Compressing REST transactions with per-connection state

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2018-04-27 (11 minutes)

Generally speaking, the REST constraints that requests and responses be fully self-describing and that servers be stateless makes REST protocols fairly bandwidth-intensive, not suitable for low-bandwidth links (in the range of 0.001–10000 bits per second). This is actually cited as one of the drawbacks of REST in Fielding’s dissertation. But there is an approach fully within the spirit of REST that can fix this.

Inspirational examples from HTTP

A web server wants a web browser to display a page with some inline images. So it sends the browser some HTML containing the URLs of the images. The HTML is interpreted in the context of that connection, allowing the server to use short “relative URLs” to refer to the images. If the browser already has the images, it can avoid fetching them again (according to a caching policy which may have many factors, including commitments made by the server about image changes and demands made by the user about freshness) and thus use very little bandwidth. Or, if the connection is using HTTP/2 or SPDY, the server has the option to “push” the images to the browser before they are requested, if it thinks the bandwidth cost is worth the potential improvement in latency.

A web browser wants eBay’s web server to add a product image to an image a user is listing on eBay. Rather than sending the image data, it sends an URL to an imgur image, thus using very little bandwidth.

The generalization of the inspirational examples: including by reference, context-sensitive abbreviation, caching

These are two examples of a more general mechanism for enabling the REST architecture to work well even for applications with very stringent bandwidth constraints. Specifically, any large chunk of data is made into a separate resource and included by reference rather than inlined; the references are abbreviated in a context-sensitive way according to the context of the connection; and the chunks of data are then cached so that they need not be fetched every time.

You could argue that allowing the client to use context-sensitive abbreviations in its request amounts to requiring the server to maintain session state, a violation of REST. But as long as this abbreviation layer is a layer below the requests and responses, it affects the protocol semantics no more than the RFC3749 data compression that used to be a feature of TLS before the CRIME and BREACH attacks were discovered.

The crucial properties are that any request message that would be valid on one connection at some time is also valid on a newly opened connection at that time, even if its on-the-wire representation might need to use more bytes, that the amount of abbreviation state is small, and that the client knows the entire session state to be able to tell the server in a new conneciton if necessary. This largely preserves the advantages of the client-stateless-server style REST derives from: visibility is preserved because a monitoring system can easily maintain the abbreviation state, partial failures (of a server) are no more difficult to recover from, and the server is free to close connections to free up resources whenever desired.

A database query example, starting with HTTP

For example, suppose you want to run a query against a large database and fetch some of the results. You could send a request like this (newlines added for clarity):

GET http://elephant-server/walrusdb/v18032
    ?q=select+*+from+walruses+where[2000 bytes omitted]order+by+size

to fetch 10-item page 1 of the results of a 2000-character query, evaluated on immutable snapshot 18032 of some walrus database. This is a workable interface, but inefficient, because every page of results is going to involve a 2100-byte request. Suppose instead that you could say this:

GET http://elephant-server/walrusdb/v18032

This gets us down to 90 bytes, a 23-fold improvement. If the server doesn’t have a valid cached version of the query, it can go fetch it from Pastebin and cache it. (Pastebin marks it as cacheable for 1801 seconds.) What’s more, the server can cache the query plan and even query results as long as that cache item is valid — and the cache key is only 34 bytes.

If at some point the server decides to evict the query from its cache, this is transparent to the client.

Departing a bit from HTTP

But we can do better. First, note that in real, non-proxied HTTP/1.0, we didn’t actually say

GET http://elephant-server/wa...

because we allowed the connection context to determine the scheme and host/port parts of the URL. Instead, we said

GET /wa...

substantially abbreviating the URL. Later on, because of the IPv4 address shortage, we decided that it was better to put it back in, and so we ended up with this as a backwards-compatible hack:

GET /wa...
Host: elephant-server

And, later still, TLS gained SNI, which would in theory allow us to take the “Host:” header back out. In fact, maybe HTTP/2 did. I don’t know.

Anyway, suppose that we use some kind of escape sequence to represent base URLs, and that each request includes the base URL it’s for, and that there's a separate kind of request line that defines such an escape sequence. If we use “$” for clarity, rather than the perhaps more realistic choice of some kind of unprintable character, we end up with this:

get $s?q=$p/FhnZFrGN&p=1&n=10

So now, at the cost of 71 extra bytes at connection establishment time, each of our requests is down to 30 bytes.

Involving Pastebin is kind of shitty, though. Your queries are public, Pastebin can alter them as they wish, they are identified by 8-letter strings, and it may take you a long time to upload them there even if the server doesn’t use them. It would be much better if the client of the query processor could simply be the server for when the query processor wants to fetch the query; then it could allocate resource identifiers as it sees fit, reducing them down to perhaps two letters or digits until it gets over about 3700 of them.

You could do that with connection-specific resource identifiers, but that’s kind of suboptimal because then a connection loss and reconnection invalidates the server’s cache. A better approach is for the client to generate a session signing key and sign the responses with it. Then it only needs an abbreviation for its public key or a hash thereof. For example:

ihave $p
get $s?q=$p/2q&p=1&n=10

Now we have 126 bytes of setup, but we’re down to 24 bytes per request, 20% less, with no external servers or non-end-to-end encryption involved, without losing connection-to-connection cacheability.

24 bytes per request is little enough that it would be usable over a 300-baud modem — although the response might be unpleasantly large, depending on how the response is structured.

