Pattern matching and finite functions

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2017-05-10 (14 minutes)

What if we unified function definition, pattern matching, and dictionaries?

Consider this table:

| Input | Output |
|     1 | "st"   |
|     2 | "nd"   |

In JS or Python, we could encode it as a hash table: {1: "st", 2: "nd"}. This has the advantage of being “just data” and therefore easily changed, for example to add more items, and more easily optimized, for example by using a hash table.

But we could also encode it as code instead of data; in JS, for example, x => x === 1 ? "st" : x === 2 ? "nd" : null. OCaml has a syntax that allows us to encode it as code while we omit the variable name: function 1 -> "st" | 2 -> "nd".

All of these cases benefit from having a fallback:

|   Input | Output |
|       1 | "st"   |
|       2 | "nd"   |
| (other) | "th"   |

In Python, we can write this, more or less, as collections.defaultdict(lambda: "th", [(1, "st"), (2, "nd")]) (although defaultdict has a fatally bug-prone interface; you shouldn’t use it). As code, this function could be written in JS as follows:

x => x === 1 ? "st"
   : x === 2 ? "nd"
   :           "th"

Or, in OCaml, as follows:

    1 -> "st"
  | 2 -> "nd"
  | _ -> "th"

The OCaml approach works by pattern-matching the argument against each of the “patterns”, potentially binding variables (just as in passing arguments to a function) that can then be used in the consequent of that pattern match. In this case, there happen to be no variables either on the left or the right side.

Really simplified overview of type inference in OCaml

OCaml does type inference to figure out what the argument type — which is to say, the domain of the function — should be. To simplify things and avoid subtyping relations, normal ML type inference requires that the domain be a known type, not some arbitrary collection of values. Consequently, the first example above produces a warning:

# let suffix = function 1 -> "st" | 2 -> "nd" ;;
Characters 13-43:
  let suffix = function 1 -> "st" | 2 -> "nd" ;;
Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
val suffix : int -> string = <fun>

However, OCaml’s type inference algorithm has been extended in ways that do require subtyping, including “polymorphic variants” and objects with methods. Here’s an example with polymorphic variants:

# let rec int_of_peano = function `Z -> 0 | `S(x) -> 1 + int_of_peano x ;;
val int_of_peano : ([< `S of 'a | `Z ] as 'a) -> int = <fun>
# let rec peano_of_int = function 0 -> `Z | n -> `S (peano_of_int (n-1)) ;;
val peano_of_int : int -> ([> `S of 'a | `Z ] as 'a) = <fun>
# peano_of_int 11;;
- : [> `S of 'a | `Z ] as 'a =
`S (`S (`S (`S (`S (`S (`S (`S (`S (`S (`S `Z))))))))))
# int_of_peano (`S (`S (`S (`Z)))) ;;
- : int = 3
# int_of_peano (peano_of_int 11) ;;
- : int = 11

Note that the return type of peano_of_int is not quite the same as the argument type of int_of_peano:

([> `S of 'a | `Z ] as 'a)
([< `S of 'a | `Z ] as 'a)

That’s because the argument type is an upper bound, while the return type is a lower bound. It’s valid to pass a value of a subtype, for example only `Z, as an argument; the types don’t have to match exactly. Similarly, it’s valid to pass the return type into a context that could handle some wider array of possibilities, perhaps ([`S of `a | `D of `a | `Z] as a) if we want to support efficient binary representation through both successors and doublings. But the converse operations are not valid — we cannot pass `D (`Z) to int_of_peano, because it will crash, and we cannot use peano_of_int in a context that can only handle `Z.

Of course, it’s not just a matter of the polymorphic variant tag matching; the type of its argument has to unify, too:

# int_of_peano(`Z (`D (`Z)));;
Characters 12-26:
  int_of_peano(`Z (`D (`Z)));;
Error: This expression has type [> `Z of [> `D of [> `Z ] ] ]
       but an expression was expected of type [< `S of 'a | `Z ] as 'a
       Types for tag `Z are incompatible

Making it work with infix operators

In OCaml, the | and -> tokens are not infix operators; you cannot make expressions with them alone. They are part of the function and match productions in the grammar. But what if they were infix operators? What if we want the following expression to parse as infix, work by pattern-matching, and evaluate the function outlined above?

