Maybe Counting Characters in UTF-8 Strings Isn't Fast After All!

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2007 to 2009 (15 minutes)

These are responses to Reddit comments on

I Think I Was Wrong

From reading the Reddit comments, I now think that the results I got didn't justify the conclusion I drew, and the evidence now suggests that iterating over the code points in a UTF-8 string is significantly slower than iterating over the code points in an ASCII string. Thanks, guys! I should dig into it a bit more and see if I can learn more.

It looks like my results were really skewed by using gcc -O instead of pretty much any other level of optimization. By ill chance, I happened to test things on the single optimization level that would give the results I got.

"bonzinip" writes:

crap. no one in their right mind would use lodsb on a modern processor. my results are

3:                   strlen(string) =   33554431: 0.013685
3:                my_strlen(string) =   33554431: 0.024342
3:              my_strlen_s(string) =   33554431: 0.099565
3:         ap_strlen_utf8_s(string) =          0: 0.102122
3:         my_strlen_utf8_c(string) =          0: 0.058268
3:         my_strlen_utf8_s(string) =          0: 0.099565

more or less the same for all three benchmarks

Well, I pointed out in the page that lodsb was a bad idea, even on an old processor; on old processors, you should use scasb instead, as gcc -O does. XXX aristotle used lodsb

The really interesting thing about your results, though, is that my_strlen is more than twice as fast as any of the UTF-8 versions, and four times as fast as what the C compiler used in this case. If that's the best we can do for UTF-8, then counting characters in UTF-8 strings isn't fast. It's slow!

I'll try to reproduce your results; what processor are you using, what compiler and options, and what is the generated assembly code?

"Porges" writes:

strlen is also consistently fastest for me

1: all 'a':
1:                   strlen(string) =   33554431: 0.019204
1:                my_strlen(string) =   33554431: 0.035398
1:         ap_strlen_utf8_s(string) =   33554431: 0.068897
1:         my_strlen_utf8_c(string) =   33554431: 0.072316
1:              my_strlen_s(string) =   33554431: 0.120852
1:         my_strlen_utf8_s(string) =   33554431: 0.137072
2: all '\xe3':
2:                   strlen(string) =   33554431: 0.019043
2:                my_strlen(string) =   33554431: 0.035056
2:         ap_strlen_utf8_s(string) =   33554431: 0.068909
2:         my_strlen_utf8_c(string) =   33554431: 0.071979
2:              my_strlen_s(string) =   33554431: 0.120309
2:         my_strlen_utf8_s(string) =   33554431: 0.154263
3: all '\x81':
3:                   strlen(string) =   33554431: 0.019083
3:                my_strlen(string) =   33554431: 0.034908
3:         ap_strlen_utf8_s(string) =          0: 0.068871
3:         my_strlen_utf8_s(string) =          0: 0.069123
3:         my_strlen_utf8_c(string) =          0: 0.071848
3:              my_strlen_s(string) =   33554431: 0.120325

Edit: I should note this is -O2, not -O as in the post.

... I’ve posted a followup to this.

As with bonzinip's results, the UTF-8 counters are half as fast as the C-coded byte counters, and about one fourth as fast as strlen. What processor is this, and what is the emitted assembly?

"splidge" comments on "Porges"' post:

Yes, for me running with -O gives results similar to the original post whereas -O3 gives results similar to yours.

In fact, running without -O gives pretty much the same results for the default strlen() as -O3, with -O coming out significantly slower. The other C implementations improve from no optimisation to -O to -O3 as you would expect.

(I don't have anything to say about this, except that it's kind of depressing, but I thought it was important to archive.)

"rolfr" writes:

This guy's using obsolete performance measurements. Number of instructions in the inner loop hasn't been important for ages; it's all about the pipeline characteristics of said instructions.

Yes, you are right. I'm pretty ignorant about assembly-language optimization on modern processors, or, for that matter, on non-modern processors. Knowing I was ignorant, I only used instruction counts as a heuristic and relied on observed runtime measurements for my actual conclusions.

