Set hashing

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2017-03-09 (9 minutes)

There is a constant-time way to hash the value of a mutable set container, which converts some algorithms from O(N²) to O(N).

A mutable set container of T is an abstract data type whose value is, at any given time, some set of values of type T; typically these support constant-time member addition, member removal, membership testing, and iteration over the items contained.

Often these don’t guarantee a particular iteration order because they are implemented, for example, using hash tables, which may shrink with some hysteresis to preserve the performance guarantee for iteration. The data structure Nayuki calls the Binary Array Set is a non-hash-table mutable set container structure which can be iterated much more efficiently in some arbitrary order.

I am trying to be careful in this essay to distinguish sets, which are immutable mathematical objects, from set containers, whose value at any given moment is a set, but which contain different sets at different times — the relationship is that a set is a possible state of a set container.

Hashing sets: a more efficient approach

In Python, immutable sets are hashable (if their items are), which is a frequently useful feature, but often inefficient — making an immutable set from what Python calls a mutable set (what I’m calling a mutable set container) involves iterating over all the items.

To make the values of a mutable set container efficiently hashable, XOR together the hash values of all of its items, then perform some one-to-one transformation that doesn’t commute with XOR, such as adding or multiplying some large constant, or computing its SHA-256 or Blake2. This (except for the final transformation) can be done incrementally as items are added and removed, and it will always produce the same value for the same set of items, regardless of how the set was arrived at.

The final transformation here is to ensure that related sets such as {1, {2, 3}}, {1, 2, {3}}, and {{{1, 2, 3}}} all have different hash values, a feature which seems likely to be desirable in practice.

Doing it this way rather than the standard Python way will convert some O(N²) algorithms into O(N) algorithms. If you add N items to a set container one at a time, each time testing a set of hashes to see if you may have seen the current state of the container before, this will take θ(N) time with this approach, but Θ(N²) time with the Python approach.

16-bit example

As a 16-bit example, if your set is {4, 5, 8}, your hash function for integers is multiplying by 33947 mod 2¹⁶, and your final transformation is adding the random number 48709 mod 2¹⁶, then you compute ((4 · 33947) ⊕ (5 · 33947) ⊕ (8 · 33947)) + 48709 mod 2¹⁶, so the set’s hash value is 19970. If you store the quantity ((4 · 33947) ⊕ (5 · 33947) ⊕ (8 · 33947)) mod 2¹⁶ = 36797 in a variable in the mutable set container, and you add 10 to the set, you can incrementally update it by XORing in 10 · 33947 mod 2¹⁶ = 11790 into it, getting 36797 as the new untransformed hash value; upon request, you can return it with 48709 added, giving 19970. If you then remove 4 from the container, you can XOR 4 · 33947 % 2¹⁶ = 4716 into the variable, getting 40401, which you can verify is ((5 · 33947) ⊕ (8 · 33947) ⊕ (10 · 33947)) % 2¹⁶.

(The ⊕ character is standard math notation for the XOR operation.)

Minor variants

(Alternatively, you can sum the hash values of the items, then use a final transformation that doesn’t commute with addition, such as bit rotation or XOR with a constant.)

If your item hash functions and final transformation are cryptographically secure hashes, then you would be justified in concluding that two states of the container are equal if their hashes are equal, without iterating over their items.

Possible uses for incrementally hashing sets

You might argue that it isn’t very helpful for you to keep around a hash value for a no-longer-current state of a mutable set container — certainly it isn’t useful as a way of finding the set container in a hash table, for example. And in the common case where you don't use a cryptographically secure hash, there’s the chance of hash collisions.

However, there are uses for this.

One possible use for this technique is in incrementally optimizing NFA execution by partial compilation to DFAs (each DFA state corresponds to a set of NFA states), which can in the worst case produce a memory usage explosion — but if only state-sets that occur many times are compiled to DFA states, then the problem is much less severe. If you snapshot states that appear in a list (or Bloom filter) of previously seen hashes, then you can recognize them if they come around again.

Another possible use for this technique is in memoizing set arithmetic: if you have already computed the union, intersection, or set-subtraction of two sets, you may be able to avoid iterating over the set items to compute them again.

A third use is in implementing operations on finite binary relations represented as sets of pairs — operations which, in addition to the set-arithmetic operations mentioned above, might include composition, converse, transitive closure, and various kinds of products.

A fourth, very general, use is in combination with a transaction log. If you maintain a transaction log in a layer on top of a basic mutable set container that supports both insertion and deletion, listing the additions and deletions in the log, you can hash positions in the transaction log, and the state at each of these positions is retrievable in time bounded by the size of the transaction log. This means you can add N items to a set container one at a time, making a hash table of the N successive sets that are the states of the container, in Θ(N) time, and then retrieve any state from the table in Θ(N) time.

This kind of undo/redo journal approach is a very general and efficient approach for obtaining FP-persistent† semantics on top of ephemeral data structures. If you bound the transaction log size, you can preserve constant-time guarantees for access, but then when the journal gets too large, you need to copy the whole data structure to a new one with a fresh journal.

In the scenario given, if the transaction log size is k, you can retrieve any state in at most k steps, but you need to copy the hash table (in the limit, of average size N/2) ⌊N/k⌋ times, requiring N²/2k work inserting and deleting. Depending on the relative frequency of probes and updates, and in particular the frequency of access to very old states, this approach can often save several orders of magnitude of performance — not an asymptotic improvement, to be sure, but good enough in many cases.

Note that the Binary Array Set structure mentioned above can be viewed as a special case of this approach, where the update log is sorted into increasingly larger arrays.

Other approaches to hashing states of mutable set containers efficiently

A different approach is to store the sets in a trie, or in a binary search tree with a convergent tree balancing algorithm, like the jumprope data structure used for sets of large strings — convergent in the sense that a tree containing the same set of items will always be balanced in the same way. This way, the hash can be computed on each treenode, which additionally enables hash-consing, especially useful for FP-persistent data structures.

A third approach is to compute a bloom filter of some fixed parameters (or with some fixed sets of parameters) for the items in the set, rather than XORing their raw hash values together; then you can hash the Bloom filter by, for example, adding its words together at hash time. The bloom filter may be only a few words long (say, 64 or 128 bits) and yet effective under many circumstances, but there are difficult tradeoffs around expected set size.

This approach has the additional benefit that you can directly compute bloom filters for unions and intersections, though not set subtractions, and the bloom filter may speed up membership tests. Bloom filters’ Achilles heel is their lack of support for deletion.

† “Persistent” unfortunately has two conflicting meanings when it comes to data structures; functional programmers use it to mean that modifying the data structure does not make its previous states inaccessible. By “FP-persistent” I mean this meaning, not the more common meaning of “retrievable after rebooting your computer”.