  1 -> "st"
| 2 -> "nd"
| _ -> "th"

Or, using operator tokens that make it look like JS or Python data:

1: "st", 2: "nd", _: "th"

The first is fairly straightforward: x -> y is, more or less, JS’s x => y, a λ-abstraction. It’s a function that takes x as an argument and returns y, evaluated on a context augmented with whatever names are bound in x. But we kind of want it to be able to fail, either at compile-time or at run-time, so that we can union 1 -> "st" with 2 -> "nd" and get 1 -> "st" | 2 -> "nd". And, for this kind of case, we really want the failure semantics to be ordered — we don’t want to return "th" for everything, just everything not otherwise covered.

Leaving aside the very interesting type inference question for now, let’s consider what this gives us. We have a single symbol here for defining pattern-matching lambda-expressions that can fail, and a second one that extends it to pattern-matching ordered conditionals, which also work as dict literals. This (plus some syntax for applying a function to an argument) is already more than enough for Church numerals, and so we’re already past the Turing-completeness line; but can we make it more convenient?

In Perl, Python, and especially JS and Lua, it’s very common to use dicts as general-purpose data structures. But here our “dicts” are functions (whose domain we perhaps have some way of computing, or at least conservatively approximating). Can we pattern-match on those dicts?

In ES6, pattern-matching on a “dict” (called, confusingly, an “object”) looks like this:

const {a: b, c: d, e: f} = {c: 1, e: 2, g: 3};

This binds the variables d and f to 1 and 2, and the value b to undefined. We could imagine that, given the option to declare a failed match, the missing value for a: b would cause the pattern match to fail, but the missing binding for g: 3 would not — the point of storing your data in dicts in the first place is so that you can add new properties to it without breaking existing code, which is how email headers have remained backwards-compatible for forty fucking years.

If the “dict” you’re matching is a function (that can fail), this corresponds to the pattern-match requiring it to succeed on some finite set of arguments mentioned in the pattern. And those semantics are straightforward to implement, although maybe inefficient.

This means that to try to invoke a function, you’re taking the function that is its argument and trying to invoke it (possibly several times) with the keys in the argument pattern. This sounds like it’s going to be an infinite regress, but presumably at some point you will bottom out in symbols and other atoms, which, say, cannot be invoked as functions.

If we try to keep our syntactic noise to a minimum, we could declare that lowercase barewords are symbols and variables need uppercase (as in Erlang), use the : and , symbols from Python/JS instead of -> and |, and use the infix-syntax and function-application-by-juxtaposition syntax from OCaml. So then our peano_of_int function ends up as:

Peano_of_int = 0: z, N: (s: Peano_of_int (N-1));

And then its counterpart should look like this:

Int_of_peano = z: 0, (s: N): 1 + Int_of_peano N;

And the example we started with would be written:

1: "st", 2: "nd", _: "th"

Arguments first!

At this point, we start to want local variables or let-expressions.

But let-expressions are just, in some sense, syntactic sugar to paper over the unfortunate fact that in (λx.some long thing involving x)3, the x argument and the 3 are spatially far apart, and we want them to be close together. That is, we have the order x Y 3, and we want x and 3 to be adjacent. Of the six possible orderings of the three items, only x Y 3 and 3 Y x do not have them adjacent, and let rewrites that to x 3 Y, omitting the literal tokens.

But there are three other orderings that would also solve the problem, which are Y x 3, Y 3 x and 3 x Y. Since Y is an expression written in terms of x, it’s desirable for readability for x to precede it and be adjacent to it, so 3 x Y would perhaps be the clearest order.

Which is to say, perhaps arguments should precede functions in a function application expression, as, in a sense, in the ς-calculus and other object-oriented languages — even though, in this case, the functions are first-class values rather than merely selectors.

