Offline datasets

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2014-04-24 (15 minutes)

What currently existing datasets would most effectively use the capacity of a modern laptop disk, if it was going to be disconnected from the internet? What would most powerfully augment its possessor?

8.4 GiB: Project Gutenberg 2010 DVD, 29,500 ebooks, most pre-1921 English lit
12.5 GiB: Debian 7.0.0 amd64 DVD images, all free software in Debian, compiled
34.1 GiB: Debian 7.0.0 source DVD images, the source for the same software
9.7 GiB: the articles in the English Wikipedia, an overview of all knowledge
13.2 GiB: StackExchange dumps, all common technical questions with answers
19.9 GiB: Planet.osm, a map of most of the streets and rail lines in the world
6.8 GiB: Open Library latest dump, bibliographic data on all published books
15.0?GiB: Freebase in Turtle RDF, a unified database about everything known
20.0 GiB: wikileaks-files-20100612.tar, Wikileaks Full Archive, including cables

139.6GiB: total lists a number of freely-available datasets on Amazon S3; not only can you download them directly from there, but you can also fire up an EC2 machine with gratis network access to them in order to analyze them, extract relevant parts, and summarize and compress. For example, the 2.2 terabyte Google N-Grams corpus is available, and you could quite reasonably fire up a machine to fetch all the 3-grams that occurred more than 5 times and return them in a compressed format. (A particularly interesting free dataset is the 81-terabyte Common Crawl Corpus, containing 5 billion crawled web pages.) describes the arXiv Open Archives Initiative interface, which is suitable for bulk-downloading of all abstracts of the 850 000 papers in the arXiv (essentially all significant current math and physics papers, and a smaller but still significant fraction of other academic papers.) In 2010, the papers totaled 200GiB, but there was no bulk download interface publicly available. Later, explains that they are now available in S3, including both the source LaTeX and the rendered PDF versions.

Citeseer has a bibliographic record for the majority of scientific publications in any field, including pointers to online versions of the articles where available. They, like the arXiv, support the OAI for bulk downloading of this data. There seems to be a dump from 2010 in, which looks like it might be around a hundred megs compressed. explains how to do an OAI bulk download and reports that, as of 2009, it ended up as about 500MB of uncompressed XML.

IMDB has bulk downloads available, and I guess movies are pretty popular: The data isn't free, but it's available for some uses. It looks like it's a gigabyte or two.

Project Gutenberg has gone from 30 000 titles to 43 000 since 2010, and many of the new titles and versions include illustrations, but I don't know where to do a bulk download of all of this data. It has a substantial number of non-English books these days, too., organized by the Open Knowledge Foundation, has a collection of already-structured datasets, but most of them are small and they are somewhat spammy. is another similar, but apparently somewhat better, collection. is an effort to extract structured data from Wikipedia, which has substantial overlap with Freebase. Shallow discussion of the relationships between the two projects can be found at and,d.cGE&cad=rja. Among the interesting sub-datasets in DBpedia are "bijective inter-language links", "short abstracts", and "geographic coordinates". I can't tell how big the whole DBpedia dataset is, but it looks like it should be a few gigabytes. It also sort of looks like the project is faltering, since the latest DBpedia release is at;O=A, and it's a year old, despite their quarterly release schedule. is among the interesting things on ClearBits other than StackExchange; it's 0.8 gigabytes of supposedly high-quality secondary-school textbooks in English, called the California Learning Resource Network Textbooks, from the California Free Digital Textbook Initiative. Another 0.3 gigabytes at covers secondary-school physics.

There's a couple of attempts to put the Khan Academy in an offline-accessible form. One is Khan Academy on a Stick, which is just a 16GiB selection of 2000 English video lectures, and a similar set of 800 in Spanish. A much more ambitious project is KA-Lite, which includes exercises, progress tracking, multilingual subtitles, and the ability to make your own selection of videos; I don't have a clue how much space this stuff takes up, aside from the videos, but I imagine not much on the scale we're talking about here. is a public-domain Mandarin Chinese course in 1.6 GiB.

