Parallel NFA evaluation

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2015-09-03 (updated 2015-10-01) (8 minutes)

How can you parallelize or incrementalize the evaluation of a finite state machine? Although this has been considered in the past in the context of parallelizing text search queries like WAIS across Thinking Machines, this is a particularly important problem right now, because tokenization is almost always the performance bottleneck of simple compilers and parsers, and parallelization is the key to performance on modern computers.


All of this is well known; it’s included in Blelloch’s 1993 review of parallel prefix sum computation but was almost published by Ladner and Fischer in 1980, and then was published by Hillis and Steele in 1986.


A simple and general approach which yields logarithmic running time for an NFA on a sufficiently large parallel machine is as follows. Assume WOLOG that the text length n is a power of 2. Begin with an ε-free NFA. For each character c[i] for i from 0 to n-1 of the input text, in parallel, compute a relation t[i, i+1] as the set of edges in the NFA that transition on c[i]. Then, in lg n parallel steps, coalesce adjacent intervals in t into larger intervals with this compose operation: compose(a, b), where a and b are relations, is the ordinary relational composition operation, which produces the relation (s[j], e[j]) for the maximal set of s[j], e[j] such that for each j there is at least one m such that (s[j], m) is in a, and (m, e[j]) is in b. In each parallel step h, we are coalescing intervals of size 2ʰ⁻¹ with this composition operation.

That is, in step h > 0, for each i divisible by 2ʰ, we compute

t[i, i+2ʰ] = compose(t[i, i+2ʰ⁻¹], t[i+2ʰ⁻¹, i+2ʰ])

using the values we computed in step h - 1.

The size of the relation for any given interval of any size is capped at the square of the number of states in the NFA, so in the worst case, it does not increase with the length of the text, so for a given NFA, this takes Ω(lg n) runtime in the worst case. Average-case analysis is trickier, in part because it depends both on what an “average” NFA is and on what an “average” text is, but my intuition is that, in practical cases, the relation size for a text span of any length more than a few characters will be under, say, 10.

Sooner or later you need to constrain the leftmost state to be the NFA’s initial state; it is probably best to do this by a special case in computing t[0], since that will save work in all the nodes that include it.

Having done this, you can propagate the results back down the tree of intervals in another lg n steps, providing you with the exact reachable set of NFA states at each character boundary in the initial input.

This is the standard Blelloch prefix-sum algorithm, merely using the relational composition operator as the reduction operation rather than numerical addition. (Apparently Kogge–Stone is more common in current codebases?)

In theory, you can get about a 5% improvement in total runtime by coalescing triples of adjacent intervals in each step rather than pairs. In practice, depending on the relative costs of communication and computation, the optimal branching factor may be something different from 2, 3, or 4. For example, if communication has high latency, it may be 32 or 1024. (This also depends on the characteristics of the NFA: a higher branching factor may reduce the size of the intermediate-result relations substantially.)

Reducing an NFA to a DFA is useful for many computational models, but in this case, the larger number of states in the DFA is likely to be a handicap. You probably want to be coalescing your intervals using the smallest alphabet of states you can get away with.

In practice, you probably want to do most of the computation serially; if you have 8192 cores, the best you can do is an 8192× speedup (ignoring superlinear speedups from caching and the like) so you might as well start out generating 8192 t[i, i+m] values on the 8192 cores by linearly running the finite automaton over each of 8192 chunks (probably as a lazily-materialized DFA rather than as an NFA), followed by, say, 13 steps of alternating communication and coalescence.


Using Bjoern Hoehrmann’s new parsing algorithm “parselov”, which conservatively approximates the language of a context-free grammar by compiling a stack-limited conservative approximation of its PDA into a finite automaton, it should be possible to perform nearly all of the work of parsing in parallel using this algorithm. However, I’m not entirely sure how big parselov’s finite automaton is, and if it has a sufficiently large set of intermediate states, this might not work.

Google Code Search used to provide a public regular expression search over all public code. For normal kinds of regular expression searches, where you aren’t interested in matches bigger than a few megabytes, parallelization on a cluster is probably not useful. If you do need larger matches, for example on genome or proteome searches, parallelism may be useful.

Using Levenshtein automata, you can generate reasonable-sized NFAs to find strings within a small Levenshtein distance of a given string. (Baeza-Yates and Gonnet, I think, came up with a different way to do this that takes advantage of bit-parallelism in modern CPUs and is therefore usually faster in the serial case.) However, if the text being searched is static enough to be indexed, it is probably faster to run Levenshtein automata on a suffix array of the text, especially now that we have compressed indexing and practical linear-time suffix-array construction algorithms.

You can use a variant of this algorithm to incrementally update finite-state-machine results — the construction is the usual construction of an incremental algorithm from a parallel algorithm, where the high concurrency of the dependency graph of the values computed during the execution of the algorithm translates into being able to change some of the input without invalidating much of the total data flow graph. Concretely, if one of the input blocks at the leaves of the tree changes, you recompute its mapping of starting parse states to ending parse states, then propagate that change back up and down the tree, potentially affecting the parses of all subsequent blocks.

You can also use this approach to parse a substring of a sentence of a regular language, simply by starting the parse of the leftmost block with the “superposition” of all states, like the other blocks, rather than the usual initial state. This is potentially useful, for example, for syntax highlighting in a text editor (or in a code snippet in a web page) or for parse-error recovery in a compiler. Moreover, the substring parse can then be extended in either direction by inspecting a larger part of the sentence.
