Micro pubsub

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2017-06-15 (8 minutes)

HTTP has an “ETag” attribute, short for “entity tag”, to identify the current state of a resource, which can be usefully used in four ways:

These three kinds of concurrency control, however, are limited by the request-response nature of the REST architectural style, which can only propagate invalidation notifications by polling; thus, it faces an unavoidable painful tradeoff between expected notification latency and polling load, as described in Khare’s dissertation. Various approaches to this have been suggested, including Khare’s proposed WATCH method for HTTP and the RFC 7641 Observe option for CoAP, which are very similar to one another, but in practice the most common solutions today are HTTP long polling and WebSockets, which are effectively ways to tunnel arbitrary application-layer protocols on top of HTTP.

There are a number of potential problems with the straightforward implementation of the Observer pattern in a distributed system, modified only by a timeout, as proposed by Khare’s dissertation and RFC 7641:

  1. There is no flow control to the stream of update messages. If the client has a 10kbps connection, while the server has a 100Mbps connection, then under circumstances of constant updates, a 500-byte subscription can result in the client’s network connection being overwhelmed by four orders of magnitude more traffic than it can handle, until the subscription expires.

  2. One of the great benefits of REST is its stateless-server constraint; by storing all session state on the client, it enables easy horizontal scalability of servers (including by serving the same resource from many physical servers), allows servers to operate reliably and correctly even with extremely limited resources, simplifies failure recovery, and permits extremely large client-to-server ratios. These event-notification proposals, however, obligate servers to maintain unbounded amounts of session state on behalf of clients.

  3. Thus, the subscription itself becomes a long-lived resource on the server; to support subscription inspection and cancellation, we begin to desire defined protocols and content-types to manage the subscription, not to mention authentication and access control lists. This adds undesirable complexity not only to the server but also to the protocol suite.

  4. A typical factor we examine for network deployments nowadays is their DoS potential, as measured by their amplification factor — if an attacker forges a request from a victim, how much traffic can they direct to the victim? These proposals have potentially very large DoS potential.

I would like to suggest a minimal extension to HTTP and similar protocols which covers most publish-subscribe use cases and largely solves the above problems.

The solution

The client includes a new ETag-Change-To header which includes a webhook URL. The server is free to ignore this header or to add the webhook URL to a set of observers it maintains for the current ETag of the resource being requested. When the resource’s state changes, it sends the URL of the resource in an HTTP request to each webhook in the observer set for the old ETag, then discards that observer set. This allows the client, if they are still interested, to immediately retrieve the new state of the resource (possibly resubscribing), while bounding the maximum possible traffic to one in-flight message at a time, and the maximum possible cost imposed on the server to sending a single such message.

By atomically adding the webhook to the set associated with the ETag associated with the representation that was actually retrieved, we ensure that no updates happen after the retrieval but before the subscription.

In contexts like CoAP, protocols other than HTTP might be more appropriate for delivering these cache invalidation notifications. For example, an additional CoAP Response message — as with the RFC 7641 Observe option, but lacking the payload — may be a perfectly adequate solution, since CoAP imposes no constraints on how far in the future that message can be sent; or a CoAP Request message analogous to the HTTP request to a webhook may be more appropriate.

This approach is not better under all possible circumstances. At times, as mentioned in Khare’s dissertation, it’s desirable to have many update messages in flight at the same time; a stock-price logging application might prefer to see all the intermediate market prices of a stock, even when they are milliseconds apart and it is separated from the data source by hundreds of milliseconds of latency. However, there is a very broad range of applications for which the drawbacks of such streaming data are greater than their advantages.

Furthermore, in many cases, the appropriate response to such a cache invalidation message is not to update the cache, but rather merely to purge the cache, possibly generating further cache invalidation messages.

Since the server is not required to store the ETag-Change-To webhook, the server may suffer a hardware failure, and in any case the invalidation message may be lost, the client must still poll the resource at intervals determined by its maximum tolerable staleness time.

As an alternative that doesn’t depart from the strict request-reply discipline, we could instead use a GET request with a new When-None-Match header, which delays the response to the request until the resource’s ETag no longer matches the supplied ETag. That is, if the ETag is different, the server will respond immediately, as if with If-None-Match; but if the ETag is the same, the server will simply acknowledge that the request has been received, and perhaps send a response at some later time.

Derived resources

Mediators like Shodouka, Google Translate, CritLink, and the Jupyter Notebook Viewer host virtual resources derived from other resources whose URLs are passed as query parameters. These resources could, in principle, be cacheable — they only change when the underlying derivation code changes, or when the source resources do. (In practice, the Jupyter Notebook Viewer is rather annoyingly aggressively cached.)

If such resources wanted to participate in this kind of push cache invalidation, they would probably be best served by propagating cache invalidations downstream when they received them, rather than refetching upstream resources to repeat their mediating transformation, perhaps many times, in order to keep up-to-date a resource that will perhaps never again be used.