GenBank is the NIH's annotated collection of all publicly available DNA sequences. A 200GiB 2009 snapshot of GenBank is on S3. has a 500-meter-resolution true-color map of the earth made from MODIS satellite data, with month-by-month composites. This could be a nice supplement to OpenStreetMap data, but I'm having a bit of a hard time downloading it. Calculations suggest that in JPEG form it should be about 9 gibibytes, since each world coverage should be about 0.7 gibibytes. Now that Landsat data is open-access, and even available in pre-downsampled form, it should be straightforward to produce a higher-resolution version; if we budget 20 GiB, to be comparable in weight to the OpenStreetMap planet.osm data, we could manage about 100-meter resolution. If you were more judicious, you could skip the 100-meter resolution on open water and use data down to Landsat's 15-meter resolution limit in areas the OSM data shows to be dense. is a CC-BY collection of eight million place names, with coordinates, which is a lot more than you can get from Wikipedia. I think it's about a gigabyte.

Not all the software in Debian is adequately documented within Debian itself. In particular, Debian includes no tutorial for C, as far as I know, although I am pleasantly surprised to find that the c++-annotations package contains a tutorial for C++ for people who already know C; and the RFCs that document much of what you need to know about networking are relegated to the "non-free" Debian repository, which is not included on the DVD images. I have no idea how big non-free is.

I think the WikiLeaks snapshot (from 2010, when they were having a hard time keeping the site up in the face of censorship attempts from the USG) includes the full Cablegate file only in encrypted form. After David Leigh negligently published the encryption key in a book, WikiLeaks re-released the full, but censored, Cablegate archive (only 0.6 GiB) at . These leaked US diplomatidc cables have been a major primary source for journalists writing new articles over the last few years, as well as a major source of civil unrest in US "allies".

A similarly important set of primary sources may be WikiSource. The English Wikisource dump is currently 1.3GiB but doesn't include images, because Wikimedia dumps never include images. But that's probably okay in this case, because most of Wikisource seems to be transcriptions rather than scans.

What about music?

Some very valuable kinds of information that may not be present in any of the above:

More possibly relevant URLs:

Datasets for data mining

A billion-web-page snapshot amounting to 5 terabytes

The Berkeley Earth Temperature Study dataset

UN treaties data

70 years of historical stock price data on Quandl

IRS nonprofit filing data

USDA nutrient data

Social networks

Movie subtitles

Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection

3D models of furniture (2.97 GB)

1.44 GB of 3D models

A much smaller-scale version of this problem is: what should I put in my next paper notebook? I'd like to print some things out: obviously my friends' phone numbers and other contact information, a map of the city and surrounding areas, and so on. I can print them in reduced size, as long as I can still read them; I think I can distinguish 600 pixels per inch with a magnifying glass, and ordinary laser printers can print that. My current notebook is 288 pages, which is to say 144 leaves, or 72 sheets of paper, which are roughly A5-size, one thirty-second of a square meter, so 2¼ square meters of paper in total, or 4½ square meters of paper surface. The smallest reasonable ASCII font is about 6×4 pixels, which works out to 23.25 million characters per square meter, or about 105 megabytes of text. If we use the traditional 80×66 unit for a "page", that's 19 815 pages.

Now, I only want to fill a fraction of the notebook with text. So what are the most useful, say, ten to thirty megabytes I could print out and bind into my new notebook? The Wikipedia Vital 100 articles at might be a reasonable thing to include, for example. Ten articles chosen from there by random clicking are Fire (12 pages), Crime (16 pages), Biology (18 pages), Human sexuality (38 pages), Earth (32 pages), History of the World (27 pages), History of art (16 pages), Philosophy (33 pages), Mathematics (12 pages), and Energy (19 pages). These sum up to 223 pages, suggesting that the Vital 100 in total will be about 2230 pages. This would be a fairly straightforward thing to include in the notebook in its reduced form; if we figure 56 reduced pages per notebook page, it would occupy about 40 pages.

You might be able to do something similar with
