaned about over and over again amounts to separating the scheduling concerns about latency vs. throughput vs. memory usage from the algorithmic concerns about what to compute. Perhaps being able to change your scheduling policy separately from the code will empower you to choose a better one.
