Toward a minimal PEG parsing engine

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2018-06-06 (4 minutes)

So, tonight, prompted by last night’s frustration with μSQL parsing of input, I hacked together a PEG parser with syntactic sugar in Python. It lets you write PEGs that look like this:

class Arithmetic(Grammar):
    sp = Lit(' ') | '\n' | '\t'
    _ = sp + _ | ''
    digit = Lit('0') | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'
    digits = digit + digits | digit
    number = (digits + '.' + digits | digits + '.' | Lit('.') + digits | digits) + _
    exponentiation = number + '**' + _ + number | number
    multiplicative = (exponentiation + '/' + _ + multiplicative
                      | exponentiation + '*' + _ + multiplicative
                      | exponentiation)
    additive = (multiplicative + '+' + _ + additive
                | multiplicative + '-' + _ + additive
                | multiplicative)

Then you can invoke e.g. Arithmetic.additive.parse on a string. Like μSQL, it has some major problems, but it more or less works — to a much greater extent than μSQL, in fact.

The implementation of this is about two pages of code, but I trimmed a version of it with slightly less magic down to under half a page:

from collections import namedtuple
class PE:
    __add__ = lambda s, o: Seq(s, o if isinstance(o, PE) else Lit(o))
    __or__  = lambda s, o: Alt(s, o if isinstance(o, PE) else Lit(o))
    __invert__ = lambda self: Neg(self)
class Lit(PE, namedtuple('Lit', ['text'])):
    def parse(self, text, position):
        if self.text == text[position:position + len(self.text)]:
            return self.text, position + len(self.text)
class Seq(PE, namedtuple('Seq', ['a', 'b'])):
    def parse(self, text, position):
        a = self.a.parse(text, position)
        if a:
            b = self.b.parse(text, a[1])
            return ([a[0], b[0]], b[1]) if b else None
class Alt(PE, namedtuple('Alt', ['a', 'b'])):
    def parse(self, text, position):
        return self.a.parse(text, position) or self.b.parse(text, position)
class Neg(PE, namedtuple('Neg', ['negated'])):
    def parse(self, text, position):
        return None if self.negated.parse(text, position) else (None, position)
class Nonterminal(PE):
    def __init__(self, name): = name
    def parse(self, text, position=0):
        r = self.rule.parse(text, position)
        return ((, r[0]), r[1]) if r else None

This half-page of code leads me to thinking about StoneKnifeForth and its kin, which was of course why I started playing with PEG parsers in the first place ten years ago. Such a parsing engine on top of a more primitive programming language would necessarily be more complicated — the code above implicitly depends on garbage collection, dynamic dispatch, recursive subroutines, Python’s lax encapsulation, and even operator overriding for its brevity.

But I don’t think the penalty would be that bad. It does need recursive subroutines, and Alt and Neg in particular need to save a previous text position on the stack. Seq doesn’t need to save a previous text position, but it does save the result from its left-hand side to include in its own result. Nonterminal only needs to remember its own name.

If you’re building up some kind of parse tree, which is probably a good idea if only to fix the associativity problem introduced by PEGs’ lack of left recursion, you need to allocate it somewhere — but typically a very simple allocation strategy is adequate for that.

And the dynamic dispatch here could be taken care of rather simply with a switch over the different types of node in the tree representing the grammar. Something like

switch(node->type) {
case LIT:
   return memcmp(tp, node->v1, node->v2) ? fail : advance(node->v2);
case SEQ:
   if (fail == parse(node->v1)) return fail;
   char *v1 = result;
   return (fail == parse(node->v2)) ? fail : succeed(sequence(v1, result));
case ALT:
   char *saved = tp;
   if (fail != parse(node->v1)) return succeed(result);
   return parse(node->v2);
case NEG:
   char *saved = tp;
   if (fail != parse(node->v1)) return fail;
   return succeed(NULL);

although I’m probably glossing over any number of important things there.
