Patterns for failure-free, bounded-space, and bounded-time programming

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2018-04-27 (updated 2019-09-10) (42 minutes)

Often, the most convenient way to program a piece of software is to use garbage collection, recursion, and the Lisp object-graph memory model they were born in, often along with closures and dynamic typing. But these approaches have their drawbacks: almost any part of your program can fail or require unbounded time to execute. Sometimes it is useful to write programs that will not fail, even on a computer with finite memory, and will make progress in bounded time. For example, if your user interface stops making progress, your computer becomes unusable, even if the rest of its software is working fine (see Real time windowing); and, if the program on a microcontroller fails, there is often no sensible way for it to report failure, and physical processes it was controlling may run out of control, perhaps damaging equipment or killing some of the humans.

The basic incompatibilities are the following:

Here I will discuss approaches that can be used to write programs that can execute in bounded time, bounded space, and without the possibility of error conditions arising.

These approaches are usually used in contexts where system resources are very limited, and so they are usually used in conjunction with a lot of optimization, which can reduce both the average-case resource use and the worst-case resource use of the program. However, they are conceptually distinct from optimization, even though they may be confused with it.

Static checking, including type checking

The most general technique is to check invariants before the program is run. An invariant that is (correctly) verified to hold by static reasoning cannot be violated give rise to a run-time error. For example, object-oriented programs in languages such as OCaml are guaranteed not to compile a method call on an object that might not support that method. This is almost true in C++, but C++ has enough undefined behavior that it is in practice impossible to make any compile-time assertions about program behavior.

Such static checking can happen after compile time as well as before. For example, for TinyOS, a stack depth checker was developed that statically verifies the maximum stack depth of a machine-code program. (See also Techniques for, e.g., avoiding indexed-offset addressing on the 8080 for more on how to do this.)

This generalizes to proving arbitrary properties of programs, as was done for CompCert and seL4.

Pointer-reversal tree traversal

Lisp systems traditionally used a mark-and-sweep garbage collector, which first marks all the nodes in memory that are accessible from “roots” (such as the stack or global variables), then sweeps through memory to find any unmarked objects, adding them to the free list. A simple implementation of the mark phase that handles only conses might look something like this:

(defun gc-mark (node)
  (when (and (consp node)
             (not (eq (mark-field node) *collection-number*)))
    (setf (mark-field node) *collection-number*)
    (gc-mark (car node))
    (gc-mark (cdr node))))

This is simple enough, but it sweeps a critical issue under the carpet: those recursive calls to mark eat up stack space. How much stack space do they need? Well, it can be as much as one level of stack for every live cons, if they’re all in a single list! Normally traversing a tree through recursive calls like this is a reasonable thing to do, but this function is being invoked because the interpreter ran out of memory, except what it needs for the stack, and needs to free some up. So statically bounding the stack usage, as mentioned in the previous item, would be really super useful.

You might think we could rewrite it into a non-recursive loop:

(defun gc-mark (node)
  (loop while (and (consp node)
              (not (eq (mark-field node) *collection-number*)))
     do (setf (mark-field node) *collection-number*)
     do (gc-mark (car node))
     do (setf node (cdr node))))

That way, if we have one huge long list (a b c d ... zzz), we don’t eat up our stack recursing down it; each cons of the list gets processed in the same stack frame as the previous one. But we still have a recursive loop which can still eat up space bounded only by the number of conses — it’s just that now it has to look like (((((...zzz...))))) instead.

The fundamental problem is that every time we encounter a new cons, we encounter not one but two new pointers to follow, and so whichever path we choose to take, the number of paths not traveled by can always keep growing, one new path for each cons node we traverse.

If we could only leave some sort of breadcrumbs in those conses in order to avoid needing to allocate that data on the stack! Too bad they’re already full of essential data.

Consider this implementation of NREVERSE for lists:

(defun nreverse (list)
  (loop with next with reversed = nil
     if (null list) return reversed
     do (progn
          (setf next (cdr list))
          (setf (cdr list) reversed)
          (setf reversed list)
          (setf list next))))

It isn’t recursive and doesn’t allocate any memory other than its three local variables. Nevertheless, (nreverse (nreverse list)) will traverse the same list nodes twice, once forwards and once backwards, and it leaves them in the same state as before. By reversing the pointers, it maintains the state it needs to traverse the list again in reverse order.

