Practically decodable random error correction codes with popcount

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2015-07-01 (updated 2015-09-03) (6 minutes)

I tried designing a super-simple holographic ECC scheme, and although it does work, it bloats the message by an order of magnitude before it stops being an error-introduction code instead of an error-correction code. The scheme is described below, in case someone wants to try to rescue it.


To encode a block of N (preferably N is odd) bits into a block of M bits, where normally M>N, use a M×N matrix of random bits defining the code. Invert (NOT) each of the N columns that corresponds to a 1 bit, which is to say, XOR each of the M rows with the N bits you are attempting to encode. The M-bit codeword is then the majority-rule of each of the M rows of the output matrix: if it contains more 1 bits than 0 bits, then the output is 1, and otherwise 0. To decode, you apply the same process, but with the original matrix transposed.

Why should we expect this to work? The output bits are a holographic representation of the input bits. Each bit in the matrix represents a coupling between the probability that a given output bit is 1 and the input. If a column happened to be all 1s, then it would slightly increase the probability for each output bit to be 0 when the corresponding input bit was 1, or 1 when the corresponding input bit was zero. If there are enough output bits, and the other columns are uncorrelated, then this will probably flip a few of them — enough that the majority of output bits will correctly reconstruct the original input bit.

This can be implemented with somewhat reasonable efficiency (a few machine instructions per bit) on normal CPUs now that the NSA has finally pushed a POPCOUNT instruction into them; or at extremely high speed in hardware.

This Python code, encoding and decoding a message, shows that this works in practice if M is large enough. However, it seems that M needs to be almost always 8× and often 16× larger than N for it to work, so in practice this code is dramatically worse not only than Reed-Solomon codes, but in fact worse even than just repeating the message several times.

from __future__ import division

import random

def main(N, M, message='This is a test message'):
    print 'N =', N, 'M =', M
    r = random.SystemRandom()
    key = [r.randrange(2**N) for ii in range(M)]
    print 'key', key
    unkey = transpose(key, N)
    print 'unkey', unkey
    # If this fails, it means transposing has a bug, so nothing can
    # work.
    assert key == transpose(unkey, len(key))
    print 'message', `message`
    message_digits = to_base(2**N, bytestring_to_int(message))
    print 'digits in base', 2**N, message_digits
    encoded = [encode(digit, key, len(unkey)) for digit in message_digits]
    print 'encoded', `encoded`
    decoded = [encode(item, unkey, len(key)) for item in encoded]
    print 'decoded', `decoded`
    decoded_bytes = int_to_bytestring(from_base(2**N, decoded))
    print 'decoded bytes', `decoded_bytes`
    print 'matched' if decoded_bytes == message else 'mismatch', (
        'N ='), N, 'M =', M, '+%.2f%%' % (100*(M/N-1))
    corrupted = [item ^ (1 << r.randrange(128)) for item in encoded]
    print 'corrupted', `corrupted`
    decodedc = from_base(2**N, [encode(item, unkey, len(key))
                                for item in corrupted])
    print 'corrected bytes', `int_to_bytestring(decodedc)`

def bytestring_to_int(s):
    return from_base(256, (ord(b) for b in s))

def from_base(base, digits):
    "Expects digits in big-endian order."
    i = 0
    for digit in digits:
        i = i * base + digit
    return i

def int_to_bytestring(i):
    "Loses trailing NULs."
    return ''.join(chr(b) for b in to_base(256, i))

def to_base(base, i):
    "Returns digits in big-endian order."
    digits = []
    assert i >= 0
    while i:
        i, digit = divmod(i, base)
    return digits

assert int_to_bytestring(bytestring_to_int('hello')) == 'hello'

def popcount32(num):
    assert num < 2**32
    num = (num & 0x55555555) + ((num & 0xAaaaAaaa) >> 1)
    num = (num & 0x33333333) + ((num & 0xCcccCccc) >> 2)
    num = (num & 0x0f0f0f0f) + ((num & 0xf0f0f0f0) >> 4)
    num = (num & 0x00ff00ff) + ((num & 0xff00ff00) >> 8)
    num = (num & 0x0000ffff) + ((num & 0xffff0000) >> 16)
    return num

def popcount(num):
    n = 0
    while num:
        n += popcount32(num & 0xFfffFfff)
        num >>= 32
    return n

def encode(num, matrix, bitwidth):
    threshold = bitwidth / 2
    bits = [popcount(num ^ row) > threshold for row in matrix]
    return int(''.join('1' if bit else '0' for bit in bits), 2)

def transpose(matrix, bitwidth):
    return [int(''.join('1' if 2**ii & row else '0' for row in matrix), 2)
            for ii in range(bitwidth-1, -1, -1)]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for N in [3, #5, 7, 11, 17, 31,
              63, 127, 255]:
        for M in [7, # 15, 31, 63, 95, 127, 191, 255, 
                  1023, 2047]:
            main(N=N, M=M)

I learned about codes like these from reading a paper of Pentti Kanerva’s on “Fully Distributed Representation” around 2000.

Possible ways to rescue this scheme might include:
