A simple virtual machine for vector math?

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2018-11-06 (updated 2018-11-09) (15 minutes)

Could you design a simple virtual machine for vector math that a wide range of existing and future vector hardware (SIMD instruction sets, GPUs, FPGAs) could execute efficiently? A sort of equivalent for C’s virtual machine (viewing C as a virtual machine!) but aimed at things that can execute efficiently across a wide range of today’s computers, not 1984’s — a lowest common denominator that’s low enough to get substantial parallelism on almost anything, but not so low that typical code is as slow as typical C code.

I think it’s feasible.

Of course, nonportable code will always be faster, but the idea of the vector VM is to be fast enough to use portable code most of the time.

I was originally thinking of this approach as part of an archival virtual machine proposal, a successor to Chifir sufficiently improved to be workable, whose raison d’être was archaeological in nature — the objective is for an archaeologist finding the artifact to be able to implement the specified virtual machine as a fun afternoon hack, then load the ancient data into it and breathe life back into it. I thought maybe a pipelined vector design could work, but upon further consideration, I decided it wasn’t well suited to compatible reimplementations without reference to an existing working implementation.

Still, though, I think it might be interesting for less demanding purposes, the sort of thing OpenCL and Vulkan are aimed at. It’s sort of a microscopic SPIR-V with about 30 operations, or a VM for Wadge’s Lucid.

Unfinished notes

Old Cray machines weren’t parallel-SIMD, where you could add, subtract, multiply, take the square root, or whatever of each of 4 or 8 or 16 values in a single cycle; instead they had some 8 “vector registers” of, say, 64 single-precision floats, and vector operations on them which operated elementwise. But the machines didn’t have 64 floating-point execution units; they might have 6. So a vector-to-vector operation necessarily took place one float at a time, but pipelined, with one result per cycle. Moreover, you could “chain” operations from one register to the next, and even to main memory. So, for example, you might compute mx + b, for vector values of the variables, as follows:

vectorload m_addr, V1
vectorload x_addr, V2
vectorload b_addr, V4
vectormul V1, V2, V3
vectoradd V3, V4, V5
vectorstore V5, y_addr

So with six instructions you would start the computation of the values, and then it might take 64 more clock cycles to finish. This is how the Cray-1 got 138 megaflops, bursting to 240 megaflops, in 1977, on an 80MHz clock.

It’s also very similar to how Numpy gets reasonable performance for numerical code despite being an extension for dog-slow CPython. This, plus Python’s “iterable” interface (now adopted by JS and Java), suggests the approach of computing abstract sequences of values (of some arbitrary length) rather than individual values or vector values of some fixed length, and including a stride argument in the vector memory fetch instruction.

Consider a matrix-matrix multiply C = AB. Here, in C-style row-major form (which is backwards from standard mathematical notation) C[i][j] = Σₖ A[i][k] B[k][j], or Cᵢⱼ = ΣₖAᵢₖBₖⱼ; writing that as nested loops:

C = {0}; // everywhere (this is not valid C syntax)
for (int i = 0; i < A_rows; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < B_rows; j++) {
        for (int k = 0; k < A_cols; k++) {
            C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];

Thus written, the code is precisely equivalent if we swap inner and outer loops into any of the 6 permutations. As written, it totals each item of C separately, iterating over a column of A and a row of B for each one; but we could also, for example, multiply a cell of A by a row of B, sending the results to the corresponding row of C, merely by swapping the inner two loops:

C = {0};
for (int i = 0; i < A_rows; i++) {
    for (int k = 0; k < A_cols; k++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < B_rows; j++) {
            C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];

That is, Cᵢ = ΣₖAᵢₖBₖ.

We could turn the inner loop here into a program that reads a vector from memory, multiplies it by a scalar (previously loaded from A), reads another vector from memory (the row of C), adds the product to it, and writes it back where it came from.

In the case where C has many more rows than columns, though, it would be more efficient to write a column at a time. This is the same kind of simple transformation:

C = {0};
for (int j = 0; j < B_rows; j++) {
    for (int k = 0; k < A_cols; k++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < A_rows; i++) {
            C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];

That is, C[...][j] = Σₖ B[k][j]·A[...][k]. Here we are updating a whole column of C by adding to it the product of a scalar from B and a column of A.

This is of course not optimally cache-friendly (something the Crays didn’t have to worry about) but it still might be a win if C has a sufficiently small number of columns.

Building a dataflow network on the stack

So suppose that we have a stack machine equipped with an additional stack where the items are not numbers but streams of some finite but possibly large length. By manipulating these streams, we can set into motion highly parallelizable computations which may involve orders of magnitude more computation than that required to interpret the instruction stream. The virtual machine does not know about multidimensional arrays, but it can efficiently execute some computations on them.