This implementation of NREVERSE is a simple case of pointer-reversal tree traversal. Where regular tree traversal maintains a single pointer to the current node, we maintain two pointers: the current node and the previous node. (While executing a movement along the tree, we have an additional temporary pointer, called next above.) The previous node used to have a pointer to the current node, but no longer does; it now points to its own previous node instead. It happens that the backward traversal in this case is precisely the same as the forward traversal, but that is not the case in general.

To walk the whole tree, sometimes you’ll be descending down the left branch (the car) and sometimes down the right branch (the cdr). That means that sometimes the previous node will have its car reversed and pointing to its parent, in which case when we return back up to it we want to descend down the cdr branch instead, and sometimes it will have its cdr reversed and pointing to its parent, in which case when we return back up to it we want to keep on returning back up to its parent. To distinguish these two cases, we need to store that one bit of per-node state somewhere, just like the mark bit, and typically we use a bit somewhere in the node itself, though there are other options. If you have three or four children on a node, you need two bits instead of one, and so on. When you finish walking the tree, you have undone all your mutations.

And that’s Deutsch–Schorr–Waite tree traversal, which needs only a bit per node in the worst case instead of a word per node.

Deutsch–Schorr–Waite tree traversal is designed as a failure-free algorithm because, like most algorithms, garbage collection can only fail by running out of memory; but, in the GC case, that failure is an overwhelmingly likely outcome if you don’t make it impossible.

You can use it for things other than garbage collection. You can implement a binary-tree search function using Deutsch–Schorr–Waite traversal, for example; you just choose which child to recurse down by comparing the key, and when you’re traversing back up the tree, you always just go up to the parent, rather than sometimes traversing down to another child, as you do for garbage collection. More interestingly, you can implement red-black tree insertion this way.

Using it for DAG traversal may be hairier; GC uses the mark bit to avoid endlessly revisiting the same nodes, but other traversal algorithms may not be able to.

An interesting thing about this traversal is that it’s achieved by using mutation instead of the usual side-effect-free algorithms to traverse the tree, because the alternative to storing the breadcrumbs with mutation is to allocate memory for them, and that introduces failure. (See The Z-machine memory model for some notes on a memory model that’s all about tree mutation and was at one point used by a significant number of hackers.)

Of course, such a mutating tree traversal would be a disaster if it could be interrupted in the middle, for example, by an out-of-memory exception or a program interruption from the keyboard. But since what we’re exploring here is precisely how to eliminate such exceptions from our system, we are justified in taking advantage of the benefits thus gained.

Note that, in the above loop, the number of pointers to a given node remains constant, except for the ephemeral copy in next. I think this is a necessary property of all such traversal algorithms on trees, which is to say, data structures with only a single pointer to each node; my reasoning is as follows.

If the reference count of such a linearly-referenced node drops, it drops to zero, and the node leaks. If you have a garbage collector, it may recover the node later, and you may be able to avoid turning a memory leak into an actual failure, but for reasons explained in the introduction, I don’t think garbage collection is likely to be compatible with failure-free computing.

For the reference count of such a linearly-referenced node to increase, either it must be overwriting some other reference and decreasing its reference count, or it must be allocating new memory; neither of these is compatible with failure-free computing.

(The potential hole in this reasoning is that it’s legitimate for the traversal algorithm to have some finite number of local variables like next above that potentially alias pointers found in nodes on the heap, but which may be the only access path to a node at some time. I’m not sure this is ever essential but I don’t have a strong argument that it isn’t.)

Swap is an adequate primitive for expressing such arbitrary permutations of pointers, and it guarantees that no pointers are duplicated or destroyed. The pointer permutation in the above NREVERSE loop could be thus expressed without temporary variables as follows, given a SWAPF analogous to SETF:

(swapf reversed (cdr list))
(swapf list reversed)

However, I do not have faith that such a microscopic approach to eliminating failure can scale to a whole computing system. In particular, a pointer cycle can be cut off from the rest of the object graph through such operations, and deciding whether or not that happens potentially requires whole-program analysis (or, worse, run-time whole-heap analysis).

Note that this approach to tree traversal does not bound the time needed for a tree traversal, only the space, and indeed it prevents you from killing the traversal process after a timeout to bound the traversal time cheaply.

(Linear trees has more thoughts on this.)

Pagaltzis’s wall-following tree traversal

You can do flexible immutable tree traversals in constant space if the tree nodes have parent pointers.

Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote the fascinating Tree traversal without recursion: the tree as a state machine in 2007, describing an algorithm for traversing a binary tree in constant space, if each node has a parent pointer as well as the usual child pointers; HN user kofejnik pointed out that the algorithm is equivalent to the standard wall-following maze algorithm, where you just keep your right hand on the right wall as you walk through the maze, so that whenever you re-enter a node with multiple exits, you exit through a new exit, your only state being your position and which way you’re facing.

In summary, the next node and direction is either:

This algorithm generalizes to general ordered tree traversal (you have to search through the child node pointers until you find the right one) and to cases where you don’t want to traverse the entire tree for things such as database index traversal — you just pretend to have traversed the subtrees of no interest.

Pagaltzis pointed out in his article that, using node locks, the traversal can continue successfully even in the face of tree mutations as long as they don’t detach a non-leaf node. But of course it won’t traverse a consistent snapshot of the tree, and node locks eliminate its failure-free, bounded-time nature.

The Pagaltzis algorithm takes constant space and constant traversal time per tree node. However, to put bounds on the Pagaltzis algorithm’s time to traverse the next leafnode — the metric of interest in many cases — you need to bound the depth of the tree, e.g., ensure that it doesn’t degenerate into a linked list. If you can do that, though, you can also bound the space and time usage of a traditional recursive tree traversal.

Moving things in linked lists

Given an item i that is a member of a linked list and a place p in (the same or a different) linked list after which to insert it, you can move it to its new position in a failure-free, allocation-free, bounded-time fashion:

node *n = *i;
*i = n->next;
n->next = *p;
*p = n;

This is similar to the pointer-reversal tree-traversal approach described in the previous section; the end result is that you have permuted the pointers at n->next, p, and i. It is still failure-free even if n->next is a NULL pointer, but of course p and i must not be, and i must point to a node rather than null.

This operation is very commonly used in contexts like operating-system schedulers, where you might use it to move a job between different mutually exclusive queues. If one of the lists is a free list, this pattern becomes the next pattern, “fixed-size object pools”.

Fixed-size object pools

If a program may be called upon to store some arbitrarily large amount of data at once, it cannot be both failure-free and bounded-time; however large its memory is, there is always the possibility that it will be called upon to store more data than there exists storage on the computer it is running on, and then either it must fail, or it must wait until more storage becomes available. So if a program is not bounded-space, it cannot execute failure-free in bounded time.

However, if there is an up-front limit to the amount of data the program needs to manage, and it’s running on a computer with that much memory, it can be failure-free and bounded-time within that limit. Moreover, unless defeated by a too-clever-by-half operating system, it can verify that amount of memory is available at startup time — so it may fail to start up if running on a too-small machine, but then be failure-free thenceforth.

Preallocated object pools are a standard strategy for keeping time bounds on execution in this context: if your game needs to handle up to, say, 64 sprites at a time, you can preallocate and perhaps even preinitialize 64 sprite data structures and make a linked list of them. Then, whenever you need to allocate a new sprite, you grab the first node on that free list, a constant-time operation; to deallocate a sprite, you put it at the head of that list, also a constant-time operation.

Fixed-size queues to permit communication with non-failure-free systems

It’s quite common for a computer system to contain some parts that have to be failure-free and use bounded space and bounded time, and other parts that don’t; for example, a robot control system might contain one component that periodically toggles a pin to generate a waveform to control a servomotor, another component monitoring sensors and running a PID control algorithm that commands the first component what signal to emit, and a third motion-planning component that tells the PID control what set-point to use. If the waveform generator misses its deadlines (a few hundred μs of error at most is acceptable; RC model servos use a 50Hz pulse-position-modulation signal with a pulse width of 500μs to 2500μs encoding the commanded position, so 100μs of error is a 5% error), the waveform will have the wrong duty cycle, and the servomotor will receive the wrong command, possibly breaking the robot or a person near it. If the PID control algorithm misses its deadlines (typically a few milliseconds), the control system will at least oscillate and possibly go out of control. If the motion-planning algorithm runs slowly, though, the robot just takes longer to get things done.

This gives you a lot of freedom to have failures and missed deadlines in your motion-planning algorithm, but not if they can propagate to the waveform generator or even the PID controller. But clearly these components of the system need to communicate somehow.