Attempts at tighter encoding: CoAP (fail)

You could try to do better than 24 bytes. For example, CoAP tries to provide a tighter encoding of HTTP-like semantics, but without requiring a reliable connection-oriented protocol underneath. It isn’t successful in this case:

>>> import aiocoap
>>> req = aiocoap.Message(code=aiocoap.GET, mtype=aiocoap.CON, mid=1)
>>> req.opt.uri_path = ('$s',)
>>> req.opt.uri_query = ('q=$p/2q', 'p=1', 'n=10')
>>> req.encode()
>>> len(_)

What it buys us is that the message-id and the request for confirmation are bundled into the first four bytes along with the GET. (GET itself is represented by the second byte being 0x01; 0x02 is POST, 0x03 PUT, and 0x04 DELETE; 0x45 'E' is the most common equivalent of HTTP 200 OK, while for example 0x84 is 4.04 Not Found.)

Attempts at tighter encoding: ncompress and gzip (these help)

ncompress implements LZW and has very little overhead and almost no codec latency. The following file contains 10 requests and, without compression, is 367 bytes, including 126 bytes of initial setup.

ihave $p
get $s?q=$p/2q&p=1&n=10
get $s?q=$p/2q&p=2&n=10
get $s?q=$p/2q&p=3&n=10
get $s?q=$p/2q&p=4&n=10
get $s?q=$p/2q&p=5&n=10
get $s?q=$p/2q&p=6&n=10
get $s?q=$p/2q&p=7&n=10
get $s?q=$p/2q&p=8&n=10
get $s?q=$p/2q&p=9&n=10
get $s?q=$p/2q&p=10&n=10

This works out to 36.7 bytes per request. ncompress reduces it to 241 bytes, or 24 bytes per request; the initial setup was inflated to 135 bytes, but the marginal cost per request was then just 10.6 bytes.

By comparison, if we rely only on ncompress with no other abbreviations, we could try this:

ihave dat://12c09257a5f9320fb00b769bf6b68b17fee5c33a1b6c89b723941a06e7c7b19e/
get http://elephant-server/walrusdb/v18032?q=dat://12c09257a5f9320fb00b769bf6b68b17fee5c33a1b6c89b723941a06e7c7b19e/2q&p=1&n=10
get http://elephant-server/walrusdb/v18032?q=dat://12c09257a5f9320fb00b769bf6b68b17fee5c33a1b6c89b723941a06e7c7b19e/2q&p=2&n=10
get http://elephant-server/walrusdb/v18032?q=dat://12c09257a5f9320fb00b769bf6b68b17fee5c33a1b6c89b723941a06e7c7b19e/2q&p=3&n=10
get http://elephant-server/walrusdb/v18032?q=dat://12c09257a5f9320fb00b769bf6b68b17fee5c33a1b6c89b723941a06e7c7b19e/2q&p=4&n=10
get http://elephant-server/walrusdb/v18032?q=dat://12c09257a5f9320fb00b769bf6b68b17fee5c33a1b6c89b723941a06e7c7b19e/2q&p=5&n=10
get http://elephant-server/walrusdb/v18032?q=dat://12c09257a5f9320fb00b769bf6b68b17fee5c33a1b6c89b723941a06e7c7b19e/2q&p=6&n=10
get http://elephant-server/walrusdb/v18032?q=dat://12c09257a5f9320fb00b769bf6b68b17fee5c33a1b6c89b723941a06e7c7b19e/2q&p=7&n=10
get http://elephant-server/walrusdb/v18032?q=dat://12c09257a5f9320fb00b769bf6b68b17fee5c33a1b6c89b723941a06e7c7b19e/2q&p=8&n=10
get http://elephant-server/walrusdb/v18032?q=dat://12c09257a5f9320fb00b769bf6b68b17fee5c33a1b6c89b723941a06e7c7b19e/2q&p=9&n=10
get http://elephant-server/walrusdb/v18032?q=dat://12c09257a5f9320fb00b769bf6b68b17fee5c33a1b6c89b723941a06e7c7b19e/2q&p=10&n=10

Uncompressed, this is 1359 bytes. Compressed with ncompress, it is 626 bytes. We can conclude that ncompress is not an adequate replacement for the abbreviation system.

What about LZ77? With gzip -9, this same file compresses to 168 bytes, 16.8 bytes per request, the best showing so far. However, that’s relying somewhat on a certain amount of cross-request compression. Flushing the compressor after every line brings the compressed size up to 266 bytes — 26.6 bytes per request. We can conclude that gzip is a nearly identically performing replacement for the abbreviation system.

Why not both? gzip -9 reduces the abbreviated 367-byte version we started with to 171 bytes, or 17.1 bytes per request; 127 bytes of this is the initial setup, leaving only 4.4 incremental bytes per request thereafter. However, if we flush every line, it’s even worse than before — up to 283 bytes.

Clients composing things from pieces on the server or out in the world

Suppose the server you’re talking to supports constructing some kind of filesystem environment to run programs in. You tell it what the filesystem looks like (with a list of Docker-like layers or a Git-style tree hash or whatever) and it downloads whatever files it’s missing.

Suppose the files are mapped to resources on the network. Now you can build your filesystem environment from references to files that are located on the server itself, if it happens to also be a fileserver, but also on other servers near it, as well as files you yourself have. And you can do all of this without making the server responsible for maintaining that state in any kind of long term. You just need some kind of naming system for the resources.

Unifying abbreviations with resources
