A review of Wirth’s Project Oberon book

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-02-04 (updated 2019-03-19) (63 minutes)

I’m reading Wirth’s Project Oberon, feeling it might be useful for BubbleOS.

Certainly I am not going to take the severe approach he claims was essential (p. 8):

Concentrate on essential functions and omit embellishments that merely cater to established conventions and passing tastes.

To a great extent, whimsy is the entire raison d’être of BubbleOS, thus Tetris (216 lines of C), Toki (some 130, not counting the data tables), and Cuerdas Caóticas; does that doom it? Certainly many embellishments will be omitted, but by no means all. My feeling is that the embellishments are as essential as the functions.

As one simple example, Oberon presents the keyboard as an input stream of characters (p. 11). Perhaps it’s an “embellishment” to deliver keyup events as well, but without it, Tetris is substantially less enjoyable. (On p. 19 we find that the Lilith keyboard was connected via RS-232, aka V24 as we find on p. 209, so perhaps it sent ASCII characters rather than multibyte key-event sequences, thus rendering keyup events impossible at the hardware level. Indeed, this is confirmed for the Ceres keyboards on p. 205. On p. 208 we find it used an appalling 300 bps baud rate, implying a horrifying minimum of 33 ms of keyboard latency.)

It’s interesting to note that Oberon uses the “viewers” terminology from Cedar — as well as, at least initially, the non-overlapping, column-oriented layout of Cedar.

It’s amusing that even in 1992 Wirth felt it necessary to explain what the “so-called mouse” was and how it worked (p. 12), though it had been 24 years since Engelbart’s Fall Joint Computer Conference demo — and, moreover, 8 years since the mass-market introduction of the Macintosh. This naïveté perhaps explains the catastrophic “interclick” interaction design in Oberon (p. 96, p. 375, especially p. 386), despite the attention given to usability in, for example, the rejection of modes and hidden state (pp. 13–14) and memorization of abbreviations (p. 15).

I had forgotten that command texts could have textual parameters textually following them (p. 13), parsed when you middle-clicked on the command name.

The mention of traps and leaving global variables in an inconsistent state (p. 13) makes me somewhat queasy. Surely rolling back a transaction is a better response?

The note about how much simpler it is to have an event-loop system rather than preemptive multitasking (p. 14), while correct, seems rather overoptimistic to me; the ostensible consequent elimination of background computations seems like a very heavy price to pay — though at least they made the concession to practicality of an “abort character” to halt runaway infinite loops (“cntl-shift-delete” — p. 208), and p. 18 explains that background tasks such as the garbage collector do indeed exist.

The paean to the versatility of text on p. 15 seems a bit dated; it would be nice to have _hyper_text output, and with reasonable layout and styling at that, so that you can not only copy and paste filenames from a directory listing into a command line somewhere, but also click on the filename to mark it for a mass action or to pop up a menu of available operations.

I’m wary of inheritance, which was not present in Cedar and which Wirth endorses fervently at the bottom of p. 15. I’ve used inheritance extensively in C++, Python, JS, Java, and Ruby, and I’ve come to the conclusion that inheritance was a mistake.

The explanation on p. 16 of the benefits of dynamic linking — that each module is present only once in the “store”, by which he means RAM — makes me think that perhaps dynamic linking’s time has come and gone. I’m typing this on a machine with 4 GiB of RAM. If I have both libjpeg 8.0.1 and libjpeg 8.0.2 loaded, that wastes 360 kB of RAM, one eleven-thousandth of the total. Perhaps some benefits accrue to this flexibility that make it worth the cost? For example, perhaps I would like to test a new version of libjpeg and automatically compare its output to the old version, or perhaps I would like to port my JPEG-using programs to the new version of libjpeg one by one instead of all at once?

Perhaps more urgently, what if I want to load a copy of libjpeg linked with special testing functions for accessing the filesystem, rather than the real functions? This is very important functionality that can easily be provided by dynamic linking, but it would be catastrophic for other arbitrary things that wanted to call libjpeg to inadvertently call the copy of libjpeg under test.

The total size of the core system (p. 18) is very impressive indeed: 12,277 lines of Oberon code (186 pp.) for the kernel, filesystem, windowing system, graphics editor, device drivers, text editor, compiler, and networking stack, plus some undetermined amount of assembly code (4664 bytes, so presumably about 1200 instructions for the NS32k), all compiled together to 131,800 bytes of executable code. Of this, 4000 lines is the compiler. The graphics system in particular (Fonts, Viewers, and Display) total 5324 bytes, substantially less than the 9597 bytes of text in yeso-xlib.a at the moment, much of which has to do with interfacing to Xlib and graphics-file libraries.

The description of viewers on p. 22 makes me think that perhaps Unix processes might simplify some things after all — the ViewerDesc type requires a Handler procedure for each window to be invoked with events, while in Yeso no such thing is needed, because each window normally has an entirely separate Unix process, and in any case its events can be read by the client as it pleases. (But perhaps cisco’s travails getting sshd working on IOS are a better argument.)

On p. 23 the note about inheritance of message types is very interesting — the idea of adding new derived message types as subclasses of existing message types is simultaneously fascinating and horrifying.

It’s interesting to read about a stackless “task” on p. 24.

The examples of inheritance on pp. 23–24 are basically closures — they exist in order to allow a task or viewer handler proc (like a WndProc) to maintain per-instance data.

The “system management tool” on p. 32 is interesting; it’s more or less a form with clickable buttons, with the nice feature that it’s just a piece of text, typable by the user and WYSIWYG anywhere. (The ↑ glyph for what was described as “A reference-character ‘^’” on the previous page is interesting — it’s from ASCII-1963, obsolete in ASCII-1968, but still in use in Smalltalk until the 1990s or even 2000s — Wirth’s sabbatical at PARC, Smalltalk’s birthplace, may be relevant here.)

