Trees as code

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2016-05-10 (4 minutes)

A typical representation of a binary tree in memory might be something like this:

typedef struct node { char *key; struct node *left, *right; } node;
node qn = { "queer", NULL, NULL }
   , rn = { "rude", qn, NULL }
   , tn = { "the", NULL, NULL }
   , sn = { "sad", rn, tn }

This is, as it happens, a binary search tree: the key of a node is always greater than any of the nodes in its left subtree and less than any of the nodes in its right subtree. In this case we’re using it to store a set of words.

You could write separate functions to do things like efficiently look up a word to see if it’s in the tree, print out all the words in the tree, hash all the words in a lexical range of the tree into a hash table. Most of these functions, in C, will have this general form:

void process_tree(node *n, context *ctx) {
    if (!n) return;
    results r = process_node(n->key, ctx);
    if (left_wanted(r)) process_tree(n->left, ctx);
    if (right_wanted(r)) process_tree(n->right, ctx);

Different process_tree functions will have different results, process_node left_wanted, and right_wanted, in some cases trivial ones, but all of the functions I mentioned above can be written in this way.

An obvious thing to do then is to factor out the common process_tree logic into a function and pass in a process_node function to it with a defined interface; for example:

typedef struct { bool left, right; } wanted;
typedef struct { wanted (*f)(const char *, void *); void *ctx; } visitor;
void visit_tree(node *n, visitor v) {
    if (!n) return;
    wanted w = v.f(n->key, v.ctx);
    if (w.left) visit_tree(n->left, v);
    if (w.right) visit_tree(n->right, v);

This definitely works, and it’s within a constant factor of optimal, but it is maybe a little bit inefficient. In particular, it spends a lot of its time passing null pointers to itself, copying the two-word visitor struct, and consulting booleans to figure out whether to recurse on a null pointer. Also, even though it will always visit the parts of the tree that it visits in the same order, it requires that order to be represented wastefully in memory with a bunch of pointers, and then it recovers that order from those pointers.

So I was thinking about immediate-mode GUIs (“IMGUI”) and tree traversal, and it occurred to me that there’s an interesting alternative in many cases.

Here’s an alternative representation of the tree above that works with the same visitor type:

void sad_tree(visitor v) {
    wanted w = v.f("sad", v.ctx);
    if (w.left) {
        if (v.f("rude", v.ctx).left) v.f("queer", v.ctx);
    if (w.right) v.f("the", v.ctx);

In a sense, this is just a partially-evaluated version of visit_tree for the above tree; it will perform the same sequence of calls to v.f with the same arguments, given the same return values. Since it can do all of the preorder visitor traversals described above, it is in some sense a fairly universal representation of the tree.

Probably you wouldn’t really want to write sad_tree by hand, at least in this case. But it might make sense to compile it from some other representation, either with run-time code generation or from some kind of source code.

It might actually be worthwhile to write it by hand in some cases, because the visitor interface allows you to traverse kinds of trees other than trees entirely materialized in memory ahead of time.
