Smooth hysteresis

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-06-11 (13 minutes)

I was looking at my example code for The Bleep ultrasonic modem for local data communication and came across a mention of hysteresis, which triggered the following thoughts in me.

Hysteresis in the Schmitt-trigger sense is deeply discontinuous, and maybe it would work better if it were more continuous.

And also:

How would you parallelize the computation of hysteresis over a long signal?


In digital electronics, hysteresis on digital inputs — Schmitt triggers — is used to prevent noise on a slow transition from converting that transition into multiple transitions. Without hysteresis, you set the 1/0 threshold at some level, like 1300 mV (the TTL level), and consider anything above that level a 0, and anything above it a 1. This means that, if the voltage level being impressed on the wire by the gate you’re connected to is 1295 mV during some interval, noise of anything over 5 mV can in theory result in many, many transitions between 0 and 1 and back again. You could imagine that a transition from 0 V to 5 V with a roughly linear ramp over 10 ns would result in being in the 1295–1305 mV range for about 20 picoseconds, and so you might see hundreds or thousands of glitch transitions between 0 and 1 during those 20 ps, which would be fine for combinational logic that ultimately feeds into a synchronously-clocked flip-flop, but potentially disastrous for logic intended to do something like gate a pulse train into a divide-by-10 counter.

Of course, this doesn’t normally happen, because if the gate sending the signal takes 10 nanoseconds to transition, the gate receiving it normally isn’t going to be able to transition in 20 picoseconds, much less 20 femtoseconds. But it can happen sometimes; for example, if there’s a heavy capacitive load on the line, if the input signal doesn’t come from a logic gate, if the input signal is from a much slower logic family, or if your noise situation is just totally off the hook.

So, in those situations, we use a Schmitt trigger, which moves the threshold once you cross it. Say the input is initially low and the threshold is initially at 1350 mV; once the rising voltage gets past 1350 mV, the input reads as a 1 and the input threshold snaps down to 1250 mV, and it won’t read a transition back to 0 unless the voltage moves back down by those 100 mV. This means that as long as your noise voltage never quite exceeds that 100 mV of hysteresis (peak to peak), your input voltage can transition as slowly as you like without turning the noise into multiple transitions. The only thing noise will do is make the transition happen a little sooner and with a little more jitter.

So how high should you set the hysteresis so that this never happens, so your circuit will work reliably? Suppose your signal suffers from interfering additive white Gaussian noise, and the noise’s bandwidth (in theory infinite, but not in practice) that includes some frequencies considerably faster than your signal transitions.

Trick question! Gaussian noise will occasionally exceed any given limit (with probability exponentially small in the square of that limit), and white Gaussian noise will occasionally exceed it twice, in opposite directions, during any given interval size. Given that all circuits are subject to non-band-limited additive white Gaussian noise (from Johnson noise and from antenna pickup of thermal radiation, if nothing else) why does this work so well, even with the 100-mV hysteresis common on the inputs of things like the STM32 microcontroller line (200-mV for 3.3-volt inputs; see Notes on the STM32 microcontroller family)?

Again, we are saved by the limited speed of our circuits. A sufficiently short pulse of 100 millivolts or even 10 volts won’t trip the Schmitt trigger because even the Schmitt trigger, though fast, can’t respond instantly. Its output is a continuously-changing signal (in the sense that over a sufficiently short time interval, the change to the output is arbitrarily small) whose response to input changes is also continuous (in the sense that an arbitrarily small change to the output can be achieved with a sufficiently-small change to the input). So it isn’t enough for the input voltage to jump randomly to 10 volts for a femtosecond; it needs to stay there long enough to overcome the small but finite time delays inside the circuit.

This is aided by the local linearity of the responses: if the input jumps by 1 volt for a picosecond, the output changes about five times as fast as if it jumps by only 200 millivolts for that picosecond, assuming a picosecond is fast enough to mostly avoid nonlinear effects. Since a one-volt jump is much less likely to happen due to noise than a 200-mV jump, it provides much more information if it happens.

Contrast this with what I’m doing in my Bleep prototype code:

def _schmitt(diff, size):
    val = 0  # presume diff starts negative
    for item in diff:
        threshold = size/2 if val == 0 else -size/2
        val = 1 if item > threshold else 0
        yield val

There’s no continuous output transition time here that happens faster if the input is stronger. And, I suspect, this makes the code more susceptible to noise.

But does it really? The signal being processed there is a linear function of several neighboring input samples, which means that in some sense it’s an average of the signal over that window. (Hopefully of the signal, that is, rather than of something else.) Although the transition isn’t continuous, the probability that a given noise sample causes a transition is continuous in its amplitude, because the average of its neighboring samples is a continuously distributed random variable. So, perhaps the smaller response to smaller signals is already sufficiently present.

