Hypothesis evolution

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-12-17 (4 minutes)

David R. MacIver's generative testing system Hypothesis is an example of a new breed of "lightweight formal methods" software that I think represents a significant advance in the state of the programming art. Hypothesis works as follows: you state a hypothesis about your system's behavior; Hypothesis searches for a counterexample by, essentially, fuzzing the system; and if it finds a counterexample, it "shrinks" it by testing simpler and simpler examples until it finds one that it cannot simplify to a simpler counterexample. (That is, any simplification it tries results in an example that isn't a counterexample.) It tells you the simplest counterexample and records it in an example database and then always or nearly always retries it in the future so that you'll know when you've fixed the bug.

Contrary to 1980s QA dogma, random testing turns out to be an excellent way to find bugs, and Hypothesis's innovative approach to shrinking counterexamples is very helpful in getting useful bug reports. But you know what would be even more helpful than a single minimal reproducing test case? A thorough characterization of the bug, telling you not only one case where it does happen, but a formal model of when it does and doesn't happen.

Evolution of a hypothesis population with adversarial experiment design

Suppose that your initial hypothesis is that no input sequence for your calculator program will produce a result that is incorrect by more than 0.01%, and random testing finds such a result by comparing against some kind of formal model of arithmetic --- perhaps another calculator program, one that doesn't have to run fast or use little memory, or perhaps some kind of sparer model. The testing has probably found a large set of cases that produce the correct result and a smaller set of cases that don't.

The initial hypothesis was that this second set would be empty. Now we could generate a set of new hypotheses --- for example, that all input sequences containing division will produce an incorrect result --- and test them against the experimental data. Hypotheses that do a better job of discriminating the two sets (per bit!) should be preferred, since the objective is to find a concise hypothesis that discriminates them perfectly. Once we have several hypotheses that discriminate perfectly, or nearly equally well, we can do more experiments: generate more examples and test them to see what the result is. We should prefer to spend our CPU budget on examples that do a good job of discriminating between our existing hypotheses. Once we have more evidence, we can generate more hypotheses, and vice versa.

The approach is very similar to generative adversarial networks: hypotheses attempt to evolve to predict the behavior of the system under test, while experiment design (test-case generation, example generation) attempts to confuse the existing hypotheses.

What form should the hypotheses take? There are many possibilities appropriate to different kinds of examples: predicate-logic expressions, regular expressions, neural networks, and context-free grammars, for example. If an example can be described by some kind of abstract syntax tree, tree regular expressions can capture interesting properties of that tree, especially if augmented by predicate-logic expressions that can examine node properties. The whole field of genetic programming can be applied to hypothesis generation.

This may provide a useful way to take advantage of increased CPU power (see The uses of introspection, reflection, and personal supercomputers in software testing).


This was inspired by a bug I'm investigating tonight which Hypothesis is happily finding seven hundred times a day without providing much new insight into why it happens. Of course, conventional debugging approaches based on inspecting the code are necessary and sufficient, and I probably should spend some time on them in this case rather than continuing with black-box testing, but I thought maybe I could write a simple model of the bug as I did with another recent bug to exclude it from the testing Hypothesis is doing. This turned out to be more difficult than I anticipated, and I got to thinking about what kind of software would make the process easier.
