An algebra of textures for interactive composition

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-05-08 (4 minutes)

I was thinking about the problem of composing graphical textures in a user interface, and it occurred to me that a neat formulation was possible using just functions of the form ℝ² → ℝ², which I will call “textures”. The whole system functions by composing textures out of more primitive textures.

(Perhaps I should recast this as functions of the form ℂ → ℂ? That would conveniently provide rotation and a wide variety of conformal mappings, and it would substantially reduce the number of functions needed, though it would require the redefinition of ×, ÷, and ** (and compensating additions of their elementwise variants), and probably I should be renamed Z.)

Visualization on the screen

The idea is that the inputs to a texture are coordinates representing the position on the screen, and the outputs represent in some sense a color. To fully specify an RGBA color, you need two textures (I suggest using HSVA with one texture for HS and the other for VA, or YUVA with a YA/UV split), but you can quite reasonably visualize individual textures by using a constant for the other texture.

Atomic textures

The most basic textures you start with are numeric constants, I, and T. Constants such as 0.3 are interpreted as having that value everywhere for both components: λ(x, y) → (0.3, 0.3). I, or meshgrid, is the identity function: λ(x, y) → (x, y). T, or transpose, is almost the same, but returns the coordinates in reverse order: λ(x, y) → (y, x).

The standard functions abs, ln, exp, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, and atan are also available as atomic textures, and they also apply elementwise; e.g., sin(x, y) = (sin x, sin y).

You could imagine loading in (channels of) image files as additional atomic textures.

Binary or combining operations

Two special shunting operations are provided: composition, written backwards with tightest precedence with “.”, and joining, written with loosest precedence with a comma, “,”. Composition A.B is just λ(x, y) → B(A(x, y)), while joining combines values from the different functions; if A(x, y) = (ax, ay) and B(x, y) = (bx, by), then (A, B)(x, y) = (ax, by). The opposite combination can be achieved by composition with the aforementioned T texture, as (A.T, B.T) = (ay, bx). (For convenience, we could define textures X as (I, I.T) and Y as (I.T, I), so you can write A.X to get just the X output of A on both channels.)

A fairly standard list of binary arithmetic operations apply pointwise: +, -, ×, ÷, //, %, &, |, &^, ^, **. That is, given that a(x, y) = (xa, ya) and b(x, y) = (xb, yb), (a ** b)(x, y) = (xa**xb, ya**yb), (a & b)(x, y) = (xa & xb, ya & yb), etc. In this way you can compute, for example, 3 + 4 * 5 * I % 1. % is the modulo operation, // is integer division as in Python, ** is exponentiation, ^ is XOR as in C, and &^ is the and-not, set-subtraction, or abjunction operation, as in Golang. Binary operations are applied to fractions as binary fractions.

Comparison operations are also provided: ==, >=, <=, >, <, != all apply pointwise to textures and produce answers of 0 or 1, representing, respectively, true or false, as in C. So, for example, (3, 4) < (3, 5) produces (0, 1).

Finally, four-dimensional simplex noise is provided with the # binary operator.

Interactive user interface

For playing with these textures, it occurred to me that you could probably usefully compile them into GLSL shaders for real-time display, and use an RPN-calculator approach like rpn-edit or autodiffgraph to provide instant feedback on each new atomic texture as it’s created; the multitouch approach described in Interactive calculator might be more usable on hand computers.

Additional atomic textures t, the current time, and M, the mouse coordinates, would facilitate simple interactive animations. Multitouch puppetry could be handled in a variety of ways, the simplest of which is something like variables t0, t1, t2, t3, t4 for the first five touches.
