Some speculative thoughts on DSP algorithms

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2014-04-24 (20 minutes)

I was reading a book on digital signal processing (the highly readable if occasionally inaccurate and somewhat outdated Guide to Digital Signal Processing for Scientists and Engineers, and it seemed to me that the available types of digital filters leave a lot to be desired.

FIR filters are the most popular because you can design them by Fourier-transforming your desired frequency response to get an impulse response, then windowing the impulse response to get a finite-size convolution kernel. Windowing with the popular Blackman or Hamming windows only screws up your frequency response slightly. The trouble is that your convolution kernel may be dozens to hundreds of samples wide, so you end up doing dozens to hundreds of multiply-accumulates if you compute the convolution in the time domain; and to do it in the frequency domain, you need to do the FFT, which also involves typically dozens of multiply-accumulates per sample.

IIR filters are technically a superset of FIR filters, but people usually design them by transforming well-known analog filters (like the classic Butterworth or Bessel filters) into the discrete domain, which is very limiting. Additionally, the typical design technique using the Z-transform requires that the filter itself be linear and stateless, with each output sample being a linear combination of the P previous input samples and the Q previous output samples.

In passing, the moving-average filter was mentioned as being much faster to compute, since it requires only an addition and a subtraction per sample, optimal for suppressing noise while preserving edge sharpness, and producing a good approximation of convolution with a Gaussian when iterated.

So some ideas occurred to me, which might or might not be good ones, but I thought I'd write them down anyway.

Square-wave filters

The discrete Fourier transform transforms your given samples onto a basis space of orthonormal sinusoids, enabling you to, among other things, measure the amplitude of individual frequencies, or multiply them by a desired frequency response curve before transforming them back into the time domain with an inverse discrete Fourier transform (a filter).

But many other sets of orthonormal basis functions are possible: the Hadamard–Walsh functions, unit impulses (which yields the identity transform), an infinite variety of wavelets, windowed sinusoids (the short-time Fourier transform), the Gabor basis function (the Gabor transform happens to be a special case of the STFT and also, I believe, the wavelet transform), and so on.

The Hadamard–Walsh functions are particularly interesting because there's an O(N log N) algorithm to compute the Hadamard or Walsh transform, using only addition and subtraction, because the basis functions have the range {-1, 1}, with no fractions, and are related to each other in a particular way that enables the fast Hadamard transform to work.

But most of the Hadamard–Walsh functions are not particularly close to being sine waves, so they are of limited usefulness if you want to filter particular frequencies.

On the other hand, if you have a square wave of some frequency f, it's pretty strongly correlated with a sine wave of frequency f with the right phase, and it's perfectly uncorrelated with most other sine waves. However, it does have a largish correlation with the odd harmonics of the original sine wave, with frequencies 3f, 5f, 7f, and so on; its correlations with them are 1/3, 1/5, 1/7, etc., of the original. (So far this is just the standard Fourier analysis of a square wave, seen from the perspective of the square wave.)

This same property means that a comprehensive set of square waves is not an orthogonal basis, since some of its elements are correlated, if imperfectly, and thus not orthogonal. This, in turn, means that you can't simply transform a signal into a weighted sum of square waves by correlating it (i.e. taking the dot product) with each square wave.

But suppose you just want to compute the energy in a given time span at a given frequency f? You could take the correlation with a square wave sq(f, t) of frequency f and subtract off the other square waves until you've approximated a sine to your sampling interval: sq(3f, t)/3 + sq(5f, t)/5 + sq(7f, t)/7, etc. If you can low-pass filter the signal before you do this, even crudely (say, with a moving-average or simple exponential filter), then you can probably quit pretty early.

(You probably want to do this twice, once for sq(f, t) and its "harmonics", and once for sq(f, t + 1/2f) and its "harmonics", so you can catch a wave that's out of phase.)

Why should you care when the DFT is already O(N log N) multiply-accumulates? Because you can do this faster than O(N log N), without multipliers, and without using memory to store the samples, if you don't want too many frequencies.