A thought-provoking question is how far you could go with building an editable user interface that consisted of such templates and replacements — a popup menu replacing a menubutton and vice versa. Perhaps when you click on one command button (or press a control key bound in the context), it replaces the whole form it’s embedded in with a query result, simply by textual replacement. Some of this could even be done with a simple text template language. And maybe a “reveal codes” toggle would be helpful for hiding the necessary markup at times.

(Similar things existed in Gypsy at PARC at the time; the menu at the top of the screen had a section labeled “Scan for {}” and another labeled “Substitute {} for {}”, where the words “Scan” and “Substitute” were italicized to indicate that they were clickable, and the curly braces enclosed their arguments, which were of variable length.)

No introduction to the syntax of the language has been given before p. 34 as far as I can tell, so the reader is left to guess that # means and the semantics of the procedure-call mechanism (although it seems to be the same as Pascal’s.)

The long sequences of statements on a single line, such as “c := b; b := a; a := (c MOD 509 + 1) * 127 + ORD(s[i])” are not in keeping with my aesthetic sensibilities, but those sensibilities may be a product of C and its assembly-language roots; certainly I wrote a lot of code in such a style in the 1980s myself (in BASIC), and Knuth’s “TeX: The Program” (1984) is full of lines like else begin back_input; cur_tok ← par_token; back_input; token_type ← inserted;, though somewhat better typeset than the Oberon code.

(This may go some distance to explaining how the Oberon compiler is only 4000 lines of code.)

The password-hashing setup on p. 34 is cringe-inducingly naïve. Also, though, I infer from the code that Oberon’s INTEGER type was 16 bits, either at times or always, since all of its variables would fit easily in 32 bits (19 bits I think). See p. 258 for how it’s set on the server and p. 260 for why.

The setup of Oberon.User (also p. 34) as ARRAY 8 OF CHAR seems strangely primitive, given that Wirth conceived the system after heavy use of Cedar, from which it gets its tracks and viewers. Why didn’t he use ropes? Ropes don’t appear at all in Oberon. (Perhaps Wirth was skeptical about immutability in general, or at least when it comes to strings; see the bletcherous inline strtok() code in Call on p. 38.)

I’m suspecting that the “flip” in the names of FlipArrow and FlipStar on p. 35 means “XOR”, which I suspect is the meaning of the fifth parameter of Display.CopyPattern, given here as “2”; this could be more explicit. It’s somewhat horrifying to see the cursor bitmap sizes hardcoded into the bounding code like this; it suggests that the arrow and the star were the only two sprites in Oberon, so Gutknecht (or Wirth) didn’t feel that factoring out a generic sprite-bounding system was worthwhile. (The DrawCursor function immediately afterward may be the one that’s actually used, though; perhaps the Flip variants were obsolete?) (Perhaps not; on p. 40 they’re assigned to the Fade and Draw methods of the Arrow and Star markets, reinforcing the XOR hypothesis.) (Further explanation of cursor management is given on p. 59, and on p. 60 we have, “markers are usually painted non-destructively in inverse-video mode.”, which I think means using the XOR hack; p. 61 defines Display.invert, explained as the “mode” “s XOR d”, as “2”, and indeed the fifth parameter of CopyPattern is “mode”. Whew.)

On p. 36 we see HandleFiller, which handles events in parts of the screen containing no windows (“viewers”). The IF M IS InputMsg THEN WITH M: InputMsg DO stuff is a bit tiresome by contrast with ML. (I’m increasingly of the opinion that garbage-collected languages should be almost purely functional. Imperative code’s advantages, such as they are, are vitiated by GC — maybe there’s a local optimum near Golang.) The Display.FrameMsg argument is explained on p. 48.

On pp. 36–37 we see some clearly duplicated code, suggesting that the “dead code” hypothesis for FlipArrow and FlipStar is plausible: OpenDisplay should call OpenTrack twice, but instead duplicates its contents. Perhaps at some point in the past OpenTrack did something that was undesirable in OpenDisplay.

On p. 38 we see some examples of code with added reading complexity due to having no early exits; here Install wants to avoid adding a task to the task list if it’s already there:

t := PrevTask;
WHILE (t.next # PrevTask) & (t.next # T) DO t := t.next END;
IF t.next = PrevTask THEN T.next := PrevTask; t.next := T END

This translates to C as:

t = PrevTask;
while (t->next != prev_task && t->next != T) t = t->next;
if (t->next == prev_task) {
    T->next = prev_task;
    t->next = T;

But I think it would be more natural to write it with an early exit, avoiding the redundant test:

TaskDesc *t = prev_task;
for (t = prev_task; t->next != prev_task; t = t->next) {
    if (t->next == T) return;
T->next = prev_task;
t->next = T;

(I wouldn’t call my variables t and T, though.)

We also see what the authors were talking about when they said that GetSelection was implemented by broadcasting a message to all viewers on p. 38. After the Viewers.Broadcast call, GetSelection fishes the information about the selection out of the fields of the SelectionMsg — presumably one or more of the viewers mutated it, perhaps conditionally based on the timestamp (which would explain the otherwise strange comments on p. 29 about the definition of the current selection, and indeed the existence of the timestamp field, as well as its initialization here to -1.)

On p. 39 we have some hints about the character encoding, as the main loop has some random code wedged into it to compensate for the difference between the keyboard’s character encoding and that used elsewhere in the system. Assuming this PDF is faithful, both encodings are unknown to me; one has € at 0x81 and the other has it at 0x80.

On p. 40 we have the initial construction of the circular linked list of tasks, starting with just the garbage collector. A separate list header structure would have almost required a special case in the task list mutations (the Install and Remove procedures on p. 38 and the task-unlinking case in the main loop near the top of p. 40) because (if Oberon is like Pascal) you can’t take a pointer to a struct field — although you can pass it as a VAR parameter, and maybe that would have been adequate.

It’s somewhat jarring to find Min (for INTEGERs) in module Oberon on p. 34 and Max (for LONGINTs) in module System on p. 40.

On p. 41 we find the System.SetUser command, which it turns out separates the username from the password with a “/”: “WHILE (ch # "/")”. (This was actually suggested by the instruction “{ type user/password }” on p. 31.) Interestingly, this constant uses the same doublequotes used for strings, suggesting that in Oberon (as in Python, but very much not as in C or Pascal) a character is a string of length 1. Also we find that the username’s length limit is actually 7 characters, not 8, because of the terminating 0X.

We also see the implementation of the rules for input parsing explained on p. 31: System.SetFont (also on p. 41) has a special case for “^”, as do SetColor, SetOffset, etc., all implemented with separate calls to Oberon.GetSelection. But they’re missing the “@” cases (although perhaps they wouldn’t apply.) At least they’re all using the same Texts.OpenScanner call to tokenize the parameter text.

A thing conspicuously missing in these user commands is error handling. If the specified font name doesn’t exist or isn’t supplied, there is apparently no feedback to the user at all that a command was invoked but merely failed, much less why it failed and how to proceed. Omitting error handling is indeed a very effective way to reduce the amount of code in your system, but it may not be a good tradeoff.

On p. 42 we see the bitfield datetime system in its full glory. I’m glad I don’t have to do date arithmetic on Oberon.

On p. 44 we have the save-unders problem that accounts for so much of the complexity of both X11 and the Blit: “Any efficient management of overlapping viewers must rely on a subordinate management of (arbitrary) sub-rectangles and on sophisticated clipping operations. This is so because partially overlapped viewers must be partially restored under control of the viewer manager. For example, in Figure 4.1(b), rectangles a, b, and c of viewer A ought to be restored individually after closing of viewer B,” although A and B are reversed from the diagram, in which A is on top of B. The Blit did indeed do this; Microsoft Windows opted instead to dispatch paint messages to the exposed viewer.

The scrollbars on p. 44 would seem to owe a lot to MacOS, although perhaps I’m mistaken and PARC had nearly identical-looking scrollbars. The sans-serif code font on p. 44 and vertical italic email font on p. 45 (perhaps they are in fact the same font?) look like they come from Smalltalk.

The custom one-click shortcuts to print on particular printers or set particular fonts in the editor on p. 44 are particularly appealing.

On p. 48, the Oberon variant of MVC is most amusing: any time any document changes, all viewers are notified so that they can update if necessary, thus avoiding the necessity to register and deregister views of a model. This is a step toward the usual ImGui approach of repainting all viewers on every screen frame. (But see p. 79 for where this falls down, p. 98 for the unification, and p. 385 for a redundant re-explanation.)

We also see that Oberon has an X11-like hierarchy of windows, though it calls them “frames”. Oberon windows are pretty lightweight, though; they contain seven words (presumably 28 bytes on the NS32032 they were designing for), so you can have tens of thousands of them if you like. However, the main purpose of this hierarchy in practice seems to be the pairing of inverse-video menu texts with contents panes as a single object, since the other use (vertical tracks of viewers) doesn’t seem to really need handlers or really anything other than a global list of widths.

On p. 49 we see an email from “Griesemer” on “30.10.91”. Could that be the Golang Griesemer? Yes, Golang Griesemer got his Ph.D. at ETHZ under Wirth and Mössenböck in 1993 on a vector version of Oberon for the Cray Y-MP, called Oberon-V.

On p. 50 we are introduced to the “logical display area”. I wonder how decoupled from displays it ended up being in practice; the XOR hack mentioned earlier suggests not much.

On p. 51 we are faced with yet another definition of OpenTrack, or the declaration of one at any rate, this time in module Viewers. What happened to the one on p. 37?

On pp. 54–55 we have a small contradiction: “according to the principle of information hiding an internal data structure is fully private to the containing module and accessible through the module’s procedural interface only,” yet, “Although there is no language facility to enforce it, the variable state is to be treated as read-only by every module other than Viewers.” I guess once you get a pointer into the internal data structure you can navigate it as you please!

On p. 56 we have an interesting viewpoint on object-orientation:

Message handlers in Oberon are implemented in the form of “procedure variables” that obviously must be initialized properly at object creation time. In other words, some concrete behavior must explicitly be bound to each object, where different instances of the same object type could potentially have a different behavior and/ or the same instance could change its behavior during its lifetime. Our object model is therefore instance-centered.

The procedure variables themselves, though, at least in the cases we’ve seen so far, handle all the messages directed to a given viewer or other frame, not just one. So they aren’t the equivalent of a C++ virtual method, but rather of a C++ vtable. This is explained in more detail on pp. 379–81.

(This is in addition to the parallel mechanism for identifying record subtypes at runtime.)

Pascal procedure variables could only be passed down the stack, not stored in records, with the consequence that this style of programming was impossible in Pascal. The reason was that Pascal had nested procedures with block scope, but no garbage collection. The same reason explains why Pascal var parameters — which are pointers that may point inside of stack frames or records, unlike Pascal’s heap pointers — can only be passed down the stack, rather than stored in data structures. This restriction would seem to be unnecessary in Oberon.

I’m not a big fan of the four-deep nested IFs at the bottom of p. 56.

On p. 57 we see an observation which is in a sense very trivial from the point of view of the Actors model, but quite a mind-bomb for the Pascal crowd:

The essential point here is the use of new outgoing messages in order to process a given incoming message. We can regard message processing as a transformation that maps incoming messages into a set of outgoing messages, with possible side-effects.

(That’s all there is to the Actors model, really, except to view all of computation in that way.)

On p. 59 we see why XOR-drawn cursors flicker when something else is being drawn without double-buffering.

On p. 61 the drawing API is explained. It lacks the ability to copy a block of pixel data to or from an offscreen buffer; cursors (and fonts, p. 62) are drawn using CopyPattern, which takes a foreground-color parameter and a one-bit-deep (p. 62) Pattern.

On p. 62 we collide with the Oberon language’s lack of slices and consequent weakness in dealing with variable-size bitmap data.