"Wavicle" writes:

To be fair, he bases his final conclusions on the observed runtime over large strings of the same value repeated. Thus he trains the branch predictor to always make the same optimization each time.

That's a fair objection. I wonder if it makes a large difference.

The Point

I didn't write that page to prove some predetermined point. I wrote it to document my (our) exploration of a hypothesis of Aristotle's, namely that iterating over the code points in a UTF-8 string was approximately as fast as iterating over the code points of an ASCII string.

Then, at the end, I listed some things I thought I'd learned in the process, including this #3:

Aristotle was essentially correct: the penalty for counting UTF-8 characters, or indexing into or iterating over the characters of a UTF-8 string, is very small.

As a result of this structure, the Reddit comments contained a lot of speculation about what "the point" of the page was, and a bunch of people missing it.

"ochuuzu1" writes:

Also, plus, WTF: no one in their right mind would use strlen() in a performance-critical inner loop of any real application.

You can tweak strlen() to make it run as fast as you possibly can, but it will never be faster than not calling strlen() in the first place.

Of course you are right. strlen is just a proxy here for the speed of iterating over the characters in a string, which is indeed found in performance-critical inner loops of many real applications.

"cracki" writes:

haha. nullterminated strings are stupid. counting characters is stupid. it costs you nothing to keep the length around.

Same comment.

UTF-8 as an Internal Representation

"GolemXIV" writes:

I hope that I should not have to use UTF as in memory representation at all (with exceptions of course). It would be so nice if I could leave UTF* to places where characters are stored or streamed.

UTF/UCS combining marks means that programs cannot treat one code point as being the same as one unit for editing even when you use UTF-4 (UTF-32). That sucks small planets when not streaming or storing strings.

Is there string libraries on programming languages where character type refers to a base character together with all the combining characters that are attached to it? I would like to work with vectors of character objects, not with code points.

I agree that often it would be much better to have vectors, or at least sequences, of character objects rather than code points or bytes or UTF-16 bytepairs. I don't know of any string libraries that work this way, but I'm pretty ignorant about Unicode, so maybe there are some.

It's a good point that converting UTF-8 to UCS-4 still doesn't save you as much hassle as one might naively hope, because of things like combining characters.

Occasionally, though, I've heard assertions that UTF-8 is very inefficient, because finding the Nth code point of a UTF-8 string is O(N). The hypothesis I started with was that (a) iterating over the code points is more important than indexing them randomly and (b) iterating over them is as fast as iterating over ASCII bytes. If that's correct, then while you might decide that UTF-8 is a bad internal representation for some reason or other, it shouldn't be because you're afraid it's slow. And GolemXIV makes a good point that even in UCS-4, you can have arbitrarily many code points that display in a single spot on the display.

"cracki" writes:

besides, it's an encoding. you're meant to decode it if you need to work with the contents. hardly anybody has any excuse for not expanding utf-8 to 32 bit characters in memory. then, even indexing is constant time.

Well, regardless of what you're meant to do, you should decode it if that leads to a system that makes people happier --- say, running acceptably fast while being simpler and overall easier to debug and modify. A lot of times, finding a simpler way involves exploring a lot of ideas that sound kind of crazy, like not decoding your UTF-8. And most of them are crazy, and this one probably is too, but you have to explore them in order to find out.


"silon" writes:

Please do not call the function strlen

I didn't; I called it things like my_strlen_utf8_s.

"bonzinip" writes:

because the string instructions are very slow and go through the microcode sequencer. i would just use normal mov and inc instructions.

You'll notice that that's what the C version of strlen compiled to, and that it was faster than my dumb lodsb version and GCC's dumb rep scasb version.

"bart2019" writes:

The storage of an integer is ridiculously little compared to the storage of the string contents itself.

I suppose that depends on how many of your strings are less than 4 or 8 bytes, doesn't it? I've written a number of programs nearly all of whose strings were that short.

