bytecode interpreters for tiny computers

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2007-09 (61 minutes)
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  1. 1) Introduction: Density Is King (With a Tiny VM)
  2. 2) Indirect Threaded 16-bit FORTH: Not Great For Density
  3. 3) Naive Lisp: Terrible for Density
  4. 4) Lua's VM: Four-Byte Register-Based Instructions
  5. 5) The MuP21 and F21 instruction sets
  6. 6) Local Variables: Registers Or Stacks?
  7. 7) Adapting the MuP21 Instruction Set to a Smalltalk-Like System
  8. 8) Speculative Case Study: An F21-like Squeak
  9. 9) Steve Wozniak's SWEET 16 Dream Machine
  10. 10) NanoVM: Java Bytecodes on the AVR
  11. 11) Code-Compact Data Structures
  12. 12) Library Design
  13. 13) Other Existing Small Interpreters
  14. 14) Conclusions: Squeak Rules, We Should Be Able To Do Python In A Few K

Introduction: Density Is King (With a Tiny VM)

I've previously come to the conclusion that there's little reason for using bytecode in the modern world, except in order to get more compact code, for which it can be very effective. So, what kind of a bytecode engine will give you more compact code?

Suppose I want a bytecode interpreter for a very small programming environment, specifically to minimize the memory needed for a program; say, on a 32-bit microcontroller with 40KiB of program flash, where the program flash size is very often the limiting factor on what the machine can do.

My dumb fib microbenchmark looks like this in Smalltalk:

fib: n
        n < 2 ifTrue: [^1] 
              ifFalse: [^(self fib: n - 1) + (self fib: n - 2)]

And in Squeak bytecode:

9 <10> pushTemp: 0
10 <77> pushConstant: 2
11 <B2> send: <
12 <99> jumpFalse: 15
13 <76> pushConstant: 1
14 <7C> returnTop
15 <70> self
16 <10> pushTemp: 0
17 <76> pushConstant: 1
18 <B1> send: -
19 <E0> send: fib:
20 <70> self
21 <10> pushTemp: 0
22 <77> pushConstant: 2
23 <B1> send: -
24 <E0> send: fib:
25 <B0> send: +
26 <7C> returnTop

Or, as I translated to pseudo-FORTH, "n 2 < if 1 return then self n 1 - recurse self n 2 - recurse + return".

The metric of goodness for a CPU instruction set is a little different from that for a bytecode interpreter. Bytecode interpreters don't have to worry about clock rate (and therefore combinational logic path length) or, so far, parallelism; they can use arbitrary amounts of storage on their own behalf; they're easier to modify; their fundamental operations can take advantage of more indirection.

Here are some examples of things a bytecode interpreter can do that a hardware CPU might have more trouble with:

Indirect Threaded 16-bit FORTH: Not Great For Density

I don't have a FORTH handy, but I think the definition looks something like this in FORTH:

: FIB DUP 2 <  IF DROP 1  

which I think, in an indirect-threaded FORTH, compiles to a dictionary entry containing something like this:

DUP (2) < (IF) #3 DROP (1) (ELSE) #8 DUP 1- FIB SWAP (2) - FIB + ;

That's 18 threading slots, so 36 bytes, plus the overhead of the dictionary structure, which I think is typically 2 bytes for a dictionary that has forgotten the word names. Better than PowerPC assembly (at 96 bytes) but not great, noticeably worse than Squeak.

Naive Lisp: Terrible for Density

What if we interpret fib with a simple Lisp interpreter that walks tree structures? We could define it as follows:

(labels fib (n) (if (< 2 n) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))

That's 17 non-parenthesis tokens and 9 right parentheses, for a total of 28 leaf-nodes on the cons tree. That means the tree contains 27 conses, for 54 memory-address-containing cells in interior nodes, probably a minimum of 108 bytes. I conclude that while this program-representation approach is very simple, it takes up a lot of space. I don't think cdr-coding would help enough, since none of the lists are very long; if you had 9 lists containing 25 pointers and 9 one-byte lengths or one-byte terminators, you still have 59 bytes.

Lua's VM: Four-Byte Register-Based Instructions

According to "The Implementation of Lua 5.0", Lua's virtual machine has been register-based since 2003. They claim that their four-byte register instructions aren't really much more voluminous than stack-based instructions, perhaps in part because they're comparing to stack-based instructions for a single-stack machine that has local variable storage in addition to its stack.

Lua's register-based virtual machine is fairly small: "[O]n Linux its stand-alone interpreter, complete with all standard libraries, takes less than 150 Kbytes; the core is less than 100 Kbytes." They've previously said that the compiler is about 30% of the size of the core, which suggests that the rest of the core, including the bytecode interpreter, is about 70KB.

They mention that it has 35 instructions, which would almost fit in 5 bits of opcode: MOVE, LOADK, LOADBOOL (converts to boolean and conditionally skips an instruction), LOADNIL (clears a bunch of registers), GETUPVAL, GETGLOBAL, GETTABLE, GETGLOBAL, SETUPVAL, SETTABLE, NEWTABLE, SELF, ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, POW, UNM (unary minus), NOT, CONCAT (string concatenation of a bunch of registers), JMP, EQ, LT, LE, TEST, CALL, TAILCALL, RETURN, FORLOOP, TFORLOOP, TFORPREP, SETLIST, SETLISTO, CLOSE, and CLOSURE.

CALL passes a range of registers to a function and stores its result in a range of registers; this implies that the virtual machine handles saving and restoring of the stack frame. The paper uses the term "register window" to compare it to what the SPARC does.

The comparison instructions skip the next instruction on success.

Here's their example code to show how much better the register machine is:

local a, t, i   LOADNIL 0 2 0
a = a + i       ADD     0 0 2
a = a + 1       ADD     0 0 250
a = t[i]        GETTABLE 0 1 2

The old stack machine compiled this as follows:


It seems that you should be able to compile this on a two-stack machine as NIL NIL DUP >R + 1+ R> NIL GETTABLE, which is 9 instructions instead of 11, and also clearly stupid, since nil is neither a table nor a number. If you could really fit that into 6 bytes, it might be an improvement over the 12 bytes of their current scheme or the 11 bytes of their previous one. It might be better to try more realistic code fragments.

The paper also discusses an interesting implementation of closures, in which captured variables migrate into heap-allocated structures upon function return.

The MuP21 and F21 instruction sets

The MuP21 was implemented in 6000 transistors, including an NTSC signal generator and a controller for external DRAM, so it ought to be possible to emulate its behavior with a fairly small amount of software. Here's the instruction set:

Transfer Instructions: JUMP, CALL, RET, JZ, JCZ Memory Instructions: LOAD, STORE, LOADP, STOREP, LIT ALU Instructions: COM, XOR, AND, ADD, SHL, SHR, ADDNZ Register Instructions: LOADA, STOREA, DUP, DROP, OVER, NOP

COM is complement. The CPU has an A register, accessed with LOADA and STOREA, that supplies the address for LOAD and STORE; I think LOADP and STOREP increment it as well. I think JCZ jumps if the carry bit is zero. (Each register on the stack has its own carry bit; the "21" refers to the 20-bit memory word size, plus the extra bit.)

The F21 had 27 instructions to the MuP21's 24. (Only 23 are listed above, hmm.) They were renamed:

Code Name  Description                         Forth (with a variable named A) 
  00 else  unconditional jump                  ELSE 
  01 T0    jump if T0-19 is false w/ no drop   DUP  IF 
  02 call  push PC+1 to R, jump                : 
  03 C0    jump if T20 is false                CARRY?  IF 
  06 RET   pop PC from R  (subroutine return)  ; 
  08 @R+   fetch from address in R, increment  R    R@  @  R>  1+  >R 
  09 @A+   fetch from address in A, increment  A    A  @  @  1  A  +! 
  0A #     fetch from PC+1, increment PC       LIT 
  0B @A    fetch from address in A             A  @  @ 
  0C !R+   store to address in R, increment R  R@  !  R>  1+  >R 
  0D !A+   store to address in A, increment A  A  @  !  1  A  +! 
  0F !A    store to address in A               A  @  ! 
  10 com   complement T                        -1  XOR 
  11 2*    left shift T, 0 to T0               2* 
  12 2/    right shift T, T20 to T19           2/ 
  13 +*    add S to T if T0 is true            DUP  1  AND  IF OVER + THEN 
  14 -or   exclusive-or S to T                 XOR 
  15 and   and S to T                          AND 
  17 +     add S to T                          + 
  18 pop   pop R, push to T                    R> 
  19 A     push A to T                         A  @ 
  1A dup   push T to T                         DUP 
  1B over  push S to T                         OVER 
  1C push  pop T, push to R                    >R 
  1D A!    pop T to A                          A  ! 
  1E nop   delay 2ns                           NOP 
  1F drop  pop T                               DROP

T is top-of-stack; R is top-of-return-stack; S is the element right under the top of stack. I think @R+ and !R+ are two of the three new instructions; push and pop are probably the other one, since they don't seem to be listed in the MuP21 list.

I'm not sure what +* is for, but I'm guessing it was ADDNZ.

I'm not sure where the else, T0, and C0 instructions jump to; maybe the next address on the operand stack.

Interestingly, there doesn't seem to be a straightforward way to get a "1" onto the stack without using the # instruction, which is annoying because that takes 25 bits of instructions. dup dup -or A! @A+ drop A is another approach at 30 bits, but it clobbers the A register and issues a useless memory reference. dup dup -or com 2* com is another 25-bit approach.

So here's my dumb fib benchmark expressed in F21 code, according to my limited understanding, and without trying to be very clever:

fib: dup #-2 + #returnone swap c0 dup #-1 + #fib call 
                                 swap #-2 + #fib call + ;
returnone: drop drop #1 ;

That loses pretty badly on literals; if we assume that # pushes its value immediately and doesn't require any NOPs (e.g. to avoid having multiple # instructions per word) then we have 22 instructions and 7 literals --- 6 words of instructions and 7 of literals, for a total of 32.5 bytes. Not the code density direction I was hoping this would take me!

But it's possible to avoid the redundant literals:

fib: dup #-2 dup push + #returnone swap c0 dup #-1 + #fib dup push call 
                                          swap pop swap pop + swap call + ;
returnone: pop drop drop drop #1 ;

And actually #1 is somewhat redundant with #-2, being its bitwise complement:

fib: dup #-2 dup push + #returnone swap c0 dup #-1 + #fib dup push call 
                                          swap pop swap pop + swap call + ;
returnone: drop drop pop com ;

That makes it 29 instructions but only 4 literals --- 8 words of instructions, 4 of literals, for a total of 12 20-bit words, or 30 bytes. Still worse than the Squeak version on size --- and quite hard to read! And some of the literals are still probably too close together to work on a real machine.

If we were instead using three-instruction 16-bit words with a high bit used to tag literals, we could maybe win a little more.

fib: #-2  dup push over  + nop nop  #returnone  swap c0 
     dup  #-1  + nop nop  #fib  dup push call 
     swap pop swap  pop + swap  call + ;
returnone: drop drop pop  com ;

That's 33 instructions, but the four literals don't count, so 29 instructions or 10 16-bit instruction words, plus four 16-bit literal words. That's 28 bytes, almost the same as the Squeak version, but still worse! And that's with me trying to get clever with the instruction reordering, too.

Now I begin to understand why Chuck Moore was getting to the point where he would repeat FOO twenty times by doing : FOO5 FOO FOO FOO FOO FOO ; FOO5 FOO5 FOO5 FOO5 instead of using a DO loop. Numbers are a real pain on the F21! (But perhaps that's as it should be; programming isn't about numbers, anyway.)

Local Variables: Registers Or Stacks?

Having two stacks removes the need for local argument vectors; you can always shift the variables left and right between the call and return stack, possibly swapping as you go, to get to the values you want. (This could be shortened if there was a "repeat next instruction four times" instruction: >R, >R >R, 4x >R R>, 4x >R, 4x >R >R, 4x >R 4x >R R> R>, 4x >R 4x >R R>, 4x >R 4x >R, and so on; and similar in the other direction.) It wasn't apparent to me which approach would use less code, or whether it would depend on the number of arguments and local variables.

I thought I'd see what the distribution is like in a body of real code, so I ran the following code in Squeak 3.8-6665. (No doubt any Smalltalk programmer could improve it.)

