Archival with a universal virtual computer (UVC)

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2014-06-29 (17 minutes)

How can we keep Nintendo games playable and WordPerfect 5.1 files readable in the 23rd century?

There's a page on Wikipedia entitled "UVC-based preservation". "UVC" stands for "universal virtual computer", and the idea is that you keep old file formats from becoming unreadable by writing readers for them that run on a virtual machine that never changes. That way, if someone in 2251 discovers a long-lost WordPerfect 5.1 document containing crucial historical information, they can run it through a WP5.1 reader written in the 2010s to run on the UVC. The UVC implementation they use in 2251 will be different from the UVC implementation we use in the 2010s, but they will be compatible.

The idea here is to emulate the hardware platform WordPerfect ran on with a UVC program, which seems sensible, and the Koninklijke Bibliothee has been working on an x86 emulator using this approach, and they have JPEG and GIF87 decoders working. They've also, bizarrely, been trying to develop file-format exporters that convert things from old file formats to XML. (Raymond Lorie's reason for wanting this is that, you know, it's better to have the parse tree and text of the WordPerfect file than just the pixels that emulated WordPerfect puts on your emulated screen.)

What's necessary for a UVC from the 23rd Century to be compatible with a UVC we write today? It seems like the UVC itself needs to be well documented, contain a bare minimum of functionality, be easily testable for compliance, and have very, very few special cases in the specification, since special cases are opportunities for incompatibility; but despite that, it needs to be a reasonable target to write a compiler for. Finally, I argue that a UVC ought to have predictable performance.

The impracticality of Raymond Lorie's UVC

Lorie's UVC is specified to some extent in his paper, "A Methodology and System for Preserving Digital Data"; he explains in his rationale:

In order to run the UVC on a future machine, an emulator of the UVC on that machine will be required; but writing such an emulator is much simpler than writing an emulator for a real machine....

What is important however is that it does not need to be implemented physically. Therefore there is no actual physical cost. For example, the UVC can have a large number of registers; each register can have a variable number of bits plus a sign bit, the sequential memory, also, can be as large as desired. Speed is not a real concern since machines will be much faster in a distant future, and an emulation of the UVC on a future machine will run faster, much faster, than a machine language program running on today’s machines.

And then:

Since a UVC interpreter will need to be written in the future, the definition of the UVC must be precisely specified and preserved. ... Only the UVC machine language is part of the Convention (although we implemented a high-level assembler, and could develop, at any time, a compiler supporting a high level language in vogue.)

But then he sort of loses the plot:

The design goal for the UVC was not to define a minimal general-purpose computer. Instead, the idea was to develop an intuitive computer with rather powerful and flexible instructions for handling bit streams, and to take advantage of the fact that it is virtual and that performance is of secondary importance. ..., without secondary features often introduced for improving the execution performance and the memory usage. It also tries to be intuitive. ... The memory is bit addressable; there is no notion of byte, word or alignment. This is extremely convenient for manipulating bit streams. ... The interface allows for variable length registers, allowing for manipulation of large addresses, and of course, large integer data items. A register expands to the left when needed. There is no overflow condition. ... The instruction length is also variable; it may have a variable number of operands.

This seems rather strongly opposed to the primary goal of "Since a UVC interpreter will need to be written in the future, the definition of the UVC must be precisely specified and preserved." Instead he has created a virtual machine specification that is unnecessarily difficult to implement, unnecessarily difficult to specify precisely, and impossible to test — while you can verify that an implementation of the UVC correctly handles, say, 128-bit integers or 256-bit integers, you can't test that it correctly handles integers of all possible lengths. And in fact it is nearly guaranteed that it will not. (The machine I'm typing this on has RAM and disk sufficient for a single 1.2-petabit integer, and is pretty much guaranteed to not be able to execute an operation involving two petabit integers.)

Plauger explained in one of his books why the C standard only required compilers to handle things up to certain limits: block nesting up to a certain depth, variable names of a certain length, and so on. Some earlier standard (I am guessing ALGOL-60 or perhaps Pascal) had required compilers to handle arbitrarily long names successfully. Somebody published standards-compliance test suites that included a test for long names, but since they couldn't test arbitrarily long names, they tested names of some large but finite length: 16 letters, maybe. And all the compiler vendors made their compilers pass the tests.

