Transactional screen updates

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2015-04-01 (10 minutes)

So I was thinking about one of my usual hobbyhorses: how to design an entire usably efficient interactive computing system as a pure function of some mutable, but in some way orderly, state.


The basic idea goes back to McCarthy’s “Elephant 2000” proposal, where you define a data processing system in terms of keeping commitments based on its past history, and then the compiler figures out what information the data processing system needs to store about that past history to comply with its commitments. That is, the entire data structure of the system is purely the result of compiler optimization. You just make assertions about the relationships between past events and the system’s outputs, and the compiler produces a running system that satisfies those requirements.

I explored it a bit in “rumor-oriented programming”, where the idea was that you accumulate an ever-growing history of “rumors” that get automatically synchronized between your devices (because you only ever add new ones, synchronization is trivial and guaranteed to be convergent, though potentially expensive) and the actual screen you see is the output of a query over that rumor history, using a query language that doesn’t expose the order in which the rumors arrived on the current device; then you have buttons and shit that add new rumors and possibly cause like a recomputation of the query result you see on the screen.

I also explored it a bit in “dependency-driven composition, or make for websites”, where the idea is that you use a make-like build process over a dependency graph of resources. Some resources are human-produced and editable, while others are produced on demand from other resources, and then cached.

This is all closely related to functional reactive programming, which is perhaps unsurprisingly (at long last!) getting a lot of attention in the last couple of years in the JavaScript world, with React, Angular, and Meteor all becoming suddenly popular.

Automatic dependency detection

A simpler model than make for dependency-driven recomputation in the world of building software projects is redo, which was designed by Daniel Bernstein and later implemented by Avery Pennarun. The idea of redo, as I understand it, is that the script to build a file foo is contained in the file, which is a shell script which recursively invokes redo to ensure that each of the things foo depends on is up to date, and then does whatever it needs to do to build foo. Because redo knows that it was trying to build foo, it can tell that each of those recursive calls represents an edge in the dependency graph.

This is closely reminiscent of how optimistic STMs (software transactional memories) detect transaction conflicts and automatically retry the transactions. Within a transaction, you read some set of STM variables and write some other set of them, and the STM records each of those sets; when the transaction goes to commit, it atomically publishes your set of writes, but only if no transaction has written to some variable that you read since the time that you read it. If so, your results are discarded and automatically retried. (This is also, I think, closely related to how speculative instruction execution works in CPUs, although I don’t know the details.)

In a sense, the STM has concluded that since it’s possible all of the writes could have a dependency on any of the reads, so it needs to discard them and rerun the transaction if any of those variables that have been read has changed.

This is very similar to how Meteor detects dependencies in its dependency graph: if a Meteor-controlled reactive computation reads from a reactive variable, that variable records a dependency, which it can then choose to invalidate later. Unlike redo, and similar to optimistic STMs, this causes that reactive computation to be eagerly rerun, a policy choice which I suspect can lead to exponential-time execution from diamonds in the dataflow graph.

The delightful thing about this kind of tracking, taken advantage of by all of Meteor, optimistic STMs, and redo, is that it doesn’t depend at all on the internal functioning of the computation that it’s re-executing; it only has to be able to re-execute it on demand and intercept its I/O, and trust that it is deterministic. You could even imagine an “STM server” which provides these services over the network, although it has to trust its clients to retry when they get a commit rejected.

(I confess I haven’t actually used Meteor or redo, so I could be totally confused about them.)

The other interesting thing about it is that, usually at least, you can do a simple version of it with very little actual dependency tracking. You can just re-execute stuff blindly. This is how Pennarun bootstraps redo.

Dependency-driven and immediate-mode GUIs

So, what if we try to take this kind of thing all the way to pixels on the screen? Like, it would be super cool if I could write some kind of straightforward computation over, I don’t know, an editor buffer of text in some form, some kind of specification of where I’m scrolled to in that text, and a font, that results in setting some pixels on the screen, and results in smallish recomputations. It would be even better if I could, like, write a thing that parses HTML and CSS and lays out boxes on the screen and draws glyphs into them, and have that be able to automatically detect changes in the CSS and figure out which parts of the screen they affected.

A crucial part of this is that if you want the dependency-tracking overhead to be small, the dataflow graph probably has to be relatively small, which means the nodes in it have to be fairly large; and if you want a recomputation to be small, the nodes in it have to be relatively small. To be concrete, in the editor example, if there’s a change to a part of the text that isn’t displayed on the screen, you’d probably prefer to not have to recompute the entire screen contents from scratch; and maybe if there’s a change on one line of the screen, it would be nice to redisplay just that line.

There’s a somewhat relevant field of work called “immediate-mode GUIs”, popular in videogames, where you don’t try to avoid redrawing the screen, part of the reason being that in a videogame you typically redraw the screen 60 or 120 times a second anyway. Immediate-mode GUIs don’t have data objects that stick around in memory in some kind of nested window tree structure, the way regular (“retained-mode”) GUIs do; instead you do things like this:

if (button(120, 200, 600, start_button_height, "Start!")) start_game();

which redraws the button in the specified position, with its possibly updated height, and then checks to see if the user has just clicked their mouse in it. The button has no persistent existence in memory, other than as pixels in the framebuffer that have changed color, but while control flow is down inside of it, it exists on the stack and can react to the mouse click.

I feel that immediate-mode GUIs are a lot easier to program — for example, the above example doesn’t have to add an event listener to redraw when start_button_background or start_button_height change, nor does it have to worry about when to destroy the button object —  and they use less RAM.

The analogy here is between immediate-mode and retained-mode graphics systems. <canvas> is immediate-mode; SVG is retained-mode. Both have their performance advantages. One of the potential disadvantages of immediate-mode drawing is that you have to draw all the pixels on the screen every frame, even when they haven’t changed.

So, suppose you execute some series of transactions to draw your immediate-mode GUI on the screen. Each transaction updates some region of pixels on the screen, having read some set of reactive variables (the window size, the text buffer contents, the clock, etc.) and executed some deterministic computation driven by them.

Can we use this to improve the efficiency of immediate-mode GUIs in the case where the entire screen is not actually changing? It’s not super straightforward, but I think so. If your start_button_height is tracked by something like Meteor, you can automatically rerun the draw-button transaction; and if it fails to overwrite pixels that it was previously overwriting, you can rerun the transactions that generated those pixels in order to get them back. (Or maybe you could retain the pixels in a backing store.)

If you’re doing alpha compositing, of course, you may have to redraw the background pixels you’re blending the button with first.
