Index set inference or domain inference for programming with indexed families

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2007 to 2009 (updated 2019-05-05) (27 minutes)

If you infer parametric types for variables used to index arrays (and then for functions that have them as arguments, and functions that call them, and so on), I think you can substantially simplify code that deals with arrays by defining new arrays in terms of pointwise transforms of old ones, and additionally reduce the distinction between functions and arrays. If this information is available reflectively at run-time, you can get some additional power.

Although the idea looks like it might be a bit clumsier than I was thinking at first, I still think it may have some merit.

(Further development of the idea is in A principled rethinking of array languages like APL, from 2015 to 2018.)

Major Problems

I think this needs static domain (i.e. dependent type) inference to work at all (see in the “Efficiency” section) but maybe it’s an interesting idea anyway.

I sort of took for granted that you would want C-style curried arrays, where if you have a two-dimensional array a[i][j] you can meaningfully say a[i] and get an array b[j]. But this seems to have led to some extra complexity in the definition of asymmetric-union, in the kinds of domain inference that can plausibly be done in different situations, and even in the notation to define a two-dimensional matrix “narrowed” from some underlying function.

Backus’s Matrix Multiply Program

So I’ve been reading John Backus’s 1977 Turing Award lecture paper. (See Why John Backus Was on the Wrong Track for more commentary.) In it, among other things, he gives this definition in his FP language for matrix multiplication:

Def MM = (alpha alpha IP) o (alpha distl) o distr o [1, trans o 2]

where (less rigorously than in the paper)

: represents function application
< > enclose data vectors
(alpha fn):<z[1], z[2], ...z[n]> = <fn:z[1], fn:z[2], ...z[n]>
(f1 o f2):z = f1:(f2:z)
1:<z[1], z[2], ...z[n]> = z[1]
2:<z[1], z[2], ...z[n]> = z[2]
distr:<<z[1], z[2], ...z[n]>, y> = <<z[1], y>, <z[2], y>, ...<z[n], y>>
distl:<y, <z[1], z[2], ...z[n]>> = <<y, z[1]>, <y, z[2]>, ...<y, z[n]>>
trans:<<z[1][1], z[1][2], ...z[1][n]>,
       <z[2][1], z[2][2], ...z[2][n]>, ...
       <z[m][1], z[m][2], ...z[m][n]>> = 
                                   <<z[1][1], z[2][1], ... z[m][1]>,
                                    <z[1][2], z[2][2], ... z[m][2]>, ...
                                    <z[1][n], z[2][n], ... z[m][n]>>
x is multiplication
[fn1, fn2, ...fnx]:z = <fn1:z, fn2:z, ... fnx:z>

IP is his previously given program for the dot product of two vectors (contained in a vector of two items), which reads as follows:

Def IP = (/+) o (alpha x) o trans

where /fn: = fn:...>>

If you put it all together and squeeze, you get

Def MM = (a a((/+)o(a x)otrans))o(a distl)o distr o[1,trans o 2]

A Simpler Matrix Multiply Program

So I couldn’t help but think, leaving aside all Backus’s points about algebraic manipulations of programs and how his unreadable point-free style is so cool — let’s go to the other extreme! Wouldn’t it be easier if you could instead write this?

MM[m][n][i][j] = sum(k) { m[k][j] * n[i][k] }

Or, if you use space for procedure application, and curry in the usual Haskell/OCaml way:

MM m n i j = sum(k) { m k j * n i k }

Or in a Lispy syntax, but still assuming that same kind of currying, so that ((((MM m) n) i) j) is the same as (MM m n i j):

(define (MM m n i j) (sum k (* (m k j) (n i k))))

Unifying Arrays With Functions

I’ve thought for some time that it would be interesting to have a programming language where arrays and dictionaries are treated as kinds of functions — they have the distinction that their domains are finite, but that is the case for many functions.

“sum” in the program above is intended to range its dummy variable across all possible valid indices. Evaluating it for some particular i, j pair requires it to interrogate m for its domain — and, more interestingly, (n i) for that i. (What it should do in the case where the two domains are different, I’m not sure; probably it should signal an error by default.)

Given that n has some associated thunk that yields its domain for such purposes, it’s clear to see that the compiler could construct a similar domain thunk for the result of (MM m n), which would merely call n’s domain thunk; and for, say, (MM m n 2), given that this reduces to (lambda (j) (sum k (* m k j) (n 2 k))), it can infer that j can range over the domain of (m k j) for some k. (Again, it’s not clear what to do in the case that the domains are different for different values of k; if the domain of (MM m n 2) is never requested, the issue doesn’t arise, but if it is, it might be a good idea to signal an error by default rather than taking their intersection.)

Domain Inference as Type Inference

This “domain inference” is really just a kind of type inference, so it ought to be possible to do it at compile time. Maybe we could statically infer that MM has a type something like

('a:'b -> 'c:'d -> 't) -> ('e:'f -> 'a:'b -> 't) 
    -> 'e:'f -> 'c:'d -> 't

(I’m assuming here that multiplication has the type ‘t -> ‘t -> ‘t, i.e. it can only multiply two things of the same type. There are other alternatives, but I think that for static inference to work, the compiler at least has to know whether or not multiplication is going to yield something a function that has a domain of its own, and if so, what that range is going to be.)

Doing it statically is a little more trouble than doing it dynamically because you end up with complicated relationships between implicitly-universally-quantified variables, like the above, instead of just some numbers.

Some kinds of control constructs can allow this domain inference to flow through them as well:

(define (zeroextend vec zero i)
  (cond ((= i (- (domainbegin vec) 1)) zero)
        ((= i (domainend vec)) zero)
        (t (vec i))))

This is a function which, given a function such as a one-dimensional vector, and a zero value to extend it with, makes it into a one-dimensional vector with a domain of indices greater by 1 in each direction. I’m using made-up functions “domainbegin” and “domainend” to return the minimum and maximum+1 values of the domain, which presumably therefore must consist of a single contiguous sequence of integers. This is a useful abstraction to have when, say, implementing numerical simulations with fixed border conditions.

It seems like making the above conditional transparent to domain inference would be pretty hard; you could do partial evaluation and get, say:

(lambda (zero i)
  (cond ((= i -1) zero)
        ((= i 4) zero)
        (t (vec i))))

at which point you could deduce that the domain of i was the union of -1:0 (i.e. {-1}), 4:5 ({4}), and 0:4 (the domain of vec), which union comes out to -1:5. Is there an easier way, say, one that could be done at compile time? Even one that required restructuring “zeroextend”? I don’t think macros per se particularly help here. Maybe you could say:

(define (zeroextend vec zero i)
  (cond ((valid? (vec i)) (vec i))
        ((valid? (vec (+ i 1))) zero)
        ((valid? (vec (- i 1))) zero)
        ; otherwise error:
        (t (vec i))))


I’m not claiming that you can infer which inputs will lead to an infinite loop. That “Total Functional Programming” approach is not something I’m considering here, although it does kind of look interesting.


To make such a system useful, the programmer needs to be able to artificially impose boundaries on functions with much larger underlying domains. For example, you could define the identity matrix in the abstract as follows:

(define (identity i j) (if (= i j) 1 0))

But, if the matrix multiply routine from earlier is going to insist that its arguments be conformable, you need to be able to wrap it in something to restrict its domain, like this:

(narrow (domainbegin m) (domainend m) identity)

or even

(narrow (domainbegin m) (domainend m)
        (lambda (i) (narrow (domainbegin (m i)) (domainend (m i))
                            (identity i))))

or even (in cases where you already have a function handy with the desired range)

(narrow m (lambda i (narrow (m i) (identity i))))

Inference Rules for Primitives

So if we want to infer the domain for some parameter, and it’s being used somewhere deep inside of a context that has some known domain, we can often solve it. Here is a non-exhaustive list for cases of contiguous integer ranges; p is the parameter whose domain we want to infer, and k is a constant.

(+ p k) as n:m => p as n-k:m-k
(+ k p) as n:m => p as n-k:m-k
(- p k) as n:m => p as n+k:m+k
(- k p) as n:m => p as k-m+1:k-n+1
(* p k) as n:m => p as n/k:m/k      for k positive  (how do we adjust this when k/n is noninteger?)
(* p k) as n:m => p as m/k+1:n/k+1  for k negative  (who cares about the 0 case?)
/, >>, << can be treated as cases of *, I think, although / raises
funny issues about approximate results (which way are they
(& p bitmask) as n:m => p can be any int if the bitmask ensures that 
                        the result is in n:m; complicated otherwise
(& bitmask p) likewise
(remainder p k) likewise
(min p k) as n:m => p as n:inf if k < m; complicated otherwise
(max p k) as n:m => p as -inf:m if k >= n; complicated otherwise
(abs p) as n:m => p as -m+1:m if n <= 0 and m > 0; complicated otherwise

My hypothesis here is that these rules don’t have to successfully analyze every possible program; it just has to be possible to write programs that they can analyze that do what you want, at least most of the time.