(That said, I basically agree that null-terminated strings are a bad idea.)

Carl Friedrich Bolz ("cfbolz") writes:

Implementing ropes well is not trivial. A while ago I tried to to implement the Python string type in such a way as to internally use ropes [in] PyPy. I never managed to get ropes perform significantly better than array-based strings for real-life benchmarks (although I admit I didn't try anything extreme with 2GB of text or so).

It's true that ropes, like other clever data structures with beautiful big-O numbers, tend to have higher constant factors. But I don't think they're all that much higher. (I seem to recall that the SGI STL includes a C++ rope implementation called "cord", and the Boehm garbage collector includes a rope implementation called "rope"; I might have gotten the names backwards, though.)

One of the trouble with real-life benchmarks is that people write real-life code to perform acceptably on the implementations they have; so they tend to heavily lean towards the things that were very efficient on the old implementation, and away from the things that you hope you're improving. Dick Gabriel wrote about this back in the 1980s in p.3, section 1.1 of Performance and Evaluation of Lisp Systems:

There is a range of methodologies for determining the speed of an implementation. The most basic methodology is to examine the machine instructions that are used to implement constructs in the language, to look up in the hardware manual the timings for these instructions, and then to add up the times needed. Another methodology is to propose a sequence of relatively small benchmarks and to time each one under the conditions that are important to the investigator (under typical load average, with expected working-set sizes, etc). Finally, real (naturally occurring) code can be used for the benchmarks.

Unfortunately, each of these representative methodologies has problems. The simple instruction-counting methodology does not adequately take into account the effects of cache memories, system services (such as disk service), and other interactions within the machine and operating system. The middle, small-benchmark methodology is susceptible to ‘edge’ effects: that is, the small size of the benchmark may cause it to straddle a boundary of some sort and this leads to unrepresentative results. For instance, a small benchmark may be partly on one page and partly on another, which may cause many page faults. Finally, the real-code methodology, while accurately measuring a particular implementation (namely, the implementation on which the program was developed), is not necessarily accurate when comparing implementations. For example, programmers, knowing the performance profile of their machine and implementation, will typically bias their style of programming on that piece of code. Hence, had an expert on another system attempted to program the same algorithms, a different program might have resulted.

He goes into more detail in section 1.4.3, p. 28:

One way to measure those characteristics relevant to a particular audience is to benchmark large programs that are of interest to that audience and that are large enough so that the combinational aspects of the problem domain are reasonably unified. For example, part of an algebra simplification or symbolic integration system might be an appropriate benchmark for a group of users implementing and using a MACSYMA-like system.

The problems with using a large system for benchmarking are that the same Lisp code may or may not run on the various Lisp systems or the obvious translation might not be the best implementation of the benchmark for a different Lisp system. For instance, a Lisp without multidimensional arrays might choose to implement them as arrays whose elements are other arrays, or it might use lists of lists if the only operations on the multidimensional array involve scanning through the elements in a predetermined order. A reasoning program that uses floating-point numbers 0--1 on one system might use fixed-point arithmetic with numbers 0--1000 on another.

Bolz makes the same point in his blog post on the PyPy ropes:

Using ropes to implement strings has some interesting effects. The most obvious one is that string concatenation, slicing and repetition is really fast (I suspect that it is amortized O(1), but haven't proved it). This is probably not helping most existing Python programs because people tend to code in such a way that these operations are not done too often.

More to take into account: the original post reddit post of porges' response porges' response (George Pollard) Colin Percival's response George Pollard's comment on Colin Percival's approach reddit comments on Colin Percival's approach, which includes the lovely comment:

What would be even more useful, would be if people attempted to make a "fastest" random-access indexed lookup of a full Unicode codepoint in a stream or buffer of UTF8. If that could be made speedy enough, then there would be less of a need to store 16 or 32 bit codepoints internally, and always need conversions.
