Thredsnek: a tiny Python-flavored programming language

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2017-03-20 (7 minutes)

I was thinking about making a tiny Python-like language, called Threadsnake or Thredsnek for the time being. The idea is to implement as much as possible in, say, 1.5KiB or 3KiB or 6KiB of code.

I think the most important linguistic reasons current Python is so effective are the following:

  1. The memory model is the Lisp-style object-graph, a garbage-collected heap.
  2. A small number of general-purpose, flexible-sized data structures (containers): specifically hash tables (“dicts”) and dynamic arrays (“lists”). Pervasive mutability is key to Python’s current flavor, but it clashes with the object-graph memory model in a lot of ways, so I think we could probably drop it. (Python also has tuples, sets, frozensets, namedtuples, deques, Counters, OrderedDicts, and defaultdicts, but these are less necessary.)
  3. “Duck typing”: interactions between objects are indirected through interfaces, and so it generally doesn’t matter what concrete type an object is, just what interfaces or protocols it supports. So, for example, keys in the built-in hash tables need not be strings; they can be any object that supports the __hash__ and __eq__ methods. (The original term for this was “object orientation”, “message passing”, or “late binding”, but people got confused about what those terms meant; “duck typing” is the current term.) In particular, any code can define its own “types” which are really just wrappers that provide a duck-typed façade to dicts.
  4. As a special case, iteration indirects through an “iterator protocol” which allows for composable iterators, and there is a coroutine facility for this (“generators”) which can be put to many different uses. (I am sympathetic to Alexandrescu’s argument that maybe we should use a “range protocol” instead of an iterator protocol for this.)
  5. Errors are handled with exceptions. Ambiguity and implicitness is an error; there is very little DWIM. (Implicit variable declaration is an exception to this, and was probably a mistake.) Consequently, if your program runs and produces an answer instead of crashing, you can have a fair bit of confidence that the answer is correct.
  6. Reflection allows the in-language implementation of debugging facilities and transparent and semitransparent persistence facilities like ORMs.
  7. Tasteful and largish standard library (“batteries included”). It’s very easy to, for example, run unit tests, split strings on whitespace, join together many strings with a separator (such as a space), concatenate strings, do formatted string interpolation, do integer and floating-point arithmetic, read a line from a file, read an entire file into memory, parse RFC-822 syntax, parse or emit JSON or XML or CSV, do a substring search, extract a substring by indices, lowercase a string, remove leading and/or trailing whitespace from strings, display an unambiguous debugging representation of Python objects in HTML or in text, run binary search, round a number to a given number of decimals, search strings for regular expressions, collate the number of occurrences of each item in an iterable sequence and return the top items, sort and reverse lists, encode and decode UTF-8 and other common character encodings, and so on.

This is not as poetic as Tim Peters’s The Zen of Python, but I think it might be more helpful.

Duck typing in particular means that all your data structures (heaps, sorted lists, whatever) and algorithms (sort algorithms, graph algorithms, whatever) are automatically polymorphic over whatever types are available, and that you can substitute persistent containers (in the disk sense) for nonpersistent ones transparently.

Python has some major shortcomings. The semantics of its procedure and class definitions make live code upgrade impossible; its efficiency in general is terrible; its semantics are so flexible that many errors cannot be caught until runtime even in principle; its absence of first-class lambdas or Smalltalk-style blocks has given rise to a steadily growing pile of kludges such as method decorators and context managers. But it remains immensely popular and immensely practical.

And this is in spite of its lack of many things commonly considered critically important in a programming language: encapsulation, structs, nested scoping (at least in old versions), a decent GUI library...

It's clearly impossible to implement a sizable standard library in a few K of code. But how much code would Thredsnek need to implement garbage collection, dicts and lists, duck typing (including for iteration), exceptions, and reflection? On modern machines, it would still be useful even with fairly inefficient approaches to these problems.

What kind of abstract machine would be needed to implement this? You need to be able to send messages (invoke methods), store and retrieve local variables (including parameters), retrieve constants, raise and catch exceptions, instantiate objects (including dicts and lists; possibly by sending messages to a class), and do reflection (possibly by sending messages to some kind of reflection object, which seems preferable to invoking magic non-implementable reflection messages on arbitrary objects). You probably also need control-flow and method-return operations.

For variable-length argument lists, like those used for instantiating lists or dictionaries, it might be useful to begin by pushing a stack mark and pass everything down to that mark as arguments.

As a point of reference, the Smalltalk-78 virtual machine for the NoteTaker was supposedly 6KiB of 8086 machine code. This used the Smalltalk-76 bytecode, which was simpler than the Smalltalk-80; according to Ingalls's 1978 paper on it, its high nibble selected the overall category of operation:

The bytes denoting locations to store into were the same as the load opcodes.
