A principled rethinking of array languages like APL

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2015-05-16 (updated 2019-09-30) (31 minutes)

What accounts for the power and convenience of array-processing languages like Matlab, R, and APL? Can we get it without having to pay the high readability and bugginess costs associated with these languages?

I feel that I may finally have an account of what’s going on here, and not only can we get better error-checking out of it, we can get a language that is more expressive (in the sense of more power in less tokens), more readable, and more efficient than traditional array-processing languages.

Though I think the present note is self-contained, the initial development of the idea was in Index set inference or domain inference for programming with indexed families in probably 2007 or 2008.

The basic idea

A variable in a computer program has a value that varies. Sometimes when a piece of code runs, the variable will have one value; other times, it will have another value. (In many languages it can change even during the same run, but that is not relevant to what I am considering here.)

These values are functions of some arbitrary set of inputs, often implicit in their context. In image processing, a brightness value might vary by X, Y, color channel, and frame number; in statistical processing, an elapsed-time measurement might vary by trial number; in rendering, a pixel color might vary by shading algorithm, camera position, and the states of all the objects in the input scene. It can be hard to tell what they depend on, and indeed assuming that a variable is constant relative to a given input, when in fact it ought to vary, is a common source of bugs. (You could argue that this is the source of the difficulty of caching.)

We could think of these inputs as being dimensions in a many-dimensional space, and each point in this space as being a possible universe — perhaps a very small possible universe with only a few variables in it, but a universe nonetheless.

Array languages allow us to reify this space in runtime variables, and thus to write programs that act across entire subspaces of it, rather than the pointwise and one-dimensional approach taken by ALGOL-family languages like C or Java.

Some examples from ray-tracing

Consider this C code, from My Very First Raytracer:

static color
pixel_color(world here, int ww, int hh, int xx, int yy)
  vec pv = { (double)xx/ww - 0.5, (double)yy/hh - 0.5, 1 };
  ray rr = { {0}, normalize(pv) };
  return trace(here, rr, 1.0);

This code is invoked a number of times with the same world, ww, and hh variables, but with varying values for xx and yy; but you can’t tell that from looking at it. Similarly, when it invokes trace, it invokes it many times with the same here value, different rr values, and the same importance value of 1.0. But it needs to be written as a function, or at least a loop, to allow this flexibility in xx and yy.

In a sense, in this code, xx represents not a single integer, but an entire plethora of possible values, maybe even an infinite series of values; it’s not a scalar, but rather a function of which pixel we’re looking at. When we write the division of xx by ww, we are not writing the division of a single floating-point number by a single integer, but rather all the floating-point numbers xx will ever convert to in the lifetime of humanity, by all the possible image widths ww will ever contain in the lifetime of humanity. Or, if we limit our perspective to a single execution, that division instruction will eventually be used to divide all of the horizontal image pixel coordinates by the image width — redundantly, many times, in fact, once for each line; so it’s a machine instruction that implicitly represents a vector operation.

But this is a rather unusual hermeneutics of the C and machine code.

The C code enforces a particular order of evaluation: it is not capable of beginning to evaluate a second call to trace() until the first one is done, and no way to evaluate a second call to pixel_color until the first one is done. But this may not be the most efficient way to find out what color the pixels should be.

The C code, you’ll notice, also has a fair bit of syntactic overhead associated with allowing these variables to vary; they have to be declared as parameters. What if, instead, we were programming in a language where these variables explicitly, in the source text and in memory at run time, represented an entire vector of possibilities — a sort of more principled APL? Maybe we could write it something more like this:

pixel_color = trace(here,
                    ray(vec(0,0,0), normalize(vec(xx/ww-.5, yy/hh-.5, 1))),

(We’re also getting some brevity here by not having to name the temporary structs.)

A language with an APL-like evaluation strategy could figure out that xx and yy vary independently, while ww and hh don’t vary at all, and so generate a ρxx×ρyy space of possibilities for the vecs that we’re normalizing, where ρ is the APL operator that gives the shape of a matrix. (More detail on how to do this is in the next section.)

I think that’s the ultimate philosophical justification for APL’s conformability and broadcasting rules; if you’re ray-tracing 640 columns and 480 rows of pixels, for example, then a value that is constant for all those pixels is merely a scalar; a value that varies by column but not by row will be a 640-element vector; a value that varies by row but not by column will be a 480-element vector; and a value that varies by pixel will necessarily be a 640×480 matrix. So it makes sense to divide xx by ww, or yy by hh, but doing anything with the two of them together requires an outer-product operation (which in APL is explicit) or reducing one or the other of those axes of variation into being some kind of dummy variable, like an index of summation or whatnot.

But APL of course can’t tell that your 3-element vector representing the X-coordinates of the three spheres in your scene isn’t really compatibly dimensioned to a three-element vector that represents the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the camera, say. Array-dimensions typing is weak typing, much like the currently fashionable approach of typing everything as a string. And this is why outer products are necessarily explicit in APL, while I think a more principled array-processing language could infer most of them.

Here’s another example, from the same program:

static vec
scale(vec vv, sc c) { vec rv = { vv.x*c, vv.y*c, vv.z*c }; return rv; }

static ray
reflect(ray rr, vec start, vec normal)
  // Project ray direction onto normal
  vec proj = scale(normal, dot(rr.dir, normal));
  // Subtract that off twice to move the ray to the other side of surface
  vec reflected_dir = sub(rr.dir, scale(proj, 2));
  ray rv = { add(start, scale(reflected_dir, 0.001)), reflected_dir };
  return rv;

(The .001 fudge factor there is to keep the reflected ray from hitting the same surface again from the inside due to rounding errors.)

The scale function here obviously only exists because C is not an array-processing language. Or does it? If we were trying to write a reflect that handled many normals at once in arrays, it wouldn’t be totally insane to use three separate arrays of X, Y, and Z components of the normals. Taking just the first line of reflect and translating it into C written as if it were Fortran:

static void
scale(sc vx[], sc vy[], sc vz[], sc c[],
      sc vox[], sc voy[], sc voz[], int n)
  for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++) {
    vox[ii] = vx[ii] * c;
    voy[ii] = vy[ii] * c;
    voz[ii] = vz[ii] * c;

static void
proj(sc vx[], sc vy[], sc vz[], sc dx, sc dy, sc dz,
     sc vox[], sc voy[], sc voz[], int n)
  sc dots[n];
  for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ii++) {
    dots[ii] = vx[ii] * dx + vy[ii] * dy + vz[ii] * dz;
  scale(vx, vy, vz, dots, vox, voy, voz, n);

You may not agree yourself that this would not be totally insane, but hopefully you can agree that this is a way to do this that Fortran programmers would think was not totally insane. Also you can see that an enormous benefit of APL over Fortran for this kind of thing is that you have at least some hope of changing your mind about whether it was the rays or the normals or both that you wanted to have more than one of, because making the loops and indexing implicit there means that you don’t have to change the code to index into a dx array and maybe not index into a vx array.

(Also there are probably some combinations of dimensions and CPU models for which the more predictable memory access of this version would actually make it faster despite its smaller ratio of computation to memory locations accessed. And obviously if your loops are implicit and your non-implicit operations are subject to interpretation overhead, as in Numpy or normal APL implementations, the array approach is going to be hugely faster.)

Coordinates in three-space, though, are definitely the kind of thing that it’s reasonable to think of as numbering from 0 to 2 or from 1 to 3, rather than being unrelated attributes of the same thing. Then you might want your array of normals here to be represented as an n×3 array rather than three arrays of n or an array of n structs with three fields. And then things like the scale function fall away entirely, but you need some way to specify which dimension you’re summing over when you compute that dot product. APL +/ has a default of operating over the last dimension, and the option of specifying a different dimension by its numerical index, as in +/[1].

This seems ad-hoc and unreadable to me, like much of APL. But if you have named your axes of variation, and one of them is the XYZ distinction, then you could very reasonably say XYZ.sum() or +/[XYZ], and it would be clear, turning the XYZ variation into a dummy variable; if you applied it to some kind of aggregate with more than one XYZ distinction (introduced with an explicit outer-product operator) or no XYZ distinction, you would get an error.

