Studies in Simplicity

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2007 to 2009 (5 minutes)

In the last year or so, without quite knowing what I was doing, I’ve been constructing a series of “studies in simplicity”. I’ve been inspired by apostles of simplicity such as Niklaus Wirth and Chuck Moore; by friends from whom I’ve learned a lot such as Dave Long, Darius Bacon, Norm Hardy, and Aristotle Pagaltzis; and by current projects such as VPRI’s “Reinvention of Computing” effort and the “NAND to Tetris” or “The Elements of Computing Systems” course.

I’ve been doing this to construct working, useful systems with small amounts of code, with the functionality of the aspects of computers that used to scare me, or seem magical, or seem impossible to understand. For a long time, I’ve known that there aren’t really magic elves in the computer, but I’ve always felt pretty uncomfortable with the handwaving I have to do to explain how, say, a compiler works.

Part of my objective has been to enable other people to share my newfound fearlessness. I haven’t gotten much feedback, so I can only assume I haven't succeeded in that yet.

To a great extent, this stuff is nothing special; I think it’s stuff that any computer science undergraduate does, or should do, in a compilers or operating-systems class, and indeed the “TECS” course covers most of it in a single semester.

Tinylisp (2007-09)

Tokthr (2007-11)

An interactive Forth interpreter under 2kiB; 1000 lines of code; unfinished.

One of the first things I tried was implementing a tiny token-threaded interactive Forth system. I worked on this for about a week, in November 2007. It’s not quite complete, and it’s 1534 bytes in size when compiled, from about 1000 lines of assembly.

The primary objective is to see if it’s possible to build a usable interactive development environment in two kilobytes or so, so that software development doesn’t have to be limited to the wealthy and the fortunate. I’m pretty confident that this shows that it’s possible, at least for people who like Forth. Here’s my basic rationale, quoted from the source:

There are still a lot of computers out there that have tens of kilobytes of memory or less, and they cost a lot less than, say, a cellphone. Cellphones are apparently still too expensive for half the world’s population. I want to see how close I can get to having a comfortable programming environment in a smaller device.

Some smallish microcontroller chips from five different manufacturers, with current Digi-Key prices:

Name bytes RAM bytes ROM MHz price
ATtiny2313 128 2048 20 US$1.38
ATMega48-20AU 512 4096 20 US$1.62
MSP430F1111AIPW 128 2264 8 US$2.43
LPC2101 2048 8192 70 US$2.52
H8/300H Tiny 1536 8192 12 US$3.58
M16C/R8C/Tiny/1B 1024 16384 12 US$3.54
SX28AC/SS 136 3072 50 US$2.79

In a sense it’s a fairly slow interpreter; it needs about 100ns per bytecode on my 700MHz laptop, about 70 clock cycles per bytecode. That’s about as slow as Python 2.4’s bytecode interpreter, but the bytecodes are much lower-level, so it’s actually slower than Python.

If I (or somebody else) should finish Tokthr, it will be one of the smallest Forths, and indeed the smallest interactive interpreters, ever created; it should provide an interactive development environment in under 2kiB of program with a few hundred bytes of RAM.

Tokthr draws on, among other things:

Ur-Scheme (2008-02)

Compiler from a subset of Scheme to x86 assembly, written in itself; 1600 lines of code; finished.

This was my first real compiler. It compiles a subset of R5RS Scheme big enough to write a compiler in, which I know because I wrote it in that subset.

Although it takes a very naïve approach to code generation, the code it produces runs surprisingly fast, only about a factor of 5 slower than C compiled with GCC. In part this is due to its omission of first-class continuations and garbage collection.

It does implement closures, and the assembly it generates compiles to statically-linked, standalone executables.

Ur-Scheme draws on many inspirations, which are listed on its home page.
