APL with typed indices

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2013-05-17 (11 minutes)

Parallel arrays are bad because array indices are untyped, and sometimes because of storage management and locality of reference. But what if each array had its own ⎕IO (APL's name for OPTION BASE)? This could put each type of object ID into its own namespace, so that you'd get an index error if you tried to index an array with the wrong kind of object ID. It's like how in a spreadsheet, maybe rows 1-40 are the employees, and rows 101-120 are the products, and so if you have an index between 101 and 120, you know it identifies a product and not an employee. (Too bad that in an actual spreadsheet the column names will be the same in both cases.)

You could actually index arrays using an (object type, zero-based-index) pair rather than combining the two into a single number. This would give you many of the same type-safety and index-safety benefits of structs, aka records, without sacrificing the dubious benefits of aggregate operations. (And if you can verify all the type stuff at compile time, you could drop them at runtime!)

Element-by-element scalar functions should only work on arrays representing, in some sense, attributes of the same object. Operations like "grade up" and "compress" would create new index namespaces.

"Interesting" functions from APL (not element-by-element) include monadic ⍴⍳,⌹⌽⊖⍋⍒⍉, dyadic ∈⍴↑↓⊥⊤,\/⍳⌹⌽⊖⍉ and indexing [], plus the operators (scan, reduce, and inner and outer product).

The details I've been able to work out follow.

Since much of this is sort of about types, I'm going to write types in a Haskelly way: a->b means that something (a vector) takes as an argument (index) things of type a, and returns (has as elements) things of type b; and X: T is an expression which has the value of X, but asserts that that value is of type T.

Multidimensional arrays

I'm going to try to work out the cases of zero and one dimensions first, before attempting to handle multiple dimensions. An N-dimensional array for N>0 can be considered as either a homogeneous 1-dimensional array of N-1-dimensional arrays, an array indexed by N-tuples, or an N-1-dimensional array of 1-dimensional arrays; both of the first two interpretations are common in APL. Changing the nature of indexing is likely to interact with them in unpredictable ways.

Indexing []

Indexing A[B] (also . or simple juxtaposition in K, or A@B for another variant) should produce a value with the shape of B by indexing the elements of A. That is,

((A: c->d)[B: e->c]): e->d

It's like function composition. So the elements of B need to be valid indices for A.

Compress /

Dyadic A/B, "compress", gives you one element of output for every nonzero element in A. Its two arguments must have the same set of indices, and the left one must be boolean. If you compress two vectors B and C with the same vector A, the resulting vectors need to be conformable, so you can write (A/B) + (A/C), for example.

In q/k/kdb+, I think this is written B[where A], helpfully decomposing the operation into two steps, the first of which is constructing a vector of the positions where A is nonzero. I think this is the right way to analyze this operation, because it constructs a new index namespace:

(where (A: b->c)): d->b

(This is a rather remarkable type, creating a new type out of whole cloth!)

Indeed, this is such a common operation in APL that the Dyalog APL tutorial gives the APL spelling of it, (V∈D)/⍳⍴V, as their first example of an idiomatic APL expression.

It's probably more accurate to write (where (A: b->bool)): d->b, since the

Expand \

I haven't written enough APL to know what the dyadic expand function is good for. In a sense, it's the inverse of the compress function, but the compress function is lossy — it leaves out chunks of its right input, which the expand function will fill with zeroes. It's guaranteed that A/A\B is the same as B, but not A\A/B.

It seems rather difficult to type-check in a sane fashion: A needs to have exactly as many 1s set as there are valid indices in B.

Dyalog APL's expand function extends this to the case where A may contain things beyond just booleans, interpreting them as a repeat count (or, if negative, a zero count).

The Dyalog APL tutorial gives the following common uses of expand:

It also gives as an exercise the problem of replacing a given letter globally with spaces: 'a' Whiten 'Panama is a canal between Atlantic and Pacific' should return 'P n m is c n l between tl ntic nd P cific'. The solution, I suppose, is the A\A/B above, where A is just ~Letter = Phrase.

http://aplwiki.com/AplIn20Minutes may have some information.

