XCHG: An Archival Swap Machine

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2014-06-29 (7 minutes)

Move machines suffer one big problem as a replacement for Brainfuck: the register operands are necessarily in pairs, which halves code density in some sense and means that reading the code can easily suffer from framing errors. $&@ might mean write to $ and then transfer & to @, or transfer $ to & and then read from @, depending on where we are.

As a fix to this, I suggest a variant move machine with 26 directly nameable registers, one for each English letter, and two instructions for each one: a capital letter to read it into the accumulator, or perhaps subtract it, and a lowercase letter to write the accumulator to it. So Ab would copy A to B, and Abc would copy A to both B and C.

A further convenience for compiled code would be to define the digits such as 4 as "multiply accumulator by 10 and add 4". This allows constants to be provided in a reasonable way.

Subleq is a universal OISC. So we can get all arithmetic from just subtraction; a single subtracting accumulator is thus a sufficient interface for all arithmetic. You could memory-map it with a single location, which gives the current total when read or subtracts when written.

Subleq, however, also includes a signed comparison and conditional jump. And to program anything more than state machines on it, you need self-modifying code, unless you make its output and one of its inputs indirectly addressed.

To get around the state machine limitation, you can memory-map a pointer register and its pointee, like the PIC. And getting a jump requires memory-mapping the program counter. The combination almost gives you a conditional jump; all that's left is a way to get a Boolean to index with, like a < instruction that fills the accumulator with its sign bit. That way you can index to either the program counter or the word after it.

This memory-mapping the PC thing means that your memory cells need to be more than a byte, so figure 32 bits.

One final thing needed to make the machine reasonable: a subroutine return mechanism. Let's say that when writing to the program counter directly (not as a pointee) we swap the would-be new program counter value with the accumulator. Then the callee can save it upon entry for return later.

Could that work as a general mechanism? It would eliminate the read-write distinction, but you would need a memory-mapped copy/discard device in addition to the subtractor, the pointer, the pointee, and the program counter. But you would get 80-some printable registers instead of 26. As a special bonus, you could claim the machine was "linear" or "reversible".

You also need input and output devices. The traditional Brainfuck ., interface seems adequate, but should use the accumulator contents, and can reliably report end of file.

I recommend writing code for this machine on fixed-width lines of 100 characters in order to make subroutine calls work reasonably.

This seems like a machine that should be nearly as easy to implement on most machines as Brainfuck, but much easier to generate code for. Let's take the always-swap option:

; always reads as the last value written to :, discarding written data
, discards written data and reads as the next byte of input
. writes output and reads zero
0123456789 multiply accumulator by ten and add a digit
- reads the subtracted total and also subtracts the current accumulator from it
' is a register pointing to memory
" is an alias for the place ' points to
< sets the accumulator to -1 if it is negative, 0 otherwise
^ is the program counter

9 instructions and memory-mapped locations, not much worse than Brainfuck's 8 instructions. Alternatively, without the cutesy swap thing, except for jumps:

Aa read and write bytes of input and output
0123456789 multiply by ten and add a digit
B reads the subtracted total
b subtracts the accumulator from it
C reads the value at the address written to D (maybe use B instead?)
c writes the value at the address written to D
Dd read and write a register that is normal except for controlling C
E reads the address of the next instruction
e sets the address of the next instruction, causing a jump, and also sets the accumulator to what the next instruction would have been
< fills the accumulator with its sign bit
Other letters read and write general-purpose registers.

This is 7 to 10 instructions depending on how you analyze it. It seems to me that these two formulations are close to the same complexity to implement, but the first one is much more novel, and either might turn out to be easier to program with — by which I mostly mean write compiler backends targeting it. You have the capacity to do subroutines/functions, multiple threads, dynamic dispatch, array indexing, and so on.

x = y + z is, with the swap machine, y-z--:;-;--x, I think, starting with a zero subtractor. We subtract y and z from zero to get the negated sum. We store that in : to use it twice to make it positive, then read the sum and store it in x.

Zeroing the subtractor is a challenge, because zeroing is irreversible. We need to subtract not only the subtractor's original contents, but also the accumulator contents that we folded into it in the process. After the sequence --, the subtractor has had its previous contents canceled, but it still has the negated original accumulator contents in it. :;--; saves these original accumulator contents in :, then wipes out previous : contents with ;. After --; we have wiped out the old - contents too, leaving the original accumulator contents negated in - and unnegated in : and the accumulator. Another - gives us the negated original in - and twice the negated original in -; now if we save the negated original in :, we can subtract it twice: :;-;- or in full :;--;-:;-;-. There may be a simpler way to zero the subtractor, but I think that way works.
