Very fast FIR filtering with time-domain zero stuffing and splines

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2015-09-03 (updated 2015-09-07) (13 minutes)

It just occurred to me that maybe you can use splines to do convolution with large-support kernels without high-frequency components much more efficiently than using FFTs or time/space-domain convolution.

The underlying intuition here is that you can approximate the large kernel with a uniform spline of, say, second through fourth order, and then convolve that spline with the original data very efficiently.

This uses a series of inexpensive linear discrete-time time-invariant processing operations, specifically sparse-kernel convolution and boxcar filtering (simple moving average). But it does not fit into the standard FIR or IIR molds, so perhaps it’s been overlooked so far. It is potentially an IIR filter, but the usual description of IIR filters in terms of linear combinations of past input and output terms does not yield an efficient implementation.


The spline curve through knots (0, 1) and (n, 0) for all other integral n approaches sinc as its degree approaches infinity.


Sparse-kernel convolution

A sparse convolution kernel is one that’s zero at almost all points, except for a finite number of impulses. That is, the cardinality of its support is finite, and small compared to the bounds of its support. For example, in a discrete time domain, consider the kernel [-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1]. It should be apparent that, although this kernel covers 17 samples, you don’t need 17 multiplications per sample to convolve with it without transforming to the frequency domain; you only need three. (And, in this case, even those happen to be trivial multiplications.)

A recursive version of sparse convolution, where the convolution kernel is causal and its output is added to the input, is the computational primitive of Karplus-Strong string synthesis, and digital delay-line audio synthesis in general.

In general, convolving a discrete-time signal with an N-impulse sparse kernel in the time domain can be done in N multiply-accumulates per input sample, regardless of the width of the kernel’s support bounds.

In particular, the sparse kernels we will consider have impulses at the knots of some uniform spline; since uniform splines have regularly spaced knots [XXX is that the right definition?], the impulses in our kernel are also regularly spaced.

Boxcar filtering

Boxcar filtering is convolution with a “rectangular function”, which is some arbitrarily scaled and shifted version of the “boxcar function”, which is 1 from -½ to ½ and zero elsewhere. This filter is also known as the “moving average” (or, to avoid ambiguity, “simple moving average”), “running mean”, “rolling mean”, “box blur”, or “mean filter”. This kernel and sinc are Fourier-transform duals.

Boxcar filtering of a discrete-time signal is very efficient: a boxcar-filtered signal is just the difference between terms a fixed distance apart in the signal’s prefix sum (aka indefinite sum or antidifference), although this imposes a constant multiplication on you that you may wish to undo with a division. This means that you can calculate an boxcar filter of arbitrary width with one addition and one subtraction per sample, plus a big enough intermediate FIFO to cover the boxcar’s length.

There’s an inherent tradeoff between preserving step response and filtering out noise. Among linear filters with a given step response, boxcar filtering by itself is optimal for reducing independent independently distributed additive noise; for example, removing noise from a photograph while minimally fuzzing out the edges. Nonlinear filters like median filters can do better, but other FIR and IIR filters can’t.

Repeated convolution of the boxcar function with itself yields the sequence of cardinal B-splines, which are successive piecewise-polynomial approximations to a Gaussian. Any uniform B-spline can be expressed as a weighted sum of these cardinal B-splines.

That is actually a well-known technique for efficiently approximating a two-dimensional Gaussian blur of an image.

Efficiently approximating a spline-kernel convolution

Because you can express any uniform B-spline as a weighted sum of cardinal B-splines, you can choose a regularly-spaced sparse kernel that will produce a given uniform compactly-supported degree-M B-spline through the knots when convolved with a fixed-width boxcar filter M+1 times.

Since composition of convolutions is not just commutative but also associative, this means that convolving your original signal with the N-impulse sparse kernel and then with a boxcar filter M+1 times will precisely convolve the image with an arbitrary N-knot degree-M uniform B-spline. This requires N multiply-accumulates and 2M+2 additions and subtractions per sample, M+1 FIFOs whose size is each the impulse spacing. In floating-point, the initial sparse kernel can be premultiplied by a small constant to compensate for the undesired amplification resulting from calculating from computing the boxcar filters without normalization; in fixed-point, most likely a bit shift in between stages of box filtering will be needed.

(I think this spline technique generalizes to a nonseparable multiple-dimensional kernel; if that is so, its computational advantage in two or three dimensions should be enormously greater.)

This approach is a fully general optimization for linear FIR filters used as bandpass filters, band-stop filters, and low-pass filters. It probably isn’t useful for high-pass filters, because you will frequencies all the way up to Nyquist in your kernel, which means that your spline knots are necessarily a single sample apart.

However, because you can ensure that your filter (the one you implemented, not just the one you were approximating) is linear-phase, you can subtract the filtered signal from the (lagged to zero-phase or π-phase) original signal to achieve some limited high-pass filtering.

(Note that in this case, since your sparse kernel is required to be even, you can use the folded FIR filter trick to cut the multiplications required by half again.)

I am SWAGging that this means that you need a number of multiplications per sample comparable to the Q of your filter if it’s a bandpass filter, regardless of frequency. That is, for a Q of 20, you might need 11, or 21, or 41 multiplications per sample, but I doubt that you’ll need 128 or that you can get by with 5. This, in turn, means that these spline-based filters should be very competitive with FFT-based techniques for all one-dimensional filtering outside the design space where Goertzel takes over.

