Complex linear regression (in the field ℂ of complex numbers)

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-08-17 (updated 2019-08-18) (9 minutes)

In $1 recognizer diagrams I speculated that applying linear regression to vectors of complex numbers might be a good way to match user interface gestures such as strokes to templates, since a linear function in ℂ amounts to a translation, rotation, and scaling. But I can’t find any discussion of doing linear regression on complex numbers.

So I’m going to solve that problem here.

The stroke-matching problem

Suppose we have a sequence of points representing a stroke the user has drawn with their pen or a finger on a pen computer — whether something like the Fly Pen, something like the HP Itsy, something like a Wacom graphics tablet, or something like a modern Android computer. We want to determine how far this sequence is from being “the same as” a stored template representing, say, the letter “B”, so we can see which of several stored templates it’s closest to and thus determine the user’s intent.

Let’s suppose the sequence of points has already been resampled to regular spatial intervals, with the same number of points as the template (128 or something), so pairing up corresponding points is trivial.

The simplest thing that could possibly work is to take the sum of absolute differences of coordinates between corresponding points: Σ |xₜᵢ - xₛᵢ| + |yₜᵢ - yₛᵢ|, where i ranges over the number of points, xₜ and yₜ are the coordinates of the template points, and xₛ and yₛ are the coordinates of the stroke points. This loss function tells us how far the stroke is from being a “B” or whatever.

This may work under some circumstances, but it has some problems:

  1. The user may have written the stroke in a different position than the template, introducing translational error into all of the components of the loss function.

  2. The user may have written the stroke in a different orientation, introducing rotational error into most of the components of the loss function, except those points in the center.

  3. The user may have written the stroke at a different size, introducing scaling error into most of the components of the loss function, again, except for those in the center. Moreover the scaling may be nonuniform — the user may have stretched the stroke horizontally, vertically, or diagonally without intending to do so — introducing skewing error.

  4. Using the absolute difference means that an error of, say, 5 pixels diagonally, will count as 7 pixels; this introduces a anisotropic bias into the loss function which makes it harder to cleanly separate, for example, Bs from non-Bs.

  5. Using the absolute difference means that an error of 20 pixels counts as just four times a 5-pixel error. But, generally, if the user really did intend to draw a B, four 5-pixel errors are much more probable than a single 20-pixel error. This, similarly, makes it harder to cleanly separate Bs from non-Bs. Using the absolute difference represents an implied probability distribution of errors that is exponential.

The “$1 recognizer” paper I was writing about has some solutions to these: translate the stroke so its centroid is at the origin to eliminate translational error, rotate it so that the start point is at a fixed angle to eliminate rotational error, rescale it nonuniformly horizontally and vertically so that its bounding box has size 1 in each dimension to eliminate scaling and skewing error, and use the sum of Euclidean distances rather than the sum of absolute differences to eliminate anisotropic bias. (They still have problem #5, unless I’m imagining things and it isn’t really a problem.) As I wrote in $1 recognizer diagrams, this procedure seems unduly sensitive to noise.

But it occurred to me that this was very similar to the problem of linear regression, only with complex numbers. If we represent each point (x, y) as a complex number (x + jy), then rotation and uniform scaling around the origin are merely multiplication by a complex number, and translation is merely adding a complex number. So if the stroke is precisely a translated, uniformly scaled rotation of the template, then there exist some complex numbers m and b such that ∀i: xₛᵢ + jyₛᵢ = m(xₜᵢ + jyₜᵢ) + b. Let’s abbreviate the stroke point i as sᵢ = xₛᵢ + jyₛᵢ and the template point i as tᵢ = xₜᵢ + jyₜᵢ, so that this becomes just ∀i: sᵢ = mtᵢ + b. And if the points of the stroke are perturbed slightly from those positions, then there exist complex numbers m and b that give a small sum Σ |mtᵢ + b - sᵢ|² (the L² norm of the vector mt⃗ + b⃗ - s⃗, where all the components of vector b⃗ are equal); that residual sum tells us how much error there is in the approximation, and by finding m and b to minimize that sum, we can find something that is in some sense the best fit.

This is precisely the everyday problem of linear regression, but in the field ℂ of complex numbers, rather than the usual field ℝ of real numbers. The squared modulus solves problems #4 (anisotropy) and #5 (nonuniform weighting), implying a Gaussian distribution of errors, which is probably a reasonable approximation even if not precisely correct; and, at least in ℝ, it makes the optimization problem easy by making it convex and differentiable in closed form.

If we can find the ideal rotation, scaling, and translation in this way, we can conceivably find a better fit than the one the “$1 recognizer” finds, and maybe we can find it more efficiently, too, especially if we can calculate it in closed form rather than using golden-section search to heuristically approximate the optimal rotation. We’d still need to stretch the stroke up front to correct for nonuniform scaling (skewing error), perhaps by calculating the xy covariance matrix of its points.

This is easier than the more general problem of trying to match up two sets of possibly rotated, translated, and scaled points, such as star tracking, because the correspondence between the points is provided up front — it comes from the temporal sequence of points in the stroke.

Existing work on complex linear regression

Abdul Ghapor Hussin, Norli Anida Abdullah and Ibrahim Mohamed wrote a 2010 paper called “A Complex Regression Model” about using linear regression with complex variables to predict “circular variables” such as the direction from which waves are hitting a buoy. I don’t really understand their derivation. users Naetmul and hans have written up the general solution for finding a least-squares-optimal approximate solution to the linear system Ax⃗ = b⃗ in complex numbers. I don’t think I can transform the linear regression problem into this problem, because the output has too many degrees of freedom — I’m looking for a pair (m, b) regardless of how many input points there are, while that problem takes the matrix A and the vector b⃗ as given, then tries to find the vector x⃗ that gets you closest to it in the subspace defined by A. This amounts to projecting b⃗ onto that subspace and then figuring out where you are in it.

Aha! John Cowan referred me to whuber's answer on the Cross Validated Stack Exchange, where they explain that the answer is


along with R code to implement it and everything. Not sure it's rigorously proven to be the correct answer, but there are "appears to work" arguments.

Finding the least-squares solution to the univariate complex linear regression problem

So we want to find argminm, b ∈ ℂ² Σ |mtᵢ + b - sᵢ|². Although the complex modulus |·| isn’t differentiable everywhere, the modulus squared |·|² is, and therefore so is the whole sum. So we should be able to find all of its extrema by finding where its partial derivatives with respect to m and b are zero. And, if the situation is like the situation in ℝ, the derivative will only have a single zero, and it will be the minimum; intuitively, a similar situation ought to obtain here.

Let’s define Δ = mtᵢ + b - sᵢ, so we’re trying to minimize Σ |Δ|², so we set ∇[Σ|²] = 0, so Σ ∇|Δ|² = 0, which is to say that Σ ∂|Δ|²/∂m = 0 and Σ ∂|Δ|²/∂b = 0, which are two problems we can solve separately. ∂|Δ|²/∂m = (d|Δ|²/dΔ)(∂Δ/∂m), and similarly for b, ∂|Δ|²/∂b = (d|Δ|²/dΔ)(∂Δ/∂b).