And then you could write

proj = normal * XYZ.sum(raydir * normal)

instead of the 20 lines of crap above, and furthermore keep that abstract over whether you have a single normal and many ray directions, a single ray direction and many normals, many normals of which each corresponds to a different ray direction, or even (what APL could never do implicitly) many ray directions and many normals, of which we implicitly want the Cartesian product.

And then maybe you could write the whole function like this:

proj = normal * XYZ.sum(raydir * normal)
reflected_dir = raydir - 2 * proj
reflect = ray(start + reflected_dir * 0.001, reflected_dir)

When it comes to implicitly broadcasting operations over different dimensions, C is equivalently succinct to an array language — modulo the data typing and abstraction overhead that it requires in order to give you variables at all. But because C values are only implicitly, in an esoteric hermeneutics, vectors or universes of possibilities, it is difficult to write something like the XYZ.sum function above; instead we are reduced to writing explicit loops, or as in this case, explicitly textually repetitive code.

Getting more rigorous: a functional semantics with implicit arguments

Okay, “rigorous” and “semantics” may be an exaggeration. But I’ll try to at least outline a rigorous semantics here.

Suppose that, instead of considering variables such as normal to hold scalars, vectors, or matrices of some finite size, we instead consider them to hold computable functions, but functions whose domain is not necessarily known or finite. This is not a big leap: we can consider the vector [6 832 4] as a function f over a domain of three integers: it returns 6 when invoked as f(0), 832 when invoked as f(1), or 4 when invoked as f(2).

In this interpretation, we lift the usual arithmetic operators to operate over functions of one argument in the usual way: *, for example, is the function we would usually write in the λ-calculus as λf.λg.λp.(f p)*(g p), or in Python as lambda f, g: lambda p: f(p)*g(p); and we consider constants such as 2 to denote constant functions like K 2 or lambda p: 2.

But what is this mysterious p argument? It’s a context or point in this multidimensional possibility space mentioned eralier, the one that’s usually left implicit, so it needs to include all the axes of variation we were talking about earlier; to get traditional APL semantics, you would want it to be something like a stack of numbers, but dicts are more fashionable these days than stacks, arrays, or lists, so let’s consider it to be something like a Lisp alist indexed by symbols, each symbol denoting some axis of variation.

So now we can interpret this line:

proj = normal * XYZ.sum(raydir * normal)

as meaning (in Python):

def proj(p):
    return normal(p) * sum(raydir(q) * normal(q)
                           for q in XYZ.possibilities_augmenting(p))

Here possibilities_augmenting is a method of the XYZ dimension that gives you versions of the point p with all possible values of XYZ substituted into it. Thus the first call to normal might return either the x, the y, or the z component of some particular normal; but all three of those will be multiplied by the same dot product.

Of course, this is not intended to suggest that it must be calculated in this fashion, which would be immensely wasteful; it’s intended as a specification of the relationship between inputs and outputs.

This suggests an implementation of the vec function mentioned earlier, which in the C program was a struct type:

def vec(x, y, z):
    values = {XYZ.x: x, XYZ.y: y, XYZ.z: z}
    return lambda p: values[p[XYZ]](p.without(XYZ))

That is, the functions produced by vec consume the XYZ dimension of their input and dispatch to any of the three functions that were passed in as their X, Y, and Z components. So this expression from the pixel_color function:

vec(xx/ww-.5, yy/hh-.5, 1)

when invoked with z will dispatch to the constant function denoted by 1; when invoked with y, will dispatch to the function denoted by yy/hh-.5, which itself will dispatch to yy, which in this program varies by pixel, and to hh, which doesn’t vary at all during a run of the program, and to another constant function that returns 0.5.