On p. 63 we seem to be considering double-buffered Xinerama-style-unified displays of varying color depths; double-buffering is somewhat surprising for the 1984–8 timeframe when they were building the Oberon system — the Macintosh, the CGA, and the EGA didn’t have enough RAM to double-buffer in popular modes, and X-Windows (1984, X11 in 1985) isn’t double-buffered — it hurt responsiveness. Working multi-depth Xinerama is surprising even today.

For now I’m going to skip over the complete implementation on pp. 67–77.

On p. 78, where they’re starting to talk about texts, they explicitly call out Cedar’s influence:

Motivated by our positive experience with integrated text in the Cedar system [Teitelman] we decided to provide a central text management in Oberon at a sufficiently low system level.

On p. 79, they say, “It is important not to confuse this type with the far less powerful type string as it is often supported by advanced programming languages.” Of course we’ve already seen a fair bit of NUL-terminated string handling in the previous chapters; and Oberon’s Text type is mutable, preventing it from being used for many of the things Cedar used ropes for. Oberon texts have fonts, colors, and “vertical offsets” (which seems to mean superscript or subscript; see p. 102 for an illustration), making them essentially quite graphical objects. They have no implicit line breaks, so they are intrinsically formatted for a particular line width. However, texts to be displayed in standard text viewers cannot have multiple font sizes! See pp. 100–101 for this disheartening development.

On p. 79 we also see the weakness of their minimalist MVC implementation explained on p. 48: there’s an additional observer interface to be notified of changes to Texts — though in this case it’s so broken it only supports notifying a single observer. (But see p. 98.)

On p. 80, we see that their text handling is plagued by the same kind of unnecessary multiplication of interfaces as their pixel handling — instead of having a single string type, they have three or more — ARRAYs OF CHAR, Texts (which may have properties or “looks”), and now Buffers.

On pp. 80–81 we are introduced to the Reader type, which, like an Emacs marker, points to a place in a Text without being merely a number. However, I suspect that Reader doesn’t have the virtue of Emacs markers: that it moves with the buffer contents when something is inserted earlier in the buffer. We shall see. Certainly there seems to be no possibility of passing Readers instead of integers as positions to procedures that take text-position arguments. (On p. 87 we see that Readers contain a reference into the piece-chain data structure of Texts that would enable them to survive mutations in other pieces undisturbed.)

I am distinctly unimpressed with the bug-prone Scanner sum type, with its 5 different value fields and a sixth tag field to tell which is active.

On p. 82 we have this absolutely fascinating note:

Typically, readers and scanners are… of a transient nature, … This fact manifests itself by the absence of any possibility to reference readers and scanners by pointers.

This is a very surprising note! It implies that in Oberon you can’t declare a POINTER TO Scanner type whenever you please; perhaps only their own module is permitted to declare such a type. Presumably, though, you can embed them in other records, and reference those other records with pointers, if you want to, so I am at a loss as to what the benefit of this limitation might be.

Lower on p. 82 we have Oberon’s text formatting capabilities, such as they are; they’re similar to TeX or Smalltalk in that the favored approach to produce an output of ten tokens (strings, integers, and decimal fractions, say) is to invoke a sequence of ten procedures, passing the same argument.

On p. 83 we find that they have chosen to represent Texts with Bravo-style piece chains.

On p. 90 we have the curious feature that does impedance-matching between the piece-chain structure and keyboard input:

And finally, typed characters that are supposed to be inserted into a text need to be stored on a continuously growing file, the so-called keyboard file.

This doesn’t really cover text generated as command output, but I suppose we could have output files for all commands, too.

The keyboard file could be useful for other purposes, too; for example, you might want to look at it, or even have the end of it continuously displayed for a screencast.

We also see the usual conceit of totalizing systems like Microsoft Word: plain ASCII text files are accepted, as input files, but only “for compatibility reasons”. Ugh.

The discussion of file page immutability on p. 90 is also interesting — the piece-chain data structure they’re using shares with ropes the feature of being able to include arbitrary amounts of file data without reading it from disk until needed, so for it to be completely safe, it is necessary for that file data not to be modified in the meantime. (Perhaps a change notification scheme would work under some circumstances, but Oberon seems to have no such scheme.) This is expressed on p. 91 as follows:

Once a file page is allocated it must not be reused (until system restart).

But it’s not talking just about reuse for another file, but also about reuse for a different version of the same file.

This is an interesting desideratum for filesystems: the ability to retain immutable on-disk snapshots of particular files. The “system restart” backdoor might be thought clearly unacceptable nowadays, requiring as it does regular reboots to prevent the filesystem from getting full. (This is elaborated on p. 163, where file pages are called “sectors”.)

It’s also interesting in that, although Oberon’s Text isn’t immutable as Cedar’s ROPE is, its implementation depends on immutability — but of disk files. (But note that disk files aren’t immutable; see p. 164! So this can fail.) In a way, this seems perverse — it’s depending on a more expensive kind of immutability, but doesn’t fully deliver the decoupling benefits of Cedar’s ROPE, in that you can’t just hand out Text references willy-nilly — you’ll get aliasing bugs where something you handed it to goes and mutates it later. But it seems like making a copy of a Text might often be a sufficiently cheap operation as to make this forgivable, since only a small number of Pieces need to be copied. (The association of “looks” with Piece objects will multiply the number for fancy documents.)

On p. 98 we have the link between the Text change notification mechanism (p. 79) and the Viewer change notification mechanism (p. 48): changing a Text being displayed in a Viewer invokes Viewers.Broadcast with an UpdateMsg (with the typically painful and repetitive Pascal/Oberon record initialization syntax.) I suppose this means that you can’t share a Text between a text frame and another kind of non-viewer user that wants to be notified if it changes, but sharing it between multiple text frames is no problem.

On p. 99 we see concern about flickering, but manifested by using bitblt for scrolling, rather than double-buffering a screen update. This is an example of extra complexity introduced by optimizations that were necessary in 1988 on a 1-MIPS machine that are no longer relevant.

On p. 100 we see the rather dismaying pronouncements:

1.) For a given text frame the distance between lines is constant.
2.) There are no implicit line breaks.

