Negative weight undirected graphs

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-11-01 (8 minutes)

The classic shortest-path algorithms on graphs such as Dijkstra-Moore, Floyd-Warshall, and Bellman-Ford are commonly applied specifically to digraphs. In particular, Bellman-Ford is much slower than Dijkstra-Moore for graphs of any reasonable size, but is guaranteed to be correct on a more general class of graphs --- those including negative arc costs, but not negative cycles.

The usual reduction from weighted graphs to weighted digraphs replaces each undirected arc with a pair of antiparallel arcs of equal cost. Unfortunately, from Bellman-Ford's point of view, this transforms a negative arc cost into a negative-cost cycle. So, what's the best way to find lowest-cost paths in a weighted undirected graph with negative arc costs, but no negative cycles?

Manfred Weis discussed this in the Bellman-Ford context last year. He found a transformation from an undirected weighted arc into five directed arcs (three zero-weight) and two new vertices that seems to have the right properties. And Johnson's algorithm is another known approach. To my surprise, this seems to be a somewhat active research area.

I thought it should be straightforward to modify the Floyd-Warshall algorithm to handle this situation. But now that I think about it further, I'm not so sure.

Floyd-Warshall, like Dijkstra-Moore and Bellman-Ford, proceeds by successive relaxations, but those relaxations amount to adding a possible intermediate node k to the set of all possible paths. The central step in Floyd-Warshall is

dijdijdik + dkj

where ∧ is the binary minimum function. This amounts to considering whether the best known path from i to j can be improved by chaining together the best known path from i to k with the best known path from k to j; at the point that the algorithm does this update, all paths through all nodes preceding k have already been taken into account. (So doing this update for a given k and all i, j ensures that k and all the nodes before it have been taken into account.)

That is, either node k isn't an intermediate node on an optimal path from i to j, or it is; the two possibilities are handled by the two operands of ∧. In some sense, the possible paths Floyd-Warshall considers between any two vertices are the powerset of all the vertices. In particular, this means that non-simple paths --- those that visit the same node more than once --- are not contemplated, except that a path is (in some sense vacuously) permitted to pass through either or both of its own endpoints.

Let's consider 2-cycles, paths from some node p to some other node q back to p, without any intermediate nodes. These can only exist in digraphs. (Cycles in either graphs or digraphs can only include the same arc once.) If our weighted digraph represents a plain weighted graph in the way described above, the two costs are equal; if they are positive, this cycle cannot form a part of any optimal path (since you could improve the path by removing it), but if they are negative, they form a negative-cost cycle that means that there is no shortest path anywhere reachable from them. But this does not carry over to the original undirected graph: it may well have no negative-cost undirected cycles, because the single undirected arc is not a cycle.

So, either way, if we're trying to apply Floyd-Warshall to an undirected graph, we'd like to avoid considering these 2-cycles.

I thought I saw a simple way to do this, but now I'm not so sure. I thought it would be straightforward: just don't create paths from i back to i with only a single intermediate k. But now I see that paths from i back to i that run through multiple intermediate k nodes will necessarily start out as paths with only a single intermediate k.

A couple of ideas:

  1. When you decide to overwrite an optimum cost using nodes prior to k with an optimum cost going through k, you could compute how many arcs are on that path; say, start with an array of path lengths pij entirely filled with ones, and when you update dijdik + dkj, also update pijpik + pkj, which may amount to either increasing it or decreasing it. This enables you to add a special case: when considering updating a cost dijdik + dkj, you can check whether either dik or dkj is a length-2 cycle (i.e., the two coordinates are equal and pkk = 2) and just not update in that case.

    (There's an algorithm which stores the actual paths in rope form rather than just their lengths, but if you want the paths rather than their lengths, using ropes is no faster than the standard next-pointer modification of Floyd-Warshall for path reconstruction, and it needs more space.)

  2. But why bother with p? Including cycles in your candidate optimal path is never beneficial: either they have positive cost and you can eliminate them, or they have negative cost and the optimal path fails to exist. You could just decline to include cycles altogether by the simple expedient of not considering the possibilities i = k and j = k. Then the algorithm will compute the lowest-cost simple path between each pair of nodes.

    Well, not quite! It turns out that it can still unintentionally consider cycles in the following way. Suppose that the lowest-cost path from a to c goes through b, and the lowest-cost path from c to d also goes through b. If k = b before k = c, in the b step, we will compute a dac and a dcd that each depend on going through b. Later, in the c step, one of the candidates we will consider for dad is dac + dcd. If this is cheaper than dab + dbd, which can happen if there's a negative-cost cycle between b and c, we may take it. The same logic shows that the approach in point 1 is also flawed.

    However, I assert without proof that it does still consider all the simple paths, even if it considers some nonsimple paths as well.

Here's the implementation of Floyd-Warshall I was using, which appears to work in cases without negative-cost cycles:

def floydwarshall(edges):
    V = {u for u, v, w in edges} | {v for u, v, w in edges}
    inf = float('inf')
    d = {(i, j): inf for i in V for j in V}

    for u, v, w in edges:
        d[u, v] = min(d[u, v], w)

    for k in V:
        for i in V:
            for j in V:
                d[i, j] = min(d[i, j], d[i, k] + d[k, j])

    return d

For reproducibility and to attempt the possibility #2 above, I modified it as follows:

def floydwarshall(edges):
    V = {u for u, v, w in edges} | {v for u, v, w in edges}
    inf = float('inf')
    d = {(i, j): inf for i in V for j in V}

    for u, v, w in edges:
        d[u, v] = min(d[u, v], w)

    # Sorted order so that cases where the algorithm doesn't give
    # incorrect results at least get repeatable results:
    for k in sorted(V):
        for i in sorted(V - {k}):
            for j in sorted(V - {k}):
                d[i, j] = min(d[i, j], d[i, k] + d[k, j])

    return d

I was generating the graphs to run it on with this routine:

def randomgraph(n, m, o=10, p=1):
    rv = []
    existing = set()

    for i in range(m):
        u = v = None
        while u == v or (u, v) in existing:
            u, v = random.choice(n), random.choice(n)
        existing.add((u, v))
        rv.append((u, v, random.randrange(o)-p))

    return rv