Another useful higher-order function is a “renaming” or “aliasing” or “axis rotation” or “reshaping” function which turns one axis into another:

def rename(a, b, f):
    return lambda p: f(p.without(a).with(b, p[a]))

Considered spatially, this prevents f from varying over axis a, rotating the motion of p along a into motion along the new axis b. Considered relationally, this renames column b of the inputs to relation f to a. This is the operator you need for carrying out explicit outer products; if f and g are both vectors on axis b, then rename(a,b,f)+g gives you their outer product sums, with the values of f varying along the new axis a and the values of g varying along axis b as before. (This rename function also gives you general axis transposition, in a sense.)

This “context” or “point” object may carry a whole collection of context attributes with it that most of these functions don’t bother to access, and can pass along to their callees without mentioning them explicitly.

(If we think in terms of N-ary relations rather than in terms of functions, you could think of this “point” as a query-by-example partial record. But that’s not very consistent with the functional semantics described above.)

In theory, if all of your component functions being combined by means such as lifted operators, rename, axis-construction functions like vec, and dummy-axis-introduction functions like XYZ.sum, have finite discrete domains along some axis, you ought to be able to compare those domains and detect mismatches, and then you ought to be able to describe the multidimensional domain of the combined function. This is a lot like type-checking. You might even be able to do it at compile time, and if you have compile-time axis variables analogous to type variables in parametric polymorphism, you might be able to do the type-checking polymorphically at compile time.

(Also note that this eliminates run-time bounds-checking, just as structs do.)

APL has some axis-transformation functions: compress, expand, take, drop, and the sort of hidden operation of indexing a vector by another vector, which is like binary relation composition or like a different form of compress. You could consider these either as generating new axes or as subsetting the domain along an existing axis. In APL, it’s the former, and so you have to be careful to compress all the attributes you care about by the same boolean vector, or index all of them through the same index vector.

It seems like it might be more useful here to implicitly intersect domains along the same axis, which is after all what we are doing when we implicitly take the outer product of a scalar and a vector. However, the operation of obtaining the valid indices along some axis or all axes (i.e. ρ) then must introduce a new axis to arrange its results along.

Inter-loop dependencies

So far, all of the above, however nicely it motivates and elaborates APL’s default rules for conformability and broadcasting, only covers scalar operations and nearly trivially parallelizable vector operations with no interloop dependencies. Operations like reverse, rotate, grade-up (indirect sort), scan (prefix sum), and even take and drop don’t treat the points along the axis as floating in space independently, but rather having a total order, with even predecessor and successor operations, and correspond in languages like C to loops with interloop dependencies.

I can imagine a bunch of different possible ways to handle these: all axes could be ordinal; grade-up could create an ordinal axis from a non-ordinal axis or axis subset, and scan, reverse, rotate, take, and drop could simply fail to compile when applied to non-ordinal axes; instead of rotation you might have a “next index” or “previous index” function which, since it knows which axis it’s acting along, knows when to wrap; and so on.

This is an important area to do a good job in, and there will be nonobvious interactions among factors. These are, of course, the areas in which ALGOL-family programs have to declare data structures and SQL optimizers start having to plan out join plans, so we shouldn’t expect easy wins in this area.

My raytracer example is in some sense carefully chosen to minimize this; it constructs almost no intermediate data structures, unless you count 3-vectors as “data structures”.


GPUs, but also multithreading and SIMD instructions and cache prefetch and improved locality by avoiding memory access to unused columns. “Blocking” or “tiling” for efficiency; also “deforestation”.

Parallel prefix sum and parallel sorting are well-studied problems. To the extent that these operations are sufficient to efficiently solve computational problems, we should expect programs written in this fashion to benefit from fine-grained parallelism more easily than regular programs.

Rethinking this again, the basic idea is that some variables have values that depend on the circumstances, and there are a variety of circumstances (or dimensions or scales) that may or may not be relevant to the value of any given variable. The latitude and longitude of each house on a block are different, but perhaps we consider the temperature of the entire block to be identical — but it varies by time of day, which the latitude and longitude do not.

There are different kinds of dimensions; Stanley Smith Stevens described them as “levels of measurement”. Some are categorical/nominal rather than quantitative; quantitative dimensions can be ordinal (sortable), interval dimensions (subtractable; affine?), or ratio dimensions (with a zero element and thus divisible). Also, quantitative dimensions may be discrete or continuous.

