Generalizing my RPN calculator to support refactoring

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2016-10-17 (12 minutes)

My regular netbook isn't working because I left the charger at work. I've managed to get this old Thinkpad to boot, though installing Ubuntu seems to be not working (this ten-year-old CD-R is probably corrupt, judging from the kernel log messages), and I can't remember the disk encryption password I set on this machine probably nine years ago, which leads me to think about how much hassle is involved in even the most basic computing tasks.

If only I had an easily bootable operating system I could fire up from this pendrive in a matter of seconds! If only I could add notes to it from anywhere anonymously, later accepting them!

I feel like my RPN calculator app may be a step in the right direction. In it, keys 0-9 add to the number at the current position in the RPN program (space works as a separator between adjacent numbers), and the program is executed after each edit to build up a stack of expressions that are then executed. Operator keys are used to combine expressions into larger expressions. The operator "," concatenates numbers into a vector, with the usual kind of APL broadcasting operations. The "l" and "e" operators are ln and exp, respectively, enabling relatively easy powers and roots. The "i" operator is the APL iota, but zero-based, allowing the instant construction of sequences covering some range.

Vectors are automatically plotted, as well as being displayed numerically. A somewhat generous estimated calculated precision is maintained for each number, and its display is limited to that precision, in order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the display.

Alt-left and alt-right (or, for phones, $ and &) perform structural editing of the RPN program, moving an entire subexpression left or right over other instructions. Left and right (or the parentheses) navigate the RPN program, showing you the intermediate value calculated at each node.

At present it lacks even the minimal abstraction ability to use the same value twice. For example, to compute the first six triangular numbers, you can use the sequence 6i6i1+*2/, resulting in the expression i 6 * (i 6 + 1) / 2. But to change this to the first 10 numbers, for example, you must go back and edit both of the sixes.

It also lacks any kind of aggregate calculation, even summing or array indexing, any kind of mouse interaction, and decimal points.


I'm increasingly coming to the conclusion that stacks are good for expression evaluation, but too confusing when you try to use them for general-purpose data storage; the position of any given value relative to the top of the stack is constantly changing. So probably to reuse values, it's better to use registers, i.e. variables, rather than providing stack manipulation operators, at least in the context of interactive calculations.

However, a set of interactions has occurred to me that seem like they should make abstraction by refactoring quite simple:

So, for example, in the case above about the triangular numbers, after having typed "6i", you could type "#", which would put the "i 6" into a subexpression, used twice. Maybe this would be displayed like this:

x = i 6 = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Then, on typing "1+*2/", you would see something like this:

x = i 6 = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
x * (x + 1) / 2 = 0, 1, 3, 6, 10

If you move the pointer back to the 6 and type ":", you are pushing the 6 up to the level where x is invoked, making x a function; the result would be something like this:

x(y) = i y
x(6) * (x(6) + 1) / 2 = 0, 1, 3, 6, 10

At this point, the two 6es have become independent (although that may not have been the right default). To make them dependent again, you can put the cursor on the second one and type ## to fetch the first 6, then move right and delete the second one. The result would be something like this:

x(y) = i y
z = 6
x(z) * (x(z) + 1) / 2 = 0, 1, 3, 6, 10

If you go to the end and "#" it to turn the triangular-numbers calculation into a local subexpression, you get something like this:

x(y) = i y
z = 6
a = x(z) * (x(z) + 1) / 2 = 0, 1, 3, 6, 10
a = 0, 1, 3, 6, 10
a = 0, 1, 3, 6, 10

Now it may be desirable to make z a parameter of a. If you put the cursor on the first reference to z and use ":", you get this:

x(y) = i y
z = 6
a(b) = x(b) * (x(z) + 1) / 2
a(z) = 0, 1, 3, 6, 10
a(z) = 0, 1, 3, 6, 10

Then you can move over to the second z and use "##" to turn it into another reference to b, then delete the z:

x(y) = i y
z = 6
a(b) = x(b) * (x(b) + 1) / 2
a(z) = 0, 1, 3, 6, 10
a(z) = 0, 1, 3, 6, 10

If you now move the cursor onto the 6 in z and use ":", that will push it out into the invocations of z. That leaves z with nothing left to do, so it evaporates:

x(y) = i y
a(b) = x(b) * (x(b) + 1) / 2
a(6) = 0, 1, 3, 6, 10
a(6) = 0, 1, 3, 6, 10

(I'd also like to be able to manipulate programs the way rpn-calc manipulates algebraic expressions, building them up step by step with example values.)

During the course of these edits, there are times when a function will compute multiple values. For example, consider this definition:

a(b) = x(b) * (x(z) + 1) / 2

The RPN program is something like this:

local b  b x  z x  1 +  *  2 /

Upon introducing the second reference to b, but before deleting the z reference, it looks like this:

local b  b x  b z x  1 +  *  2 /

That works out to these expressions:

b * (x(z) + 1) / 2

The question then is whether a, at that point, should be considered to be returning two values or merely computing x(b) and discarding the result.


To a great extent, not just loops but also nested functions can be eliminated entirely by sufficient vectorization, so to some extent this is an alternative to the previous item. Vectorization is less flexible but also more comprehensible.

The basic idea is that variables have values that depend on circumstances, and you can represent pretty much any variable as a scalar variable that depends on circumstances. For example, you could think of the altitude of land as a number, but one that depends on the latitude and longitude, and maybe time if you are modeling that. The textual content of an editor buffer is a character-valued variable that depends on the position within the buffer. The country of land is a categorical measurement which also depends on latitude and longitude. It is a sensible question what is the maximum altitude for each country, ranging across all the latitude/longitude pairs within that country.

You could reasonably display such vectors in tables, with one table for each set of circumstances that a vector's values depend on. Vectors depending on the same set of circumstances would be displayed in the same table. The traditional way to lay out such tables is with one attribute per column and one row per instance, but the reverse is probably better in this case, with one row per formula and one column per instance. As you calculated, rows would appear and disappear, with the formula displayed on their left followed by a sparkline.

It's not totally clear to me how to mix the display of the stack results with table-style display. Multiple hierarchical levels of circumstances are a reasonable thing to have; you could imagine using colspan cells within the same table to display values that depended on less than the whole set of circumstances, in particular including the empty set of circumstances: a scalar or constant.

The objective is to be able to add new circumstances later, as in the example above in which the altitude comes to depend on time as well as latitude and longitude; you could also imagine it depending on the reference spheroid (WGS 84?) and the data source being consulted. This suggests that aggregation operations (such as, for example, max) should specify a list of circumstances to range over all possible values of (and thus eliminate from the dependency list), rather than a list of circumstances to retain in the dependency list.


Often the calculations I'm doing are in terms of the interrelated values of some mathematical model. The simplest interesting example is perhaps a sphere, which has a radius, a diameter, a cross-sectional area, a surface area, and a volume, any one of which determines all of the others. More complex models may involve conditionals, piecewise approximations from empirical data, and more parameters --- a cylinder, for example, has a volume, a radius, and a length, any two of which determine the third, as well as other properties, of course. It is desirable to express those relationships once for a given model and then derive an effective calculation procedure from that expression.


It's very common for me to do calculations including measurement dimensions, and I wish my calculators were better at this. I often use units(1) to do the calculations, but it has some shortcomings:
