Robust hashsplitting with sliding Range Minimum Query

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2016-09-05 (7 minutes)

Hashsplitting is a process used by bup, gzip --rsyncable, and fuzzy hashing used for spam and malware detection. Current hashsplitting systems are vulnerable to malicious input and are also needlessly inefficient. By using the linear-time sliding range-minimum-query algorithm, we can improve its efficiency measurably and its robustness against malicious input dramatically.


Bup and gzip --rsyncable and forensic “fuzzy hashing” all use a sliding-checksum algorithm to split their input data into chunks at irregular intervals, determined by the bytes in the neighborhood, in such a way that the chunk boundaries will move with insertions and deletions into the text. Bup calls this process “hashsplitting.” This generates, effectively, a pseudorandom number at each byte offset depending on the previous bytes, and tests it against a customizable threshold, or even set of thresholds, in order to figure out where to divide into chunks.

Naïve hashsplit chunk size has a geometric distribution.

Since chunk ending is a memoryless (Bernoulli) process, the distribution of chunk sizes (the “waiting times”) follows a geometric distribution, the discrete analogue of the exponential distribution.

The geometric distribution has a very large standard deviation (in the limit, equal to its mean) because occasionally values much larger than the mean will result. For example, here are some interval sizes from a Bernoulli process with parameter .001 [0]:

array([2216,  130,  138,  125,  659,  861, 1708,  421, 1794, 1416,  810,
        982,  118,  237, 1755,  383,  841,  632,  200,   85, 1062, 1241,
       1804,  591,  916,  600, 1167,  630,  480,    9,  713, 2656,    2,
        883,  459,   71, 2753,  599,  389, 2187,  593,  442,  348,  764,
       3094, 1371,  481, 2667,  194, 1093,  183,  671,  872,  874,  311,
        345, 1958,  219,   81,  593,  365,  988,  349,  673,  909, 2013,
        267,  387,  503,  146,  339, 4818,  200, 1393, 1556, 1640, 1257,
        816, 1618, 1630, 4719,  699,  693, 2515,  161,  505,  782,  922,
         23,  226,  489, 1757,  933, 1966,  698, 2500,  837,  352, 1508,

XXX can I maybe measure the chunk sizes from bup?

The mean waiting time of this process is 1000 (and the mean of these variates is 964 and their standard deviation 898) but more than a third of them are less than half the mean, and one of them is almost three times that. Two of them are more than four times the mean, which is slightly more than typical.

Geometric chunk size distribution is inefficient.

As noted in the design of bup, for many of the applications of hashsplitting, although some variability is demanded by the application, this large degree of variability is undesirable.

For example, if the above numbers came from using a sliding-checksum algorithm to divide a slightly modified 96-kilobyte file into roughly-1000-byte chunks and calculate a hash of each, so that we could transmit or store only the newly changed chunks, the changes will be disproportionately concentrated in the larger chunks, which in turn are disproportionately expensive to transmit or store; the 9-byte chunk and the 2-byte chunk are very unlikely to have been the ones that changed! So the cost of a chunk is proportional to the square of the chunk size, which, after all, is why we’re splitting the input into chunks in the first place. In this case, the extra cost is some 32%.

Current hashsplitting performance is vulnerable to malicious data.

The situation gets worse if the data being handled is actively adversarial. Sliding-checksum algorithms tend to be linear functions of the last N bytes, in order to make them efficient to compute. This means that a data-generating adversary who knows the particular sliding checksum in use can generate data which will either never generate a cut, producing arbitrarily large blocks, or generate a cut very frequently — every four bytes for an Adler-32 (as used by gzip --rsyncable), CRC32, or simple 32-bit checksum, for example. Under some circumstances, this “pathological” data could cause serious problems in a program attempting to apply them. Even if the sliding checksum were impractical to calculate preimages for, an attacker could still repeat a "separator" sequence of the size of the checksum’s window (64 bytes in Bup) that induces a split.

It would be useful to have a pseudorandom algorithm that still triggered at the same places after faraway insertions or deletions, but whose waiting times didn’t suffer from this large variability and vulnerability to adversarial input.

Sliding range minimum query

Range minimum query, or RMQ, is a well-studied algorithmic problem: given some finite sequence H — say, a sequence of hash values — efficiently find the index of a minimum value H[k] in some range [i, j), that is, find a k such that

i <= k < j ∧ ∀n ∈ ℤ: i <= n < j → H[n] >= H[k]

(Of course this works just as well for maxima.)

There are a bunch of data structures for this. You can precompute a table of the results in O(N²) space and time and answer arbitrary queries in constant time, or a "segment tree" of the results in O(N) space and time and answer arbitrary queries in O(log N) time, along with other possibilities.

However, one particular special case is the sliding RMQ problem, where the window size j - i is a constant; this can be computed for all possible values, with the following simple linear-time algorithm:

size = j - i
d = make_deque(max_size = size)
k = 0
for item in H:
    while d.nonempty() and H[d.rightmost()] > item:

    if d.leftmost() <= k - size:

    yield d.leftmost()
    k += 1

Hashsplitting with sliding range minimum query

If you run the sliding RMQ algorithm over a sequence of hash values generated from the text, as long as the values are unique within the window, it is guaranteed to generate at least one split per window size. OH FUCK IT CAN GENERATE ONE SPLIT EVERY BYTE. Is that fixable?

Probably the thing to do is to take, say, every 8KiB window starting from the start of the file, and split at the location of the minimal hash within that window. But that requires no algorithmic cleverness whatsoever.

[0] Python code for calculating waiting times of a Bernoulli process:

def bernoulli_process(p):
    while True:
        yield random.random() > p

def intervals(process):
    i = 0
       for item in process:
           i += 1
           if item:
               yield i
               i = 0

x = numpy.array(list(itertools.islice(intervals(bernoulli_process(.999)),