Pointwise operations on variables are straightforward.

Rethinking yet again, the idea is sort of that each variable is sort of a function of other variables:

f = a * b + c

Or we could say it invokes those other variables as subroutines, and eventually it bottoms out in inputs (the dimensions). So the above statement is isomorphic to something similar to this:

def f(x, y, t):
    return a(x, y) * b(y) + c(x, t)

But when we quantify over a dimension (or, perhaps, even a dependent variable?) we are generating an argument locally rather than merely passing it along; similarly when we index, which is a form of composition!

f = c + +/[x] a * b

If +/[x] is summing along x, this decodes to something like the following:

def f(x, y, t):
    return sum(a(xi, y) * b(y) for xi in xs) + c(x, t)

The difference, of course, is that all this default parameterization is purely implicit.

This is closely analogous to dynamic scoping in Lisp.

Comparison to GNU MathProg and ZIMPL

GNU MathProg, also known as GMPL, and ZIMPL are two languages for defining models (“linear programs”) for a linear optimizer to optimize. (This is called “linear programming”. See Some notes on the landscape of linear optimization software and applications for details.) They have essentially the same data model; in what follows I will use the MathProg terminology and syntax.

I wish I had read about these systems earlier, because much of what I describe above is already present in them. Unfortunately, I didn’t learn anything about them until 2019.

Here is a slightly tweaked example of a MathProg model from the GLPK distribution, licensed under the GNU GPL version 2. It describes some kind of industrial metallurgy planning problem, perhaps finding the cheapest way to mix two tonnes of an alloy within desired concentration limits from a combination of recycled scrap and fresh metal.

/* plan.mod */
var bin1, >= 0, <= 200;    var bin2, >= 0, <= 2500;
var bin3, >= 400, <= 800;  var alum, >= 0;
var silicon, >= 0;
param sival := .38;

value: .03 * bin1 + .08 * bin2 + .17 * bin3 + .21 * alum + sival * silicon;

subject to
yield: bin1 + bin2 + bin3 + alum + silicon = 2000;
fe: .15 * bin1 + .04 * bin2 + .02 * bin3 + .01 * alum + .03 * silicon <= 60;
cu: .03 * bin1 + .05 * bin2 + .08 * bin3 + .01 * alum <= 100;
mn: .02 * bin1 + .04 * bin2 + .01 * bin3 <= 40;
mg: .02 * bin1 + .03 * bin2 <= 30;
al: .70 * bin1 + .75 * bin2 + .80 * bin3 + .97 * alum >= 1500;
si: 250 <= .02 * bin1 + .06 * bin2 + .08 * bin3 +
    .01 * alum + .97 * silicon <= 300;

(glpsol -m plan.mod -o plan.out reports that the optimal values for the design variables are bin1 ≈ 44.3, bin2 ≈ 844, bin3 ≈ 534, alum ≈ 421, and silicon ≈ 156, resulting in a value of $307.46.)

In the above example, all the variables and parameters are scalars, but MathProg also supports models incorporating aggregates. Here’s another tweaked example from the GLPK distribution:

/* Chvatal V. (1980), Hard knapsack problems, Op. Res. 28, 1402-1411. */

param n > 0 integer;
param log2_n := log(n) / log(2);
param k := floor(log2_n);
param a{j in 1..n} := 2 ** (k + n + 1) + 2 ** (k + n + 1 - j) + 1;
param b := 0.5 * floor(sum{j in 1..n} a[j]);
var x{1..n} binary;
maximize obj: sum{j in 1..n} a[j] * x[j];
s.t. cap: sum{j in 1..n} a[j] * x[j] <= b;
param n := 15;

In these languages, the expressed values — the values that expressions can evaluate to — are called “elemental values”, and they can be strings (which are mostly treated as opaque atoms and are sometimes called “symbolic values”), integers, real numbers, logical or binary values, or sets of these, called “elemental sets”. Their denoted values — the values that can be identified by names — include the expressed values, and also “model objects”, which consist of “sets”, “parameters”, “variables”, “constraints”, and “objectives”. All of the model objects other than objectives are “indexed” by n-tuples drawn from some “subscript domain” which is the Cartesian product of a possibly-empty sequence of sets.

