A nonscriptable design for the Wercam windowing system

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2018-10-26 (updated 2018-11-13) (6 minutes)

A simpler design as an alternative to the latency-minimizing design in the Scriptable windowing for Wercam.

Modern CPUs are fast enough that we ought to be able to get by, at least for many applications, without any kind of graphics acceleration at all. The role of the window system in such a system is just to multiplex screen space among different windows, composite the windows, and route events to the relevant applications.

The simplest approach — the same one used in xshmu — is to let each application draw on a window buffer, and when it’s done, display that window buffer.

Let’s assume that window flicker is intolerable, that latency is important, and that more enough RAM is available for several framebuffers. Then we need to ensure that the display is never reading a partially-updated window buffer; at any given time, either the display or the application owns the buffer. Since latency is important, we would like to initiate the redraw as late as possible before the vertical synchronization, so that the window contents can get composited into the framebuffer only 8ms before they’re drawn (assuming 60Hz) instead of, say, 24ms.

But Wercam can’t ensure that the application finishes drawing into the buffer and relinquishes ownership in time for compositing. Even if it could forcibly steal the buffer away when the deadline passed, it would have a partially-drawn window image to work with. So it needs a backup plan — it needs the previous contents of the window.

It isn’t good enough to keep the previous contents of VRAM, because the window may be translucent and something underneath it may have changed. In fact, I would like to ensure that this happens as often as possible.

So we need at least two buffers for each window — the current contents and the previous contents in case the current contents are unavailable when the deadline passes. When we get the current contents back, we can relinquish the other buffer back to the application so that it can draw the next frame when the time comes.

The Porter–Duff over operation — the one we’ll use for compositing translucent windows — involves a multiply-accumulate per pixel component, typically in 8-bit integer arithmetic. I think my Intel Gen8 GPU (see Notes on the Intel N3700 i915 GPU in this ASUS E403S laptop) can do about 100 billion 16-bit floating-point multiply-accumulates operations per second (400 MHz · 128 FP32 ALUs · 2 16-bit ops per ALU), and my CPU can do 128-bit SIMD (32 bytes) on I think four cores at 1.6 GHz each, which works out to 204.8 billion such operations per second, or 52 billion pixels. My screen draws 1920·1080·60Hz = 124 megapixels per second. This suggests that the CPU should be able to handle on the order of 419 layers, or the GPU half that (although the GPU also has a special-purpose blitter, which is probably competitive with the CPU.)

If the depth of translucent windows starts approaching this limit, it should be possible to request updates from windows deeper in the stack less frequently, perhaps every other frame. Then the foreground windows only have to be composited with the pre-composited background window stack.

We can go even further in this direction since the “over” operation is associative. We can group the windows by Z-order in groups of, say, 3, and composite each group separately, then composite the groups in supergroups of 3, and so on, until we have composed the whole scene. Then we can update any subset of windows, regardless of where they are in the Z-order, with a relatively small logarithmic cost. (But using saturating arithmetic might violate this associativity.)

The Dep kernel (see Speculative plans for BubbleOS) provides the application and the window system the facility to securely transfer the window buffers back and forth such that each can be sure that the other has relinquished access before it starts to write. (When running Wercam on other platforms, we just have to hope.) Normally, the application doesn’t allocate window buffers; it lets Wercam do that. If the application doesn’t have possession of a buffer, it has nowhere to draw, and this is one way Wercam can limit the frame rate of background windows when necessary, or indeed eliminate the frame rate of invisible windows entirely. Also, though, normally applications will wait for a paint event from Wercam before drawing and sending a new frame. And they may not send a frame for a long time.

In the degenerate case where no windows are being updated, Wercam could avoid spending CPU time on compositing entirely; similarly with no windows being updated in a certain part of the screen. But its design goal is good worst-case performance, not good average-case performance.

Performance tests

I write a simple dumb alpha-compositor test in C. It appears to work, and it runs smoothly. At 828×512, just drawing a background, it runs at 1.13–1.16 ms (user CPU) per frame. Alpha-compositing an (opaque) copy of the background on top of itself, it runs at 4.23–4.31 ms (user CPU) per frame, implying a cost of 3.07–3.18 ms of compositing per frame, or 7.2–7.5 ns per composited pixel. Some preliminary analysis with Cachegrind finds 0.9 instructions per pixel without compositing plus 29.7 instructions per pixel added with compositing, but almost no difference in D-cache misses (0.125 per pixel with background only, 0.127 with compositing).

A little work with GCC vector extensions gets this down to, if my tests are valid, 1.46 ns per pixel, which is fast enough to put 5.5 layers on the screen, or 22 layers on all four cores.