So, in effect, there was still a limited portable name length, even though the standard specified that there shouldn't be such a limit. This requirement in the standard simply resulted in the limit being undocumented.

Lorie ends up with 21 machine instructions and a segmented memory model. The instruction encodings are not specified in the paper, making it impossible to implement a UVC interpreter from the paper. He admits that his UVC emulator limits registers to 32 bits, memory segments to 8 megabytes and 100 registers each, and so on. Also, he neglects to mention crucial things like what happens when the "divide" instruction gets a division by zero.

It seems to me that if you take seriously the ideas that "speed is not a real concern,", "the definition of the UVC must be precisely specified and preserved,", and "develop a compiler," you will end up with something quite different — something much closer to a "minimal general-purpose computer", with no thought whatsoever given to "powerful and flexible instructions" and "develop an intuitive computer". Instead you'd want a virtual machine that was very easy to write an emulator for, very easy to test an emulator for, and unlikely to have subtle bugs or implementation-dependent behavor.

In short, you'd want something much more like Brainfuck, Wireworld, or Urbit Nock, than like the UVC in Lorie's paper.


Brainfuck (inspired by Wouter van Oortmerssen's FALSE) is specifically designed to be as easy as possible to write an emulator for. The original implementation, written in 1993 by Urban Müller for AmigaOS, was 240 bytes, and was a compiler. Several Brainfuck compilers under 200 bytes have been written; Brian Raiter's 166-byte Linux compiler is notable. It has 8 instructions with no operands, two registers, simple linear memory, and I/O. The memory cells are guaranteed to be 8 bits, and you're guaranteed at least 30,000 of them.

Brainfuck is very hard to program in (thus its name) but people have written real programs in it; Linus Åkesson wrote the Game of Life, for example, and Daniel B. Cristofani wrote a Brainfuck interpreter in Brainfuck, and an anonymous author wrote a implementation of DVD CSS decryption in Brainfuck.

If you somehow managed to write an Nintendo NES emulator in Brainfuck, you could be sure that any future computer could play NES games as soon as it had a sufficiently fast Brainfuck interpreter. Implementing a Brainfuck interpreter is easy (I wrote my first one in 22 minutes, in C, at 4 AM, and now I am running the Game of Life in it, veerrrry sloooowly) and so we can be sure that programmers in the future will be able to do it too.

But Brainfuck, Turing-complete and I/O-enabled though it may be, is probably not a reasonable compilation target. It lacks not only function pointers (as I think Lorie's machine does) but also functions and, in some sense, pointers, and it isn't clear to me how to, say, implement a linked list.

And even Brainfuck has incompatibilities between interpreters. Some interpreters, for example, provide bignum cells, which means you can't zero an arbitrary cell just by repeatedly incrementing or decrementing it until it reaches zero (e.g. with [-]); and there are different, incompatible, and ambiguous ways of handling end-of-file on input (0, -1, or unchanged, any of which could be a valid input byte).

Brainfuck is also a challenge to implement efficiently; copying a value from one cell to another, for example, involves alternating between decrementing the value in one cell and incrementing the value in the other. Recognizing this idiom can speed up your interpreter by a couple of orders of magnitude.


The Wireworld cellular automaton is, in some sense, even more extreme than Brainfuck: when you start, it's a challenge to figure out how to AND two bits together, adding two numbers is at least a one-day project, and even a single bit operation on a naïve implementation takes many thousands of instructions. It has the unfortunate problem that your circuit has no external memory; it cannot expand.

Wireworld also has even less predictable performance than Brainfuck, in the sense that a "smart" implementation can recognize progressively bigger patterns.


The Urbit virtual machine named Nock is the first serious attempt I've seen to define a minimal computational machine for purposes of interoperability and preservation. Nock, unlike Brainfuck, is pure-functional; its data model can be expressed in OCaml as:

type noun = Atom of int | Cell of noun * noun

except that Nock, like Lorie's machine and unlike OCaml, uses arbitrary-precision integers. (Yarvin writes that it's "common" to represent whole text files as atoms, so we should expect integers of hundreds of thousands of bits at least.)

