An extremely simple electromechanical state machine

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2014-04-24 (16 minutes)

As I was walking out my door earlier tonight to get an empanada, I noticed that the keys had left a mark by brushing against the paint on the door, and I thought, wow, I can make pretty intricate patterns in brass entirely by accident this way. Wouldn't it be awesome if we could somehow just draw a computer as a two-dimensional pattern on paper and have it work?

And it occurred to me that it is actually practical to simply draw a state transition table and have a simple electromechanical machine implement the state machine you specified. Here's the idea.

The idea (here)

Suppose you want to implement an arbitrary finite-state machine with a minimum number of "active" electronic elements (things like vacuum tubes or transistors). Here's an interesting approach, sort of inspired by Shamir's TWINKLE.

You maintain your current N-bit state in N flip-flops with complementary Q and /Q outputs; typically each flip-flop requires one or two vacuum tubes, or a locking relay, or two to six transistors, depending on your logic family and other details. You hook up the Q and /Q outputs to lamps: these days, you would surely use laser diodes or other LEDs, but in the 1940s timeframe where this scenario makes the most sense, you'd have to use something else, maybe neon lamps. The lamps give you a matrix of N rows of two lamps, one of which is on at any given time.

A reasonable value for N here might be 3 to 20.

Now you put these lamps close to a strip of paper. The lamps reflect diffusely off the paper and illuminate the environment. If there are dark blots on the paper under an illuminated lamp, that will diminish the overall illumination reflected from the lamps.

With a lens per lamp --- not necessarily a very good lens --- you can do this trick with the lamps some distance from the paper. The idea is that each lamp just illuminates a corresponding spot on the paper.

Suppose the paper is a vertical strip, divided into rows of two squares, one square for each lamp; and just as one of the two lamps in each row is lit, one of the two squares in each row is light, while the other one is dark. Now the illumination reflected from each row is the XOR or XNOR of a bit of our state and the corresponding bit on the paper. If we slide the paper vertically, the illumination will fluctuate with time as the Hamming distance between the current state and the selected subset of the bit pattern on the paper varies.

Now, instead of sliding bits of paper around, we can wrap this strip of paper around a rotating drum. As the drum rotates, the number of matching bits on these two tracks of the drum will vary, and so will the reflected light. It will reach a minimum when every lamp is illuminating a black area.

How small is that minimum? Asphalt has a visible-light albedo of 0.04; I think carbon black is a little darker than that. Polished aluminum has a reflectance of about 0.95, although I think it gets a little worse when unpolished. But basically we can have a contrast ratio of about 20 or 25 between black and white on paper without doing anything exotic. That means that if you have 5 bits and all 5 of them match, you'll have about 0.04 × 5 = 0.2 of the light from one bit; while if only 4 match, you'll have 0.04 × 4 + 0.95 × 1 = 1.11 of the light from one bit, about 4½ times as much. So this is an easily detectable event: the ratio between a perfect match and a near match is about a factor of 4. You should be able to detect this event with a photodiode or even an electric eye.

Suppose that an adjacent track of the drum carries another pattern of bright and dark squares, containing desired new states for your flip-flops. If you have more lamps and photodetectors close to it, one per bit, they can read the pattern without leaking much light into the environment.

Now, as the drum turns, the apparatus searches for a matching state on the drum; when the reflected light level falls to a minimum, it knows it has found it, and it loads the specified new state into the flip-flops from the other track. It's probably desirable for the "pattern" bits being matched on the track to be somewhat short, so that the new-state bits are well centered under their detectors by the time the detector fires, as follows:

 Q /Q  newstate
--     ##
   --  ##
--     ##

You probably do need a mechanism that prevents a misaligned match: say, N-1 bits of one pattern and 1 bit of the following one. One way is to have an extra framing "bit" that is always illuminated on both sides, marking the paper dark on both tracks:

 Q /Q  newstate
--     ##
   --  ##
--     ##

Alternatively, you could just space the rows unevenly, or even leave a fractional-row-sized space between patterns.

The (N+1)×3 arrangement described above is just one of many possibilities. You could just as well put all the bits on one track, and the lamps in a line; or you could put each bit in a separate track, producing 3N tracks and one bit-height per pattern, which is probably the highest-performance option; here we have three transitions:

Q1 /Q1 Q2 /Q2 Q3 /Q3 Q4 /Q4 Q1' Q2' Q3' Q4'
--        --  --     --     ##  ##  ##
--        --  --         -- ##  ##  ##  ##
--        --     --      -- ##  ##

Simple latches, without edge-triggering, probably suffice for the flip-flops, because each transition will be either to the same state or to a different state. If it's to the same state, it's idempotent, so it's harmless to execute it continuously until the marks pass; and if it's to a different state, then it will execute until the lamps display enough of the new state that the light level rises above the level that triggers the state-transitioning logic. You just have to be careful that the transition is sufficiently well-established that all the bits have changed as they should, and none is left in a metastable state.

Further variations

What this gets you

If N=4 plus one bit of input, this should give you an arbitrary sixteen-state state machine for the cost of somewhere around five to forty active elements, depending on what they are; and its speed should be limited to something like one transition per sixteen times its lamps' response time. That is, if your indicator lamps respond in 100ns, you should be able to do an arbitrary transition in 1600ns. This is dependent on actually testing a pattern every 100ns; at 5400rpm and a radius of 4cm, your patterns will need to be about 2 microns across, which means your lamps' illumination spots will need to be about that size too, and you might need to make sure they were aligned to within that precision, too. 200 microns is probably more practical if you want to be able to construct the thing without resorting to a microscope, and you can probably spin a 40-cm-radius drum at 5400rpm, practically speaking, giving you a microsecond per candidate phase transition.

The great disadvantage of this approach is that the state machine's real-time performance is fairly poor, so it can't interface directly with things like delay lines unless they're very slow indeed.

A potential 1920s realization using only neon glow lamps

I think that if you accept some further slowdown, although not quite to the level of magnetic relay logic, you can build it with a couple of 1920s neon glow lamps for each flip-flop. I haven't really played with the things, but I think that this topology gives you a flip-flop:

                _( NE-2 )_|__/\/\/\__
               / (  L1  )      R1    \
VCC           /                       \__
+___/\/\/\___/                        / |
      R3     \                       /  |
              \__( NE-2 )____/\/\/\_/   |
                 (  L2  ) |    R2      _|_
                          |            /// GND

If "VCC" is above the striking voltage of the lamps (say 110 volts), then either L1 or L2 will ionize and start to conduct at about three milliamps; at this point the voltage across it will drop, to about 70 volts IIRC, and if enough of the remainder is dropped across R3, the other lamp will not ionize. You can measure the voltage at points A and B to see which lamp is conducting; the other one will be at zero volts. And if you apply a sufficient positive voltage at A (anything from about 50 volts up to not too far above "VCC"), you can get L1 to stop conducting if it's conducting beforehand, ensuring that L2 is conducting afterwards; and likewise for B.

This might avoid the need for separate indicator lamps, but NE-2s are pretty small, dim, and red, so your light detector has to be pretty good. However, there are other neon glow lamps that work the same way that produce more light. In extreme steampunky cases, you could perhaps even use a carbon arc lamp, which displays more or less the same bistable negative-resistance behavior that neon glow lamps do, so much so that the Pearson arc oscillator used it to power an RF oscillator circuit.

This flip-flop can be extended to multiple branches; as I sort of mentioned before, three alternatives gives you slightly better efficiency than two; six lamps in two three-branch circuits of this type can encode nine alternatives, compared to eight if they're grouped into three two-branch circuits.

So how do you connect a high voltage to A or B when one of the next-state bits gets illuminated? In today's world you'd probably amplify a signal from a photodiode to trigger a triac or SCR or something. But using neon lamps? They're slightly light-sensitive, and in their negative-resistance region, capable of amplification, so theoretically this ought to be possible, but I don't know enough of the details.

You do have the advantage that the light from the "new state" bits can be as strong as you like (although only 20 or 25 times stronger than their dark counterparts), since you're just turning the light source off when you're not transitioning to a new state, so let's suppose that we can do it with three resistors and two neon lamps for each of A and B. That means each of our N=4 bits of state consists of 6 lamps and 9 resistors, for a total of 24 lamps and 36 resistors; our bit of input requires perhaps two lamps and two or three resistors.

That leaves only the problem of detecting the darkness that triggers the transition and firing up the transition circuits. I'll guess arbitrarily that that will need five more lamps and eight more resistors, for a total of 29 lamps and 44 resistors.

It's also feasible to use electromechanical relays, of course. Modern mercury-wetted reed relays can run up to 40kHz. But they can't detect light; for that you need an electric-eye vacuum tube at least, if not an avalanche gas tube.