Difficulties in Domain Inference

A parameter that is used exactly once in one of the following ways poses no difficulties for domain inference:

Parameters that are passed to certain primitive functions may have more restricted domains inferred for them; for example, the domain of (lambda (i) (m (+ i 1)) is the same size as the domain of m, but offset by 1; and (lambda (i) (m (/ i 2))) is twice the size of the domain of m. (And depending on what kind of division that is and whether m’s range consists only of integers, it might have twice as many elements.)

Parameters that are not used at all therefore could have any value, which is a problem, in a way. Parameters that are used more than once require deciding what to do in the case of overlapping, but not equal, domains. (Maybe there should be a default, and maybe the default should be to intersect the domains rather than to raise an error.)

This is reminiscent of the restrictions placed by Girard’s “linear logic” and Henry Baker’s “Linear Lisp”, in which each variable must be used exactly once in a particular path of execution. In this case, some paths of execution (those that depend on the value of the variable itself) may not count, but that’s perhaps a detail.

Perhaps the solution, then, is to require or allow explicit duplication of parameters that are used for things with more than one domain, specifying how to resolve differences between the two. For example, you could define a “deltas” function as follows:

(define (deltas vec i)
  (- (vec (+ i 1)) (vec (intersecting i))))

to specify that the domain inferred for the second “i” is to be intersected with the other inferred domain, rather than raising an error. (I’m not sure that this shouldn’t be the default.)

Domain Inference In Conditionals

So if we have (if cond result alt), what do we do?

If the cond tests a parameter we’re trying to infer information about, we may be able to infer something about the values that parameter can take in the branch taken. If we have (if (< i 2) (foo i) (bar i)), then we know that in the i<2 case, we’re interested in foo’s domain, and in the i>=2 case, we’re interested in bar’s domain. So if foo’s domain is 0:10 and bar’s is -10:5, the correct domain to infer is 0:5:

(This gets tougher if we have ((if (< i 2) foo bar) i).)

Suppose the conditional doesn’t test the parameter of interest, though. Now the domain is harder to figure out. Should we intersect the domains computed for the two branches, as if they both got executed (a conservative approximation to the domain)? Should we complain if the domains computed are different (when in doubt, refuse the temptation to guess)? Or should we take the union of those domains (a liberal approximation)?

Asymmetric Union

I recently wrote this C function:

    // returns an approximation of 256 * sqrt(sqr)
    int inline interp_sqrt(int sqr) {
      if (sqr < max_sqrtx256) return sqrtx256[sqr] >> 4;
      int high = sqr >> 8; // we hope high < max_sqrtx256-1
      int below = sqrtx256[high];
      int above = sqrtx256[high+1];
      int spread = above - below;
      int correction = ((sqr & 0xff) * spread) >> 8;
      return correction + below;

The table sqrtx256[ii] contains (int)(0.5 + 256 * 16 * sqrt(ii)) for values of ii up to max_sqrtx256; that’s the rounded value of 256 * sqrt(ii * 256), or sqrt(ii << 8) << 8. For largish values of sqr, it linearly interpolates sqrt(sqr) between two adjacent values from that table, but I found that was too inaccurate for small values of sqr, so I used the table directly for them. (sqrt(ii * 256) is 16 * sqrt(ii).)

(This is all integer math because floating-point is absurdly slow on my CPU.)

So to look at it another way, I constructed two approximations of sqrt:

(define (approx1 sqr) (>> (sqrtx256 sqr) 4))
(define (approx2 sqr)
  (let* ((high (>> sqr 8))
         (below (sqrtx256 high))
         (above (sqrtx256 (+ (intersecting high) 1)))
         (spread (- above below))
         (correction (>> (* (& (intersecting sqr) 0xff) spread) 8)))
    (+ correction below)))

Now, if sqrtx256 has a known domain, it should be straightforward to infer the domains for approx1 and approx2, given appropriate rules for (>> x constant) and (+ x constant). (In my case, it happened that approx1’s domain was a subset of approx2’s.) So it would be nice to construct a combined function that used approx1 for arguments within its range, and approx2 when they were outside of approx1’s range but within approx2’s — a sort of asymmetric union — 

(define interp_sqrt (asymmetric-union approx1 approx2 
                                      (lambda (x) (* (sqrt x) 256))))

You can define asymmetric-union, for two functions and a single argument, as follows, in terms of the valid? predicate from the earlier “zeroextend” function:

(define (asymmetric-union x y i) (if (valid? (x i)) (x i) (y i)))

I’m not sure to what extent you can write an asymmetric-union that works for an arbitrary number of arguments.