Grade-up and grade-down ⍋⍒

These are used for sorting. ⍋X (>X in K) is a vector such that X[⍋X] is sorted ascending; ⍒X does the reverse. This is more useful than simply giving you the sorted results because, if you have another vector Y that can be indexed with the same indices as X, you can sort the elements of Y according to X with Y[⍋X].

It does not generally make sense to index X[⍋X] with indices that are valid for X, with the exception of things that are sort of coincidental; for example, 1 is probably a valid index for both of them. But it doesn't make sense to say, for example, (X > 3)/X[⍋X]; that's almost certainly a bug.

So grade-up and grade-down, like compress, creates a new index namespace:

(⍋(X: a->b)): d->a
(⍒(X: a->b)): d->a

This is maybe the point at which array indices might begin to have an advantage as object IDs over raw memory addresses: once you can start taking advantage of the sequence of the array indices.

Reversal and rotation, monadic and dyadic ⌽⊖

⌽X is just X with the indices of its last axis in reverse order; ⊖X is the equivalent for the first axis. Analogously, rotation 3⌽X rotates X three items to the right, which can be achieved by reversing X, reversing its first three items, and then reversing the remaining items. On the face of it, it seems that these should also create a new index namespace; it doesn't make sense to write (X > 3)/⌽X.

However, I think this is not actually true. The valid range of values is the same. 1⌽X gives you the X property of the (cyclically) following object in X's index sequence; this is a useful kind of thing to be able to do!

⌽(X: a->b): a->b
⊖(X: a->b): a->b
(N: int)⌽(X: a->b): a->b
(N: int)⊖(X: a->b): a->b

Shape and index generation: monadic and monadic

, aka "iota" or "index generator" (in K, ! or til) counts from 1 (0 in K) to a given number; but its primary use is to generate the valid indices of a vector given its size. The size of a vector is generated with , the "shape" operator (in K, count), so ⍳⍴V gives you the indices of V.

This use of is so important that Dyalog APL's applied to a vector generates a sequence of multidimensional indices, such that V[⍳V] is equivalent to V for any shape of V (which is impossible in traditional APL), and the "index origin" variable ⎕IO, equivalent to BASIC's OPTION BASE can affect 's operation.

Although this form of takes only one argument, it's straightforward to use it to generate values starting from any starting point, increasing by every step: start + step * (⍳N)-1, although of course the -1 is a result of the default ⎕IO being 1 rather than 0.

It seems to me that it's probably worthwhile to preserve the invariant that ⍳⍴V produces the indices of a vector V. If this is to work with ⍴V producing a scalar or 1-vector in this case, which seems desirable to avoid complication for multidimensional cases, then it needs to be possible to extract both the length and the object type from that scalar; that is, employees[301] needs to be a single scalar object from which you can extract employees and 301. If we represent employees as employees[0], then it's sufficient to provide a function for extracting either of the two; ordinary subtraction suffices to produce the other, and ordinary addition is sufficient to recombine the two.

So ⍴ produces a single-element vector:

⍴(X: a->b): {0}->a
⍳(X: a): int->a

element-of and index-of, dyadic

A∈B produces a boolean array of the shape of A indicating whether each item of A occurs in the vector B; that is,

((A: c->d) ∈ (B: e->d)): c->bool

The index type of B disappears entirely, because we don't care where the elements of A occurred in B; we're just using it as a set. If we wanted their positions, we'd use the dyadic function:

((A: c->d) ⍳ (B: e->d)): c->e

This is a little bit tricky, because for the elements of A that didn't occur at all in B, this function produces 1+⍴B (or ⍴B in the ⎕IO=0 case), which is not a valid index into B. You could say it's not a member of B's index type e at all.

In K, the dyadic function is written B?A instead.

The things I haven't figured out how to handle yet

How do you get literal vectors in your program to have a reasonable type?

What about take, drop, and catenate? Some uses of take and drop can be reasonably handled by rotation, but others can't.