The simplest approach is for them to share an atomically-updated variable; in an analog system, this might be the voltage on a wire connecting two of the components, or if we’re running the PID controller on the same microcontroller that generates the waveform, a volatile variable written to by the PID controller process and read by an interrupt handler that generates the waveform, or an I/O register in a waveform-generation peripheral integrated into the microcontroller, like the AVR’s timer/counter modules.

In the case of a volatile variable, though, we need to be careful of the danger of “torn reads”: perhaps you’re updating the value from 0x00ff to 0x0100, but on an AVR, that update involves sequentially setting two different bytes of RAM. If an interrupt handler runs between the two updates, it might see 0x0000 or 0x01ff and the robot might kill somebody.

(The “variable” might be arbitrarily large; you can think of framebuffers as being such “variables” shared between the main program and the display hardware, or in the case of the Arduino TVout library, the interrupt handler that generates the video signal. In this case “tearing” is manifested as on-screen “tearing” of images.)

This is similar to the CRT ADC case for which Gray invented Gray code, and so in this case you could try using Gray code to limit the magnitude of the torn-read error, but there are other more general solutions. One is to use a circular buffer to enqueue values to be communicated between components with different deadlines, a fixed-size queue that never blocks, in order to isolate failures within a given component.

XXX include implementation

This allows the PID component, for example, to isolate itself from failures in motion planning — if it goes to read messages from motion planning and none are there, it immediately gets a queue-empty message, a totally normal situation, and goes on about its business. Similarly, the waveform generator, if it has no new messages from the PID component, can go on about its business; and if there are interrupt handlers for the sensors feeding the PID controller, they too can add messages to a queue for it, not concerned about the PID controller’s lack of adherence to their deadlines. If the queue gets full because the PID controller is failing, the sensor-reading messages will be lost, but the sensor-reading interrupt handler won’t itself fail.

The same approach is essential in non-isochronous communication networks. If a gateway receives packets on one or more input streams whose maximum total input bandwidth is A, and forwards those packets to one or more network interfaces whose total minimum guaranteed output bandwidth is B, then as long as A > B, it needs a bounded-size queue for outbound packets, and may drop packets at times. (Most commonly B = 0 because the common types of networks do not provide any guaranteed bandwidth.)

Anytime algorithms

“Anytime algorithms” or “interruptible algorithms” are a family of algorithms which can be interrupted at any time and get some kind of answer; if allowed to run longer, they can produce better answers. In particular, iterative approximation algorithms, which produce a series of progressively closer approximations to a mathematically correct answer, can be used as anytime algorithms.

For example, this Python implementation of the method of secants (from Separating implementation, optimization, and proofs; see also Using the method of secants for general optimization) is an anytime algorithm. It tries to find a zero of the scalar function f starting from guesses x0 and x1, which are in general vectors:

def sec_seq(f, x0, x1):
    y = f(x0), f(x1)

    while True:
        yield x1
        x0, x1 = x1, x1 - y[1]*(x1 - x0)/(y[1] - y[0])
        y = y[1], f(x1)

After each iteration, sec_seq yields control back to the main program along with its current best solution; the main program can elect to resume it for another iteration or to accept that solution, either because it’s adequately precise, because it’s run out of time, or perhaps because a different approach to finding a zero is working better. (CPython doesn’t allow us to prove tight bounds on the execution time of a single iteration, or to interrupt it either safely or in bounded time, but you could imagine a language that did; and, in some cases, even CPython’s loosey-goosey behavior will be good enough.)

Anytime algorithms can exist in non-continuous domains, too — an optimizing compiler, for example, could reasonably work by constructing a correct but possibly slow compiled piece of code, then attempt various ways of optimizing it as long as there is time.

Mathematical optimization

A particular special case of anytime algorithms is the case of iterative mathematical optimization algorithms. Optimization, in this sense, is the mathematical problem of calculating the minimum of a function; for example, the minimum of x² + x + 1 is at x = -½, which can be calculated in closed form; minima of more complex functions are more difficult to find, and often we settle for local-search results rather than finding the global minimum.

In most cases, the objective is to reduce the function as low as possible, rather than rigorously guarantee that no other value is lower, and iterative optimization works by finding progressively lower and lower values.

So, for example, in SKETCHPAD, while it’s desirable to satisfy the user’s drawing constraints as quickly as possible, it’s necessary to redraw the screen frequently in order to remain usable; so the relaxation procedure that seeks a satisfying value of the constraints runs a few steps before each screen redraw.