This means that there is no way to get a title in a larger font to take up more vertical space. This is justified by the desire to display text in a single pass, but is that really worth damaging the formatting quality of the text so severely?

My propfont.c spike does paragraph filling (implicit line breaks) with a proportional font, though not variable line spacing, in grayscale at 22 megabytes of text per second on one core of my 1.6GHz laptop. Assuming 1.5 instructions per cycle, this is about 109 instructions per letter. On a 1-MIPS workstation, in a 15-millisecond screen frame, this could manage to format about 15 kilobytes of text.

On p. 101 we find that we can’t even get a title in a larger font at all:

line spacing is fixed for every text frame. Therefore, different styles of a base font are possible within a given text frame while different sizes are not.

Watching Larry Tesler’s 2017 demo of Gypsy from 1981 I see that Gypsy and Bravo didn’t have different sizes or different typefaces either, at least a couple of years earlier, except for italic and bold (and underlined and inverse-video) variants of the same base font.

On p. 102 we see, for the first time I’ve noticed, that Oberon’s Y-coordinates increase upward rather than downward. Also, its font system purports to support hinted outline fonts, but on p. 104 we see that this is not the case; it only supports raster fonts.

We also see another of the lamentable COBOL-style arbitrary limitations on string sizes: font names are 32 characters long.

On p. 104 we see that in the “ultimately stable” font file format, we have a single-byte enumerated value for the font family (“Times Roman, Syntax, etc.”) This seems like a choice that is almost guaranteed to produce incompatibility; since more than 256 font families exist in the world, someone must maintain a registry of font family identifying bytes, which will need new families added to it from time to time, both producing the chance of incompatibility (if two different installations of Oberon start using the same identifier for different fonts) and inflexibility (since you cannot simply add a new font file to your Oberon installation, but must also add the family to the family registry.)

(Of course, the continuous and implicit conflation of “ASCII” with “text” seems quaint in 2019.)

The font file format has a couple of other drawbacks:

  1. It supports raster fonts only, and apparently monochrome ones without antialiasing at that.
  2. There is no provision made for output device resolution: the units of “height” are unspecified. (On p. 63 we saw that Oberon output devices supposedly do know their physical height.) This presumably means that they are pixels, so you might use a height-10 font on a standard 75-dpi screen and a height-30 font on a 300-dpi printer; this precludes the kind of adaptation normally needed to preserve readability at small sizes.

The printing graphics model on p. 105 seems rather impoverished compared to PostScript, and presumably the PARC language JaM it derived from; like X11, for example, it provides only unrotated text, and seemingly no facilities for clipping or even color — its primitives completely lack composability! It’s also rather depressing that (like X11 but unlike GDI and Quartz) they chose a completely different imaging model for printing and onscreen drawing.

I am skipping for the time being past pp. 105–143, which contain several source-code modules.

On p. 144 we have the Oberon philosophy on dynamic linking, namely, that you should make your linker fast enough that you are not tempted to link things statically. This philosophy does more or less prevail in modern Unix and Microsoft Windows, but it does have a certain amount of cost in the Unix context, where the loading of a compiled program is conflated with the initiation of a process. ldd /usr/bin/mate-terminal on my laptop, which merely runs the dynamic linker to link the 58 dynamic libraries into mate-terminal and prints the results, takes about 30 milliseconds, which is a human-detectable period of time; that’s on a CPU core that runs about 2.4 billion instructions per second. Valgrind reports that it takes about 7 million instructions in the last-spawned child process. So on a 1-MIPS workstation this would take about 7 seconds, or about 72 seconds if you believe the 2.4-billion number.

Probably, though, you can use jumps through program linkage tables (called “link tables” here on p. 144) to reduce this cost if it becomes significant; the cost of linking then diminishes to merely a merge of the tables of subroutines in all the libraries; as explained on p. 145, this is the approach Oberon uses. PC-relative addressing on modern processors eliminates the need to use these tables (or a separate library-base-pointer register) for intra-module references. (On p. 147 we see that apparently the NS32k’s BSR instruction is PC-relative.)

Indirection through such a table does impose an extra cost on each static inter-module subroutine call (though not necessarily dynamic calls through function pointers.)

On p. 145 we are faced with the question of numbering procedures. How does the linker avoid trying to load module A compiled against version 1 of module B, attempting to link it to version 2 of module B with a different procedure numbering? Because the page says, “Procedure names are not needed, as they have been transformed by the compiler into numbers unique for each module.”

On p. 146 we see that Oberon uses two separate registers for intra-library relocation, rather than ELF’s single register (which is %ebx on i386 IIRC).

We also encounter something claimed to be microcode; I’m not clear on whether this is the actual microcode for the NS32032 CXP and RXP instructions (it seems to be; the instruction opcodes are given on p. 355), or some kind of Oberon-specific portable assembly.

On p. 156 we encounter the notion of a “rider”, which is to say, a file cursor; Michael Franz gives this as one of the great advances in Oberon over other systems, but I don’t understand what the difference between a Rider and a Unix file descriptor is, except that in Oberon you need to first call Old (or New) to open the file and then Set to place a Rider, rather than just calling open().

On p. 157 we encounter the presumption of filenames:

A file system must not only provide the concept of a sequence with its accessing mechanism, but also a registry. This implies that files be identified, that they can be given a name by which they are registered and retrieved. The registry or collection of registered names is called the file system’s directory.

What do we get if we question this? We’ve already seen that Oberon does question it somewhat — previously written file pages can continue to be referenced by Texts even when they are obsolete — but what if our files were anonymous? Perhaps we could include references to them in other files (in a way that is explicit to the filesystem), then run a garbage collector.

It seems that all Oberon files are open read-write; even all riders are read-write.

