Randomizing delta-sigma conversion to eliminate aliasing

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2014-04-24 (7 minutes)

Straightforward PDM (Pulse Density Modulation) is basically the Bresenham line drawing algorithm --- you bump up an error counter by the desired slope every iteration, and when that error counter hits a threshold, you move to the next discrete row of pixels on the display, and subtract from the error counter. Like this:

error_counter += desired_slope * 2 * threshold;
output_value = (error_counter > threshold);
if (output_value) error_counter -= 2 * threshold;

As desired_slope increases from 0 to 1, the duty cycle of output_value (which is always either exactly 0 or 1) likewise increases from 0 to 1. (And of course in practice you probably want to store desired_slope * 2 * threshold in a variable, i.e. prescaling desired_slope.) To draw a line, you add or subtract output_value to your X or Y coordinate, and always increment or decrement the other coordinate, according to which octant the line is in.

One potential problem with this for, say, audio applications, is that it adds an artifact: a high-power pulse train at a single high frequency, and that frequency can potentially be fairly low; it's highest when you're using PDM to produce a 50% duty cycle, at which point you have a square wave at a frequency of half the "sampling" frequency. At 25% or 75% duty cycle, the fundamental frequency dips to a fourth of the sampling frequency, which is to say two octaves lower; at more extreme duty cycles, the frequency drops reciprocally. At a 1% or 99% duty cycle, your artifact frequency is 100 times lower than your sampling frequency, more than six octaves lower.

In an environment that can produce subharmonics, for example due to aliasing, even artifacts too high in frequency to perceive can become disturbing by producing strong perceptible subharmonics. Pixel line-drawing is actually just such an environment: lines that cross one another interact nonlinearly, and it's easy for the high-frequency jaggies of Bresenham line-drawing to alias down into large-scale moiré patterns.

But, ideally, in the PDM case, you keep this artifact frequency high enough that you can filter it out easily, restricting the available duty cycles if necessary, in the analog domain if that's where you're ultimately sending the pulse train. But you may not be able to achieve that. Alternatively, you could spread the artifact out so that it's less problematic, making it more closely resemble white noise:

error_counter += desired_slope * 2 * threshold;
output_value = (error_counter > threshold + r * drand());
if (output_value) error_counter -= 2 * threshold;

Here r is a parameter that controls how much bandwidth the artifact noise is spread over. At r == 0 you have exactly Bresenham line-drawing, and as r grows to threshold the artifact noise gets spread over, I think, an entire octave, and I think grows slightly. If r grows further, it will increase the total artifact noise, but it might still become less obtrusive up to some point, by virtue of having lower spectral density.

I suspect that you could probably produce nearly-telephone-quality audio this way with a "sample frequency" of only about 30kHz and an r of about threshold, giving you a sort of "shaped dither" spreading the 1-bit quantization noise over the upper octave or so of human hearing, where we're relatively insensitive. A 100Hz wave would have 150 cycles positive and 150 cycles negative, so you'd have only at best an ENOB of about 8, and less for higher frequencies; but as long as the quantization noise stuck strictly to an annoying high-frequency hiss, that might not be so bad. By comparison, a 25%-to-75%-duty-cycle pure-PDM at the same sample rate would on occasions produce a high-power frequency-modulated whistle as low as 7.5kHz, which would be extremely noticeable; and an equivalent 7-bit PWM would use a fundamental frequency of 30kHz/128 = 234Hz, right in the heart of the sounds you're trying to reproduce, making it almost completely unusable.

If you're doing this on a microcontroller, such as an Arduino, you might be extremely interested in how many clock cycles the above code needs, since if the timer ISR you're running it in takes too long, you have to lower the sample rate further in order to have time to run other code. The basic 8-bit Bresenham PDM code is something like

   r1 := ram[error_counter]
   r2 := ram[scaled_desired_slope]
   r1 += r2
   ram[error_counter] := r1
   jump_if_overflow 1f
   io[output_pin] := 0
1: io[output_pin] := 1

using the wraparound carry to implicitly subtract 2 * threshold. The overflow bit (assuming you have an overflow bit) gets set when the byte overflows from positive to negative. If you only have a carry bit (are there CPUs with only a carry bit?), you can use that instead by initializing error_counter to the most negative number (e.g. -128) instead of zero.

(As a side note, I don't know why this logic isn't embedded as a PDM-generation circuit in microcontrollers.)

I think that's about 8–16 clock cycles on a RISC machine, so on an Arduino you could probably up to do 1MHz or 2MHz, or more if you can reserve a couple of registers for the ISR so it doesn't have to access RAM. Another three cycles would give you 16-bit error_counter and scaled_desired_slope values, and maybe something approaching CD-quality audio:

   r1 := ram[error_counter]
   r2 := ram[error_counter+1]
   r3 := ram[scaled_desired_slope]
   r4 := ram[scaled_desired_slope+1]
   r2 += r4
   r1 += r3 + carry_bit
   ram[error_counter] := r1
   ram[error_counter+1] := r2
   jump_if_overflow 1f
   io[output_pin] := 0
1: io[output_pin] := 1

Adding the random diffusion is probably best done on the Arduino, which has a two-cycle hardware multiplier, with a linear congruential generator whose results are right-shifted to the proper scale. The LCG probably needs at least 16 bits, so you need at least four 8-bit multiplies and four 8-bit additions, an additional 12 cycles. However, this is not the end of it; the comparison complicates things somewhat, because we can no longer depend on a single test of a carry bit. Probably it's best to restrict the error_counter range to a subset of its possible values, requiring an actual conditional subtraction, and use an actual subtraction for the threshold test.

If you're thus limited to, say, 300kHz, then at 30kHz you'll be using 10% of the microcontroller's compute cycles for the audio PDM.

(Hmm, I should probably try this out with Python programs generating WAV files before I worry too much more about its efficiency...)
