Notes concerning “Music”
Alastair thesis review
2013-05-17 (1 minute)
Square wave synthesis
2014-02-24 (2 minutes)
Rhythm codes
2015-09-03 (4 minutes)
Would Synthgramelodia make a good base for livecoding music?
2015-09-03 (8 minutes)
Convolution applications
2015-09-07 (updated 2019-08-14) (9 minutes)
Virtual instruments
2015-11-09 (3 minutes)
The Magic Kazoo: a synthesizer you stick in your mouth
2017-04-04 (updated 2019-05-12) (6 minutes)
Can you make a vocoder simpler using CIC filters?
2017-06-28 (updated 2018-06-17) (2 minutes)
Multitouch livecoding
2018-06-17 (1 minute)
Sample reversal
2018-12-18 (updated 2019-01-17) (5 minutes)
Honk development
2019-03-21 (2 minutes)
Three-stack generic macro assembler (design sketch)
2019-04-30 (8 minutes)
Measuring submicron displacements by pitch bending a slide guitar
2019-05-05 (18 minutes)
Using the Goertzel algorithm, the Minsky algorithm, PLLs, and prefix sums for frequency detection
2019-06-16 (updated 2019-07-05) (39 minutes)
Pythagorean cement pipes for your shower singing
2019-09-08 (updated 2019-09-09) (7 minutes)
Hadamard rhythms
2019-11-01 (6 minutes)
Audio logic analyzer
2019-11-12 (3 minutes)
Applying FM synthesis to natural sounds such as voices
2019-11-12 (2 minutes)