Nock has five instructions: * function invocation, ? type dispatch, + increment, = equality testing, / array indexing; but function invocation has 11 opcodes defined (as the numbers 0 through 10, as atoms) which do things like function composition, the S combinator, and the ternary operator.

Open Firmware/OpenBoot

Open Firmware defined a Forth bytecode "FCode" for non-x86 PCI card BIOS drivers. However, its core functionality is ANS Forth, and as such, it's relatively large and complicated. There's no chance people will stop introducing subtle changes in the semantics of Forth operations over the next few centuries.

The λ-calculus and the ς-calculus

In light of the above horrors, perhaps it might make sense to use something like the λ-calculus or core Lisp (cons, car, cdr, atom, null, cond, eq, nil, lambda, label, quote) as our UVC? Or, if we were interested in human-editability, Abadí and Cardelli's ς-calculus or object calculus might be an almost equally simple choice?

The problem with these as they stand is twofold:

  1. Implementing them on real computers, while achievable and in fact achieved many times over, is substantially less trivial than implementing Brainfuck. Nobody is going to write a 166-byte λ-calculus compiler.

  2. You need to augment them with some kind of numerical operations. Brainfuck has increment, decrement, and while-nonzero. Nock has increment and equality-test.


Most of the things I've mentioned so far require loop analysis to get decent performance — adding X to Y by repeated incrementation will take X steps with a simple interpreter, but only 1 step with an interpreter that is able to analyze the loop's performance.

While it's unavoidable that different implementations of a virtual machine will differ in performance by potentially large factors, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask them to be in the same big-O complexity class! So I think you probably want at least addition in the basic operations.

(In some sense, if your fundamental data items are limited in size, then this O(N) slowdown becomes an O(1) slowdown; 255 increments is still only a constant factor larger than a single addition.)

So I think it might be worthwhile to consider RAM machines with some kind of built-in arithmetic.

This also argues against including garbage collection in the basic model, which is necessary for computational models like the λ-calculus, pure Lisp, and Nock. Maybe it's not a strong argument, though.


SUBLEQ is of the family of one-instruction-set computers. It's an assembly instruction that is sufficient to construct arbitrary computations without needing any other instructions.

The SUBLEQ or SBN instruction is "subtract and branch if less than or equal to zero": SUBLEQ a, b, c, where all three operands are memory addresses, subtracts the value at a from the value at b, branching to c if the result is negative.

This instruction is sufficient for arithmetic, conditional and unconditional jumps, and memory transfer; but it does not, in itself, support indirection of either memory reads, memory writes, or program transfer. So it doesn't give you pointers, arrays, structs, or functions.

There are several ways to get them, though. You can use self-modifying code to modify any of the addresses in an instruction, although not to pass a return address to a subroutine. You can redefine the instruction's addresses to be indirect, or indeed support multiple addressing modes. You can memory-map the program counter.

MOVE machines

Once you start memory-mapping core parts of the processor, though, you're getting into MOVE machine territory (aka "transport-triggered architecture"). MOVE machines are another kind of OISC. If you map the following things into fixed places in memory:

then you have a Turing-complete machine that supports pointers, array indexing, function calls, function pointers, arbitrary arithmetic, loops, if-statements, structs, exception handling, multithreading, dynamic dispatch, and so on. You handle a pointer by writing the pointer to the index register and then reading or writing the indirect cell. You zero the subtractor by subtracting it from itself. You get array indexing by subtracting an offset from the "base address" of the end of the array. You get conditional values by array indexing with the signum register, and if-statements by moving such a conditional value to the program counter. A function call copies the stack pointer to the index register, copies the program counter to the cleared subtractor register, adds a fixed offset to it, saves the subtractor output on the stack, and then moves a constant to the program counter. And so on.

You can try to cast that into a set of instructions and/or addressing modes, but you're going to end up with more than the five things listed above.

Historically, MOVE machines have been parallel with tricky timing constraints that vary from one version to the next, and so they might not seem like great candidates for a UVC. But this one is defined in a strictly serial fashion.

Interrupts and I/O

Interrupts are arguably just an efficiency hack: instead of scanning the keyboard every so often (as the actual NES did) the keyboard invokes an interrupt handler, which context-switches away from the user code. They're frequently a source of nondeterminism and behavior that varies between processor versions.

I think that probably the right solution is just to have memory-mapped input and output ports.
