Tabulating your top event of the month efficiently using RMQ algorithms

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-03-19 (8 minutes)

There are a couple of algorithms for computing a linear-time sliding RMQ (“range minimum query”): the ascending minima algorithm and the van Herk/Gil–Werman algorithm. The ascending-minima algorithm is interesting in that all of its comparisons of data (as opposed to indices) are comparisons against the most recent datum: you run all your input data through a deque, which you maintain in ascending order by popping items off its back when they slide out of the window and off its front when they are higher than the new datum.

This occurs to me as an interesting way to compute a “top event of the month” kind of list: add new events as they come in, removing any older events that are less significant and any events that, though more significant, are older than a month. At the end of the month, you simply write down the oldest event in the list, which is more significant than anything that came before it and at least as significant as anything that followed. This could work for personal achievements as well as news events; it has the characteristic that one of the events you’re comparing is always the current event, which you presumably have uppermost in your consciousness. Unfortunately, both news events and personal achievements share the characteristic that it’s often hard to determine their significance until after the fact.

There are some interesting tweaks to be made on the ascending-minima algorithm.

If you aren’t space-limited, you could put the items on a stack rather than a deque; rather than shifting items off the left end of a deque, you can just increment an “oldest” pointer up the stack. The ultimate contents of the stack are the global minimum, the minimum of all the items that followed it, the minimum of all the items that followed it, and so on. These are the range minima of all possible ranges that end at the end of the entire event sequence.

Suppose we push in the normal way, but “pop” from the stack not by physically removing events but merely by updating a predecessor pointer on the newly added item. The physical sequence of the stack, then, will be the entire event sequence, augmented with predecessor pointers that enable rapid traversal of all the possible ranges ending at the end of the entire event sequence. These predecessor pointers convert the stack into a concise tree representation of the state of the stack at every point in time. This enables us to answer any range minimum query in expected logarithmic time: we start with the event at the end of the desired range, then follow its predecessor pointers until they lead us outside the desired range. The item whose predecessor pointer led us outside the desired range is, then, the range minimum.

If we furthermore update each “popped” item with the time when it was popped, then we can find in constant time the largest interval it was the minimum of: it was the minimum from the moment following its predecessor until it was popped.

To be concrete, to compute the predecessors array, we can do the following, in Python notation:

js = [None] * len(xs)

for i in range(1, len(xs)):
    js[i] = i-1
    while js[i] is not None and xs[js[i]] >= xs[i]:
        js[i] = js[js[i]]

And to use it to find the index k of the minimal element in some nonempty [i, j):

k = j-1
while js[k] is not None and js[k] >= i:
    k = js[k]

The van Herk/Gil–Werman algorithm computes the sliding RMQ (for a single window width) of the pixels in O(N) linear time, while this takes O(N log M) time, where M is the window size. If you have a fixed number of window sizes before you start the algorithm, you could compute them in linear time (each) by walking their respective pointers up the stack as you pass over the input pixels, thus avoiding the logarithmic-time slowdown from computing them after the fact.

I’m not sure how the performance of this approach compares to Urbach and Wilkinson’s 2008 chord-table algorithm (doi, “Efficient 2-D Grayscale Morphological Transformations With Arbitrary Flat Structuring Elements”.) Their objective is to compute sliding RMQ for a set of “chord lengths” or window sizes for each scan line; they do this by augmenting the set of chord lengths with enough powers of 2 to reach the longest chord length; they start with trivial case of window size 1, and then, to compute sliding RMQ for each larger window size R(i) as T[i, ...] from already-computed results for window size R(i-1) in T[i-1, ...] — R(i-1) is guaranteed to be at least half of R(i) due to the augmentation with the powers of 2 — they compute d = R(i) - R(i-1) and then compute each result pixel T[i, x] = T[i-1, x] ∧ T[i-1, x+d], where ∧ is the pairwise-minimum operation.

So, for example, the chord-table algorithm will compute a sliding RMQ result for the window starting at position 71 with a window size of 18 (T[R⁻¹(18), 71]) from two previously computed results with a window size of 16, we can take T[R⁻¹(16), 71] and T[R⁻¹(16), 73]. These two 16-pixel windows overlap by all but two pixels, which is harmless. In many cases the chord-table algorithm will compute more window sizes than necessary, but the computation for each window size is very regular, while the computation of the predecessor array described above is very irregular, even if a known set of window sizes is being pursued. In particular, it should be trivially possible to vectorize the chord-table algorithm, computing results for 16 or 32 scan lines in parallel.

(Urbach and Williamson’s paper actually writes T_y(i, x, r), but the extra parameters r and y are, as far as I can tell, not actually useful; the chord table for each scan line is computed entirely independently.)

Returning to the problem of computing a backward-looking greatest achievement of the month, we can of course compute the backward-looking greatest achievement of the past 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 days, each by comparing the greatest achievement from the smaller number of days to the achievement in the previous window — for instance, comparing the greatest achievement of the last 8 days with the previously-computed greatest achievement of the previous 8 days in order to compute the greatest achievement of the last 16 days. Then for a given month we simply use two overlapping 16-day windows. This is clearly more work than the ascending-minima algorithm, requiring as it does 5 comparisons per day rather than 2. However, a sliding-window algorithm is unnecessary for this non-sliding-window application, and a simple binary-tree algorithm would require only 1 comparison per day on average.

Wikipedia has an RMQ solution using Cartesian trees achieving constant-time queries with linear space, which I think is a result due to Harel and Tarjan, which I don’t understand yet. Cartesian trees are binary trees obeying the min-heap property whose inorder traversal returns the original sequence of elements. Interestingly, constructing the Cartesian tree uses almost precisely the algorithm given above! The stack is used to maintain the “rightmost spine” of the Cartesian tree under construction.