Space-Time Tradeoffs as Annotation

In general it’s desirable when you can have the actual code to solve a problem in one place, while the optimizations that make it possible to execute the code with adequate speed are somewhere else. SQL databases are probably the most-widely-known example of this; indices make it possible to execute queries at a reasonable speed, but most SQL statements are guaranteed to return the same results regardless of what indices exist, at least if they ever finish. (The ability to replace a table with a view, and then possibly materialize that view, is a more extreme example of the same thing.)

Any kind of separation of interface and implementation gives you this ability to some extent, in the sense that the code that calls the interface will only run fast if the implementation (which is somewhere else) is adequately efficient. But it is often the case that our implementations mix together their essential semantics with efficiency-driven choices of representation and so on, which makes it difficult to determine whether the code is actually correct.

Another common way to separate the optimizations from the semantics is to put the optimizations in the compiler, or even in the CPU. While this is very economically efficient — it allows all programs compiled by the compiler or run on the CPU to get the benefit — it has a certain incentive problem, namely that the guy who thinks his code runs too slowly usually isn’t in a position to modify the compiler or the CPU to speed it up.

So recently I was computing, in Numerical Python, a bunch of animation frames of expanding haloes for a game-like program I was writing. (I say “game-like” because it doesn’t have a score or a goal; it’s a simple sound sample sequencer.) The NumPy code that renders a frame looks more or less like this, although I’m leaving out the stuff that computes the RGBA palette (indexed by ‘take’ in the last line), interacts with SDL, and handles varying object lifetimes.

    # inputs are size, max_age, fuzz, age
    shape = (size*2, size*2)
    cx = cy = size                  # x and y at center
    xs, ys = Numeric.indices(shape) # x and y coords of each pixel
    (dx, dy) = (xs - cx, ys - cy)   # distances from center for each pixel
    rsq = dx*dx + dy*dy        # squared distance from center

    max_level = size**2/2 * (1 - (1 - age*2)**2)
    density = Numeric.clip(Numeric.absolute(rsq - max_level),
                           0, fuzz**2).astype(Numeric.Int)
    colors = Numeric.take(palette, density)

Originally I was computing each frame like this on the fly, but I was taking a hit on my frame rate. So I made an object that stored up everything except age, max_level, density, colors, and palette, which involved quite a bit of change to the above code. That worked OK but was still slow, so I precomputed 48 frames the first time any of them was requested, which took a second or two, and then just fetched the precomputed frames from then on.

That was fine, but then I used a larger halo somewhere else and the pause when it was computed was rather dramatic. So I changed the strategy again to compute, then store, each frame as it was asked for; this improved the situation to a slightly perceptible slowdown the first few times the larger halo was used (since only a few of the frames would be requested each time), but introduced a couple of visible levels of indirection into the code. Now the NumericHaloMovie object has a __getitem__ that renders frames on KeyError, and there’s a get_halo_movie function that stores references to the existing NumericHaloMovies and creates new ones when needed. This extra code complicates the task of someone who wants to see where the images are coming from.

In a system where the contents of arrays, the contents of dictionaries, and the return values of functions are defined the same way and accessed the same way, the decision about whether and how a particular function is memoized would not need to be part of that function’s actual code. You could simply say somewhere:

(declare-concrete rsq density colors)

to tell the system to eagerly materialize those functions as concrete arrays. And possibly

(memoize frames)

to tell the system to materialize items of frames when they are needed, but then remember them. (Maybe. It will require some cleverness to actually make that possible.)

(Of course, now that I write this, I think maybe I should have just written a DictionaryMemoizer and ArrayMemoizer in Python, which, in a way, is just the approach of merely separating interface from implementation. Oh well. Maybe I will.)

My Halo Animation Expressed This Way

Compare to Python code earlier.

(define (sq x) (* x x))
(define (colors palette size max_age fuzz age x y)
  (let* ((rsq (let ((dx (- x size)) (dy (- y size)))
                (+ (sq dx) (sq dy))))
         (max_level (* (/ (sq size) 2) (- 1 (sq (- 1 (* age 2))))))
          (int (clip 0 (sq fuzz) (abs (- rsq max_level))))))
    (palette density)))
(define (discrete-colors palette size max_age fuzz age)
  (narrow-to-int-range 0 (* 2 size) 
    (lambda (x)
      (narrow-to-int-range 0 (* 2 size)
                           (colors palette size max_age fuzz age x)))))
; already defined in Numeric, but here it is:
(define (clip min max val) 
  (cond ((< val min) min) ((> val max) max) (t val)))

The Python code is clearer, I think. Infix syntax helps for numerical things! Also, the two-layer-deep narrow-to-int-range thing is a mess.

However, this looks a lot like what I would write in C, and consequently isn’t all that novel; none of the variables (other than discrete-colors) have what you’d think of as a matrix value.

I tried writing a version in which the variables x and y were passed explicitly to each thing that needed them, making it clear that, say, rsq and density varied by pixel, while max_level and palette didn’t. So they were arrays, in a sense. But it was far more wordy than this version.

Windows and Sprites

Asymmetric union is exactly what you need for drawing windows on the screen: consider the window to be a function from coordinates to pixel values that is only defined at some pixels. If your system additionally supports domains that are more complicated than simple contiguous ranges of integers, you get the ability to composite sprites and shaped windows.


Of course if you’re checking (dynamically or statically) that the parameters you’re passing to a function are inside a domain where that function won’t violate any array bounds, you can leave off checking for that inside the function. This subsumes a lot of the kind of type checking needed for safety and dynamic dispatch as well.

So suppose you use the dynamic strategy I suggested with the matrix multiply program I had at the beginning:

(define (MM m n i j) (sum k (* (m i k) (n k j))))

When you are evaluating, say, (MM m n 3 4), you check upon entry to MM that 3 is within the relevant domain, given m and n. Then, in the inner loop, you don’t need to do much bounds checking:

However, you still need to verify that (n k j) is valid, each time through the loop, because in the dynamic approach, you don’t know if each of the (n k) is a different length. I think that this is a serious problem because it means you can’t actually find out what the domain of (MM m n 3) is at all.

If you are calling MM from inside some larger loop, you may be able to push the bounds-checking of i and j out even further, using the same approach. For example, if for some reason you were to write

(sum i (sum j (MM m n i j)))

then, each time through the inner loop, you would know that i and j were within the bounds of (MM m n) because that’s where the sum operators are getting them, so you wouldn’t need to do any bounds-checking inside at all.

Other Related Stuff

Neel Krishnaswami said, in a thread on Fortress, “Look at Hongwei Xi’s work on Dependent ML Checking matrix sizes was the first thing I thought of when I read his work.” So far, I haven’t.


Our example is `bsearch', taken from the famous paper "Eliminating Array Bound Checking Through Dependent Types" by Hongwei Xi and Frank Pfenning (PLDI'98). Hongwei Xi's code was written in SML extended with a restricted form of dependent types. Here is the original code of the example (taken from Figure 3 of that paper, see also

] datatype 'a answer = NONE | SOME of int * 'a
] assert sub <| {n:nat, i:nat | i < n } 'a array(n) * int(i) -> 'a
] assert length  <| {n:nat} 'a array(n) -> int(n)
] fun('a){size:nat}
] bsearch cmp (key, arr) =
] let
]     fun look(lo, hi) =
]         if hi >= lo then
]             let
]                 val m = (hi + lo) div 2
]                 val x = sub(arr, m)
]             in
]                 case cmp(key, x) of
]                     LESS => look(lo, m-1)
]                   | EQUAL => (SOME(m, x))
]                   | GREATER => look(m+1, hi)
]             end
]         else NONE
]     where look <|
]     {l:nat, h:int | 0 <= l <= size /\ 0 <= h+1 <= size } int(l) * int(h) 
]             -> 'a answer
] in
]     look (0, length arr - 1)
] end
] where bsearch <| ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a * 'a array(size) -> 'a answer

The text after `<|' are dependent type annotations. They must be specified by the programmer -- even for internal functions such as `look'.