And, beyond some limiting frequency — Nyquist if nothing else — high-frequency noise is increasingly filtered out before it gets to the Schmitt trigger routine. So a totally lazy way of reducing the probability of noise-induced glitches is to decimate the signal a lot, ideally after low-pass filtering it. If you decimate it to, say, four samples per expected transition time, then at most you can only get four glitches per expected transition. This introduces more jitter, of course.

Bistable and Schmitt-trigger systems as continuous differential equations

Suppose that, instead of thinking in digital space, we think in continuous space for a while. What’s the simplest system that exhibits the kind of bistable behavior we’d like to see from a logic gate, say, a buffer?


First, let’s consider memoryless systems — functions — before moving on to Schmitt triggers, which are by necessity stateful.

Simply y = x, like an idealized buffer op-amp, won’t quite cut it, because that doesn’t have any signal restoration — any noise on the input will be faithfully reproduced on the output. We want something that restores signal levels somewhat, so that at least if we hook up a chain of them in series, the signal will approach the discontinuous threshold behavior we expect from logic buffers — values close to 0 or 1 should converge to 0 or 1, while values close to 0.5 should be repelled from 0.5.

We can do this as a piecewise-linear system: x < 0.25 ? 0 : x > 0.75 ? 1 : 2*x - 1. We can do it as a trigonometric system: ½ - ½cos(πx). Or we can do it as a polynomial: -2x² + 3x². Wait, where did that come from?

Well, our function must have attractive fixed points at x=0 and x=1, and we'd like one around x=½, too. That the fixpoints are attractive is to say that the absolute value of the derivative there should be less than 1; and we’d like the fixpoint at ½ to be repulsive. The smallest polynomial (other than just f(x) = x) that’s going to be able to give us three fixpoints is going to be a cubic, ax³ + bx² + cx + d. If we use Hermite interpolation, we can arbitrarily choose values and derivatives at two points of a cubic; let’s choose f(0) = 0, f'(0) = 0, f(1) = 1, f'(1) = 0. This is a simple enough case of Hermite interpolation that we can do it directly: f(0) = d = 0, and f'(0) = c = 0, so we have just ax³ + bx², whose derivative is 3ax² + 2bx; so we have f(1) = 1 = a + b, so b = 1 - a, and f'(1) = 0 = 3a + 2b = 3a + 2(1 - a) = a + 2, so a = -2, and b = 3.

So we have -2x³ + 3x², with the derivative -6x² + 6x. As it happens, this function does have a fixpoint at x=½, and its derivative there is 3/2, which makes it a repulsive fixpoint. This is fortunate, but if that weren’t the case, we could use Hermite interpolation with f(½) = 0 and some arbitrary value for f'(½), deriving a quintic.

We can’t do two attractive fixpoints at 0 and 1 with just a quadratic ax² + bx + c, because its derivative (a linear function 2ax + b) must average 1 over that interval to hit the fixpoints, so if it isn’t identically 1, it must be less than 1 at one fixpoint and greater than 1 at the other.

Ordinary differential equations

So suppose that our output, instead of being a pure function of the input, is instead some quantity y that varies over time in a continuous way: dy/dt always exists, though it might depend on different things.

In particular, if we want it to be attracted to some target value v, the simplest thing to do is to set y' = (v - y)/τ, where τ is some positive time constant, which is necessary for the units to be consistent. This causes y’s distance from v to exponentially decay, regardless of its initial state, if v is constant. So, for example, y' = (-2x³ + 3x² - y)/τ would be a reasonable description of this logic-buffer system. (It’s a terrible approximation of the behavior of real-world TTL or CMOS logic gate inputs, but it has some key characteristics in common with them.)

Even if v is not constant, y will move toward it, but the rate of convergence may not be exponential. Consider, for example, y' = (-2y³ + 3y² - y)/τ. If you start it somewhere in the interval [0, 1], it will converge to whichever endpoint of the interval was initially closest.

Now suppose we combine this with a tendency for y to move toward x, the input: y' = (α(-2y³ + 3y²) + (1 - α)x - y)/τ. When α = 0, y exponentially decays toward x, and when α = 1, it exponentially decays toward whichever of 1 or 0 is closer to its initial state, as before. For intermediate values of α, this single-equation system displays a kind of Schmitt-trigger-like behavior (XXX verify this) in which y follows x, but tends toward the endpoints; for any given constant value of x, y may have either one or two attractors (XXX verify this). For α > 0, y has two attractors at x = ½, but (XXX I think) for α < 1, sufficiently extreme values of x will force it to have only a single attractor.

If this equation describes a single “logic gate” and its x input is an affine function x = Σᵢaᵢyᵢ + b of some other gates’ outputs, this can be made to converge to an arbitrary logic function, provided the Schmitt-trigger behavior isn’t too overwhelming. If the aᵢ are nonnegative, it can only compute a noninverting logic function. (This is reminiscent of the universal-approximator theorems for neural networks, and in fact it might be a special case of them.) See Snap logic for more details on such logic. XXX in this case we might as well use the aᵢ for the feedback path too and dispense with the separate α and the unnecessarily linear feedthrough.