The crucial thing to note here is that the stream operations here treat different indices in the stream as completely separate; there is no way for anything that happens at index 0 in the stream to affect anything that happens at index 1 in the stream, or vice versa. So the execution of the entire stream is embarrassingly parallel. Whether that’s useful or not depends on what you’re trying to compute.


There are two operations which create a new sequence: load(address, mode, stride, count) and iota(start, stride, count). (They can take their arguments from, for example, a different stack.) load produces a sequence of count items loaded from memory using mode (e.g. uint32_t or float*8) located stride bytes apart; if stride is 0, then all of them will be copies of the same value. iota similarly produces a series of count items; the first will be the number start, and succeeding items will increase by stride, which may be 0.

The span of addresses that will be accessed by load can be bounds-checked as soon as the load instruction executes, allowing the bounds check to be amortized over a potentially very large number of data accesses.


There are correspondingly a few different final destinations we can send these streams to.

store(address, mode, stride, count) is the counterpart of load; it stores the values of a stream into memory. With load and store we can copy blocks of data around memory, translate it between different numeric formats, and transpose matrices by using different strides.

argmax and argmin each take two streams as arguments: an index stream and a data stream, which should be of the same length. When the streams are exhausted, they yield the index value corresponding to the largest or smallest datum from the data stream. If the index and data streams are the same, they thus produce the max or min of the stream.

sum, similarly, computes the sum of a stream.

Stream transformations

However, there are also a large collection of operations that operate elementwise on streams. For example, the ~ operation computes the bitwise NOT of the values in a stream, consuming the stream and producing a new stream of the altered values. The + operation consumes two streams (which should be of the same length) and produces a new stream of the sums of corresponding values from those streams.

The collection of stream transformations consists of the following 16 operations:

Stream stack manipulation

You also have the usual collection of simple stack operations for the stream stack — dup, drop, swap, over, rot, >R, R@, and R>.

These are particularly important here because of their effect on the stream execution engine. While references to a dataflow network are live on the stack, the engine doesn’t yet know what use will be made of them; it is only once the last reference has been removed from the stack that it can actually execute the requested computation. If they are dropped, perhaps it need not do any computation at all.

XXX what happens if you request the sum or argmax of a stream while other references are still live on the stack? Maybe just eliminate dup and over, because the alternative seems to be unbounded buffering.

Why a stream stack

Why use a stack machine for building the streams instead of, say, a register-based virtual machine? Don’t register-based bytecodes run faster?

The advantage of a stack machine is that the number of uses of each value is explicit, while in a register machine, it is implicit. If you have no drop operation or other way to discard a value, you know that all values are used; if you additionally have no dup or over or R@ operation or other way to duplicate a value, you know that each value is used exactly once. The point at which no more references to a particular tree exist on the stack is precisely the point when it will not be used in the future.

Perhaps you could design a two-operand register machine with the same property, if each register has an “empty”/“full” bit like the memory words of the Tera MTA, such that using a register as a “source” operand optionally “empties” it, and reading from “empty” registers or moving to “full” registers is not permitted.

But a stack machine seems like a much simpler route to the same goal.

Okay actually fuck all this

So what you actually want is to construct a dataflow graph from a sequence of inputs to an equal-size sequence of outputs. And you want to do that while ensuring that your dataflow graph is acyclic, not only in the directed form but in the undirected form as well. (There’s no good reason for that restriction, but I did talk about imposing it, at least possibly.) And then you want to launch it to go process stuff and then maybe get results.

In that case, wouldn’t it be best to separate the graph construction and graph execution steps? And in that case, wouldn’t it be best to be able to execute the same graph more than once? In my matrix multiplication example, for example, you want to run your inner loop m×n times (e.g. A_rows × A_cols times). There’s no benefit to reconstructing the graph again every time through the inner loop!

Separating them also eliminates the problem of making sure all the lengths are equal — you supply the length, along with the input and output data addresses and strides, when you invoke the graph. And it eliminates the question of what to do when you invoke the sum instruction but there are still things left on the stack, because the sum won’t be delivered at graph construction time in any case, but at graph invocation time.

(And in that case maybe when you instantiate the sum node, you give it a destination register, so that you can have several of them in the same graph.)

Getting back to the question of “a sort of equivalent for C” — is a stack-based virtual machine really the same level of programming as C? Wouldn’t you want infix syntax for programming at C level? Why do you need some kind of bytecode representation of your vector dataflow graph? Wouldn’t you be better off with a language extension for C, or maybe even a C library? And in that case, wouldn’t you be better off with explicit node labels of some kind instead of this dopey stack-machine interface? I mean, it would be a lot easier to read your code, probably, even if infix is too hard to provide because C doesn’t do operator overloading.
