Simple persistent in-memory dictionaries with log² lookups and logarithmic insertion

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2014-02-24 (6 minutes)

An in-memory dictionary with O(lg² N) lookups, O(lg N) amortized insertions, O(lg lg N) key-ordered traversal, dramatically better memory usage and cache behavior than binary search trees, persistence in Okasaki’s sense, and very simple code.

Search trees store sets or bags in logarithmic time. The simplest search-tree algorithms are very simple indeed, although they use a lot of memory and a lot of random memory seeks; but they degrade to linear search in the worst case. Advanced search trees like red-black trees and B*-trees fix these problems, but at the cost of great algorithmic complexity.

A perfectly-balanced binary search tree can be represented without pointers, as an array; the usual binary heap algorithms work this way, taking the nodes at 2N and 2N+1 as the children of the node at N (or 2N+1 and 2N+2, if you’re zero-based.) Alternatively and equivalently, you can use binary search: a subtree of 2N+1 nodes is comprised of the concatenation of a left subtree of N nodes, a single root node, and a right subtree of N nodes. These two representations are equivalent and interchangeable, and they share the problem that inserting into them is O(N) rather than O(lg N). (The binary-heap approach seems like it should have better cache behavior for lookups, and worse for sequential traversal.)

Lucene handles a similar problem by maintaining its index as a set of O(lg N) “index segments”, each of which is sorted. Insertion takes the form of generating a new index segment, while a search requires doing an O(lg N) search in each of the O(lg N) segments. Creating a new index segment may result in merging some existing index segments into larger index segments.

(Lucene’s data structure, because it requires only sequential writes to new segments and never random writes, is also well-suited for concurrency and variable-sized data items.)

The simplest version of this approach would make the index segments powers of two, with a maximum of one index segment of each possible size. So if you had index segments of sizes 1, 2, 4, 16, and 64, then after inserting a new datum, you would have index segments of sizes 8, 16, and 64, having merged the three smallest segments together. (It might simplify the search of each individual index segment to use powers of two minus one: 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, and so on. But then you’d need to allow up to two segments of any given size.)

It’s straightforward to see that you’ll have between 1 and lg N segments, and that the average case will be ceil(lg N)/2. An insertion will cause zero merges half the time, one merge a quarter of the time, two merges an eighth of the time, three merges a sixteenth of the time, and so on, for an amortized constant of two merges per insertion. Those merges are mostly small and fast: four-item merges are half as common as two-item merges, eight-item merges half as common as four-item merges, sixteen-item merges half as common as eight-item merges, and so on. However, this series still fails to converge, which makes sense since in its infinite form it represents the work of inserting into an already-infinite set. If you terminate it after N terms, it represents the work of inserting into a set of 2**N items, and it adds up to N.

As with trees, this approach supports “persistent” data structures, where you can hang on to a previous version of the structure simply by holding onto a pointer to it, sharing state with current versions — as long as you store it as a linked list, going from the smallest to the largest index segments. You lose the amortized time guarantee, though; if you save off a version with 1023 items in it and then make 100 modified versions of it with one item added, you’ll do a 1024-item merge for each of those 100 modified versions, for 102400 total work.

This data structure is asymptotically slower than a binary tree for lookup, since doing a lookup takes O(lg² N) probes — for example, in a 42-item dictionary, you must search in the 2-item array (1½ probes), the 8-item array (3⅛ probes), and the 32-item array (about 5 probes), for a total of 9⅝ probes, while a perfectly balanced binary tree would take slightly over 5. In a 2730-item dictionary, you must do that and also carry out 7 probes in the 128-item array, 9 probes in the 512-item array, and 11 probes in the 2048-item dictionary, for a total of a bit over 36 probes, while a perfectly-balanced tree would take under 12 probes. I’ve chosen the numbers 42 and 2730 because they’re uncharacteristically average.

(Here I’m assuming that you must examine every candidate location, either because your lookup is unsuccessful or because you could theoretically have more than one value for a given key, but don’t. In the case where keys are guaranteed unique, you may be able to stop earlier, but I think that doesn’t affect the asymptotic time; and if you actually do have multiple values per key, the worst case is that you have to return every value.)

If we allow index segments with less than the maximum possible number of keys, it’s possible to run an O(N lg lg N) “optimization” pass on the data structure, sorting everything into a single array. Thereafter lookups will be O(lg N).
