The uses of introspection, reflection, and personal supercomputers in software testing

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-02-04 (updated 2019-03-11) (12 minutes)

We can do a lot more automated testing now than we could before, but manual testing still requires the same amount of human effort. To some extent our new powers of automated testing are counterbalanced by our new ability to write inefficient software, but not in all cases.

When we have a program, we can run it many times on different inputs to see what it does. “Hypothesis” is David R. MacIver’s Python system for doing this automatically (“generative testing” or “property-based testing”), and it has been remarkably effective in my experience in flushing out hidden bugs in programs — including, unfortunately, the Python interpreter!

The number of test cases we can run scales inversely with the amount of work done by each test. Consider this function:

yp_font_show(yp_font *font, char *text, ypic where)
  int x = 0, y = 0;
  for (int i = 0; text[i]; i++) {
    ypic g = yp_font_glyph(font, text[i]);
    if (x + g.size.x > where.size.x) {
      x = 0;
      y += font->max_height;
    if (x + g.size.x > where.size.x) return; /* Glyph is too wide to fit */
    if (y > where.size.y) return;

    yp_copy(yp_sub(where, yp_p(x, y + font->max_height - g.size.y), g.size), g);
    x += g.size.x;

In a benchmark, this function takes about 36 μs on my laptop to draw the text “hello, world” in a window in a large font, or 5.7 μs in a 12-pixel-tall font.

One core of my four-core laptop executes about 2.4 billion 64-bit instructions per second. A 33-MHz 80386 executed about 4.3 million 32-bit instructions per second; we can extrapolate that it might have run this function some 560 times slower, perhaps requiring 3.2 ms for the 12-pixel font instead of 5.7 μs. So the 386 could test this function (with similar inputs) 300 times per second, while my four-core laptop can test it 700’000 times per second.

Testing hardware: a 40-kW, 100-million-MIPS Pi Beowulf per programmer?

Moreover, I can potentially take advantage of more than just my laptop for automated testing. A Raspberry Pi 2 is about 5000 MIPS and runs on about 2 to 2.3 watts. If I have a 1-kilowatt testing budget, I can run about 500 Pi 2s and get about 2.5 trillion instructions per second, testing this function roughly 700 million times per second.

(This works out to 400–460 pJ per instruction. The STM32L Cortex-M0 (see files Low-power microcontrollers for a low-power computer and Notes on the STM32 microcontroller family) uses about a third of that, but has less memory.)

Is a kilowatt a reasonable budget? Such a rig also costs about US$20k up front and has 500 gigabytes of RAM; at 67×56×11.5 mm each, it would occupy about 21 liters, a box 275 mm on a side, but probably a bit more space is needed for cooling fans and power supplies. A kilowatt costs about US$0.10 per hour, or US$900 per year, which is about a sixth of the depreciation, depending on how you calculate it. This suggests looking for ways to reduce the up-front cost per MIPS even if they increase power consumption.

If we figure that employing a programmer these days costs about US$300k per year (including overhead and benefits), the programmer dominates the expenses until the testing budget gets to 43 kilowatts per programmer, at which point we’re spending US$600k per year and getting 30 billion tests of yp_font_show and 108 trillion instructions per second. This is more than a cubic meter of computer.

Manual vs. automatic testing cost comparison

By contrast, I might be able to write JUnit-style regression tests of this function at a rate of one per minute or so — which should be downgraded to one per ten minutes if we include the time to maintain those tests, and perhaps one per thirty minutes if we include the time I’m asleep or otherwise not working on the project.

So, to the extent that we can get any benefit at all out of running computer-generated tests, they have a multiplier of around 700 million · 1800 = 1.3 trillion over human-generated tests, or 30 billion · 1800 = 54 trillion with a 43-kilowatt system. Writing a test by hand costs about as much as running 54 trillion randomly-generated tests. In the days of the 386, this multiplier was about half a million, and now it’s one to fifty trillion, or nearly a billion without extra hardware†. Each of your manual tests need to be worth more than a billion or a trillion automatic tests to be worthwhile. (This is not as hard to achieve as it sounds, particularly when we’re considering tests number eleven trillion to twelve trillion for the same code; remember that a trillion is only a bit under 2⁴⁰.)

† If you’re using Python, automated tests lose a factor of 100 or so because of the interpreter’s poor performance.

Extending generative testing

Two obstacles to the usefulness of random testing are reduction and repeatability. The initial randomly-generated test case that reveals the bug may be fairly large and include any number of strange things not related to the failure, while manually-written test cases are simple by design. And, once the failing test case has been found, it’s important to be able to run it again in the future — otherwise it doesn’t help you know whether you’ve fixed the bug (or avoided reintroducing it.) Hypothesis includes an automated test-case reduction which reduces the failing case to a (usually) fairly minimal case before reporting it, and a system for recording previously failed tests to run again — although I haven’t tried checking them into Git, and I suspect there might be some impedance mismatches there.

Hypothesis has recently (I think around late 2017) acquired the ability to combine its generative testing approach with statement coverage testing, which is where you measure which lines of code were executed by your tests, so that you can work to focus new tests on lines that haven’t been tested yet. In theory, this kind of testing could also give you a reasonable suspicion of which lines of code were responsible for a bug. And you could conceivably augment this with extended kinds of coverage such as loop coverage, multi-condition coverage, and mutation testing; these are just as expensive to apply now by hand as when Marick wrote his paper on it, if not more so, but three orders of magnitude cheaper to apply automatically — Marick was writing in 1991 or 1992, at a time when the 386 was current, though not cutting-edge.

Thus a moderate amount of introspection or reflection, like that needed for statement coverage testing, might enable large gains in test power.

Program search

Earlier I said, “Each of your manual tests need to be worth more than a billion or a trillion automatic tests to be worthwhile.” Turning that on its head, what if you just write the tests and not the implementation? In a way, this is the approach behind deep learning: try to generate a program for a very restricted machine that passes some large set of tests.

You could imagine a generative testing system like Hypothesis that suggests code mutations that cause failing test cases to pass; this is a very small version of “what if you write the tests and not the implementation?”. Once you have found a failing test case, you can try on the order of 50 million modified versions of the code per second. Perhaps you could expand this to a practical program search system by accelerating the process by writing some very verbose test cases that include some debug messages showing intermediate results while running the algorithm, so that the Kolmogorov complexity of each successive search objective is only 16–32 bits, making the search tractable.

The functional-programming equivalent might be to write test cases for subordinate functions that can be composed to do the desired computation.

Michał Zalewski’s American Fuzzy Lop testing system, which provides random input data to programs to test them (“fuzzing”), uses Unix’s fork() to virtually “take snapshots” of a process under test at different times during its execution; this allows it to execute many more test cases per second, because new test cases can start from the program state some tens of microseconds before the program exited, rather than from the beginning. Using this facility, he has demonstrated some very impressive results, including constructing a legal JPEG file by fuzzing a JPEG decoder to find an input file it would accept.

Linux’s implementation of snapshotting with fork() is unfortunately rather slow (though faster than other Unixes): some 130 μs on my laptop to fork() and wait() for a dietlibc-linked child process that merely invokes exit(), perhaps on another core. This compares to 0.4 μs for a minor page fault, 0.3 μs to call read(), and probably something like (guessing based on others’ measurements) 5 μs to context-switch the core to another already-existing process and (guessing) 0.1–0.2 μs for a one-way IPC under seL4.

This suggests that, even using conventional protection mechanisms, it should be possible to take lazy process memory snapshots an order of magnitude faster than Linux does it, which in turn would make it practical to take them an order of magnitude more often — every 5 μs, for example, rather than every 50 μs. In cases where the the execution time from the last test case input to getting a test result — the feedback lag — is on the order of those 5 μs, this is an order-of-magnitude speedup, but its importance goes far beyond that, because the input search problem is exponential in the feedback lag. 5 μs is about 12000 instructions, which admits an insanely large number of possible executions to search through.

This suggests that unconventional protection mechanisms, such as Valgrind-like machine-code compilation and interpretation, might work better for program search; by recording every change to memory and registers, they can rewind the timeline to any arbitrary instruction execution, at a cost of optimistically 10× to more likely 100× execution time (and also some memory). In cases where the feedback lag can be reduced below, say, 120–1200 instructions, you can thus fail more tests per second with this approach than by using arm’s-length mechanisms like virtual memory protection. With the Linux implementation, which costs on the order of 300’000 instructions, the crossover point is around 3000–30’000 instructions of feedback lag; for shorter feedback lags, the Valgrind and interpreter approaches will work better.

Abstract interpretation techniques can yield bigger speedups in some cases, like the miniKANREN system that is capable of finding a quine by searching through possible executions of an interpreter for one whose output is the same as its input.