This leads us to write our examples above as follows, with a needless Dijkstra-like . introduced to improve familiarity:

Int_to_peano = 0: z, N: (s: (N-1).Int_to_peano);
Peano_to_int = z: 0, (s: N): 1 + N.Peano_to_int;

This pants-on-head syntax now gives us the sugar to avoid let-expressions in programs like this:

Sort = nil: nil,
    (car: P, cdr: Xs):
        Lesser.Sort.((car: P, cdr: Greater.Sort).Append)));

Filter = F: (nil: nil,
             (car: X, cdr: Xs): X.F.(true: (car: X, cdr: Xs.F.Filter),
                                     false: Xs.F.Filter));

Append = nil: (Ys: Ys),
         (car: X, cdr: Xs): (Ys: (car: X, cdr: Xs.Ys.Append));

Here my Filter and Append functions are curried, and I’m presuming that Lt and Ge are curried primitives such that, for example, 4.Lt evaluates to a function that returns true for arguments that are less than 4.

If you could arrange for the X/Xs destructuring pattern-match to fail in Filter when X.F doesn’t return true, maybe you could get a cleaner program. I am not clear that there is a way to do that within the semantics I have described.

If we wanted it to be more Prolog-like, we could use ; instead of ,; to be less Prolog-like, we could interchange the sense of upper and lower case, or use Ruby-like prefix colons for literal symbols instead of case, or interchange = and :. And we could potentially dispense with the . for function application. Four of the 11 other possibilities arising thus:

sort = Nil: Nil,
    (Car: p, Cdr: xs):
        xs (p lt filter) (lesser:
        xs (p ge filter) (greater:
        lesser sort ((Car: p, Cdr: greater sort) append)));

Sort = nil: nil;
    (car: P; cdr: Xs):
        Lesser.Sort.((car: P; cdr: Greater.Sort).Append)))

sort: Nil=Nil;
    (Car=p; Cdr=xs):
        xs (p lt filter) (lesser:
        xs (p ge filter) (greater:
        lesser sort ((Car=p; Cdr = greater sort) append)));

sort = :nil: :nil,
    (:car: p, :cdr: xs):
        lesser.sort.((:car: p, :cdr: greater.sort).append)));

Yeesh, that last one looks unparseable.

Raph Levien’s Io language used, approximately, -> and a right-associative ; where I am using .( and :, thus avoiding the pileup of right parentheses at the end. If we tried that approach and terminated each alternative in the pattern match with . (that being the only symbol whose precedence in prose is lower than ;), we might end up with something like this:

sort = Nil; Nil.
    (Car; p. Cdr; xs);
        xs -> (p -> lt -> filter) -> lesser;
        xs -> (p -> ge -> filter) -> greater;
        lesser -> sort -> ((Car; p. Cdr; greater -> sort) -> append.

This does not seem more readable to me.

Backtracking, generators, and binary relations

All of the above is predicated on the idea that a function produces at most one value — so, for example, _ -> "a" | _ -> "b" will never return "b" because the first match will never fail. But a natural extension of the approach is to allow any expression to yield any number of values, as in Icon, rather than just zero or one. (Partly by coincidence, Icon uses | to do something closely analogous to chaining together cases of a pattern-match.)

This, in effect, means that we are no longer talking about functions; we are talking about binary relations. With an order imposed on their pairs, perhaps.

There is a rather nice algebra of binary relations; they form a lattice (considering them as sets of (input, output) pairs with the usual set operations), a monoid (under composition), and they have a nontrivial isomorphism — the converse or inverse, which, unlike function inverses, is defined for all binary relations.

One approach to programming with general binary relations would be to attempt a binary-relation-based pattern-matching version of miniKANREN, abandoning the ordering of the possibilities. And that would be cool.

Another approach would be to follow Icon (and Python and JS) in using these generators for iteration. Io does this using no new operations, just a little bit of syntactic sugar for continuations. Python, JS, and Icon do not allow multi-shot continuations; Python and JS, like Io, reify the suspended generator, while Icon usually does not, instead identifying the generator with the expression. I’m not sure how many operations you really need to control the backtracking, but there are at least two: one that prevents further backtracking (Prolog’s cut) and one that backtracks repeatedly until no further backtracking is possible, then continues.
