The Problem: Writing With One Access Pattern, Reading With Another

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2007 to 2009 (19 minutes)

So I was talking to someone today about a network monitoring database problem I'd run into previously. A lot of network monitoring systems store many gigabytes of historical data about, say, bandwidth used per device, in order to support queries later on. Common queries include things like:

It's nice to have queries like these be answered very quickly, but existing tools like Postgres and RRDTool don't seem to perform very well.

To be concrete, suppose that you have 100 000 devices, and you poll each one for input bytes, output bytes, input packets, output packets, input errors, and output errors once every minute. Each of these numbers may get too big to record in 32 bits, so it's good to use 64. So that's 8 * 6 * 100 000 = 4.8 megabytes per minute, or 7 gigabytes per day, or 200 gigabytes per month.

Disk Model

My standard model of a disk is that a disk is something that takes 8-10ms to start reading or writing at a random spot, and then reads or writes at 40MB/sec as long as it's reading or writing sequentially. Some disks (or disk arrays) are five times faster (bandwidth-wise) and some are five times slower, and most have faster seeks under some special circumstances, but that's generally the right ballpark.

An interesting number that comes out of this is the bandwidth-delay product, which is about 10ms * 40MB/s = 400kB. If you're alternating between reading or writing a chunk of some fixed size, and seeking to a new location, this is the chunk size at which you spend only half of your time seeking. Reading or writing in chunks much smaller than this means the disk spends most of its time seeking; reading or writing in chunks much larger means the disk spends most of its time transferring data.

Bandwidth varies between disks more than seek time, so bandwidth-delay products vary quite a bit.

Approaches to Solving It

The usual way of dealing with this is to use RRDTool, which stores each counter for each device in a separate file, and thins out old data so as to keep a fixed upper limit on the total number of samples in any one file. RRDTool makes queries about one or a small number of devices quite fast, but updating of a large number of counters is slow, since each one is in a different file.

Because the data is so large, it's a bit expensive to keep it all in RAM, so it would be nice if both updates and queries had reasonable locality of reference. If you're updating 7 gigabytes of RRDTool files (11520 bytes per counter, to store 1-minute data for a day), you pretty much have to read and then write 7 gigabytes of data, which is going to take at least three minutes on a single disk; but we're hypothesizing that the actual amount of new data being written is maybe 4.8 megabytes. So the RRDTool approach imposes largish costs on mass updates due to poor locality of reference.

You could go to the other extreme and optimize for writes: write all the new counter data in one big 5-meg blob. But then reading the 1440 one-minute samples for a single counter over a day's time requires 1440 disk reads, 5 megabytes apart, and perhaps 10 seconds. This is not acceptable either.

My Proposed Solution: Tiling

This points at a solution I had suggested in "r-tree indices for database table clustered indices", which is to sort of divide the data into "tiles" of, say, 64 minutes by 1024 counters, each occupying a contiguous half-megabyte. We can assume (for now) that getting from any tile to any other tile requires a random disk seek. So if you're recording six new 64-bit readings for each of 100 000 devices, those 600 000 readings get broken up into 600 groups of 1024, and each of those 600 groups gets written into a separate tile. If each requires a separate seek, this should take about six seconds instead of six minutes. And if you're reading the 1440 one-minute samples for a single counter over a day's time, those will be spread across 23 tiles, so will require about 1/2 second.

That's an improvement, but there are several more directions of optimization possible: side files, tile ordering, thinned data, and grouping counters by type.

Side Files

First, we can initially append updates to a "side file" instead of sending them directly into their final locations, then eventually copy the data to the tiles where it will ultimately live. To start with, every query must read the entire side file, so you don't want it to get too big, and it cuts the theoretical write bandwidth of the database by a factor of three or four, since every update must first be written to the side file (with metadata), then read from the side file and written again to a new location.

But now writing 600 000 readings --- 5 megabytes without the metadata that tells what they are, and perhaps 10 megabytes with it --- takes a quarter of a second instead of six seconds, which seems like it's better than an order of magnitude speedup. However, the eventual writes to the tiles will still take time, but as explained below, we can accumulate several updates for each tile, and deliver them in the same number of seeks.

If we batch up four updates in the side file before flushing them out to the tiles, the side file will get to 40MB, which is maybe one second of disk bandwidth. Copying it to the 600 tiles will take a second and a half of bandwidth and 600 seeks, so about 7-8 seconds to do the copying and 8-9 seconds in all --- about 30% of the total disk traffic the four updates would need without the side file. (This copying can be done incrementally rather than all at once, which allows you to batch up eight updates in the side file at a constant size of 40MB, or four at a constant size of 20MB. That's assuming it's practical to reorder stuff in the side file as some of it gets flushed out.)

A 40MB side file would take about a second to read off the disk, and in the absence of any disk buffering, every query would require that additional second. (The assumption is that since it's ordered by the time at which the updates were made, queries won't have particularly good locality of reference.) This would be a good reason to keep the side file small.

But, actually, you can probably keep the side file in RAM until it's a quarter of a gigabyte or more, which in this scenario would allow it to batch up roughly 500 full tiles --- and that's getting close to the point of diminishing returns, where maintaining a bigger side file doesn't actually save you any more disk seeks. Keeping the side file in RAM means that your queries don't suffer from this additional second of disk access time, although they may still have to access the data.

So, in this limit, if you buffer up all the new readings in memory, while also appending them to a side file (in case of a crash), and then writing them out to 600 new tiles when those tiles are full, then every 64 minutes, you write out 600 megabytes of data to the side file (sequentially --- about 15 seconds) and 300 megabytes of new tiles (with seeks in between, so 3 seconds of seeks and 7 seconds of data traffic, for 10 seconds of disk traffic). That's 25 seconds, or a little under half a second of disk traffic per update.

So the very approximate time taken for an update, including the amortized time to eventually write it to the tiles: Without side files: 6 seconds With a 40MB batchy side file: 2 seconds With a 40MB streaming side file: 1 second With an in-memory batchy 300MB side file: 0.5 seconds

Tile Ordering

So far, we've proceeded on the pessimistic assumption that all the tiles were a whole random seek apart. But, actually, they have to be laid out on disk in some sequence or other, so some of them will actually be sequential with one another. For example, we could lay out most or all of the tiles for a particular group of counters (mostly) sequentially on disk, while tiles for different times are laid out in different parts of the disk.

This doesn't make anything worse than our previous assumptions, but it can make them better. In particular, the 23 tiles in which a single counter can be found throughout a single day will generally be a single 10-megabyte read rather than 23 half-megabyte reads, so will take 1/4 second instead of 1/2 second to read. An entire week will take almost 2 seconds.

This optimization can't help by more than about a factor of 2 over the above design because I picked the tile size to guarantee that we don't spend more than half of our time seeking in the worst case. If you make the tiles a bit smaller, you can improve the results for reading in the direction the tiles are contiguous in, at the expense of reads and writes in the other direction. For example, if we make our tiles 32 minutes by 512 counters, then they will be an eighth of a megabyte each, and reading the 1440 points for a single counter over a day will require reading 45 tiles totaling 6 contiguous megabytes, or about 0.16s, rather than 0.25. But reading a full column (say, to find out which devices used the most bandwidth over a certain period of time) would then require reading 1200 discontiguous tiles, for 1200 disk seeks (about 10 seconds) and 150 megabytes (about 4 seconds), for a total of about 14 seconds, rather than 600 disk seeks and 300 megabytes, for a total of about 12 seconds. (See below about grouping counters by type to improve this.)

Thinned Data

You probably want to add additional tiles containing subsets of the data --- perhaps a data point for each counter every five minutes, or every half-hour, or every hour, or every day. If you want to graph the performance of a particular network device for an entire month, you probably don't want more than 1000 or 2000 data points, and a data point for every 20 minutes adds up to 2000 data points in a month.

This way, you can have, say, 2016 points of five-minute data for a week, in a sequence of 32 contiguous tiles --- 16 megabytes, or 0.4 seconds of disk traffic --- so that you can generate weekly graphs quickly. Monthly or yearly graphs are an even bigger savings.

The thinned data will be small compared to the full-size dataset, so its size probably isn't that important.

RRDTool erases the full-resolution data after making up thinned versions, so that the database always remains the same size.

Grouping Counters By Type

In the section about tile ordering above, I mentioned that figuring out which devices used the most bandwidth over a certain period of time would require a really unreasonable query time, since it requires reading all the tiles for two particular times --- the beginning and the end of that period. There are about 600 tiles covering each of those times, totaling about 600 megabytes, which takes 15 seconds of disk I/O, plus 1200 disk seeks (10 seconds more), if you need to read them all.