If you only want a single square wave correlation, of course, you can simply add or subtract each sample to the total as it comes in, according to whether sq(f, t) is 1 or -1 at that moment. But doing that for M square waves means doing M additions or subtractions per sample. Instead, use a sum table, also known as a summed-area table or integral image: s[t] = sum(x[0:t]), where 0:t includes 0 but not t, so sum(x[t0:t1]) = s[t1] - s[t0]. So if your square wave is 1 from sample t0 to sample t1, you can add s[t1] - s[t0] to your running sum; and if it's -1 from sample t1 to sample t2, you can add s[t1] - s[t2]. You might as well add 2s[t1] on the negative-going transition at t1 in the first place, and later subtract 2s[t2] at the positive-going transition at t2, and so on. And you don't need to actually do the doubling at the time; you can wait until you're inspecting the final sum before remembering that you need to double it.

This, of course, doesn't require that you actually store the sum table, just that you compute the values in it. This requires one addition per sample, plus one addition or subtraction per square-wave transition.

If you decide to do this calculation for all the N square waves that would correspond to the sinusoids needed for N samples, the waves will have numbers of transitions ranging linearly from 0 to N, with an average of about N/2, so you'd end up doing N/2 additions or subtractions per sample --- definitely worse than Hadamard–Walsh (as long as N/2 > lg N, which is true for N>4) and possibly worse than the DFT, depending on how much multiplies cost you. But maybe you need less than lg N square waves, or maybe the ones you want are of lower-than-average frequency. Most of the high-frequency square waves here will have substantial phase noise induced by quantization which will degrade their performance anyway.

You might be able to avoid doing some of this work by taking advantage of the fact that it's duplicate work in the case of harmonics. Consider the square wave with period 30, which means it has two transitions every 30 samples. The square wave with period 10 has six transitions every 30 samples, but two of them are the same as the period-30 one; that is, you could compute both the period-10 and period-30 square waves with only 6 transitions, rather than 8. Similarly, the period-6 square wave has 10 transitions in this period, but shares the two of the period-30 wave, so you could compute all three with only 14 transitions, rather than 18. I'm not sure how practical this is; it reminds me of the wheel optimization for probing possible composites in the Sieve of Eratosthenes.

A difficulty is that, of course, the difference between square waves and sine waves has more energy below the Nyquist frequency, or any given filter cutoff frequency, for lower-frequency waves. But perhaps you can do better. The procedure I described above for correlating with the square waves is equivalent to integrating the input signal, once, and correlating it with a train of alternating positive and negative impulses, the derivative of the square wave. The integral of a square wave is a triangle wave, which is much closer to being a sine wave, and the integral of a triangle wave is a wave made of parabolas, which is a piecewise second-order approximation to a sine wave, and actually has almost all of its energy in that frequency; and you can iterate the procedure N times to get an Nth-order approximation of a sine wave.

So perhaps you could integrate the input signal N times, making an Nth-order sum table (materialized or virtual), and correlate that with your square waves, or rather, your impulse trains. One potential difficulty is that this corresponds to a pretty heavy-duty low-pass filter, and so it will be necessary to introduce a corresponding high-pass filter at each stage, if nothing else to prevent any initial DC offset, or any introduced later as a constant of integration, from causing the procedure to diverge entirely. A difference in frequency of one octave will show up as a difference in magnitude of 2 after one stage of integration, of 4 after two stages, of 8 after three stages, and of 16 after four stages. Of course, in a sense, that's exactly what we want it to do; but roundoff error could be a problem very quickly.

Magic sinewave filters

Don Lancaster has been writing about a set of functions he calls "magic sinewaves", which are periodic functions with the range {-1, 0, 1} that approximate sinewaves, with the purpose of improving power electronics by replacing simple PWM with lower-distortion waveforms. Of course, they have very substantial power outside the desired frequency --- the same as a PWM waveform, I think --- but the idea is that if you push that power to a high enough frequency, it's much more practical to filter it, using an analog filter with a slower rolloff and physically smaller components.

You can also use this idea in reverse: take your input signal and correlate it with a magic sinewave, rather than a real sinewave, thus avoiding multiplication entirely. For accurate results, you need to prefilter the signal to eliminate the high harmonics, but you can do this with a simple, easy-to-compute filter, such as a moving-average filter.