Optimization is a fairly general approach to solving “inverse problems”, where we have a description of what properties a solution would have; optimization algorithms work especially well given a fuzzy description.

Constant-space representations

Traditional Lisps, Squeak, and newer versions of Python transparently overflow integer arithmetic into bignum arithmetic. This has the advantage that the results of integer arithmetic operations are always correct, while in many other programming languages, they may be only approximate, or they may overflow, either crashing the program or producing dramatically incorrect results.

However, this more common approach of producing approximate or dramatically incorrect results is often the price of failure-free, bounded-space, and bounded-time computation.

In signed 16-bit arithmetic, for example, 32767 + 1 = -32768, and 32767 + 3 = -32766; the first Ariane 5 rocket was destroyed by an arithmetic exception resulting from such an arithmetic overflow (though on a conversion from floating-point, rather than addition.)

Floating-point, as used for integer arithmetic in particular in JS, gives incorrect results for most operations, though not all. In 64-bit IEEE-754 floating-point, integer arithmetic (except for division) is exact up to 2⁵³ = 9007199254740992.0; one result of this is that 9007199254740992.0 - 1 gives the correct result in most programming languages, while 9007199254740992.0 + 1 simply gives 9007199254740992.0 again. Under many circumstances, these errors are tolerable, although you can easily spend years on techniques to prove bounds on the errors in particular algorithms; and in many cases they produce results that are just wrong.

But both two’s-complement integer arithmetic and floating-point arithmetic are usually constant-space and constant-time, and is often failure-free, although floating-point division by zero may produce a failure-free ±∞ value or, as in Python, an exception, depending on how things are configured; two’s-complement integer division by zero almost invariably produces some kind of exception.

So what’s the disadvantage of defaulting to bignums? Well, one of the first things I did with Squeak Morphic was to write an escape-time Mandelbrot-set renderer, but I had to set it to 16×16 pixels with a maximum number of iterations of about 10 or 12. (The Mandelbrot set is the set of complex numbers c for which the recurrence zᵢ = zᵢ-₁² + c remains bounded rather than zooming off to infinity as i increases, starting at z₀ = 0; escape-time rendering colors each pixel according to the number of iterations of the recurrence needed to exceed some limit, usually |z| > 2.)

When I set my iteration limit to a more reasonable number, like 256 or 100 or 30 or even 20, it took an unreasonably long time to render, or would hang completely. I was mystified; why was Squeak so slow?

A little investigation showed that the values of c, derived from dividing pixel positions by the width and height of the array, producing exact rational numbers; so, for example, z₄ = ((c² + c)² + c)² + c might involve calculating the eighth power of a number like 11/16, which is 214,358,881/4,294,967,296; but then z₅ would include its 16th power, which is 45,949,729,863,572,161/18,446,744,073,709,551,616; and so on. So my little Mandelbrot-set renderer was taking time — and memory! —  exponential in the number of iterations.

Using an exponential amount of time is bad enough, but using an exponential amount of memory guarantees that you’ll run out of memory before too many iterations.

Adding a decimal point somewhere was sufficient to get Squeak to switch from using exact arithmetic to using floating-point arithmetic, and suddenly I could use thousands of pixels and thousands of iterations.

So, constant-space arithmetic that doesn’t crash on overflow is a useful way to make your arithmetic bounded-space, bounded-time, and failure-free, in the sense of not crashing (because of running out of memory or for any other reason).

More generally, if you are going to compute with some kind of entity, whether a number or not, in a failure-free fashion, you need to be able to represent it with a constant space bound, and usually in constant space. If your representation uses unbounded space, you cannot guarantee that your program will not run out of memory. (If it uses variable space with a constant bound, to get failure-free computing, you need to somehow ensure that space is always available when it needs to expand to its maximum size, which is feasible but usually more difficult than just always using the maximum size.)

But constant-space arithmetic gives you the wrong answer some of the time, which you could consider a software failure, even if the software doesn’t consider it an “error condition arising”. It is a widely shared observation that sometimes subtly wrong answers are worse than an outright failure, to the point that it’s one of the core design principles of Python.

So, to use constant-space arithmetic without that danger, you need some extra care. There are three basic approaches: numerical analysis, overflow-safe arithmetic, and self-validating arithmetic.