On p. 159 we encounter the horrifying suspicion that perhaps Oberon files require a function call and return for every byte read — and an inter-module call and return, at that. But p. 157 allays our suspicion — there is a ReadBytes call that takes an (unsafe) variable-length array. This is elaborated on p. 163, which gives the measured speedup on the Ceres-3 as 18× (though still only 2.5 megabytes per second — to RAM! — which seems painfully slow. It’s about 7000 times slower than my current laptop’s in-cache RAM access of 17 gigabytes per second, according to lmbench’s bcopy benchmark.)

On p. 163 we encounter the first clue that Oberon in fact used memory protection after all, though perhaps not virtual memory:

In this table, every sector is represented by a single bit indicating whether or not the sector is allocated. Although conceptually belonging to the file system, this table resides within module Kernel, because for safety reasons it is write-protected in user mode.

(But see on p. 194 that Ceres-3 had no MMU; p. 197 goes into the details of the memory mapping.)

Also we find that the Oberon startup routine involves scanning the entire filesystem for free blocks, like jffs, to build the in-RAM sector reservation table; this seems that it would not scale well to modern disks with billions of sectors, but perhaps it depends on the locality of the file directory. However, as in Unix, the block pointers (“sector table”) and indirect pointers (“extension table”) in Oberon are stored in the inode (“file header”), so the locality can’t be very good. On p. 190 we are told, “[T]he initialization of the sector reservation table clearly dominates the start-up time of the computer. For a file system with 10'000 files it takes [on] the order of 15s to record all files.”

(The whole sector GC thing seems rather bletcherous to me, even for 1984.)

On p. 164 there is a clue as to why Franz thought riders were so awesome: in Oberon, disk buffers are associated with a particular file, rather than with the disk as in typical Unix systems. Clearly associating buffers with a particular file descriptor would lead to inconsistencies (failure to Read Your Writes, among others).

The description of the buffer semantics here make it clear that the immutability property required by Texts on p. 90 is not in fact provided; you can change the contents of a Text by rewriting parts of its underlying disk file, though not by writing an entire new version of the file and then invoking Register to update it.

On p. 174 we see that Oberon’s Register includes an fsync() (Unbuffer) to avoid losing data. My recent experiences with recalcitrant USB drives make me wonder if some kind of limit to dirty in-memory data is needed to guarantee responsiveness in cases like this — Oberon’s four buffers (4KB) per file, for example, ensures that this Unbuffer call won’t take that long.

Also on p. 174 we see that they didn’t know about weak pointers, so they hacked the garbage collector’s root set to compensate:

there exists a pitfall that is easily overlooked: all opened files would permanently remain accessible via root, and the garbage collector could never remove a file descriptor nor its associated buffers. This would be unacceptable. We have found no better solution to this problem than to design the garbage collector such that it excludes this list from its mark phase.

On pp. 174–175 we see that they use a 24-way B-tree to map file pathnames (capped at 32 characters) to sector addresses, where their inodes are stored, though it’s defined naïvely without hysteresis and can thus thrash splitting and unsplitting the root when oscillating about a crucial number of entries. This choice is justified on simplicity and efficiency grounds on p. 189 and contrasted with Unix’s hierarchical filesystem, but the simplicity grounds make me suspect that the authors never read the Unix filesystem code, which used a linear search through an unordered directory at the time, and indeed in many later implementations.

It’s unfortunate that the B-tree code wasn’t generalized and exported to provide a general-purpose ISAM facility.

On p. 176 we see that FileDir.Enumerate is in the “non-public” API of FilesDir (the reason being given on p. 183); also, I note that it takes a callback but no userdata. Does Oberon support nested procedures with lexical scope, as Pascal did? The notes about BSR on p. 147 didn’t suggest that the regular procedure-call sequence involves passing a context pointer, as nested procedures normally require (except when circumvented with GCC’s stack-trampoline hack).

On p. 192 we find an RT-11-style/VMS-style command-line switch “/date”! For the Directory command.

On p. 194 we find some explanation for the earlier ambiguity about memory protection: the Ceres-3 has no MMU!

On p. 195 the memory maps confused me by having 0 at the top and addresses increasing downwards; it led me to wonder whether the Ceres-[123] all had stacks that grew upwards, which they don’t, as we can see from the “microcode” on pp. 146–7.

On p. 198 we find deep skepticism about the usefulness of MMUs: “a dispensible [sic] overkill for single-user workstations.” Yeah, maybe if all your software is written in OCaml. Although I suppose the Macintosh was pretty useful without an MMU from 1984 until MacOS X (1999?).

On p. 199 we are introduced to the garbage collector; surprisingly, they mention reference counting (though giving the algorithm incorrectly) and the mark-and-sweep scheme they use, but not copying collectors. Oberon uses a non-incremental stop-the-world mark-and-sweep collector using pointer reversal.

On p. 202 we are introduced to the heap object format, which has a 4-byte header (ick). Maybe it was hard to do better than that in 1984, although BIBOP kind of did. BIBOP may be easier if you have an MMU, but I don’t think it really needs one.

On p. 207 we have the entirely unnecessary SetMouseLimits interface, which has no equivalent in PS/2, USB, or evdev mouse protocols, but the Oberon mouse driver reports absolute rather than relative X and Y. Even if you wanted to limit the memory needed to buffer mouse events, you could buffer a ΔX and ΔY! This unconventional choice of border behavior also implies a lack of awareness of the Fitts’s-Law-driven design of 1984 Macintosh menus:

The position “wraps around” in both the horizontal and vertical directions.

To be fair, though, nobody had written about this outside of Apple at the time.

On p. 209 we have “the module’s initialization sequence”, which I suppose is the block of code at the end of the module; I hadn’t realized this was run when the module was loaded, but of course such a thing is urgently necessary in a Pascal-family language that doesn’t permit you to initialize values in their declaration. In this case, it’s also being used to install interrupt handlers.

We also see the module V24, for accessing the serial port; its interface is entirely incompatible with those of file access, of handling keyboard events, and of access to Text objects.

On p. 210 I finally realized that “0FFFFC000H” is a LONGINT while “30X” is a CHAR. (This is explained in the scanner on p. 307.)