(I thought maybe you could improve the Q further by composing the filter with itself, but it turns out that doesn’t work: the Q improves by √2, but the computation time doubles. You have to actually include more signal samples under the kernel to efficiently get better Q.)

Designing the sparse kernel

I think you can totally just take a continuous FIR kernel and sample it at its Nyquist frequency, i.e. multiply it by a comb filter, and then convolve the result with the sparse kernel of coefficients for the fundamental spline you’re using.

Spline definitions I’m confused about says, “Any spline function of given degree can be expressed as a linear combination of B-splines of that degree. Cardinal B-splines have knots that are equidistant from each other. ... A fundamental theorem states that every spline function of a given degree, smoothness, and domain partition, can be uniquely represented as a linear combination of B-splines of that same degree and smoothness, and over that same partition. ... A cardinal B-spline has a constant separation, h, between knots. The cardinal B-splines for a given degree n are just shifted copies of each other.” seems better. It says splines are the linear combinations of B-splines. “‘B-spline’ refers to a certain spline of minimal support and, contrary to usage unhappily current in CAGD [computer-aided geometric design], does not refer to a curve which happens to be written in terms of B-splines.”

Aha, and it explains that cardinal splines are the splines whose knots are at ℤ. I thought those were “uniform splines”.

Related work

Unser, Aldroubi, and Eden’s delightful 1993 paper 0 pioneered the use of the running-sum algorithm for linear-time B-spline filtering. On p. 827, they explain B-spline filtering:

We propose the concept of B-spline filtering which is the process of applying a filtering operator to the continuous B-spline representation of a signal. When the operator is discrete, this procedure is rather trivial and does not seem to have any specific advantages: due to the linearity of all operations, one may as well apply the filter to the discrete signal and avoid the unnecessary transformation step. Of greater interest is the case where the impulse response of the filter itself is represented by a B-spline of order p.

(By “represented by a B-spline”, they mean “represented by a weighted sum of B-splines”, as the equation not quoted here clarifies; Unser et al. regularly use "B-spline" to mean “weighted sum of B-splines”, a usage which de Boor deplores.)

From this they derive that you can do a discrete convolution of the B-spline coefficients representing the signal and the filter kernel to get the (higher-order) B-spline coefficients of the convolution result.

However, it appears that applying this result to a discrete signal requires first deriving the B-spline coefficients from the discrete signal by a discrete convolution with the B-spline coefficients of the fundamental spline, and then after computing the convolution result in B-spline form, converting back to discrete-signal form by discrete convolution with the (higher-order, and thus longer-support!) sampled B-spline. This is a substantial amount of computation. Also, the Unser et al. algorithm requires the signal and the filter to be sampled (i.e. have spline knots spaced) at the same sampling rate, so it is no more efficient for a filter containing only low frequencies.

This restricts the applicability of the 1993 spline filtering algorithm.

The present work improves over the Unser et al. algorithm by avoiding the necessity to convert the signal as well as the filter kernel to and from the spline representation; and, furthermore, for filter kernels bandlimited to low frequencies, it can approximate the kernel with a high-order spline with much more widely spaced knots, resulting in much less computation.

Ferrer-Arnau et al. 2013 1 developed a filtering algorithm which superficially sounds very similar to the present one: they improved Unser et al.’s spline filtering algorithm by an approximate FIR filter. Upon further investigation, they developed a particular FIR filter to approximate the process of fitting a cubic spline to noisy data, rather than developing a spline to approximate an arbitrary FIR filter.

Vrcelj and Vaidyanathan 2001 [2] also uses FIR filters to approximately transform a signal into B-spline coefficients, rather than using B-spline coefficients to approximate a FIR filter.

CIC filters (Hogenauer 1980) are very similar indeed to the present work, consisting as they do of a composition of a cascade of running-sum filters (“integrators”), factored into a cascade of integrators, decimation, and a cascade of differentiators; or, for upsampling, a cascade of differentiators, zero-stuffing, and a cascade of integrators. Hmm, XXX if you stick a FIR filter in between two CIC filters running at a lower rate, is it the same thing? No; the CIC filter is much more efficient. The recommendation to put your compensation filter’s cutoff below a ¼ of the first null frequency probably requires more FIR coefficients than I was thinking were necessary, but probably also applies to the present work!

0 “B-Spline Signal Processing: Part I—Theory”, by Michael Unser, Akram Aldroubi, and Murray Eden, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 41, No. 2, February 1993, pp.821–832, IEEE Log Number 9205111,

1 "Efficient cubic spline interpolation implemented with FIR filters", by Lluís Ferrer-Arnau, Ramón Reig-Bolaño, Pere Marti-Puig, Amàlia Manjabacas, and Vicenç Parisi-Baradad, International Journal of Computer Information Sy stems and Industrial Management Applications, ISSN 2150-7988 Volume 5 (2013) pp. 098-105.

[2] “Efficient Implementation of All-Digital Interpolation”, Bojan Vrcelj and P.P. Vaidyanathan, July 19, 2001, EDICS number 2-INTR