Parallelizing IIR filters

Parallelizing an M-sample FIR filter is easy: split your input into windows that overlap by M samples, filter each one independently, and concatenate the results. But how can you parallelize an IIR filter?

Consider the sum table, which is a simple IIR filter; it amounts to convolving a step function with your input. It's simple and efficient to calculate a sum table serially, but how could you parallelize it, since the last output value depends on every value before it?

I think I've written about this before on kragen-tol, but the answer is basically that it's easy, because addition is a monoid; this is the approach taken by lookahead carry in digital logic, too. If you break your input into four equal segments 0:t1, t1:t2, t2:t3, and t3:n, and compute the sum table s0[a:b] for each segment independently (in parallel), you can then use the final sum of each segment to adjust the sums of the other segments, again independently and in parallel: s[0:t1] = s0[0:t1], while s[t1:t2] = s[t1] + s0[t1:t2], s[t2:t3] = s[t2] + s0[t2:t3], and s[t3:n] = s[t3] + s0[t3:n]. You can apply this division of the process recursively (or with a branching factor of other than 4, although a branching factor of more than √n is unlikely to be an improvement) to get an O(log N) time algorithm.

(This is the well-known "parallel prefix sum" problem.)

General IIR filters are impossible to parallelize. But the IIR filters in common usage are purely linear and dependent on a limited amount of past history, so you can do the same thing: filter each segment independently, then add in the linear contribution from the prefix to its left.

Factoring FIR kernels approximately into sparse FIR kernels

Convolution with a Gaussian is potentially computationally expensive. But N iterations of a moving-average filter give you a piecewise Nth-order approximation of a Gaussian, and the moving-average filter is really cheap to compute.

In general the expense of convolving with a FIR kernel in the discrete time domain is expensive in proportion to its support, that is, the number of points where it's nonzero. But what if you could factor a 256-point FIR kernel into a convolution of two 16-point FIR kernels? You could compute it four times faster. That's doable in at least some special cases; the Gaussian mentioned above is an example (although the moving average has a recursive algorithm that's more efficient than just doing it as a FIR convolution in the time domain), since actually iterating just about any FIR kernel enough times will give you a Gaussian (e.g. [1, 1], whose iterative convolution generates the rows of Pascal's triangle; but I suspect that [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1] might be a better compute/quality tradeoff for larger Gaussians). But consider these examples:

Is there a general technique to find such an approximate factorization into sparse kernels for any desired impulse response? Here's one guess: tabulate the frequency responses for some "basis set" of sparse kernels, then use a greedy algorithm to iteratively pick the ones that best suppress the largest difference between the frequency response of your current set of filters and the frequency response you want.

There's a paper this year from Aimin Jiang and Hon Keung Kwan on the subject that I haven't read, using weighted least squares (WLS); but it sounds from the abstract like they're talking about approximating one FIR filter kernel with another, sparser one, not factoring one into possibly several.

How small do these factors need to be? The competition is FFT convolution, which, if I understand correctly requires computing a DFT, pointwise complex multiplication, and computing an inverse DFT. Each DFT requires N lg N butterflies, each of which requires one complex multiplication and two complex additions or subtractions. One complex multiplication requires four real multiplications. So we have 2 × 4 × N lg N real multiplications, or 8 lg N real multiplications per point, plus some other overhead work which is mostly proportional. FFT convolution isn't worthwhile unless lg N is at least 6, at which point you're paying 48 real multiplications per point (which is why it isn't useful for smaller N); if lg N is 7, 8, 9, or 10, you're paying 56, 64, 72, or 80 real multiplications per point.

Probably close to the best you can do for a filter kernel with N-point support is 3 log₃N multiply-accumulates per point, which is only slightly lower than 2 lg N, although in some cases maybe you can get by without the multiplications. 2 lg N is substantially less than 8 lg N, and furthermore the N you use in the FFT is going to be around two or three times the size of the kernel, so there's some hope that this algorithm could maybe do a reasonable job

IIR: the undiscovered country

Basically we know that IIR filters can always be more computationally efficient than FIR filters, sometimes dramatically; but we don't have a good theory of how to design them. There are probably a lot of tasty morsels hiding in IIR-space.
