
Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2014-02-24 (7 minutes)

In Twingler, a generic data structure munger, Mark-Jason Dominus proposes a new broadly-useful DSL.

The problem


    [Chi, Ill],
    [NY, NY],
    [Alb, NY],
    [Spr, Ill],
    [Tr, NJ],
    [Ev, Ill],

he wants to easily write the transformation to DS1:

{ Ill => [Chi, Ev, Spr],
  NY  => [Alb, NY],
  NJ  => [Tr],

for example, or to any of DS2:

  Chi => Ill,
  NY => NY, 
  Alb => NY,
  Spr => Ill,
  Tr => NJ,
  Ev => Ill,


{ Ill => [Chi, Spr, Ev],
  NY  => [NY, Alb],
  NJ  => Tr,


{ Ill => 3,
  NY  => 2,
  NJ  => 1,

or DS4:

[ Chi, Ill, NY, NY, Alb, NY, Spr, Ill, Tr, NJ, Ev, Ill]

As a current example of how it is currently unnecessarily difficult to write the first transformation, he gives the Perl

my $out;
for my $pair (@$in) {
    push @{$out->{$pair->[0]}}, $pair->[1];
for my $k (keys %$out) {
    @{$out->{$k}} = sort @{$out->{$k}};

and suggests that even the abbreviated syntax

for pair (in.items) :
for list (out.values) :

is unnecessarily complicated.

MJD’s Twingler templates

he ends up suggesting

DS1: [ <[X,Y]> ]
DS2: { <X=>Y>  }
DS3: { <X => [<Y>]> }
DS4: [ <X, Y> ]

where <> is “ITERATE over the thing inside and make a list of the results,” like map in Perl or flatMap in Scala, and X and Y are the first two dimensions of a sort of adjacency matrix computed in an unspecified way from the original data:

        Ill        NY        NJ
Chi     X
NY              X
Alb             X
Spr     X
Tr                      X
Ev      X

...or two columns, I guess, considering the original data as an N-ary relation represented simply as a list-of-lists. (You could probably use the same or similar notation to specify how to reduce the original data to an N-ary relation.)

I don’t understand how his four expressions above give the four data structures explained previously; it seems like the DS3 expression { <X => [<Y>]> } should give DS1 rather than DS3, while the DS1 expression should give the original input. I’m going to assume this is just an error MJD made.

MJD points out that you can easily incorporate arbitrary functions into the template:

{ <X => max(<Y>) }

Later he gives the example, given the table

| A  | AAA  | red    | pink    | Aaa  |
| B  | BBB  | yellow | tawny   | Bbb  |
| A  | AAA  | green  | nude    | Aaa  |
| B  | BBB  | blue   | violet  | Bbb  |
| C  | CCC  | black  | nude    | Ccc  |

how to compute

{ A => [ AAA, [ [red, pink], [green, nude] ], Aaa],
  B => [ BBB, [ [yellow, tawny], [blue, violet] ], Bbb],
  C => [ CCC, [ [black, nude] ], CCC]

using the expression

{ < ID => [
             [ <[shade, palette]> ]

His original examples are fairly easily handled with mapreduce, which hadn’t been identified yet when he wrote his notes, and although this one is too, it points the way to examples that are not so easily handled. For example, the classic Titanic dataset, included with R and containing information on survival by gender, age, and class, could be reasonably munged into any of

{<Class => {<Sex => {<Age => {<Survived => N>}>}>}>}
{<Sex => {<Class => {<Age => {<Survived => N>}>}>}>}
{<Sex => {<Age => {<Class => {<Survived => N>}>}>}>}
{<Sex => {<Age => {<Survived => {<Class => N>}>}>}>}

as well as many other forms. This is not a task you can do with mapreduce.

(I’m not referring to the parallel and fault-tolerant attributes of mapreduce as implemented by Google or Hadoop, but to the higher-order mapreduce function that I’ve argued should be in Python itertools.)


Later in his post, MJD suggests that it might make more sense to simply supply a sample input and sample output; e.g.

[ [ A, B ],
  [ C, B ],
  [ D, E ] ]
{ B => [A, C],
  E => [D],

I’m not sure if this kind of QBE will work, but it does seem like if it works, it would be simpler to use, despite needing more verbose input. The idea is that, instead of specifying iteration with a separate iteration operator, you specify it by iteration. Consider the slightly harder problem

[ [ A, B ],
  [ C, B ],
  [ D, E ] ]
[ [B, [A, C]],
  [E, [D]],

This is unambiguous, but if we delete the first output item to get

[ [ D, E ] ]
[ [E, [D]] ]

that could mean either the original

[ [ A, B ],
  [ C, B ],
  [ D, E ] ]
[ [B, [A, C]],
  [E, [D]],

or the alternative

[ [ A, B ],
  [ C, B ],
  [ D, E ] ]
[ [B, [A]],
  [B, [C]],
  [E, [D]],

although this is not possible in the hash case.

I think this might be less wieldy in the case of deep nesting, and it doesn’t accommodate functions like count or max as easily. Consider the Titanic example

{<Sex => {<Class => {<Age => {<Survived => N>}>}>}>}

which could be written as

[ [First, Male, Adult, Yes, 24] ]
{ Male => { First => { Adult => { Yes => 24 } } } }

and is thus no problem; but if we instead want nested lists of pairs, we are in trouble:

[ [First, Male, Adult, Yes, 24] ]
[ [Male, [ [First, [ [Adult, [ [Yes, 24] ]] ]] ]] ]

which is hopelessly ambiguous; we need at least one repetition at each level to specify it properly:

[ [First, Male, Adult, Yes, 24],
  [First, Male, Adult, No, 25],
  [First, Male, Child, Yes, 26],
  [Crew, Male, Adult, Yes, 27],
  [First, Female, Adult, Yes, 28],
[ [Male, [ [First, [ [Adult, [ [Yes, 24],
                               [No,  25] ]],
                     [Child, [ [Yes, 26] ]] ]],
           [Crew,  [ [Adult, [ [Yes, 27] ]] ]] ]],
  [Female, [ [First, [ [Adult, [Yes, 28] ]] ]] ]

which is, at least to me, less readable than

[ <[Sex, [ <[Class, [ <[Age, [ <[Survived, N]> ] 
                    ]> ] 
         ]> ]
]> ]

although I’m not going to try to claim that that’s some kind of paragon of readability either.


Twingle is a great deal more interesting today than in the late 1990s when MJD originally invented it, because now we have a great deal of data on the web (and other places!) represented as JSON. The fundamental aggregate data types in JSON are the same fundamental data types Twingle handles, and simple transformations between different representations of such datasets is a ubiquitous task.


At first, I was thinking that maybe Binate would be useful for this kind of transformation, since binary relations are awfully similar to the Perl dictionaries being represented by {} here; and Binate might well be more compact than the Twingle representation.

However, binary relations sort of erase the distinction between dicts and lists. XXX