The serial-port driver on p. 210 is quite compact for a device driver. Its use of a CPU delay loop in Break (p. 211) despite being a driver for a chip with a sufficiently accurate real-time timer on it seems suboptimal. This goes unremarked here, but a similar (but more justifiable) delay loop on p. 216 merits the comment, “This is rather unfortunate.”

On p. 211 we have a description of an RS-485 network. They claim to have gotten 230 kbps, close to contemporary Arcnet’s 300-kbps performance. It’s strange that they claim that clock accuracy limits packet length, though, since they’re using SDLC bitstuffing (and in fact the whole SDLC protocol, including its 256-station addressing limit) to ensure adequate transition frequencies to maintain CDR. (On p. 222 we find that the length limit is 512 bytes.)

On p. 216 we have the account of SDLC’s alternative to CSMA/CD, whose code is near the top of SendPacket on p. 214:

Before sending a packet, it must be verified that the line is free by testing the so-called hunt bit. If the line is busy, the line is polled again after a delay. The delay is influenced by the station's address, causing all stations to have a slightly different delay. Actual collisions can only be detected by the receiver through the CRC-check at the end of the packet.

What’s not mentioned is that this whole procedure, including the retry delay, blocks the entire machine; presumably this will always happen if the line is faulted in a certain way. There is no retry limit.

During the packet transmission the driver disables interrupts in order to be able to meet the SDLC chip’s timing constraints, like the old Linux PIO disk driver. This seems like it could detectably interfere with interactive responsiveness: 512 bytes is 4096 bits, which is almost 18 ms at 230 kbps, and it’s possible that we might have to wait for several packets from other senders to finish passing before we can send our own.

I haven’t read the SCSI driver on pp. 218–220, but I’m pleasantly impressed that it’s only two pages of code.

On p. 222 we find the description of the TFTP-like file transfer protocol; its lack of windowing might slow down file transfer (since the ACK packet will be delayed until whatever user interface task has the receiving processor busy is done) but I’m not sure that the SCC driver described on pp. 211–216 can buffer multiple packets anyway.

The lack of cryptography in the user authentication p. 222 is entirely unremarkable in the 1984–92 context; although it is of course unacceptable nowadays, some web hosts still use unencrypted FTP.

It’s amusing that the file transfer protocol includes an instant message protocol (though no group chat). This becomes less amusing when we reach the end of Chapter 10 on p. 230 and realize that the file transfer protocol is the only application protocol supported by their network! (Well, the dedicated server software in Chapter 11 also includes an email protocol and a printing protocol, which the workstations have the client code for.) This is somewhat disappointing in the 1984–88 context they were designing the code in, which also saw network-transparent windowing in W and X, telephony over Ethernet, and the birth of Novell, and was 16 years after Engelbart’s 1968 demo in which he demonstrated screen-sharing of a windowed environment over a long-distance network.

They describe ARP on pp. 222–3, but they’re ARPing for a person’s initials rather than an IP address.

On p. 231 we begin the description of the dedicated server, and it’s astonishing to realize that they don’t have a fileserver in the normal sense — a networked facility that appears as a filesystem, just like local disk filesystems, but perhaps supports locking or something, which was the primary service provided in Novell and NFS/NIS networks in the 1980s and 1990s. Wirth had experience with such a system — Cedar’s FS was done that way, and its designers report that they only allowed local disks reluctantly as a concession to user demands. Perhaps he didn’t think it was a good idea?

They say their server is a Ceres-1 with two megs of RAM (half being the printer’s framebuffer) and a 1-MIPS processor on p. 259.

It’s amusing that the primary interface between servers is a message queue, though one substantially simpler than AMQP.

On p. 237 we are explained that an Oberon mailbox (for email, not some kind of message queue thing) is structurally restricted to 64 kibibytes and 30 messages; the format is a sort of compound-file-like filesystem-within-a-file with its own block-based free map and directory. I have to say that I think the Berkeley mbox format is both simpler and less limited (though surely less efficient; providing a mailbox directory requires reading the entire file). (Sendmail was a nightmare of complexity compared to the simpler mail server presented here.) Maybe they should have fixed their filesystem so it didn’t allocate an entire kilobyte to every file, so they could have just used a file per message. It appears also that it’s possible for the mailbox file to be so fragmented that a new message won’t fit. (Confirmed on p. 245.)

You could imagine justifying such a complex mailbox file format if it were generalized to support arbitrary tables. For some reason, mailbox formats seem to be an attractive nuisance for ingenious people to overcomplicate, Mork being perhaps the most notorious example but far from the only one.

“Franz” (presumably Michael) appears on p. 238 in an example mail message, as do “Templ” and “Mueller”.

On p. 238, we see that for no particularly good reason the mail access protocol seems to be binary: 10H for ACK, 25H for NAK, 26H for NPR, 24H for NRQ, and so on. These are the values of the field SCC.Header.typ.

On p. 252 we see the use of a temporary file (one not registered in the filesystem directory) as a buffer for data:

it is almost the same as that for handling requests to receive a file. But instead of registering the received file, the file is inserted into Core.PrintQueue.

This is the same mechanism I’m planning to use to deliver buffers of pixel data to the Wercam server on Linux.

On p. 253 we see the printer rasterizing operations. (Before PostScript, all raster printers were WinPrinters.) The midpoint circle algorithm makes an appearance (as it does again on pp. 423–424), though unfortunately the ellipse procedure is omitted.

On p. 258 we see that the cringe-inducing password hash from p. 34 is actually password-equivalent; it has a cringe-inducing justification on p. 260, which also explains that in order to protect the user database from unauthorized access, it’s stored outside the filesystem, since the filesystem has no protection. Yet on p. 265, we read, “the impossibility of activating users’ programs on the server station significantly reduces the possibilities for inflicting damage from the exterior.” But presumably the server stores its software modules in the filesystem for use during boot?

On p. 287 we have RT-11-style command-line switches again (as on p. 192), and specifically they are to disable index and type checks, suggesting that these were major performance bottlenecks at one time. We also see the Algol-68-like expression “the mode of the object”, meaning its type.

