A minimal window system

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2018-04-27 (updated 2018-10-26) (12 minutes)

See also Window systems.

For whatever reason, windowing systems are de rigueur for personal computing systems. What’s the smallest one you could build? Computers are fast enough now, since about 2000, to redraw the whole screen every frame, so there’s no need to faff about with hacks to avoid redrawing parts of the screen. We just have to keep a cap on how many times per frame we draw each pixel, on average.

A pull shared-memory windowing system

Each application shares a memory segment with the window system. The window system has a list of windows, which it can reorder, each with four numbers: (dx, dy) for the window origin and (sx, sy) for the window width and height. Each frame, the window system composites the application windows together into the framebuffer, using the painter’s algorithm. This involves copying rows of pixels from the shared memory segments into the framebuffer, some of which will be overwritten later with other pixels. Each application also has an input queue for keyboard, mouse, and frame events. Keyboard events always go to the topmost window; mouse events go to the topmost window that contains the mouse, except that the mouse-focused window stays fixed while the mouse moves with a button held down.

Frame events indicate the completion of a frame, telling the application that it is now free to scribble over the window buffer used in that frame. Atomic pointer writes allow the application to update its window to a different framebuffer (in the same shared-memory segment) for resizing or double-buffering.

Two possible worthwhile enhancements: support (premultiplied) alpha; don’t draw windows that are invisible because they are completely off the screen or completely covered by another window, and (combined with that optimization) divide the screen into 32×32 pixel “subscreens” or tiles that are drawn independently. The first enhancement gives you not only window transparency but also a crude approximation of shaped windows; the second should keep the compositing overdraw to a minimum under most circumstances.

A push tile-stream windowing system

Each application sends the window system a sequence of commands, which can include requests to position or size its window or tiles of pixels to draw in it. The window manager sends back a sequence of events.

If the IPC mechanism supports transferring ownership of blocks of memory (or, sort of equivalently, immutable data) then the tiles need not be copied between memory spaces. If they are, say, 32×32 tiles of 32-bit pixels (4096 bytes each), then a 3840×1024 screen would be 120×32 such tiles, 3840 of them in all. If the drawing command itself is an (x, y, w, h, framenumber) tuple with 16-bit fields, the 3840 tiles work out to 38400 bytes of messages, while the pixel data is a bit over 15 megabytes, 409.6 times larger. Sending 15 megabytes in 3840 write() calls on Linux on my laptop would work out to about 300ns · 3840 = 1152μs for the calls plus 171ps · 15728640 = 2689μs for a total of 3.8 milliseconds — a somewhat excessive amount of time, especially when you consider that the window system needs to read all those bytes, too, taking roughly as long.

A simple test program on Linux is able to create 65000 4096-byte memory mappings for a 4096-byte file in 290ms using mmap(), or about 4.5 μs per mapping. (It fails when it attempts to create more than that.) This means that mmap() is actually a bit slower than copying for such a small mapping, but it doesn’t get any slower when the file goes up to 8 megabytes. A different operating system might make somewhat different performance tradeoffs, but there’s no strong reason to suspect that Linux’s implementation is profoundly suboptimal.

There’s the question of whether the tiles should be fixed-size and whether they should be required to be pixel-aligned on a grid. If we take as a priority that the window system should be efficiently nestable, the answers are no — we want intermediate window servers to be able to pass along drawing commands as they arrive, but they may not draw a full tile, and they may be offset so that tiles that are pixel-aligned in the window aren’t pixel-aligned on the screen.

This architecture is not nearly as amenable to alpha-blending.

Performance thoughts

Consider the tiled pull design on a 128×32-tile four-mebipixel screen with an average of two drawable windows per tile — some tiles have only one, while other tiles have window overlaps and translucent overlays. It needs to read 8 mebipixels (32 mebibytes) from window buffers and write them into the 4-mebipixel (16 mebibytes) output image, but the tiles are 4096 bytes and thus fit in cache, so this will probably only amount to 16 MiB of write traffic to main memory, for a total of 48 MiB.

My laptop can manage about 2 GB/s of large memcpy traffic on one core and about 4 GB/s across all four cores. At 60fps that’s a budget of 67 MB of memcpy traffic per frame — this is cutting it pretty close, because it means 75% of the CPU’s RAM bandwidth would be devoted to just filling the screen. It also includes an “Intel HD graphics” engine with 16 execution units, which you could imagine might be capable of blitting quite a bit faster. Wikipedia confirms that the GPU has 25.6 GB/s of memory bandwidth.

This approach requires only some 8192 blit commands per frame rendered, leaving about 2 μs to process each one. Even CPython function calls would be fast enough, as they take only about 200 ns on one core. However, if the commands a CPython program was sending were one level lower — individual scan line segments — there would be roughly 32 times as many comands, and CPython performance would be inadequate.

