Real time windowing

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2017-08-03 (9 minutes)

Your user interface is a hard real-time program and should be designed and implemented as such.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how to build a full computing environment “from scratch”, in the sense that it wouldn’t depend on any previously-designed hardware or software. This is for a few different reasons. One is Dan Ingalls’s contention that if the system is too complicated for a person to understand, they are limited in how they can use it as a medium for creative expression. Another is that current systems are insecure by design, and for economic reasons, this is unlikely to change. A third is that current systems are irreversibly addicted to the astoundingly-high-performance computing hardware that we currently only know how to produce with correspondingly-astounding concentrations of investment, to the point that only three companies in the world — TSMC, Intel, and Samsung — are currently able to produce devices at the 10-nm process node.

But a fourth reason is that in some important ways, in particular user interface responsiveness, current systems are dramatically worse than they could be; fixing it will require a rewrite. There are other such ways, such as security, but I will focus on responsiveness here.

Hard real-time programming versus normal programming

There’s an established discipline of “hard real-time programming”, which I will distinguish from normal programming by first describing normal programming. In normal programming, the most important thing is that, if your program runs successfully, the output it produces is correct; the second most important thing is that it run successfully, or at least produce a helpful error message explaining what caused it to fail; and, if these criteria are met, it is always more desirable for the software to run faster, especially on average, so we would like the software to be as fast as possible, as long as that does not interfere with correctness or success.

Hard real-time programming is very different from normal programming; it’s programming software for things like antilock brakes and jet engines. What distinguishes it from normal programming can be summarized in two slogans:

That is, in hard real-time programming, each piece of output has a deadline; if it misses that deadline, it is worthless. Overdue answers are unusable. Consistency of execution time is more important than its shortness. Also, almost invariably, it is not acceptable for a program to fail some of the time, for example due to lack of resources. The antilock braking program must work every time you press the brake pedal, not 99% of the times.

Hard real-time programming isn’t “hard” in the sense of “difficult”; you can do it on an Arduino. It’s “hard” in the sense that the deadlines that the program’s execution must meet are hard.

Hard real-time programming and what I’m calling “normal programming” are two ends of a spectrum, representing two different reasons we might use computers. In normal programming, we run a program because we do not know what the output will be, but we want to find out, because we imbue it with some kind of meaning. In hard real-time programming, we know exactly what the output will be, and rather than goggling at it, we want to use it to control some aspect of our world.

In between there are many shades of gray, and most programs have some aspects of both. But it isn’t unidimensional. For example, in “soft real-time programming”, it’s important to not miss deadlines, but results computed too late for their deadline are still of some use. In another category, somewhat incorrect answers are acceptable, as long as they are on time; there exists a whole field of algorithm design for this, known as “anytime algorithms”, many of which are for mathematical optimization problems. More about this later!

Most of academic computer science focuses on normal programming, and most programming languages and tools are written with normal programming in mind. Enormously more code is written for normal programming than for hard real-time programming.

As a consequence of these profound differences, it is often impossible to repurpose code written for a normal program as a real-time program, or vice versa.

The user interface should be written as a hard real-time program

My core argument is that the part of the user interface closest to the user should be written as a hard real-time program, for the following three reasons:

By “the part of the user interface closest to the user” I mean the hardware and code that interfaces with human-interface output devices, such as sound cards, video cards, or laser projectors, and human-interface input devices, such as touchscreens, accelerometers, microphones, cameras, mice, keyboards, and joysticks. If the same interface device is used as an interface to more than one different program, the user interface code in question has the task of safely multiplexing that device among those programs.

How are hard real-time programs written?

They are much smaller than other programs, because — partly because of being written with tools designed for normal programming, and despite what I said above about “hard” — they are actually harder to write than normal programs.

Typically they don’t do any dynamic memory allocation, both because dynamic memory allocation generally takes a nondeterministic amount of time and because it can fail, which is not an option. As a result, they usually run in statically bounded memory space, making them formally executable by finite-state machines.

Typically when they do do dynamic memory allocation, they use simple arena allocators or per-type allocators, which are constant-time.

They virtually never use virtual memory. Virtual memory is instant death to hard real-time systems, except in the unusual case that the deadline is so long that it can tolerate disk seeks.

Typically they use very simple algorithms, because these are often easiest to prove time bounds for and because more complicated algorithms often require dynamic allocation.

More often than you would expect, they are written in assembly language, which simplifies the task of worst-case time analysis. Occasionally they are written in ladder logic or other such hardware-focused formalisms.

Often, they run on dedicated hardware, which is often a stripped-down microcontroller; timing becomes more predictable with less peripherals, no virtual memory, and less tasks per processor. Since in a sense the desired outputs are already known before the program starts, it is often possible to perform useful tasks even with very little processor power, so even today, many hard real-time systems run on 8-bit processors such as 8051s, PICs, and Z80s.

Formal methods of logical proof are somewhat more frequently used for hard real-time programs than for normal programs.

The above is, of course, somewhat idealized. But it provides the general outlines of the situation.

Anytime algorithms are not currently widely used for hard real-time programming, perhaps because they are viewed as exotic. An “anytime algorithm” is one that can provide an answer at any time after starting, but will produce better answers if allowed to run longer. Most often, these work by computing a series of progressively better answers, each an improvement on the previous answer. Many mathematical optimization algorithms, such as those often used to approximately solve constraint-satisfaction problems, work in this mode normally.

Instead of anytime algorithms, hard real-time programs typically use algorithms that execute in constant time or a time with a hard upper bound. Instead of amortized-constant-time or amortized-logarithmic- time algorithms, they must use algorithms with a worst-case constant or logarithmic time bound, and keep their dataset size small enough that the necessary linear-time-or-worse algorithms don’t miss deadlines.

It’s common to use bounded-size nonblocking FIFOs to communicate with real-time code.

How can a windowing server be a real-time program?

So suppose we undertake to make a user interface layer