But the reason we have 600 000 counters is that we're recording 6 different counters per device. Most queries, like the one suggested above, probably only touch one or two of the counters --- so if each tile only contains one kind of counter, we can improve this substantially.

If the desired results are available in a single counter type, we only need 200 tiles. Furthermore, if we have a thinned data set that happens to place the ends of the period in question in the same column of tiles, then we only need 100 tiles. This means we only need to read 50 megabytes of data and seek 100 times, so we can do the query in a little over 2 seconds instead of 25.

Queries that need data from every type of counter are very rare.


As proposed above, each counter has 64 values in a particular tile, which total 512 bytes if they're 8 bytes each. But most of the time, we can probably get away with an 8-byte initial value and a sequence of changes from the previous value, each of which will usually be 8, 16, or 32 bits. (0 is probably the most common value.) If they're 16 bits on average, then we could fit about four times as many values into the same half-megabyte block, which means that everything needs a lot less I/O bandwidth and many fewer seeks.

In particular: - we only need 1.2 megabytes per minute of writes, or 1.7 GB per day, or 51 GB per month; - each tile can hold 128 minutes of 2048 counters; - the updates for each timestamp get written to 300 tiles; - the 1440 one-minute samples for a single counter are spread over 12 tiles, which can be read in 0.11 seconds if they're contiguous; - the 300 tiles currently being updated can live in an in-memory side file of 150 megabytes maximum or 75 megabytes steady-state (assuming steady-state is possible); this is assuming we keep things compressed in RAM as well; - writing out those 300 tiles (every 128 minutes) takes 4 seconds of write bandwidth and 3 seconds of seeks, or about 0.05 seconds (amortized) per update, plus the time to write to the disk version of the side file, which may still be bulky. - thinned data will probably comprise a larger fraction of the file, since its deltas will be larger; - reading 100 000 counters at each of two timestamps will probably require reading 50 tiles, which will be 25 megabytes of data, so it should be possible to find out which devices used the most bandwidth over some arbitrary period in under a second of disk time.

Further Redundancy

If you could afford it, then instead of tiling, you could just store the data twice --- once such that all the data for each counter is mostly contiguous on disk (i.e. broken up into chunks mostly bigger than the bandwidth-delay product), and again such that all the data for each timestamp is mostly contiguous on disk. Side files would batch updates as before to allow efficient updates.

This would allow queries that only care about a few timestamps or a few counters to run with very little I/O, and delta-compression of counter data might be feasible for the contiguous-by-counter data; it probably isn't feasible for the contiguous-by-timestamp data.

Network Bandwidth Requirements

If you were doing this monitoring using SNMPv2, you could probably do a bulk-get from each of, say, 10 000 devices, once a minute, and get back a 1000-byte-or-so response from each one. That's 10 megabytes per minute, or 1.3 megabits per second in each direction. You can get that kind of performance from ARCNet, or 1978-era Ethernet, or 802.11b, or old 4Mbps Token Ring cards that cost US$5 on eBay in 1997. I'm assuming you can poll switches or routers or something, one per ten devices, rather than having to talk to all 100 000 network devices directly.

An SNMP library that can handle talking to 10 000 agents within a minute --- perhaps 200 or 300 at any given time, if you have a reasonable timeout --- may be a little more difficult to come by. It's not technically very difficult to do, but you have to design your SNMP library to do it, and not require a separate thread for each concurrent request.

In Summary

It should be inexpensive to log and query several vital statistics of each device on a large corporate network with a single five-year-old laptop, maintaining historical data with hourly granularity indefinitely, using the following techniques.

Batch updates in memory, logging them in a file, flushing them to disk when necessary.

Each datum is addressed by a tuple (countertype, deviceid, timestamp). I recommend storing data in physically contiguous tiles of around half a meg (times or divided by four) addressed by tuples (tilerow, tilecol), where tilerow is a function of countertype and deviceid and tilecol is a function of timestamp, such that data from different countertypes are assigned to different tilerows, and each tilecol corresponds to a contiguous interval of timestamps adjacent to the intervals its neighboring tilecols correspond to. Then, tiles of the same tilerow and consecutive tilecols should be stored consecutively on disk most of the time.

Variable-length delta-compression of the data for a particular counter within each tile should provide very substantial benefits in responsiveness.

Data must be stored redundantly in two ways: - the file of logged updates eventually becomes redundant with the data stored in the tiles; - thinned-out data tiles contain selected timestamps from other tiles to facilitate queries that cover longer time intervals.