On p. 288 we see Figure 12.6, the call graph of the Oberon recursive- descent parser, which doubles as a summary of the Oberon grammar.

On p. 289 we finally discover the meaning of the suffixed asterisk on many procedure names at their definition: it indicates that they are to be compiled in such a way that they can be called from another module, so they return with an RXP instruction rather than RET. This implies that even intramodule calls of these procedures must use the slower CXPD; a trampoline function could have been used to avoid this.

In the scanner or tokenizer (module OCS) on p. 307 we have yet another of the tiresome lists of numbered constants, this time in the form of a table of token types: number, NIL, string, ident, ;, and so forth. In Lisp or Cedar you would use atoms (symbols) for this, in modern C you could use an enum, and in ML you would use a sum type. A comment seems like a distinctly poorer form for this information, but I suppose it has the advantage that, being a comment, it doesn’t count against the compiler’s 4000-line footprint.

The code for OCS is on pp. 307–312.

The hash function described on p. 307 (embedded in the Identifier procedure on p. 308) is very poor, particularly considering that it requires a division by 43 after every identifier character.

On p. 308 we see another peculiar feature of Oberon’s grammar: logical AND is written as &, while logical OR is written as OR, and binds more tightly than AND, unless there’s an error in the code to scan to the end of the identifier.

It’s interesting that Texts has a Read procedure that produces a CHAR rather than a CHAR-with-looks.

Given the simplicity of the compiler as a whole, it seems inescapable that its chief bottleneck must have been this scanner (though the book does not, as far as I can tell, mention a profiler, and even the debugger on p. 368 seems very limited). On that basis it may seem quite surprising that they chose to make a full intermodule function call for every input character; there are 41 callsites for Texts.Read in OCS by my count. An intra-module function call might have been a bit better — both intramodule and intramodule calls had hardware instructions, but I don’t know what their timings might have been — but really you’d like to use a piece of code like the following:

IF bufPtr = bufLen THEN refillBuffer END;
...buf[bufPtr]...; bufPtr := bufPtr + 1

However, you really don’t want to put that in the source code itself in 41 places, and Oberon doesn’t have a C-like preprocessor, a Lisp-like macro system, or a compiler capable of inlining even an intramodule function call, much less an intermodule function call.

On the gripping hand, the dedicated server in Chapter 11 (p. 231 et seq.) was of their first Ceres-1 generation of workstations and had two megabytes of RAM. The largest module in the system was OCE at 972 lines of code (see p. 18; OCS is listed there as 314 lines, matching well with its 6-page length here). Perhaps 972 lines of code might involve another 972 lines of comments, averaging 60 characters per line, for a total of 117 kilobytes. Reading such a source module entirely into RAM before beginning the scanning process would have used only 6% of the workstation’s memory, and would have avoided the problem of file access during tokenization entirely. (Although *bufp++ is considerably wordier in Oberon than in C.)

On p. 312 we see the initialization of the keyword hash table:

BEGIN i := KW;
    WHILE i > 0 DO
        DEC(i); keyTab[i].symb := 0; keyTab[i].alt := 0
    END ;

One is forced to wonder how much code could have been eliminated from Oberon by zeroizing module variables, as C does, or all uninitialized variables, as Java and Golang do.

On p. 325 we have the following extremely dubious statement:

It is the goal of a good compiler to make use of all addressing modes offered by the computer, thereby avoiding the emission of unnecessary instructions for address computation.

Presumably the intent of avoiding unnecessary instructions is either to make the code run faster, to reduce code size, or nowadays to use less energy, but using more addressing modes is not guaranteed to move you toward any of these goals — not in 1984 with microcoded CISCs, not in 1988 with nascent RISC, and certainly not in 2019 with superscalar micro-op-based CPUs.

On p. 330 we see that the author is not American; a procedure is named AssReal.

On p. 345 we find the amusing detail that the NS32k memory block move instruction is called MOVSB, just like the 8088 (though there it’s not really a block move without the REP prefix: REP MOVSB).

On p. 355 we see the full Nominal Semidestructor Thirty Two Million CISC instruction set. Sometimes the failure of this chip in the market has been attributed to poor compiler quality: on paper it was just as good as a 68000, but in practice it performed about 25% worse with the vendor’s C compiler. It seems to have had a couple of special-purpose base registers (FP and SB), 8 general-purpose registers (like the 8088), and an indirect addressing mode. Unlike the 8088, its instructions are (generally) two-address instructions.

I'm somewhat alarmed by the remark on p. 356, “This solution strictly limits the size of modules” — how small do they have to be? None of the ones listed on p. 18 was more than about 12 kilobytes.

The code generator itself occupies pp. 357–367, more or less. 56 lines of code seem to fit on a page, but, as commented before, the lines are uncomfortably long.

On p. 368 we are introduced to the very primitive debugger.

Reading p. 369 it occurs to me that perhaps the debug information the debugger reads should be the same information the compiler uses to tell itself where things are stored.

On p. 374 Wirth tells the story of how he saw Chuck Thacker’s SIL written in BCPL on an Alto at PARC in 1976 and went to write his own in Modula-2 on a PDP-11, which grew gradually into the Oberon graphics editor.

On p. 385 we have the viewer-broadcast update mechanism from p. 48 explained again.

On p. 388 we have the 1980s view of object-orientation: its virtue is that it allows you to dynamically load machine code you don’t have the source code to, as long as it implements a calling interface you do, by means of “the extensible record type and the procedure variable”. Yuck.

On p. 407 we find that they encountered the object-graph serialization problem (“pickle”) in the graphics editor, solving it with an object table. Later on pp. 435–436 we see that in the ensuing years they generalized this approach to arbitrary object graphs, using it for the repertoire of objects in a text as well.

There is a screenshot from 1995-09-21 on p. 440, showing the state of the Oberon system at that time, with desktop icons, overlapping windows, over 1000 messages in a mailbox, and still regrettable non-antialiased pixel fonts.
