Opacity holograms

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2016-08-16 (8 minutes)

We present an algorithm and example images demonstrating a new form of full-color “holography” printable on a standard laser printer that supports full parallax, rather than just one-dimensional parallax, like lenticular 3D and unlike traditional full-color holograms and Beaty’s “scratch holograms”. Like Beaty’s design, these “opacity holograms” do not take advantage of the wave nature of light, but like interference holograms, measures of their quality degrade only proportional to the square root of the number of encoded frames, rather than linearly as with lenticular 3D.

Consider an image obscured by a grille, of the kind used for cryptography in the past. The grille is an opaque sheet with holes in it. When laid atop a ciphertext, a viewer sees portions of the ciphertext where the holes are, and the color of the grille elsewhere, which we will take to be black.

Naor and Shamir (1994) demonstrated how to use the grille approach to optically perform a one-time pad encryption of a bilevel image. The present author extended this algorithm to grayscale images, without loss of security, in a non-peer-reviewed publication in 2007.

The present work demonstrates an extension in a different direction: discarding security entirely as an objective, it uses N random grilles, or equivalently N spatial shifts of the same random grille, to optically decode approximations of N unrelated plaintext images from a single encoded image, with the addition of Gaussian noise with a standard deviation of O(√N) added, resulting in an O(1) loss of intensity and contrast, and an O(√N) loss of effective resolution. XXX If the grille is physically mounted parallel to and a short distance away from the encoded image — for example, by printing them on opposite sides of transparency film or float glass — these spatial shifts can be achieved merely by viewing the assemblage from slightly different angles.

From here on, we will speak of N grilles, one for each input image, and we will speak of the image as grayscale, with possible values ranging from -1.0 black to +1.0 white; but everything generalizes to the cases of RGB images and N spatial shifts of a random grille. For the time being, we will take the grille’s distribution to be 25% open holes, a number we will call L, and 75% opaque black.

The encoded image is a pixelwise sum of N different encoded subimages, each generated from a single plaintext image. A given pixel in the encoded image from among those visible through a hole in a particular grille consists of the corresponding pixel of the input image, plus Gaussian noise from the other subimages. If the noise has a uniform distribution with a mean at 0 across the entire image, then it will merely decrease the effective resolution of the image.

How can we get the sum of the other subimages to have a spatially uniform zero-centered Gaussian distribution? Consider each pixel in each subimage as a random variable, which with some probability shows through a hole in that subimage’s grille and therefore must be equal to the original image’s pixel, and otherwise can be chosen to have any value. By the Law of Large Numbers, the sum of the corresponding pixels in each subimage will tend to be Gaussian with a variance that is the sum of the variances of the pixels in each subimage. So we are faced with the task of ensuring that this sum of N-1 subimages has mean 0 at each pixel and has a spatially uniform variance, even though with some significant probability the values of the pixels in particular subimages are fully determined by the corresponding input image pixel.

So, a given pixel in a given subimage might have some plaintext value, such as -.21, with probability L = 0.25, and be a free choice otherwise, while some other pixel in that same subimage might have a different plaintext value, such as .99, with probability 0.25, and be a free choice otherwise. The problem is making the free choice such that the mean of both distributions is zero and the variance is equal.

Getting the mean to be zero is easy: the naïve approach would be to always pick, for example, .07 for the first pixel and -.33 for the second one, when the choice is available. But an encoded subimage generated using this naïve algorithm will have widely varying variances, and worse, they will tend to vary in a spatially coherent way — where the plaintext image is close to medium gray, it will add almost no noise to the other subimages, while where it is close to black or white, it will add a great deal of noise. This will result in crosstalk visible in the decoded images.

The simplest way of fixing this defect of the naïve algorithm is simply to compute the variance for each pixel, and add an additional N+1th subimage purely of random noise with a compensating amount of variance for each pixel. (You could use a Gaussian distribution, or you could try to construct a distribution that will bring the distribution of the sum as close as possible to Gaussian.) Another possible way is to use more complicated distributions in each of the subimages, perhaps shaped to be as close to perfectly Gaussian as possible, so that the Law of Large Numbers kicks in immediately. I don’t know how much the higher moments of the noise distribution will be visible, though. And I don’t know how much this choice matters.

The final result image will, in general, have pixels outside the [-1.0, 1.0] range, and so will require some amount of clipping. We can scale and translate its range somewhat (diminishing contrast) to reduce the damage from clipping. Translating values is more harmful near -1.0, where it reduces contrast, than near +1.0, where it merely reduces brightness. Probably the most pragmatic approach is to do a linear scaling such that, say, the 1st and 95th percentile values are mapped to -1.0 and 1.0. XXX calculate how much damage this does and how it changes with the number of images.

However, a bilevel output device like a laser printer cannot reproduce continuous grayscale; it can only produce black pixels and white pixels. We would like the probability of a pixel being white to be proportional to its ideal whiteness, which we could do by XXX the usual dithering approaches, no? But it would be nice if we could avoid adding still more noise, by like just thresholding at 0 or something, but that would probably result in undesirably nonlinear performance.

The grille’s load factor L (25% in the above) is independent of the number of images, but it affects the effective resolution and the noise levels. Higher load factors L will result in proportionally more noise (i.e. noise with a proportionally higher standard deviation), but also proportionally more resolution. But the noise also affects the effective resolution: twice the noise requires four times the resolution to compensate. It would seem, then, that the lower the load factor, the better, which of course is absurd, because it implies that the optimum is L=0, a fully opaque grid. This is because the noise isn’t actually proportional to L; it’s proportional to L/(1-L), which, hmm, that doesn’t fix the absurd conclusion, so maybe that’s not it. XXX

Thinking further about L. To maximize effective resolution, we want to maximize L/√(L/(1-L)).