As it happens, Numpy is capable of doing this kind of thing, because it has mutable multidimensional arrays. A quick test finds that copying 128 MB of RAM via numpy takes 64 ms, which works out to 2 gigabytes per second. However, doing a million small blit operations in this way took 5.4 μs per blit, which is too slow by more than a factor of 2.

def draw(n):
 for i in range(n):
  j = (i % 200) * 5
  fb[j:j+5, 0:8] = fb[:5, :8]

Factoring out the source image, as if that were realistic, got it down to 3.9–4.0 μs.

def draw(n):
    src = fb[:5, :8]
    for i in range(n):
        j = (i % 200) * 5
        fb[j:j+5, 0:8] = src

So I could maybe make it work, barely, by taking advantage of multicore, or with a smaller screen, like 1Mpix, or like 30fps. Or by giving up on the small-subscreen approach and doing more precise occlusion calculations to do bigger blits and eliminate overdraw. (My laptop is only 1920×1080.)

If we have 3ms to draw the screen with an overdraw factor of, say, 2 due to alpha, then our 2 GB/s gives us 6 MB.

Vectorizing precise rectangular occlusion calculations

For more precise rectangular occlusion calculations, we could imagine a scan line as a sequence of (pixelcount, sourcewindow) pairs, and a screen as a sequence of (linecount, scanline) pairs. To compute a scan line, we can sort the window vertical edges (dx and dx+sx) and walk from left to right across the scan line, maintaining a Z-ordered heap of windows under the current pixel position, yielding spans when the topmost window changes. A similar calculation for window horizontal edges yields spans of identical scan lines, although it may not be a priori clear which scan lines are going to be identical; it might be better to use an identical-span-merging procedure on the sequence of generated spans, both horizontally and vertically:

def coalesce(spans, reducer=operator.add):
    c = None    # Current span
    for k, v in spans:
        if c is None:
            c = k, v

        pk, pv = c
        if k == pk:
            c = k, reducer(v, pv)
            yield c
            c = k, v

    if c is not None:
        yield c

This constant-space algorithm is a generalization of run-length encoding, uniq, and uniq -c, and is actually the reduce phase of map-reduce, assuming the sorting in between the map and reduce is already taken care of. (God damn it, I’m going to end up programming in Rust after all, aren’t I?) For simple data, like list(zip(floor(arange(128)/10), ones(128))), it takes about 5μs + 750 ns/item.

To make this work with some windows having alpha, for each span, we need to store either the whole window stack or enough of the layers on top to reach opacity, rather than just the topmost window. If there is no alpha and everything is opaque, it’s overdraw-free.

The whole computation doesn’t quite fit into the map-reduce mold because, although the windows map to pairs of edges, there’s a computation in between to find the differences of the sorted list.

There’s a way to express this algorithm, for the addition case, in three lines of Numpy, but I hesitate to describe it as “straightforward” because I keep putting bugs in it when I implement it:

def coalesce(ks, vs):
    last = concatenate((ks[1:] != ks[:-1], [True]))
    v = cumsum(vs).compress(last)
    return ks.compress(last), concatenate(([v[0]], diff(v)))

In APL, given the inputs in k and v, I think that would be something like this:

(L/k) ,[1] w[0],(1↓w)-⁻1↓w←(L←((1↓k)≠⁻1↓k),1)/+\v

except that that doesn’t handle cases where k and v have different data types, and also I haven’t tested it because LinuxMint doesn’t come with APL.

For largish arrays (1e8 trivial items) on my laptop this takes 11 ns per item, about a 20th of a 200-ns Python function call; for a 256-item array, it takes 75 μs (290 ns/item); for a 512-item array, it takes 80 μs (160 ns/item, or about 20 ns per additional item), while for a 65536-item array, it takes 805 μs (12 ns/item). This suggests some slight nonlinearity and a rather hefty Numpy overhead of about 70 μs (about 350 Python function calls) per call. This makes it faster than the longer generator version above for more than about 90 items, but potentially an order of magnitude slower for small cases.

A more assembly-style imperative Numpy implementation might do a better job by reducing memory allocations. For example:

def coalesm(ks, vs):
    last = ones(len(ks), dtype=dtype('bool'))
    not_equal(ks[1:], ks[:-1], last[:-1])
    v = cumsum(vs).compress(last)
    result_v = zeros(len(v), dtype=v.dtype)
    result_v[0] = v[0]
    result_v[1:] = v[1:]
    result_v[1:] -= v[:-1]
    return ks.compress(last), result_v

This is somewhat faster on large data sets — the earlier version takes about 19 ns per item to count the duplicates in floor(arange(1e8)**.1), while this version takes about 11 ns. Both take 11 ns per item for trivial int arrays. It is, if anything, about a microsecond slower for small problems, as you would probably expect.