        "How common are methods with lots of temps?"
        | totaldict tempdict argsdict update |
        tempdict := Dictionary new.  "Maybe not the best container."
        argsdict := Dictionary new.
        totaldict := Dictionary new.
        update := [:dict :key | dict at: key put: (1 + 
            (dict at: key ifAbsent: [0]))].
        Smalltalk allClassesDo: [:class | 
            (Array with: class with: class class) do: [:cl | 
                cl selectorsAndMethodsDo: [:sel :meth |
                    update value: tempdict value: meth numTemps.
                    update value: argsdict value: meth numArgs.
                    update value: totaldict 
                           value: meth numTemps + meth numArgs.
        ^ {'temps' -> tempdict. 'args' -> argsdict. 'total' -> totaldict.}

In a fraction of a second, this returned the following (reformatted):

#('temps' -> a Dictionary(
    0->18952 1->13665  2->6366   3->3697  4->2301
    5->1492   6->939    7->676    8->426   9->346  
    10->196  11->193   12->139    13->99   14->60
    15->47    16->46    17->30    18->15   19->20
    20->12    21->11    22->15     23->6    24->3
    25->5      26->4     27->3     28->5    32->1
    33->2      37->1     39->1              50->1)
'args' -> a Dictionary(
    0->26114  1->15903  2->4717  3->1712  4->756
      5->309    6->138    7->64    8->37   9->13
       10->8     11->2    12->1    13->1 )
'total' -> a Dictionary(
    0->18952  1->3240   2->11976  3->3128  4->4290
     5->1760  6->1947     7->999   8->983   9->558
     10->521  11->293    12->276  13->155  14->196
     15->115   16->81     17->57   18->52   19->31
      20->43   21->24     22->20   23->11   24->17
       25->9    26->6      27->9    28->7    29->5
       30->6    33->1      35->1    36->1    38->1
       42->1    44->1      46->1    62->1 )

That's out of 49775 methods; so roughly 95% of these methods have 8 or fewer arguments and temporaries, 90% have 6 or fewer, 75% have 3 or fewer, and 69% have 2 or fewer. That suggests that in a codebase like Smalltalk, it would probably be a marginal cost to use two stacks in the bytecode instead of a local-argument vector.

But probably the methods that have a lot of local variables and arguments are longer, so inefficiency in implementing those methods might cause inefficiency out of proportion to their number. How much does that skew the results? The CompiledMethod class has initialPC and endPC methods which return the bounds of its bytecode, so I changed the code to count bytecodes rather than methods:

    "How common are methods with lots of temps?"
    | totaldict tempdict argsdict update |
    tempdict := Dictionary new.
    argsdict := Dictionary new.
    totaldict := Dictionary new.  "Maybe not the best container."
    update := [:dict :key :incr | 
        dict at: key put: (incr + (dict at: key ifAbsent: [0]))].
    Smalltalk allClassesDo: [:class | 
      (Array with: class with: class class) do:
        [:cl | cl selectorsAndMethodsDo: [:sel :meth || methbytes |
            methbytes := meth endPC - meth initialPC + 1.
            update value: tempdict value: meth numTemps value: methbytes.
            update value: argsdict value: meth numArgs value: methbytes.
            update value: totaldict value: meth numTemps + meth numArgs
                                    value: methbytes. 
    ^ {'temps' -> tempdict. 'args' -> argsdict. 'total' -> totaldict.}

This counted 1 334 542 bytecodes:

'total' -> a Dictionary(
    0->171811  1->95663  2->182923  3->117718  4->125591
     5->92320  6->92671   7->72908  8->61526    9->49807
    10->46568 11->36943  12->27096 13->21759   14->27821
    15->17379 16->13309  17->10390  18->9528    19->7659
    20->10162  21->5969   22->5238  23->3087    24->5804
     25->5229  26->2915   27->3747  28->2551    29->2217
     30->3014    33->12    35->405   36->505     38->341
     42->357    44->235    46->336  62->1028 )

50% of them are defined in a context with 4 or fewer locals and args; 60% with 6 or fewer; 70% with 7 or fewer; 80% with 10 or fewer; 90% with 14 or fewer; 95% with 27 or fewer. That's not quite as encouraging as the raw method counts, but it still suggests that the approach is viable and probably does not need the "4x" instruction I suggested earlier. (Even in a method with 14 local variables, all of which are simultaneously live, with really random access, I think the average distance from the variable you're currently at to the variable you want is only a third of 14, or 4.7.)

Adapting the MuP21 Instruction Set to a Smalltalk-Like System

Maybe I could follow the MuP21's lead and use five-bit zero-operand instructions for a two-stack abstract machine. Probably I should pack them five to a 32-bit word, or three to a 16-bit word; the left-over bits can be used for tagging immediate data in the instruction stream, as in Leong, Tsang, and Lee's MSL16 FPGA-based FORTH CPU.

The appeal of the 5-bit instructions is that, say, my sample fib program could perhaps be expressed in less than 26 bytes, or 13 16-bit words: 39 instructions or 16-bit literals. Can we do that? Clearly it depends on the instruction set. An ideal FORTHish instruction set for the sample dumb fibonacci program would make it simply

dup 2 return-1-if-less-than dup 1- recurse swap 2- recurse + ;

which is 11 instructions in length, 8 bytes, with 9 distinct instructions. Some of these instructions --- dup, swap, +, and ; --- would clearly be included in any FORTH-like CPU; others --- 1-, return-1-if-less-than, 2, 2-, and recurse --- are less likely. Here's a version with a more likely instruction set:

dup 1 swap 2 - negative? conditional-return pop
dup 1- literal(fib) call swap 1- 1- literal(fib) call + ;

call, literal, and pop are also almost certain to exist; this version uses additionally only 1, 2, -, negative?, conditional-return, and 1-. It contains 17 non-literal instructions and two literals, so it would be 16 bytes if literals were two bytes.

For this function, we don't really need 2 or - as instructions; "2 -" can be rewritten just as easily as "1- 1-". That brings the required instruction repertoire down to 9 regular instructions, plus literal.

The only dubious instruction in the remaining repertoire is negative?, and it's only dubious because the MuP21 doesn't know about negativity. I think it amounts to testing the carry bit, which is actually probably a pretty reasonable thing to either have an operation to test or to have conditional-return test.

Following the MuP21/F21 model, maybe we could improve on Squeak's bytecode by avoiding the use of a special space and special instructions for local variables, by avoiding the need for message argument counts (and by supporting multiple return values), and probably by putting references to message selectors inline in the bytecode rather than in a separate literal table. My instance of Squeak currently only has 30474 different message selectors, so 16 bits for the selector identifier would probably accommodate many more years of evolution.

These erasures would not be at the cost of safety --- in Smalltalk, the argument signature of a method is implicit in the selector, and as long as the bytecode compiler was bug-free, whatever bogus method got called would pop the right number of arguments and push a single return value.

Probably the stack manipulation instructions (# dup over push pop nop drop) and the control-flow instructions (call else T0 C0 ret) would stay the same, with the addition of a "send" instruction; it would probably also be good to keep the A register around in some form, as the destination for messages, which implies keeping the A and A! instructions as well, for a total of 14 fixed instructions. The "send" instruction could simply leave the object reference in A during the call, and expect it to be preserved --- an "A push" sequence before clobbering it and a "pop A!" sequence before returning is probably not too much to ask.

Smalltalk's blocks might have a little difficulty in this environment --- to access method-local variables, to answer from their containing method, and to call methods on self; none of these are difficulties in the cases where the compiler inlines the control structure, of course. It is, of course, possible to make them into full-fledged objects, as the abstract semantic models of Smalltalk and Scheme do.

As an alternative to the complete omission of a literal table, a literal table could override on a per-element basis the elements of a default literal table that defined the meanings of most of the instructions; the most common instruction meanings would be at one end of the table, while the literals would override meanings (with messages) starting from the other end. Probably messages to call and constants to push have roughly equal frequencies, in which case we could use the low bit of the instruction to distinguish them. If the stack-manipulation and control-flow instructions are non-overridable at 11 instructions, that gives us a maximum literal-table size of 18 redefinable instructions, which would default to a statically-determined set of the most common constants and messages in the system.

Literals that overflowed the literal table could still be used inline with the # instruction, possibly followed by call or send. If, as previously suggested, the # instruction were merely a high bit in a 16-bit word, the disadvantage relative to a literal-table entry would be fairly small --- more a 15-bit size limitation than anything else. If we trust our byte-compiler (or some Java-like type-inferencing stack-effect verifier), we can probably do type erasure and avoid the overhead of tag bits here, at least for message selectors.

Larger constants can be constructed fairly easily with a sequence of multiple literal words and some combining operation such as (\x y -> x * 8192 + y).

I said the control-flow operators should stay the same, but probably the T0 and C0 conditional branches aren't quite the right thing for Smalltalk; maybe ifFalse and ifNotNil instead.

Speculative Case Study: An F21-like Squeak

It might be worthwhile to profile the selector and constant usage of, say, Squeak, to see what the 18 default literals would be, how many literals are used more than once in a method (and therefore might benefit from being put into a literal table). From that perhaps I could estimate the literal table size of each method in the new regime, and then I could hand-translate a few methods to see if they were smaller.

For now I am going to look at a sort of worst-case: suppose we only had dup, over, push, pop, nop, drop, and literals for stack manipulation; send, jump/else, ifTrue, ifNotNil, ifFalse, and ret for control flow; A and A! for changing the destination of messages; and everything else were done by message sends getting their messages from inline literals (rather than a literal table), with the literals distinguished from instructions by a high bit in a 16-bit word. From results with this worst-case, we can estimate how much better some piece of code would be if all its selectors and constants had bytecodes assigned to them.

That gives us 14 opcodes, so we can stuff them four to a 16-bit word normally, let the high bit be 0 for literals, and make sure that "nop" has its high bit be zero so we can insert it in the instruction stream where necessary.

Furthermore, let's assume that we have to handle all blocks, other than those for ifTrue, ifNotNil, and simple loops, by lambda-lifting. Lambda-lifting means that we turn each block into, effectively, an object class; when we instantiate that class, we send it the variables over which the block is closed, and it stores them in instance variables.

If the block modifies the variables, we will have to extract their current values from the block thenceforth, since without further control-flow analysis there's no way to tell when the block might be invoked by some apparently unrelated message send.

Here's a method chosen at pseudorandom, CompiledMethod>>copyWithTrailerBytes: bytes.

| copy end start |
start := self initialPC.
end := self endPC.
copy := CompiledMethod newMethod: end - start + 1 + bytes size
            header: self header.
1 to: self numLiterals do: [:i | 
    copy literalAt: i put: (self literalAt: i)].
start to: end do: [:i | copy at: i put: (self at: i)].
1 to: bytes size do: [:i | copy at: end + i put: (bytes at: i)].
^ copy

In Squeak's bytecode, with suggested bytecode translations interspersed, and a display of the two stacks separated by a : after a .

    37 <70> self
    38 <D0> send: initialPC

#initialPC send  \ bytes start : retaddr

    39 <6B> popIntoTemp: 3
    40 <70> self
    41 <D1> send: endPC

#endPC send  \ bytes start end : retaddr

    42 <6A> popIntoTemp: 2
    43 <43> pushLit: CompiledMethod

#CompiledMethod push  \ bytes start end : CompiledMethod retaddr

    44 <12> pushTemp: 2
    45 <13> pushTemp: 3
    46 <B1> send: -

A push  \ bytes start end : self CompiledMethod retaddr
A! \ bytes start : self CompiledMethod retaddr
dup push \ bytes start : start self CompiledMethod retaddr
#- send  \ bytes end-start : start self CompiledMethod retaddr

    47 <76> pushConstant: 1
    48 <B0> send: +

A push \ bytes end-start : end start self CompiledMethod retaddr
A! #1 #+ send \ bytes end-start+1 : end start self CompiledMethod retaddr

    49 <10> pushTemp: 0
    50 <C2> send: size

over A!
#size send  \ bytes end-start+1 bytessize : end start self CompiledMethod ret..

    51 <B0> send: +

push A! pop #+ send \ A=bytes; end-start+1+bytessize : end start self Com...

    52 <70> self

pop pop A pop A! \ A=self; es1b end start bytes : CompiledMethod retaddr

    53 <D4> send: header

#header send  \ A=self; es1b end start bytes selfheader : CompiledMethod ret...

    54 <F2> send: newMethod:header:
    55 <69> popIntoTemp: 1

A push  push push push push  A! \ A=es1b; : end start bytes selfheader self C..
pop pop pop A  \ end start bytes es1b : selfheader self CompiledMethod retaddr
pop pop pop A! \ A=CompiledMethod; end start bytes es1b selfheader self : ret..
push #newMethod:header: send \ end start bytes copy : self retaddr

    56 <70> self
    57 <D5> send: numLiterals

pop A! #numLiterals send  \ A=self; end start bytes copy numlits : retaddr

So far, we're at 46 pseudo-FORTH operations and 11 literals (10 distinct), or about 46 bytes of this "worst-case" code, nearly half of which is literals. That compares poorly to Squeak's 21 bytes up to this point; even if all the literals in our pseudo-FORTH were instructions, Squeak's bytecodes would still be slightly smaller up to this point! (Not counting the Squeak method's 32-byte literal table, most of which is for the part of the method we haven't gotten to yet.)

Squeak doesn't seem to be getting a big space advantage from its literals table, since none of the literals have been repeated yet (except for #+, which would probably be an opcode in either case).

If I could evaluate subexpressions of a method call in an arbitrary order, the above might be smaller (I could avoid "push push push push push"), but I wouldn't count on it.

This method is at the median of about four parameters and named temporaries, but it also has to deal with unnamed temporaries.

Now we're about to start a loop, from 1 to numlits. The last method send in the loop is to "copy", so we're going to arrange to have it in the A register when we enter the loop as well.

    58 <6D> popIntoTemp: 5
    59 <76> pushConstant: 1
    60 <6C> popIntoTemp: 4

\ A=self; end start bytes copy numlits : retaddr

push #1  \ A=self; end start bytes copy : 1 numlits retaddr
A push A! \ A=copy; end start bytes : self 1 numlits retaddr
pop \ A=copy; end start bytes self : 1 numlits retaddr

    61 <14> pushTemp: 4 ; loop starts here

\ A=copy; end start bytes self : i numlits retaddr

    62 <15> pushTemp: 5
    63 <B4> send: <=

A pop dup A! \ A=i; end start bytes self copy i : numlits retaddr
pop dup #<= send \ A=i; end start bytes self copy i numlits stillgoing : retaddr

    64 <AC 0D> jumpFalse: 79

#79 ifTrue  \ A=i; end start bytes self copy i numlits : retaddr

    66 <11> pushTemp: 1
    67 <14> pushTemp: 4
    68 <70> self
    69 <14> pushTemp: 4
    70 <E7> send: literalAt:

push push push A! \ A=self; end start bytes : copy i numlits retaddr
pop pop dup \ A=self; end start bytes copy i i : numlits retaddr
#literalAt: send \ A=self; end start bytes copy i selfati : numlits retaddr

    71 <F6> send: literalAt:put:

A push push push A! \ A=copy; end start bytes : i selfati self numlits retaddr
pop dup pop #literalAt:put: send \ A = copy; end start bytes i trash : self nu..

    72 <87> pop


    73 <14> pushTemp: 4
    74 <76> pushConstant: 1
    75 <B0> send: +
    76 <6C> popIntoTemp: 4

#1 #+ send  \ A=copy; end start bytes i+1 : self numlits retaddr

Now we have to get the stack back to the state for starting the loop, which turns out to be more work than I'd like:

A push A!  \ A=i+1; end start bytes copy : self numlits retaddr
pop A  \ end start bytes copy self i+1 : numlits retaddr
push push A! \ A=copy; end start bytes : self i+1 numlits retaddr
pop  \ A=copy; end start bytes self : i+1 numlits retaddr

    77 <A3 EE> jumpTo: 61

#61 else

So here we are at the end of the first loop. 44 more ordinary instructions (22 bytes), plus 8 literals. Squeak, by contrast, did the whole loop in just 21 bytes. Again, even if all the literals went away, Squeak's bytecode design would still be tighter.

It might be possible to do a better job of arranging things on the stack so that the computation feels less like programming a Turing machine --- run over here to fetch that, run back there to put it down --- and it seems like there's probably an initial state for the loop that doesn't require 9 instructions to re-establish it at the end.

Still, if there were any code where we'd expect the two-stack machine to shine, it would be stuff like this --- where we only have three variables (and a loop limit) accessed inside the loop.

I also made a bunch of mistakes, but I don't think they undermine my basic conclusion: the two-stack machine design is not density-competitive with a design with a local-variable vector.

Here's the rest of the Squeak bytecode, which I haven't bothered to translate:

79 <13> pushTemp: 3
80 <6C> popIntoTemp: 4
81 <14> pushTemp: 4
82 <12> pushTemp: 2
83 <B4> send: <=
84 <AC 0D> jumpFalse: 99
86 <11> pushTemp: 1
87 <14> pushTemp: 4
88 <70> self
89 <14> pushTemp: 4
90 <C0> send: at:
91 <C1> send: at:put:
92 <87> pop
93 <14> pushTemp: 4
94 <76> pushConstant: 1
95 <B0> send: +
96 <6C> popIntoTemp: 4
97 <A3 EE> jumpTo: 81
99 <10> pushTemp: 0
100 <C2> send: size
101 <6D> popIntoTemp: 5
102 <76> pushConstant: 1
103 <6C> popIntoTemp: 4
104 <14> pushTemp: 4
105 <15> pushTemp: 5
106 <B4> send: <=
107 <AC 0F> jumpFalse: 124
109 <11> pushTemp: 1
110 <12> pushTemp: 2
111 <14> pushTemp: 4
112 <B0> send: +
113 <10> pushTemp: 0
114 <14> pushTemp: 4
115 <C0> send: at:
116 <C1> send: at:put:
117 <87> pop
118 <14> pushTemp: 4
119 <76> pushConstant: 1
120 <B0> send: +
121 <6C> popIntoTemp: 4
122 <A3 EC> jumpTo: 104
124 <11> pushTemp: 1
125 <7C> returnTop

You could make the argument that the abstract machine Smalltalk presents to the user is more like a register machine than a stack machine, and that this may account for the code being awkward when you translate it to a stack machine. If I were programming this originally in a Forth dialect, I probably would structure the code a little differently, but I doubt it would make that much of an improvement in the code size, unless we used some kind of auxiliary non-stack storage for local variables --- at which point we're pretty much back to Squeak bytecode.

Steve Wozniak's SWEET 16 Dream Machine

Steve Wozniak's SWEET16 16-bit virtual machine, included as part of Integer BASIC, supposedly doubled the code density of the 6502. The virtual machine itself was 300 bytes of 6502 assembly, implementing these instructions; here "#" means "[0-F]".

0x1# SET: load immediate               0x2# LD: copy register to accumulator
0x3# ST: copy accumulator to register  0x4# LD: load byte indirect w/ increment
0x5# ST: store byte indirect w/incr    0x6# LDD: load two bytes ind w/incr
0x7# STD: store two bytes ind w/incr   0x8# POP: load byte indirect w/predecr
0x9# STP: store byte ind w/predecr     0xA# ADD: add register to accum
0xB# SUB: subtract register from acc   0xC# POPD: load 2 bytes ind w/predecr
0xD# CPR: compare register w/acc       0xE# INR: increment register
0xF# DCR: decrement register           0x00 RTN to 6502 mode
0x01 BR unconditional branch           0x02 BNC branch if no carry
0x03 BC branch if carry                0x04 BP branch if positive
0x05 BM branch if minus                0x06 BZ branch if zero
0x07 BNZ branch if nonzero             0x08 BM1 branch if -1
0x09 BNM1 branch if not -1             0x0A BK break (software interrupt)
0x0B RS return from sub (R12 is SP)    0x0C BS branch to sub (R12 is SP)

0x01-0x09 and 0x0C have a second byte which is a signed 8-bit displacement. If you want a 16-bit jump, you can push it on the stack and RS.

That's it, 28 instructions, 300 bytes of machine code to implement them. And I thought the 6502 was already reasonable on code density, so this was apparently quite a win.

It's pretty terrible compared to Squeak's bytecode, though. I think our fib microbenchmark should do fine, since it's all arithmetic and local jumps. Let's assume a calling convention that puts the first argument in R0 and returns the return value in R0. (I don't care where other arguments go; they can go hang, because this function only has one.) Here's my first attempt, which may be buggy:

FIB   DCR R0    ; subtract 2 by decrementing twice
      DCR R0
      BM BASE   ; if it was <2, go to the base case
      INR R0    ; re-increment, so R0=n-1
      STD @R12  ; save a copy of n-1 on the stack
      BS FIB    ; recurse; now R0=fib(n-1)
      ST R4     ; save fib(n-1) so we can retrieve n-1
      POPD @R12 ; now we have n-1 in R0
      ST R3     ; stick n-1 in R3 so we can use R0 to save fib(n-1) on stack
      LD R4     ; now R0=fib(n-1) again
      STD @R12  ; and we push fib(n-1) on the stack
      LD R3     ; now R0=n-1
      DCR R0    ; now R0=n-2
      BS FIB    ; now R0=fib(n-2)
      ST R3     ; we have to get it out of the way so we can pop fib(n-1)
      POPD @R12 ; great, R0=fib(n-1) and R3=fib(n-2)
      ADD R3    ; now R0 = fib(n)
      RS        ; return
BASE  SUB R0    ; base case: R0=R0-R0=0
      INR R0    ; increment
      RS        ; return

That's 21 instructions, three of which have parameter bytes, so 24 bytes. It may be possible to cut this by a couple of bytes, but not more, so it's not really a win over Squeak's system. But it's not a huge loss. (As I said, the code may be buggy, but it's probably good enough for size estimation.)

Suppose we were trying to translate CompiledMethod>>copyWithTrailerBytes: bytes from earlier. You could imagine starting like this, with self in R1 and bytes in R2, and a calling convention that requires us to preserve all registers, including arguments (but, naturally, lets us use the stack), except for R0.

CWTB  LD R3          ; We don't have to save anything to preserve it
      STD @R12       ; from the call, because of the calling
                     ; convention, but we do need a place to keep the
                     ; return value.
      BS *+1         ; These four instructions, 7 bytes, are a far call.
      STD @R12
      ST R3          ; store return value in R3 (start)

      LD R4          ; now clear out R4 to receive "end"
      STD @R12
      BS *+1
      STD @R12
      POPD @R12
      ST R4
      POPD @R12
      ST R3

We're only two lines of code into the method, and we're already at 24 bytes, where the Smalltalk had used six bytecodes and two literals for a total of 14 bytes; and that's glossing over the issue of polymorphic sends for now, assuming that you could compile each "virtual function" into a real function that you could far-call. "end - start + 1 + bytes size", if we write it monomorphically for 16-bit integers, looks something like this:

  LD R7       ; clearing out another reg
  STD @R12
  LD R4       ; end
  SUB R3      ; - start
  INR R0      ; + 1
  ST R7
  LD R8       ; a temp slot for expression result
  STD @R12
  LD R1       ; also we have to change "self"
  STD @R12
  LD R2       ; bytes
  ST R1       ; self <- bytes
  BS *+1
  STD @R12
  ADD R7      ; pedantically, this is "bytes size + (end - start + 1)"
  ST R8

That's 18 instructions plus three parameter bytes, for 21 bytes. Squeak's version was from byte 44 to byte 51, 8 bytecodes, referring to no literals. Unsurprisingly, I guess, SWEET 16 was roughly equivalent on "fib", but much worse on more realistic code.

NanoVM: Java Bytecodes on the AVR

NanoVM is an AVR implementation of Java bytecode; it is about 7100 bytes of AVR machine code and includes garbage collection, arithmetic, inheritance, presumably polymorphism, and needs about 400 clock cycles per Java bytecode, plus 256 bytes of RAM for the VM. However, it only supports "a small subset of the Java language", without "exceptions, threads, floating point arithmetic and various other things like e.g. inheritance from native classes."

As I posted previously, the Java bytecode instruction format looks like it's in the same ballpark with Squeak's, but the bytecode file format may have some hefty overhead; adding a second copy of the "fib" method to, under a different name, inflated the .class file by 82 bytes, from 577 bytes to 659, even though javap -c only shows 15 bytecode instructions occupying 21 bytecode slots in the method.

So it's probably possible to fit a bytecode engine similar to Squeak's into 8 kilobytes of ROM, but 4 kilobytes may be pushing it. Two orders of magnitude performance loss is heavy but may be acceptable.

Code-Compact Data Structures

If you want a flexible but painfully slow language to run on a machine without much code space, you probably need some built-in way to represent common data structures so that you don't have to implement them yourself in your user-level code. The usual set present in modern high-level languages (JavaScript, Python, Lua, Perl) includes numbers, (generally immutable) strings, dictionaries, and mutable, growable lists or arrays.

Symbols, as in Lisp or Smalltalk, are probably a very useful optimization in this setting; they allow you to throw away the keys to your dictionaries if you never print them out.

You may be able to save code space by implementing strings as arrays or lists of character or integer objects, but the run-time space cost is terrible; this may be OK if you never or rarely have strings.

Lua's dictionary ("table") implementation uses some hashing technique I don't understand to be able to operate with a load factor of 100%; I don't know how much code it needs. FORTH's dictionary structure is probably the simplest efficient growable dictionary structure: an eight-entry hash table with separate chaining. If you have space-efficient resizable arrays, you could perhaps store each chain in one of those instead.

Here's a working implementation in my pidgin OCaml of these growable arrays and hash tables. I wrote it in OCaml because I don't have an assembler handy, that's the only language implementation I have handy that produces reasonably compact assembly code, and I haven't written enough code in any assembly language to be able to write this in assembly from memory. It's 42 lines of OCaml code and comes out to 477 instructions, and it omits only two necessarily polymorphic sends: one for hashing in get_table, and one for equality testing in hsearch. I'm pretty dissatisfied with the number of instructions there --- I feel like I could do better, by a factor of 2 or 3 --- but the example at least provides an upper bound that doesn't look insane.

(* code-compact data structures. *)

(* The point of this file is not to provide data structures you'd want
   to use in OCaml (OCaml provides other data structures) but to see
   how much assembly code they compile to. *)

(* growable array *)
type 'a ary = { mutable a: 'a array; mutable n: int; 
                mutable allocated: int } ;;
exception Out_of_bounds of int ;;
(* emptyary: 21 PowerPC instructions *)
let emptyary () = { a = [||]; n = 0; allocated = 0 } ;;
(* aryappend: 121 PowerPC instructions *)
let aryappend a i =
  (if a.n = a.allocated then 
      let newalloc = a.allocated * 2 + 1 
      in let newary = Array.make newalloc i
      in (
          (* normally we would use Array.blit here, but the point is
          to count instructions *)
          for i = 0 to a.n - 1 do newary.(i) <- a.a.(i) done ;
          a.a <- newary ;
          a.allocated <- newalloc
  ) ;
  a.a.(a.n) <- i ;
  a.n <- a.n + 1

(* boundscheck: 30 PowerPC instructions *)
let boundscheck a n = 
  if n < 0 || n >= a.n then raise (Out_of_bounds n)
  else () ;;
(* aryat: 40 PowerPC instructions *)
let aryat a n = boundscheck a n; a.a.(n) ;;
(* aryatput: 40 PowerPC instructions *)
let aryatput a n i = boundscheck a n; a.a.(n) <- i ;;

(* end of growable array code, totaling 252 PowerPC instructions,
   which I think is probably 1008 bytes of machine code. *)

(* hash table.  Specialized for integer keys because OCaml doesn't
   support polymorphic sends to integers. *)

type 'a hashtable = (int * 'a) ary array ;;
exception Key_not_found of int ;;
(* hashint: 2 PowerPC instructions *)
let hashint i = i land 7 ;;
(* hsearch: 41 PowerPC instructions *)
let rec hsearch tbl k i =
  if i = tbl.n then raise (Key_not_found k)
  else let kk, v = aryat tbl i 
    in if kk = k then i else hsearch tbl k (i+1) ;;
(* get_table: 35 PowerPC instructions *)
let get_table h i = h.(hashint i) ;;
(* hashput: 53 PowerPC instructions *)
let hashput h i nv = 
  let tbl = get_table h i and newpair = (i, nv)
  in try let pos = hsearch tbl i 0 in aryatput tbl pos newpair
    with Key_not_found _ -> aryappend tbl newpair ;;                                   
(* hashget: 17 PowerPC instructions *)
let hashget h i =
  let tbl = get_table h i 
  in let (_, v) = aryat tbl (hsearch tbl i 0)
  in v ;;
(* hashhaskey: 32 PowerPC instructions *)
let hashhaskey h i = 
  try ignore(hashget h i); true with Key_not_found _ -> false ;;
(* newtable: 45 PowerPC instructions *)
let newtable () = 
  let rv = Array.make 8 (emptyary ())
  in for i = 1 to 7 do rv.(i) <- emptyary () done ; rv ;;
(* end of hash table code, totaling 225 PowerPC instructions,
   which I think is probably 900 bytes of machine code. *)

Here's a pidgin Squeak version of just the resizeable array:

'From Squeak3.8 of ''5 May 2005'' [latest update: #6665]'!
Object subclass: #Tinyarray
        instanceVariableNames: 'a n allocated'
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'My stuff'!
!Tinyarray commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
Tiny OrderedCollection to see how small we can make stuff.!

!Tinyarray methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'kjs 3/11/2007 16:32'!
add: i
        "max bytecode = 59"
        n = allocated ifTrue: [| newalloc newary | 
                newalloc := allocated * 2 + 1.
                newary := Array new: newalloc.
                1 to: n do: [:ii| newary at: ii put: (a at: ii)].
                a := newary.
                allocated := newalloc.
        a at: (n+1) put: i.
        n := n + 1.! !

!Tinyarray methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'kjs 3/11/2007 16:33'!
at: nn
        "max bytecode = 16"
        self boundscheck: nn.
        ^ a at: nn.! !

!Tinyarray methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'kjs 3/11/2007 16:33'!
at: nn put: i
        "max bytecode = 17"
        self boundscheck: nn.
        ^ a at: nn put: i.! !

!Tinyarray methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'kjs 3/11/2007 16:37'!
boundscheck: nn
        "max bytecode = 43"
        (nn < 1 or: [nn > n]) ifTrue: [Error new 
                signal: 'subscript out of bounds: ', nn printString].
! !

!Tinyarray methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'kjs 3/11/2007 16:34'!
        "max bytecode = 20"
        a := {}.
        n := 0.
        allocated := 0.! !

!Tinyarray methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'kjs 3/11/2007 16:36'!
        "no bytecode --- quick-return field 1.  
        Would probably be max bytecode = 6 otherwise."
        ^ n.! !

This puts all the code for the class (except its instance variable list) in 161 bytes, including ten four-byte literals, so we'd be down 20 bytes if the literals were 16-bit instead. This is noticeably less than the probably 1008 bytes OCaml wanted for essentially the same code. The corresponding Tinyhash is 301 bytes of methods, including 65 (20%!) for the 'keys' method I left off of the OCaml version and 100 bytes of literal pointers. As variants, I did a version using no hashing at all, just Associations in a Tinyarray, which was 199 bytes, a version that used parallel arrays instead of Associations, which was 329 bytes (9.3% larger). A minimal variant of the Association class is 31 bytes (of methods) so I suspect that including Associations is probably a win --- they don't have to save much code anywhere else to be an absolute win.

(I also wrote a version that was just an alist, without Associations or hashing, which was 131 bytes, and a hash table wrapped around that, which was 154 bytes plus a 27-byte Tinyarray>>#do: method, which all adds up to be 312 bytes, slightly larger than the non-alist-based hash-table version; but Tinyarray>>#do: is likely to be useful in other contexts as well.)

(All of this code depends on very little from Array --- it doesn't fall back on its bounds-checking at all, doesn't query it for its size, just uses #at: and #at:put: and allocates new arrays of fixed size --- so it should be able to run atop a very primitive Array implementation.)

Library Design

Historically people have often made the mistake of thinking that computers were for computing --- that is, arithmetic, with numbers. But the number-handling in many programs is confined the lower levels.

Consider these numbers, again from Squeak:

method name                calling methods
sinh                       0
ln                         13
tan                        15
squared                    40
raisedTo: (a power)        55
signal: (raising an error) 78
sin                        78
-> (creating a pair)       114
signal (raising an error)  119
on:send:to: (metaprograms) 117
\\ (integer modulo)        263
addMorph: (GUI design)     333
next (stream input)        493
bitAnd: (bit twiddling)    609
value (invoking a thunk)   674
notNil (testing for nil)   702
collect: (mapcar)          862
// (integer divide)        912
nextPut: (stream output)   968
add: (incremental constr)  1055
* (multiply)               1919
at:put:                    1990
<= (numeric comparison)    2186
@ (creating a pair)        2372
, (sequence concatenation) 2399
do: (sequence iteration)   2508
at: (collection indexing)  3290
- (arithmetic)             3684
new (instantiating class)  5150
+                          5186
= (comparison)             5342

This is out of about 50 000 methods.

Transcendental functions are really unpopular. Most of the math isn't all that popular, in fact, compared to things like operations on sequences. #+ is an exception, but it's used for several things besides arithmetic on numbers: sound mixing, pointer arithmetic, color mixing, date/time manipulation (which is arguably numerical), animation compositing, and voice composition. I suspect that the surprising popularity of #- is due to Smalltalk's unfortunate decision to index its collections from 1 and use closed intervals everywhere, resulting in lots if "-1" in otherwise clean, arithmetic-free code.

The methods for things like iteration and conditional testing are probably more widely used than any of the above, but the compiler inlines them, so I can't get statistics easily.

In general, a system that provided no arithmetic at all would be of limited use, but it's possible to get surprisingly far without floating-point or transcendental functions, let alone complex numbers; you probably get +, -, and < almost for free. It's likely that you'd be better off devoting precious ROM space to some kind of flexible collection classes than to transcendental functions, rational numbers, or possibly even division.

Other Existing Small Interpreters

Conclusions: Squeak Rules, We Should Be Able To Do Python In A Few K

Most of the approaches I looked at are considerably more compact than PowerPC machine code on the toy "fib" problem, by a factor of 2-4, with Squeak among the best; this includes Java (?), Squeak, indirect-threaded 16-bit FORTH, SWEET 16, and the F21 CPU. A couple (OCaml bytecode, PICBIT) sound much worse on density. Beating a factor of 4 (25 bytes for the "fib" program) looks difficult. The factor-of-4 improvement in code density looks realistic from the Tinyhash and Tinyarray examples, and based on previous work, I think a virtual machine for some Squeak-like bytecode can be contained in 4000-8000 bytes of machine code, with a rich library requiring a few thousand more bytes.

Probably Squeak's approach, using a stack for expression intermediate results (to keep instruction size down), a local-variable vector for slightly-longer-term usage (to cut down on stack-manipulation noise words), and a local-literal vector for constants and linkage, with nearly all instructions contained in a single byte, is the best one known for tight bytecode. I suspect that conditional return may be a more compact control-flow primitive than conditional jump, but it could make compiler implementation more challenging.

I'm going to assert that polymorphism, even (especially!) on "fundamental" operations that have machine instructions assigned to them, increases code density. In the case that you don't have any polymorphism in your program, it costs you very little code density (none in bodies, maybe a couple of bytes each in definitions), and in the case where you do, it saves you conditionals. This should hold a fortiori for multiple dispatch.

If we are going for absolute minimum run-time code size, it's perhaps best to have a small kernel written in machine code (probably in a stack-oriented fashion, such that you can put CALL instructions one after the other with no intervening setup) that implements a fairly primitive stack-based virtual machine, atop which a more Squeak-like virtual machine is implemented. (They need not be separate abstract machines --- perhaps unimplemented bytecodes will trap into a user-defined instruction handler.) For example, the hash tables and growable arrays mentioned previously should probably be mostly implemented in this level; in Squeak bytecode, they need around 500 bytes.

Library design probably makes a big difference in how few literals you have to use --- if most of the messages in your system belong to a few small interfaces like #at: and #at:put: or arithmetic, you'll have a much easier time with the bytecode.

With this approach, it should be possible to get a very slow language, with flexibility something like Python's, into maybe 2000-6000 bytes of a microcontroller's ROM. This should allow you to interactively get out-of-memory errors with great convenience and flexibility.