The logical or binary values are true and false. The other kinds of elemental values have their usual programming nature and support the usual operations, including string concatenation, substrings, transcendental functions, exponentiation, and set arithmetic.

Parameters and variables are essentially identical in structure; they are partial functions from their subscript domains to elemental values. The only difference is that when you run the optimizer, you choose the parameters, while the optimizer chooses the variables. There are rules limiting the structure of numerical expressions to ensure that they are linear in the variables; I will not be concerned with that here, but that is the reason for thus drawing the distinction at the language level rather than, for example, specifying it with the objective.

Confusingly, there are two related entities called “sets”: the expressed value, called an “elemental set”, and the model object, which is a denoted value. The difference is that the denoted value is indexed, like parameters and variables; it is a partial function from its subscript domain to elemental sets.

Constraints are partial functions from their subscript domains to Boolean values. The optimizer looks for a “feasible solution” which makes them everywhere true, and which maximizes or minimizes the objective among all feasible solutions.

The only iterative operations are sum, prod, min, and max, forall and exists for sets, the implicit forall on each constraint, and a set-comprehension operator on (elemental) sets that amounts to a Cartesian product filtered by a logical expression. All of these implicitly include an elementwise transformation function.

There is, I think, no way to compute an elemental set whose contents depend on the value of a variable, and the other kind of sets (the model objects) are specified as part of the model, so they can’t depend on the value of a variable either. This serves the purpose of ensuring that MathProg and ZIMPL models can be “translated” into the formats MPS and CPLEX LP, which do not support any aggregate values at all, only affine equations and inequalities in real, integer, and logical variables.

Since (elemental) sets are the only aggregate values that expressions can evaluate to, expressions as such can only describe pointwise computations. Consider this line from the above example:

maximize obj: sum{j in 1..n} a[j] * x[j];

This defines an objective called obj which is to be maximized, defined as Σⱼ aⱼxⱼ. 1..n is a range expression which produces a set of 15 integers from the integer parameter n = 15; {j in 1..n} declares the “dummy variable” j (confusingly, not related to the meaning of “dummy variable” in statistics) which is scoped to the “integrand” of sum, a[j] * x[j], which indexes the real-valued parameter a and the binary-valued parameter x with the 1-tuple j, producing respectively a real and a binary value for a given value of j, which are then multiplied together; and finally sum produces a real number by summing 15 values computed from its “integrand”.

This approach to aggregate operations is very different from the APL approach, in which you would write +/a×x, which is at least considerably fewer user interface operations. In the principled APL I’m thinking about, +/ would need to somehow indicate which axis (or dimension or index) it wants to sum along: +/j a×x, for example, if the axis were in fact called j, or (sum (j) (* a x)) in Lisp S-expression syntax. However, for reasons described in A formal language for defining implicitly parameterized functions, I think this approach will probably lead to variable-capture problems of the same kind encountered in Lisp macros, and so it’s probably best to scope the variables bound by such iterative operations lexically; this leads to the formulation +/j a[j=j]×x[j=j], which abbreviated to +/j a[j]×x[j] looks very similar to the MathProg approach. The biggest difference is that the limits of the sum come from the domain of the “integrand” rather than being explicitly specified.

(The indexing or reshaping operation v[k=e] is a special case: it binds variables dynamically rather than lexically, since otherwise it would not work.)

MathProg variables and parameters correspond roughly to the array variables described above, and indexes and sets are conflated above as “axes of variation” or “inputs”. A big difference from APL is that in MathProg elementary sets are first-class values, while in APL axes are not any kind of value at all, except in the implicit sense that they are functions from your program’s inputs to some dimension of some array. Also, sets in MathProg are unordered, while many operations in APL only make sense if some axes are ordered sequences of index values, notably prefix sum or scan \, encode and decode (the names come from their use for number base conversion), grade-up and grade-down , reversal and rotation , take , drop , and catenate ,.