Numerical analysis

Numerical analysis consists of statically analyzing your software to prove that it doesn’t provoke the arithmetic errors inherent to constant-space arithmetic representations — in particular, the errors caused by the particular representation you’re using — or that, if it does, the errors are acceptably small.

For standard C signed arithmetic, this involves statically ensuring that no overflow happens, because C signed arithmetic is undefined on overflow, which basically means that the compiler is free to break your program. The simplest approach is to statically associate constant upper and lower bounds with every arithmetic expression in the program, but this works only in the simplest cases; it fails for any code containing nontrivial loops. So, generally, you need to use bounds that are some kind of algebraic expression, rather than constants.

For wrapping binary arithmetic such as C unsigned arithmetic and the two’s-complement arithmetic performed by CPUs when they are doing signed arithmetic, in many cases it isn’t necessary to ensure that intermediate quantities don’t overflow; it is only necessary to ensure that final results don’t overflow. This is true for addition, subtraction, and I think multiplication, but not division; I think it is necessary that neither dividends nor divisors overflow.

For floating-point arithmetic, it’s usually not a question of whether the result is correct — it’s not — but of computing bounds on its error. The IEEE-754 standard guarantees that fundamental operations — +, -, ×, ÷, and perhaps surprisingly √ — are correct to within half an ulp, but offers less stringent guarantees for other operations, including exp, ln, exponentiation, and trigonometric functions.

Overflow-safe arithmetic

Self-validating arithmetic (e.g., interval arithmetic and affine arithmetic)

The object-embedding memory model

The object-embedding memory model eliminates certain failure modes from the object-graph memory model. In its pure form, all allocation is static, so there is no chance of any allocation failure. Embedded objects cannot be NULL, cannot be aliased (except via a pointer), and cannot be of the wrong type.

I suspect that this is one of the reasons for the empirically-observed reliability of C programs — although C has lots of undefined behavior and provides ample ways for programmers to shoot themselves in the foot, introduce failure, and introduce unbounded time and unbounded space, much of a typical C program is not touching those bits of the language. Although C has pointers, substantial parts of C programs use object embedding where programs in Java or Python would use pointers.

Records and sum types rather than arrays

Every time you index into an array (except with a constant index such as a[0]), you have a potential failure: the index may be outside the bounds of the array. Typical static program analysis techniques are too weak to prove that this cannot happen. In some cases this amounts to an allocation failure, as in the innumerable stack buffer-overflow bugs in 1990s C programs like NCSA httpd.

By contrast, if you have a (non-nullable) pointer to a known type of record, accessing the fields of the record is statically safe; it is constant-time and cannot produce failures. The pattern-matching approach used in ML allows this approach to extend to arbitrary Lisp-style object graphs; the compiler can statically verify that your pattern matching is exhaustive, statically ruling out run-time failures due to incomplete case analysis.

Arena allocators

If you allocate memory from an arena (or “region”, in MLKit’s term, or “pool”, in the terminology of the Apache APR library) that is all freed at once, you get constant-time allocation and constant-time deallocation. To eliminate failure and bound time and space usage, you then must merely prove a worst-case bound on the allocation of the program, and allocate a bigger arena than that.

Functional iteration/concurrency

Iteration protocols and per-array operations rather than array indexing

Hard priority scheduling

Wait-free and lock-free synchronization

Handling concurrency with locks or monitors introduces unwanted coupling between the time bounds of different processes: the worst-case execution time of code in a high-priority thread that needs to enter a monitor must include the time it needs to wait on whatever other thread might currently hold that monitor, which is to say, all code that can execute inside that monitor in any thread. Priority inversion, where a thread holding a lock that is blocking a high-priority thread has to sleep while an intermediate-priority thread runs, is perhaps the most severe manifestation of this problem, but it is more general.

Moreover, locks can produce deadlock, which results in a program failure; global analysis is required to rule deadlock out.

Interrupt handlers never use locks, because there is no mechanism to put the interrupt handler to sleep until the main program releases the lock, then wake it back up again. In some cases, the main program uses a lock (often with the big-hammer approach of disabling interrupts entirely) to lock out the interrupt handler entirely for a short time, but more generally, if the main program is doing something that an interrupt-handler execution might interfere with, it maintains the shared data in a consistent state the whole time, atomically committing its “transaction” at the end, typically with a compare-and-swap operation — a commitment which might fail if an interrupt handler ran in the meantime, requiring the main program to restart its transaction.

