The paradoxical complexity of computing the top N

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2017-01-04 (7 minutes)

Comparison sorting is O(N log N) in the best case, using one of the standard sorts (mergesort, quicksort, heapsort, binary search trees, library sort, or a variant of one of these). In large datasets, the log N factor can reach 20 or 30, which represents a significant slowdown. But often people are comparison-sorting because they want the top M items: top 1, 10, 20, 30, or 100, say. Surprisingly, getting the top 100 items can be done in linear time (O(N)) using quickselect!

Quickselect is a version of quicksort that recurses only on one partition. If you have a million items, the first pass will examine all million of them; the second pass will examine, typically, half a million; the third pass typically a quarter million; and so on, until the 30th pass examines just one item. (I think there’s a little bit of a fudge factor, as with quicksort, which uses 1.39 N log N comparisons on average; but I will ignore that for the moment.) This adds up to just under two million compares and half that many swaps.

When quickselect is done, each of the pivot elements it chose, including its final result, partitions the array into items smaller and larger than itself. So to get the top 100 elements, it is sufficient to invoke quickselect to select the 100th element, and then take the first 100 elements of the reordered array.

The paradoxical complexity of sorting the top N

This has a sort of paradoxical result. Suppose you have 256 elements and you want the top 64 of them. Quickselect can give you this top-64 result in about 512 comparisons and 256 swaps. But now if you want to comparison-sort just those 64 elements, so that you get the top 64 in order, you need 1.39 N log N comparisons, which is 534 comparisons, more than it took to find that top-quartile in the first place!

This gets worse as the problem size gets bigger, if we hold the quantile fixed. If you have four billion elements and you want the top quartile, you can get them in 8 billion compares, but fully sorting that top quartile will take you 42 billion compares, five times longer. At that scale, even the top eighth is faster to find than to sort fully once you find it.

Improving quickselect average-case time for extreme order statistics

Median-of-median is a way to improve quickselect’s worst-case time (from quadratic to linear), but we can also improve the constant factor of the linear average-case time with one weird trick. Using a variant of the median-of-3 pivot approach, you can improve quickselect’s linear-time average case by up to a factor of 2 by better pivot selection, especially when you’re looking for a fairly extreme order statistic.

The improvement is limited to a factor of 2 because vanilla quickselect does less than 2 comparisons per element to start with, and computing an order statistic exactly will require examining each element at least once.

You do this by picking a first-step pivot that has a high probability of reducing the next step by as much as possible. For example, if you’re looking for the 0.1% quantile of a billion items, you can sample 2000 candidate pivots and take, say, the 0.2% quantile from them (using about 4000 comparisons if you just use regular quickselect), which is very likely to partition the billion-item list into a very large list that does not contain the candidate item and a very small one (only about two million items) that does contain it. This reduces the problem size from the first step to the second step by a factor of 500 instead of a factor of 2, and so you will need on average only 1.004004 comparisons per element out of the billion rather than almost 2 comparisons per element.

This approach can, of course, be applied recursively, both in the pivot-selection step and on the reduced-size problem.

Also, since this approach depends on the position of the desired element within the reduced window, it may work to improve quickselect’s performance significantly even for non-extreme order statistics. For example, if you’re seeking the median, and your first-step pivot turns out to be very close to the median, then what was originally the median becomes an extreme order statistic in the first recursive call. Perhaps you’re seeking the median of a million items, and your initial pivot turns out to be element #499000. Now the value you are seeking is element 1000 out of the 501000 you’re selecting from in the next recursive call. With this approach, you can sample 500 or so candidate pivots, and probably manage to reduce your problem size down to about 2000 elements in the next step, ending up needing only about 1 506 000 comparisons (I think) rather than the nearly 2 million you would need with vanilla quickselect.

The expected improvement factor on any step is limited to about the square root of the number of elements. That’s because finding a pivot to reduce the interval by some factor F is going to require selecting it from somewhere around F candidate pivots. (I’ve used 2F in the examples above; I don’t know if 2 is the optimal factor.) But once you’re examining more candidate pivots than the number of elements you expect to have remaining after partitioning with the pivot, you’re not winning any more; you’re losing.

I’m not sure what the optimal number of candidate pivots to consider is, and I'm also not sure about the optimal size of the range to try to consider. It seems like you’d want to have great assurance, generally, that your small range is big enough to include your target element in it, because otherwise you’ve just squandered an entire pass over the input data. As the desired order statistic wanders toward the median, though, the loss from such a miss diminishes, and the potential gain becomes smaller.
