Precisely how is 3 “optimal” for one-hot state machines, sparse FIR kernels, etc.?

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2014-04-24 (8 minutes)

If you have a state machine with one-hot encoding, perhaps because you're computing your state transitions with non-inverting a logic family such as diode logic, then with two bits of output you have two states; with three bits of output you have three states, with four bits of output you have four states; and with five bits of output you can either have five states, or if you split your state into a two-bit output and a three-bit output, six states. With six bits of output you can have six states, or three chunks of two bits giving you eight states, or two chunks of three bits giving you nine.

This is an interesting thing; by using ternary instead of binary, your state machine gets the power to representation an extra state. It's not much, but it's something. And it compounds: with 24 lines of output split into 8 groups of 3, you get 3⁸ = 6561 states, while if you split it into 12 groups of 2, you get only 2¹² = 4096. It's about 5.7% extra information per bit: instead of getting 0.5 bits per bit, you get 0.53 bits per bit.

That is, the optimal number of states per state-machine variable is three.

Suppose you're trying to factor a target finite-length comb FIR kernel into a set of sparse FIR kernels that convolve to produce your target kernel; you want to minimize the number of multiply-accumulates per sample. If you convolve a comb with three unit impulses separated by eight empty points (zero samples) with another comb with three unit impulses separated by two, you get a comb with nine unit impulses separated by eight intervals of two empty points, at a cost of six multiply-accumulates. By contrast, if you convolve three combs with two unit impulses each, separated by two, five, and seven empty samples, you do the same number of multiply-accumulates and get a comb with unit impulses separated by two empty points --- but only eight of them rather than nine. The same is true if you replace two of those two-impulse combs with a four-impulse comb. Things get worse as you move to less-sparse kernels with five, six, or more nonzero points.

That is, the optimal number of impulses per kernel, in some sense, is three.

If you're building a balanced search tree and you want to minimize the number of keys you have to compare your probe key against, binary is the best branching factor: each comparison result gives you exactly one bit of information. But consider, instead, a menu system user interface for an idealized user who makes no errors but must read each menu item before deciding, correctly, whether to select it or not, but who may be seeking an operation not present in the menu tree. How do you minimize the number of menu items the user must read when successfully navigating the system?

If there are two items in each menu, the user must read, on average, one of them before making a successful selection, so she will need to select lg N menu items to reach her final destination; say, 20 items if there are 1048576 total possibilities. If there are four, she must read on average two items, but need only make half as many selections: 10, while reading 20, just as before. If there are three, she must read on average 1.5, while selecting about log₃ N times --- in this case, 12.6 selections, reading 1.5 items each time, for a total of about 18.9 menu items read.

So it turns out that the optimal number of menu items, in some sense, is three.

(Real menu systems, of course, have to deal with other cognitive issues: how do you organize hundreds or thousands of things in such a way that users can guess or even remember which category each thing is in?)

Suppose you want to make a program as debuggable as possible. How big should your functions be?

To be a little more concrete, suppose you're trying to track down an incorrect result from the execution of a program that runs for a hundred billion instructions, or about a minute. If the program is built out of functions that call other functions and combine their results, and you can tell from looking at each result whether it's correct or not, maybe you can navigate to the result you want by expanding the execution history as an outline.

If each function calls three other functions, then within 24 clicks, you can make your way from the top-level result to the particular incorrect result; at each step, you have to examine on average 1.5 intermediate results, so you need to look at about 35 results.

If each function calls only two other functions, you have to look at about 37 results, which is slightly worse; and the same is true if each function calls four other functions.

So, in some simplified sense, the optimum branching factor for function-call graphs is three.

The number of nodes you have to traverse to reach one of N nodes with branching factor B is ceil(log N / log B), and if you're examining each of the B branches in the node to figure out which one to follow, you end up examining B ceil(log N / log B) branches. If we remove the discretization, we get log N (B / log B), and it turns out that B / log B has a minimum at B = e, so in practice the optimal branching factor is 3.

That's the phenomenon underlying the above simplified problems. But, as you can see, B/log B is pretty flat over the 2 to 4 region. It jumps up to infinity as you approach 1, and from e on, it grows slowly. It's only 0.4% worse than optimal at B = 3, 6% worse (as seen above) at B = 2 or 4, 15% worse than optimal at B = 5, 60% worse at B = 10, twice as bad at B = 15, and 3.2 times as bad at B = 30. So it's easy for the optimal factor in the real world to be anywhere between 2 and 10, depending on what other things you're trying to optimize.

For example:
