Top algorithms
Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2018-07-29
(4 minutes)
A compilation of “top” algorithms from different sources.
First, the algorithms that appeared on multiple independent lists:
- The FFT 0 2 4 6
- The simplex method for linear programming 0 2 6
- The QR algorithm and related decompositions (LU, SVD, etc.) for
computing eigenvalues and least-squares solutions 0 2
- Monte Carlo methods and the Metropolis algorithm 0 2
- Mergesort 3 5
- Krylov subspace iteration methods such as conjugate-gradient and
Lanczos 0 2
- Quicksort 0 6
- Hashing and hash tables 3 6
- Dijkstra’s algorithm 4 6
- PageRank and related link-analysis algorithms 1 6
- Huffman coding and other data compression 4 6
- Newton and quasi-Newton methods 1 4
- Binary search 3 6
- RSA 4 6
- Heapsort 4 6
- Diffie-Hellman key exchange 4
- The quadratic sieve and other integer factorization algorithms 4
- The Ford-Fulkerson algorithm for maximum flow 4
- The decompositional approach to matrix computations 0
- The Fortran I optimizing compiler 0
- fast multipole methods (for e.g. N-body simulation) 0
- the Kalman filter 1
- Dynamic programming 4
- Gradient descent 4
- A* search 4
- PID control 5
- Q-learning 4
- Gaussian elimination 2
- the Viterbi algorithm 4
Here are the ones that I think appeared on only one list:
- Integer relation detection 0
- JPEG 1
- least-squares fitting 2
- Gauss quadrature for numerical integration 2
- Adams formulae for ODEs 2
- Runge-Kutta formulae for ODEs 2
- finite differences for PDEs 2
- floating-point arithmetic 2
- splines (including Bézier, de Boor, and others) 2
- stiff ODE solvers 2
- the finite element method for PDEs 2
- orthogonal linear algebra (Givens rotations, etc.) (maybe this
should be part of the QR item?) 2
- preconditioning of linear systems 2
- spectral methods for PDEs 2
- multigrid methods for PDEs 2
- IEEE floating-point arithmetic 2
- nonsymmetric Krylov iterations 2
- interior point methods for optimization 2
- wavelets 2
- automatic differentiation 2
- Rabin-Karp string matching (e.g. for plagiarism detection) 6
- the Gayle-Shapely algorithm for the Stable Marriage problem 6
- Bloom filters for e.g. malicious site filtering 6
- LALR parsing 6
- Red-black trees 6
- Bresenham’s algorithms for drawing circles and lines 6
- Kruskal’s algorithm 6
- Depth-first search 6
- Breadth-first search 6
- Convnets 6
- the forward algorithm for hidden Markov models 6
- Raycasting 6
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt string search 6
- Radix sort 6
- Markov-chain Monte Carlo/particle filters 6
- Shor’s algorithm 6
- prune-and-branch tree search 6
- Beam search 4
- Branch and bound (is this the same as “interior point methods”?) 4
- Buchberger’s algorithm (generalization of Euclid’s) 4
- Discrete differentiation 4
- Euclid's algorithm 4
- The expectation-maximization algorithm (EM-training) 4
- Binary heaps 4
- Karatsuba multiplication 4
- Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz (LLL) lattice reduction 4
- The Schönhage-Strassen algorithm 4
- Strukturtensor 4
- Union-find 4
- SHA-1 and SHA-2 5
- PRNGs 5