This same approach works for multiple threads of a program concurrently updating a memory area. It introduces a soft sort of failure — the need to retry a transaction — but, unlike locking protocols, it guarantees progress. In combination with hard priority scheduling, it entirely prevents a lower-priority process from slowing down a higher-priority process by forcing it to wait. However, the price is that if the lower-priority process can be forced to retry a transaction repeatedly, it can no longer guarantee time bounds on its execution.

Lock-free and wait-free synchronization algorithms are notoriously difficult to implement correctly.

Bounded-time, failure-free restricted virtual machines

Earlier I discussed how fixed-size queues can firewall failures and unbounded delays from propagating from one domain into another, enabling more-sensitive domains to be failure-free and bounded-time while less-sensitive domains can be programmed in easier, more general ways. But fixed-size queues can only support a certain kind of arm’s-length interaction; in many cases, more intimate levels of cooperation are desirable.

Bitcoin Script, BPF, and BPF’s predecessor CSPF are loop-free virtual machines; a trusted virtual machine runs untrusted code in a timing-sensitive context (an interrupt handler in the case of BPF and CSPF!), which is safe only because the execution time is bounded by the script size. This allows fast-and-loose code like tcpdump, or your half-assed shell script invoking it, to safely execute code in a kernel interrupt context. And that’s damn cool.

See Scriptable windowing for Wercam for some thoughts on how to get a failure-free, bounded-time GUI with techniques like these.

Abstract interpretation with non-standard semantics

However, if you’re writing most of your program in something comfortable like JS or whatever, it’s going to feel pretty clumsy to have to write part of it in loop-free bytecode for a register machine.

Consider the case of pubsub. In the most general case, each subscriber has some Turing-complete filter function; you apply it to every message published to determine whether to deliver that message to that subscriber. It’s often convenient to be able to run these filter functions in some kind of centralized message router, so that you don’t have to send messages across a network to a subscriber that is just going to ignore them. But then, if the filter function uses unbounded space or time, the router might seize up. (Or it might fail.)

(There are some notes in Fast secure pubsub about how to do this by running the filter function in a transactional-memory-like sandbox.)

So suppose you have such a client–server pub-sub system, with a client library in Python, and you give it this filter function:

def wanted(message):
    if message.domain in whitelisted_domains:
        return True
    if message.length > 8192 or message.domain in blacklisted_domains:
        return False
    return spamminess(message) < spamminess_threshold

Python allows you to override attribute access and comparisons. This allows you to write an object like this:

class Comparator(object):
    def __init__(self, desc):
        self.desc = desc

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        return Comparator(self.desc + '.' + attr)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        print(self.desc, '==', other)
        return False

    def __gt__(self, other):
        print(self.desc, '>', other)
        return False

if __name__ == '__main__':
    x = Comparator('x')
    x.domain in 'this is an example'.split() or x.length > 8192

When executed, this code prints:

x.domain == this
x.domain == is
x.domain == an
x.domain == example
x.length > 8192

That is, the x object has access to each of the things it’s being compared with, and can choose the result of the comparison. If you invoke the above wanted function with such a Comparator object, it might produce output like the following before, presumably, it crashes the spamminess function:

message.domain ==
message.length > 8192
message.domain ==

A slightly more sophisticated object could allow the caller to choose the results of the comparisons, in an effort to probe the tree of possible execution paths of the filter function. In this case, it could determine that if the first comparison returns True, then the filter function returns True; if not, but the second or third one returns True, then the filter function returns False; and then perhaps the function goes off into further calculations which raise an exception and terminate the probing process.

These observations permit the client library to compute a string of bytecode for the sort of restricted virtual machine described above, a bytecode function that calculates the same results as the filter function under some circumstances; this bytecode can then be sent to the server to prefilter the set of messages that get sent to the client.

I’ve used Python’s operator overloading here because it’s convenient, but operator overloading is just a particularly simple way of doing abstract interpretation with nonstandard semantics, not the only way. It’s not even a particularly good way, in this case; it requires restarting the function from the beginning to explore each new execution path, and if whitelisted_domains is a set rather than a list, it fails silently.

The key relationship here, though, is that the failure-free, bounded-time code for the virtual machine produces a conservative approximation of the result of the more unrestricted code for the unreliable, loosey-goosey CPython virtual machine.

Stream processing
