Hardware multiplication with square tables

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-02-08 (updated 2019-07-09) (4 minutes)

If you can build a high-speed routing network in a small amount of silicon, you can build an extremely high-throughput multiplier for high-latency multiplies by using square tables.

xy = ¼((x+y)² - (x-y)²); for example, 579×414 is ¼((579+414)² - (579-414)²) = ¼(993² - 165²) = ¼(986049 - 27225) = ¼ 958824 = 239706. (See Multiplication with squares for more on this.) This seems potentially interesting in the context of modern high-throughput computing, in which multipliers occupy a significant amount of silicon area and power consumption. Squaring a number can be done with a table lookup, which is relatively light on power consumption. The remaining addition and two subtractions can be done quite a bit more easily.

The difficulty, of course, is that a large table occupies a very great deal of silicon area. But perhaps all is not lost — we can share this large table among many concurrent multiplications, if they are latency-tolerant.

Consider, for example, a 32-stream 10-bit×10-bit multiplier built using this scheme. Each pair of 10-bit numbers entering the multiplier at one of 32 multiplier ports gets its sum and difference taken; these are sent into a mesh routing network to be squared, each tagged with an output port. The 1024-entry lookup table is split into 64 independently operating lookup tables of 16 entries each; on every cycle, each such lookup table receives a 10-bit input from the network along with the routing tag (or, occasionally, an idle notification), and in a single cycle places the 20-bit or 18-bit result and the routing tag onto a second mesh routing network. So, every cycle, we’re doing 64 10-bit squarings. These squares make their way through the second routing network to output buffers, where they are paired up with their partner from the input and subtracted.

The queuing-theory bit is somewhat tricky in that it’s totally plausible to do a bunch of multiplications by the same number or by similar numbers. Similar numbers can be broken up a bit by some kind of simple hash (x ^ x >> 5, for example) so they don’t all hit the same lookup-table shard, but some amount of replication is probably unavoidable to handle many multiplications by the same number. Alternatively, perhaps the original numbers themselves could serve as the routing tags, thus permitting the coalescence of multiple concurrent requests for the same number; this would require somehow duplicating the results on their way to the subtractors. Regardless, some amount of nondeterminism in performance is unavoidable with this scheme.

The routing network from the inputs to the multiplication table can probably consist of three layers of 16 4×4 17-bit crossbar switches with output buffers to wait on contention; similarly the routing network from the table to the output can probably consist of three layers of 16 27-bit crossbar switches.

Such a device could carry out 32 10×10-bit multiplication results every cycle, with a typical latency of 8 to 11 clock cycles. The bulk of the silicon area is the 1024-entry 20-bit (or 18-bit) square table; the crossbars, adders, and subtractors should be relatively small by comparison. (Actually, is that bullshit? Is it possible that those crossbars are fucking huge, even though they don’t contain many transistors, just because of the wires?) Scaling it up to, say, 16-bit × 16-bit multiplications would involve scaling the table up to a 65536-entry 32-bit table, which is 100 times larger; but, if split among a correspondingly larger number of independent table lookup units, this would perform 4096 16×16-bit multiplications every cycle, with a variable latency of 15 to 20 clock cycles. At 400MHz, it would provide 1.6 trillion low-precision multiplies per second.

If an electronic crossbar switch turns out to be infeasible, another possibility is optical free-space routing.
